Saturday, July 27, 2024

Oxlade-Chamberlain set to miss four weeks

Arsenal will be without Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain until mid-April after scans revealed the midfielder has suffered a grade one hamstring strain.

It means he’ll be out of action for around four weeks, missing games against West Ham, the second leg of the Champions League in Monaco, as well as potentially missing league fixtures against Newcastle and Liverpool.

He could be back in time for the league game against Burnley or the FA Cup semi-final against Reading or Bradford. With Jack Wilshere still sidelined after his ankle procedure, and Mikel Arteta also recovering from surgery, it means Arsene Wenger’s ability to shuffle his midfield pack is reduced.

The Ox has made 40 appearances from club and country this season, and was an ever present in the Premier League until missing the league game against QPR on Dec 26th.

However, whether it’s down to the Shadification of the fitness team, or dark magic which sees small animals sacrificed over stone altars whilst making strange incantations, some of the players have come back more quickly from muscle strains recently, so fingers crossed that’s the situation with Oxlade-Chamberlain.


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Romford Pele

Atleast he’ll be back for Berlin





Arsenal Wenger

Despair not, my friend. I’m sure that enough little animals are being sacrificed.

Who’s Shad, now?


Bollocks, let’s hope he does a Gabriel or Giroud and surprise us.


Not really a surprise when we’re half expecting it. But I agree with your sentiment


Agreed, though Debuchy and Wilshere went the other way, so let’s hope he doesn’t got that way.

i want to boff chuba and im not even gay

An ever present until boxing day? Really??


Walcott could benefit from this if he applies himself properly. He may still have a big role to play for us and we may yet need him to weigh in with goals. Up coming game should see us start with the same back line minus Monreal (who deserves a rest) Ahead should be Coquelin (unless his nose is bothering him) Ramsey should be in close attendance to continue his re-introduction which will give Santi a rest ahead of Monaco. I feel Alexis will want to play and we will need his industry. Ozil will also benefit from continued feature but… Read more »


West Ham is the kind of game where Theo might be useless given that they will close gaps and counter. I think Theo is useful and he has scored some important goals for us in the past but I would start Welbeck. I was hoping this would be the breakthrough season for Gnabry. It would be a risk to start Akpom but it would be good to see what he can do.

David C

What a drag. The Ox has been so great lately, especially his dribbling skills. I can’t believe the things that he can accomplish at such a fast pace.

Speedy recovery to you, young Ox!


Broken midfield wolfpack. Again. Ok, I’ll take my coat…

Kim Kallstrom

Maybe an opportunity to see Theo back on the wing? Be good to see the boy fight for his place…!


I’m getting pretty fucking tired of how many technical terms for injuries I now know.


If you know the term “muscular injury” you will know 90% of what strikes Arsenal players.


Most recent seasons I would agree. But this year What about ‘knee’ and ‘ankle’? Arteta, Gibbs, Wilshere, Debuchy, Gnabry, Theo, Ozil, Monreal (one of them) Bellerin (briefly), Ox.

A lot of freak (and kick induced) joint injuries this year.

Wenger's coat zipper

Well, it seems now is the perfect time to crank up the training some more! Good job, Wenger!


Assuming the starting lineup of Sanchez, Giroud, Welbeck, Ozil and Carzola in the attacking five positions that leaves Ramsey, Walcott, Rosicky and Akpom as our reserves (of course Ramsey may start over Welbeck and Walcott may get more of a chance now) for the attacking positions with potentially Wilshere returning in a few weeks. Should be sufficient depth until the FA Cup semi as long we don’t suffer anymore injuries (which surely is possible). Need to watch Sanchez and his fitness levels carefully with all he has played.


I’m absolutely sure that walcott will start against the hammers, Wenger is not cold hearted menager like Cryurinho after seeing walcott vs man.utd ready to sub ox and then going straight back to the bench because of wenger changed his mind and it was the right ting to do, but on Saturday walcott will start with giroud and alexis welbz will come of the bench.

theCar2n Goon

Nothing quite like bench come

Man Manny

Strength in depth comes to the rescue. Walcott, Rosicky (can’t forget that run against QPR), Welbeck and even Gnabry. Gone are the days our season would implode because one first teamer is injured.


Yeah, even if in a temporary sense, this rift with Walcott needs to be put to bed and his talent put to good use.

Regarding Oxlade-Chamberlain, he started improving quickly last year and just maintained an upward trajectory this season. You just get the feeling there is immense potential there in a similar fashion to Bellerin.

When you watch a couple of players improve and gain confidence every few games you sense they are something really special.

I would have loved to have seen the pace of The Ox at Monaco…


its not a rift, Wenger has a squad now that allows him to bench a player, and tell the media (who are waiting for the Walcott contract negotiation stories to start filtering through) that those who attack with the ball and defend without the ball will play in this team. Haven’t seen him be this forthright about players in years. Also remember what he said about Ramsey – a midfielder’s job is to win the ball and pass to his teammates first and foremost – earlier this season, when Ramsey was being too eager in attack and losing his positional… Read more »

Gooner Stoner

Poor lad. It is worrying that our English contingent in our squad get injured way too easily and frequent. I really wish Ox’s injury issue will not as bad as Jack. BTW, Spurs is still shite.


He will be ready and fit in time for the CL Q-finals 🙂 We have walcott no worries.

Gooner Stoner

The campaign against Chelsea is still golden comedy. Thanks Mourinho, what a quality humor. We want more.

cape town gooner

Bummer…hope this means we get to see Gnarbry at least.


Is he back in First Team training? Liked what I saw in flashes of Gnabry a year or so ago, but he’s been out of the first team picture for a long time. My pessimistic side wonders if we will see him in the first team at all this season. Might be more next CAMPAIGN.

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Too bad especially for games like the one against Monaco. This is the guy who tears defences apart with ease. Monaco will park the bus and we need players like the ox and Sanchez to create chances in very tight spaces or force them to cause PK.


Not to mention Ox loves these champions league comeback games. If my memory serves correctly he was our star performer in the 1-1(? It was one of the bayern games) away at bayern and again in the 3-0 against Milan I think I remember him playing very well and also (I definitely remember this) him winning a peno

Arsene's Selfie Stick

I’m pissed. He’s finally coming good it seems. We’ve been waiting for Rome of our English boiz (Gibbs, Walcott, Wilshere) to step up to become the next big English thing like Lamp*rd, Ro*ney or G*rrard … and I felt his time was coming. Hope he comes back where he left off in an ascendancy.

But worry not. We have Özil, Cazorla and Alexis fit. Touch wood.

Arsene's Selfie Stick

we’ve been waiting for *some (fucking shit iPhone 6)


Ox is such a beast, this is disappointing. It would be hard to leave out Walcott but also hard to leave out Welbeck. He just scored a massive goal and Wenger should want him to keep it going. Plus Giroud needs to start the next two games for reasons others have already stated. This means Danny has to take Theo’s spot on the wing. Sorry. Walcott should get a chance, but who deserves it more right now? Welbeck. I can see Theo getting sub appearances in our next 2 matches, and then maybe starting. Talk of Gnabry and Akpom is… Read more »

Neil #2

Beware Arsenal opponents! The injury curse is contagious!!!! Play us at your own risk!

Apparently Enner Valencia has been ruled out of this weeks match against the Arse…..after he stepped on a broken teacup:


Sakho’s the only striker West Ham have fit at the moment, so I expect fewer than usual long balls lumped forward by the Hammers.




Well, at least it’s not the 2-3 week vortex.


It’s sure nice that they come back early – that doesn’treally help when they’re out again a few games later though… :/

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