Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger bigs up Welbeck ahead of Old Trafford return

Arsene Wenger says he’s very happy with Danny Welbeck as the striker prepares for his first game at his old club.

Arsenal travel to Manchester on Monday evening, and although Welbeck hasn’t scored since December 28th against West Ham, he’s had a spell out through injury and has only made 6 appearances.

It remains to be seen if he’ll get the nod against United, but the Arsenal manager is pleased at his £16m deadline day signing thus far.

“He’s one of the players who has played the most games for us, but not in the last couple of games,” he said.

“You have moments in the season where some players play a bit less. I think he’s played in nearly every single game.

“His position is one of the three up front – central, left or right. He can play anywhere. Most of the time it’s up front because not every single player can play every game in the biggest part of the season.

“You have a player like Olivier Giroud who is playing at the moment but he missed four months. During that period Welbeck played every single game.”

Welbeck has 8 Arsenal goals to his name so far this campaign, including a hat-trick against Galatasaray, but even though you’d like to him score more often, the Arsenal manager is backing him to be an important player in the years to come.

“He plays very well for me and is an exceptional player who will have a great future here. I am very, very happy that I bought him.”

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its the 93rd minute, Oxlade chamberlain has the ball on the right wing its 0-0 he just about takes it around Ashley young, but he manages to stretch out a tackle to take it out for an Arsenal corner Ozil lumbles over in his usual ozil manner he whips in a cross its a good one! somehow hes managed to beat the first man its headed for the 6yard area in the middle its just about too far away from De Gea Danny Welbeck is coming in he has a run on Van Persie he lept like a Salmon hes… Read more »

Arsene's Zip

Nice story…. except the 93rd minute bit!

Here’s another:

It’s kick off, Sanchez taps to Welbeck, who runs past RVP at such speed the gust of wind goes up his shorts and twists his left testicle, rendering him unable to play for 3 months.

He then zig zags towards the goal, going round Ashley Young twice just for fun, then smashes the ball off De Gea’s face, tapping in the rebound.

1-0 Arsenal.

Repeat for 90 minutes, final score 90-0 to the Arsenal.

The end.


Lol, actually put a big grin on my face (on a not so good afternoon). But dude, repeat for 90 minutes? You must be some Cobol programmer 🙂


So RVP will be out for the next 22 and a half years?

Woolwich Peripatetic

Any other player, no. RvP, sounds reasonable.


Stop dreaming… RVP is injured


Nothing out of the ordinary there then

gooner 44

shame RVP is injured, otherwise a perfect summary


Shrek dives pathetically in a risible attempt to reprise his dastardly deed against the invinceables. Cops a yellow card and from the resulting break Wellbeck scores. I’m in Gunner heaven and the Manure tosspots at work go into meltdown. Aaaah sweet mystery of life at last I’ve found you.


Yup. They pay me to come in on Fridays aswell.


If he could do the Thierry Henry conversion to clinical finishing (Thierry didn’t think he could) he could be fantastic. Fingers crossed. Otherwise he has many good aspects, attitude being number one, pace number two.


Welbeck or Joel Campbell?

An easy choice for me, Welbeck every time.


Welbeck has alot of the qualities Giroud was missing, like pace, technique, athletisicm, abity to take defenders on with acceleration and skill moves. But his end product or finishing is just as poor as Girouds was his first season playing for Arsenal. But seeing how Giroud improved so dramatically at his age, im sure Welbeck will become even better in time. All he really lack is end product, where as Giroud lacked alot more then that when he arrived at our club. But Giroud have become very good at making up for his shortcommings in other areas. Welbeck on the… Read more »


Giroud isn’t missing technique, he’s just inconsistent with it, which is why that to me is the most frustrating part of his game. I can accept that he has limitations with things like pace, but the way he can go from Bergkamp to Bendtner in about 2 seconds is literally unbelievable.


Said it before but it needs to be said again. Welbeck has 8 goals but also drew 2 penalties which were given to Santi, without problem (as well as 4 international goals for England). In the Leicester game for instance he was open twice and Giroud failed to pass for a certain goal before Giroud….there are many instances he made great runs with no ball finding him. Additionally, earlier in the season the focus of attack became Sanchez and since his return it has been Giroud. Go back to certain games where the attack comprised of Sanchez, Oxlade-Chamberlain and Welbeck… Read more »


Giroud thumps every single one of our strikers in movement. He may be slow, but he almost always goes to the right places at the right times.

His finishing, though, needs some work. It is what separates him from becoming one of the best strikers in the world. Ibrahimovic is what he should aspire to.

Woolwich Peripatetic

His finishing is really odd, just getting the shot on target with no time he’s fine with, beating the keeper, not so much.
What I mean is that Giroud can steer the ball into the goal mouth with a flick nearly every time but unlike Theo (for example) he can’t put the ball across the keeper. So he scores when the keeper has no time, rather than giving the keeper no chance to save.


Took Theo a bit to become a better finisher as well.

Romford Pele



I don’t like how much deeper Sanchez plays when Welbeck is playing wide. It always ends up with our least clinical player loitering in/around the box while our most clinical player hangs back.


I think he has played well every time has has played as CF. We should get the best out of him in the wing when playing more on the counter, a possession type of game doesn’t really show his best abilities which are speed and a good ball control. His heading is decent too. Would like to see him paired with giroud in a 4-4-2 which could work as they both have a good defensive work rate.

Asheville Gunner

Would love to Arsenal playing on the counter with Welbeck and Walcott starting. Walcott could be furthest forward with Welbeck taking on more defensive duties, ideally working with the team to cut off United attacks.

happy gunner

And then welbeck gets a hat trick at old trafford.

No its not a dream.


Welbeck need to work on his balance, the lad falls every time he takes a shot. then he will be a great player.

Ivan Drago

If he scores I really hope he doesn’t do that ‘not celebrating against former club’ celebration

Perry S.

he should celebrate like hell, since that ugly fuck van gaal talked so much shit about him.


He should drop his shorts, waddle to the centre circle, crouch down and lay a big brown tribute to “The theatre of dreams”

Perry S.

errm, yeah what you said.

James B

Some quality humour on here today. Keep up the good work fellas


When RVP scored against us at Old Trafford we weren’t happy. So if Welbeck scores I’d like him not to celebrate too much. Neither would I like him to do that arms up “look everyone I’m not celebrating” thing. Just be cool and celebrate mildly.

Anonymous Kumquat

There’s definitely a lot to love about Welbeck – his pace, his power and work-rate are exceptional, and his versatility is a huge plus. If there’s one aspect of his game I’m yet to be 100% convinced by it’s his finishing, but hopefully with time and Wenger’s input he’ll prove me emphatically wrong. Definitely a huge asset to our team, I bet Man U are pleased they sold him considering how well RVP, Di Maria and Fowcow are doing.

Dick Swiveller

He has the tools, he pulls off some nice finshes, I think he just needs to be a little more calm in front of goal; easier said than done, of course, but even if it doesn’t completely click he’s a damn useful player.


I thought it was great the other night when Phil Neville noted he (and a lot of Man U fans) could not understand why Welbeck was sold, period. I simply thought it a clumsy move by Van Gaal who at the time had a pre-season swagger doing some questionable things to make the point the club was now in his hands. I do not think he had close to a good idea of Welbeck the player, but knew he was the last of a generation of home grown players etc so he could make a point. Anyone knocking Danny can… Read more »


Welbeck changed the dynamic of our attack when Giroud was out injured and I remember many of us were saying that OG would not get back in the team. I think we have 2 solid CF options for the 1st time in a very long time. Whoever is on better form will play. Welbeck just needs to sharpen up his finishing a little and i think if he does get a run of games at CF again he will bang more goals in. Giroud’s continued and improved goal scoring ability means he only now trails Augero and Costa for converting… Read more »


If there’s 2 games we need to win in the coming weeks it’s this one and Chelsea. Not just for the obvious but to get that monkey off our back. We really should have beaten the Mancs over the past couple of seasons. Let’s hope we don’t get some sort of mindset that says we can’t do it cos we can.


We need Welbeck for those defensive duties, him and Giroud are a great presence when we’re on the back foot. I managed to watch the game Wednesday night via a dirty little stream being filmed on a potato but it was better than nothing. I didn’t see much, but what I did manage to make out was Özil making 3 defensive clearances in as many minutes in the final moments before his substitution. Immediately afterwards I saw Aaron Ramsey in the final third of the pitch with no Arsenal player around him because they were all in our half defending.… Read more »


As I’ve mentioned before, my biggest issue with Welbeck is that he doesn’t take enough risks, with or without the ball. He needs to shoot more, run at defenders and make more runs off the ball rather than mixing it up in the centre circle. If he becomes a bit more selfish, he’s gonna tear the league up!


it’s only the 18th minute and Arsenal are 4goals up, welbeck on the scoresheet, De gea has just hurt his back against the pole trying to save a stinging shot from Oli…. the ref stops time for his treatment but looks like he’s gonna be replaced…. santi with hands on his waist is saying something to Alexis I’d really wish I can make out, Oli’s tongue is out as he strokes his hair, ………

Ex-Priest Tobin

I can’t fault his work rate or effort but his scoring record just isn’t good enough. I’m not going to write him off as he’s young and could do the job in the future (although I do suspect he’s not really a natural finisher), but if we want to win the league in the next couple of seasons we need to shell out on a really top shelf striker IMO. He seems like a nice lad though so best of luck to him.


I remember him attempting the curler to the right corner twice in previous matches. Both required outstanding saves from the goalkeeper. Its gonna go in soon and I hope its gonna be this Monday!And i also remember a couple of from-our-half runs which ended in the opposition penalty box beating a few defenders on the way.He has everything in him. A few confidence boosting goals and he will be unstoppable.


Go and Dannyboy show em what they’re missing




Been playing shit for Villareal, so my guess is he will end up back at Olympiakos which is more his level for a 3-4 mill deal this summer.


For some reason my comment ended up in the wrong article. Was supposed to be in the Joel Campbell one.


He’s been pretty decent to be honest.


Van Gaal was saying that he let welbeck go because he wasn’t good enough. Humm somebody is about to regret saying that. I bet van Gaal is having nightmares about this since the draw. It’s clear Wenger rested him during the last 2 games to go and terrorise manure defence. I will be soooo happy if he has a hat trick or even a brace will do. Can’t wait for Monday now. Damn still 3 days to go COYG Common Danny


tough game but in a fa cup run they all are. its obvious that they will go after cazorla to stop the team ticking along. monaco had a great plan in stopping us playing which worked. i.e. ganging up on santi. think the energy of ox might be important. the big pitch will suit our game. many of our players are in great form. at least we have that in our favour if not the venue. we have to stay in the game and the great thing about this team is that they don’t panic if they haven’t had the… Read more »


Play him in the middle as a CF.

Better to have Ox out wide with Alexis and Ozil along the attacking line.

Santi and Coquelin in the middle.

If Welbeck doesn’t do the business, then bring on Giroud.

Merlin's Panini

I like Welbeck a lot. He’s not gonna score loads of goals but his overall contribution to the team is massive and it would be hard to leave him out because he puts in the required effort every time, not just in the big games. He’s got a good attitude and, although I had some reservations about him, I’m really pleased we’ve got him. Especially when he was United’s only threat for pace up front.


I know some people are highlighting the goals/games ratio in discussions re Welbeck which I think is a bit harsh as he has been playing wide when Giroud has been in the side. I think it’s better to look at his contribution to the side rather than just the goals per game. Recently for example he was instrumental in both goals at Palace (winning the penalty out of nowhere and his shot led to Giroud’s goal) and he was the creator of our goal at Tottenham. I’m sure he’s still settling in to our sophisticated style of play a little… Read more »


I predict 8-5 to arsenal


Do you have a good track record for predictions?
I only ask ‘cos the odds on that are fucking obscene and I’m a bit skint right now.


Crazy prediction…Hope you aren’t smoking the same thing that they do at the Emirates 🙂


Welbeck for all his hardwork and all has yet to prove that van gaal in wrong in letting him go.
He just isn’t a good finisher. Doesn’t score enough.
So its safe to say Van gaal was right in letting him leave.


I hope the OX and Welbeck improve their finishing..

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

If Welbeck and Chamberlain improve their finishing, we will probably win the league next year. You’ve just pointed out what can drastically improve Arsenal.


arsene should go gung ho and play his most “fluid” and quick-starting players…that means resting ozil and giroud and give welbeck his big do playing him centrally with alexis and theo flanking with rosicky santi and coq behind them…


I wonder if Welbeck will celebrate when he scores the first one against Manure??
Hope he does!


I am not even a tiny bit optimistic going in to this game given Mr. Wenger’s previous results against man united.


We need a power packed forward line to push their defense backwards. That will create pockets of space for Ozil and Santi to exploit….Danny boy can play a big role tomorrow. A very big game for both clubs. COYG!

anthony arsenal

What ever happens please arsenal win please win please


My only concern is the BFG in for Gabriel. Just hope him and Koscielny stay back and let the wing backs get forward.I would like to see 442 Ox Rosicki Cazorla Ozil Welbeck Giroud and Walcott on when the game is safe at 3-1

COYG time for payback

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