Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger confirms Gabriel lay-off

Arsene Wenger has confirmed that new signing Gabriel is facing up to three weeks on the sidelines after sustaining a hamstring injury against Queens Park Rangers.

The Brazilian centre-back was replaced by Laurent Koscielny after just 37 minutes at Loftus Road and now looks set to miss the Gunners next four games against Manchester United in the FA Cup, West Ham and Newcastle in the league and the second leg of the Champions League tie with Monaco.

“Gabriel has a hamstring injury and he will be out for two to three weeks,” said Wenger.

The injury means it’s almost certain Per Mertesacker will partner Laurent Koscielny at Old Trafford on Monday. Nacho Monreal, who missed the Gunners 2-1 win on Wednesday with a back strain, should be able to provide further cover for the rest of the month, he’ll have a fitness test today.

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Welcome to Arsenal!


i read this from teamtalk

he has Arsenal DNA


He’s a real arsenal player. Fits right in to the mould


Most clubs just ask new players to sing a song or wear a silly hat as an initiation ritual. Our lot do it properly. Arsenal-going that extra step since 1886.




get better soon !!
we’ve still got chambers, but we cant pair him w merts… let s really hope kos pulls through!COYG

Gunner From Another Mother

Don’t forget about Nacho!

Ramsey's spirit

Getting used to this injury jinx we have, at least mertesacker got a break and a mini 1 for kos


Welcome to Arsenal Gabriel! The curse strikes again!


Welcome, Gabriel, to the World-Famous Arsenal Initiation Rite

king henry the xiv

The dreaded 2 to 3 weeks…

David C

haha, well done. I was thinking the same thing!

Kiwi gooner

Fuck our luck! Another player out, how would it be if we were able to keep all our players fit.


That’s a lot to ask of the team. Players need to bulk up a bit and increase their conditioning.


One of us! One of us!

alexis' shorts

I love that quote.

Also, besides the unfortunate injury, it was charming seeing Santi and Bellerin translate for Gabriel while he got treated on the pitch. Endearing, even.


My initial reaction was to laugh. Arsenal, Tragical comedy at its best.

Parisian Weetabix

Tragical is a good way to describe it, seeing as the curse which haunts our players is both magical and tragic.


At least he’s managed a couple of appearances before injury unlike Kallstrom.


Didn’t we have a player called debuchy once?

Why not

You know i actually geniunely forgot about him. Says something about our depth at the moment to forget a senior right back that also provides CB cover. However i do wish out results start to match the level of quality in the squad at the moment.

But i for one am positive and optimistic. Up the arse!!!!


2 breaks in a season for the guy! Arsenal suffered 101 separate injuries in 2014, whether or not we will improve that in 2015 is unkown. Hopefully the club can resolve these reoccurring injuries (e.g. Ramsey’s), but the freakish ones like Debuchy’s are a little more tricky…

Springbank 1962

People here seem to still be living in the past. Not counting Diaby, we only have a handful of first team players out: Arteta, Wilshere, Debuchy, and Flamini. Add to this Monreal and Szczesny – both of whom only have short-term ailments and we still have a squad that has both quality and depth. Would Flamini or Arteta automatically displace Coquelin? Would Wilshere automatically return to the team sheet? Only Debuchy might be considered over Bellerin – and even that’s not certain. (As in really not certain.) So, stop treating Gabriel’s two to three weeks as somehow being part of… Read more »


our first team squad has missed over 3900 days due to injury in the last 2 years – this is the equivalent of 6 players permanently crocked.
Sure that includes diaby, but he would be a first team player if fit

Springbank 1962

My point is … that was then, this is now. Hence the ‘living in the past’ thing.

And no, if Diaby were fit he categorically wouldn’t be playing ahead of the likes of Ramsey, Rosicky, Cazorla, Coquelin etc. In fact, I doubt he’d be risked at all (which is sad as fuck).


Diaby would waltz into this team, were he able to waltz. He is an outstanding player and had he not been cunted by dan smith then we may never have a santi cazorla – and we wouldn’t need him. Right now we are doing ok on the injury front – but even still Wilshere’s pretty much a first team player, Arteta is the starting midfield anchor, Monreal and Debuchy are the starting fullbacks and sczezny and flamini and paulista are match day squad players no matter how good coquelin, bellerin, gibbs do – they are not first choice – So… Read more »

Springbank 1962

I’m not doubting Diaby’s ability during the course of a full season, only what would probably happen in this one. He’d have to play a few games in the reserves before he’d get anywhere near a first team striving for league position and trophies. As for Coquelin, Bellerin, and Gibbs? It would all be down to how they looked in training and what kind of opposition we were facing next. Monreal is the better defender, Gibbs (as we saw against QPR) the better going forward. Coquelin and Bellerin have shone this season, and while I can see Debuchy reclaiming his… Read more »


No – Coquelin, Bellerin, and Gibbs would not get into the side if Arteta. Debuchy and Monreal are fit – this is based on the fact that when Wenger had to chose between them he repeatedly and invarialy chose Arteta, Debuchy and Monreal. So in the absence of a comparative choice you would have to say that his first choice is as per the last time he made it. You can argue that they are doing well and deserve the shirt but Wenger will decide and i am certain he would have those three players in his starting 11. Whether… Read more »


What are you talking about Diaby is such an amazing player he’s more suited to the box-to-box role which Cazorla is currently filling. Cazorla isn’t the best at holding good defensive positions, and would thus be played further forward. And Ramsey, he’s currently injured, and taking reference from his pre-injury form, isn’t playing well so…

I’m sure if Diaby was fit he’d play, maybe not every game, but most games.

Btw here’s a compilation of Diaby:

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

If Diaby was fit, I’m almost sure he would have left arsenal with the cesc-nasri-rvp group. He would have been playing for big money elsewhere. On pure talent alone, that guy would have been a world class player.


Or maybe had he stayed fit, none of those players would have left as they would be too laden down with medals


Abou, what a fabulous player what a waste of huge talent. I love him!


Surely the only reason they’re not now necessarily first team players is because they’ve been injured? I think if you asked most at the beginning of the season with Cazorla in abject form for some time Arteta and Wilshere would both be highly likely to be named in first XI, Debuchy definitely. I don’t think anyone’s suggesting a curse, but something somewhere is falling down because we have significantly more injuries than our rivals. Mourinho is able to name an almost unchanged team every week, in every competition, and they very rarely look jaded. That’s something that’s followed him through… Read more »

Springbank 1962

Anyone who saw Chelsea v West Ham the other night could easily say the opposite – they looked pretty dead on their feet at the end. Granted this might have been, in part, due to the Capitol One Cup, but at some stage their small squad is going to have its effect. We’ve already seen this with Fabregas and Costa – neither of whom are playing particularly brilliantly right now. With 11 games to go there’s every chance they’ll struggle to fall over the line which is something I’ll look forward to if it turns out to be the case.… Read more »


Past? I done some research on that and we had 101 separate injuries in 2014. We were in the top 3 teams for most injured in the EPL last year. Arsenal are still suffering a high number of injuries in 2015, be it smaller and more manageable ones of late.


This isn’t luck, this is too familiar to be random THIS IS THE REASON THAT WE ARE NOT WINNING THE LEAGUE – Pound for Pound we are as good as anyone and have been for the last 8 years. And i have a theory 🙂 Hamstrings occur due to a combination of the following factors 1- muscle imbalance, 2 – inadequate warm-up, 3 – fatigue, 4- sudden burst of speed Gabriel was 30 odd minutes plus a warm up into a match, his body should have been warm – he’s had a winter break he should have been rested. and… Read more »


Though we’re pretty strong now, no way in hell have we been pound for pound as strong as anyone for the last 8 years! The Flamini, Hleb, Rosicky, Cesc one year wonder midfield, maybe, but beyond that we were lagging behind at least one team significantly every year.


Like it or not the RVP, song, walcott, arshavin team had a trophy in them.
Injuries rather than resources cost us titles – you can argue the toss year on year but if we had less injuries to key players we would win more.
That sounds obvious – but man u, chelsea, man city, liverpool woyuld not have won more necessarily with a kinder injury list. (infact liverpool could have done with an injury to steven gerrard last year)


Injuries AND lack of resources cost us trophies those years, I would say. Thin squad depth > fatigue > injury (some injuries e.g. hammies as you illustrated above).

This season a lot more freak joint and impact related injuries than usual. The new depth, quality, and brilliant emergence (and return) of young talent have saved our bacon.


That is an interesting theory. Time to do some hamstring curls perhaps.


I was listening to a Podcast a couple months back (I can’t remember which one exactly), it had Geoff on it and some knowledgeable sports scientist/fitness guy who knew quite a bit about the state of Arsenal’s injuries. They brought up a point about Arsenal’s surfaces at our training ground – how they are immaculate and the best in the country, and quite likely the world. There is no holes, no bumps, it is perfect for the players to express their slick passing game. He made a scientific suggestion that this could be a trigger for some of our away… Read more »


Just another thought on the whole quad/hamstring thing. It is noticeable that every Arsenal player is photographed on a stationary bike when coming back from injury. Perhaps bike training forms a big part of the fitness regime at the club, but of course leads to overtraining of the quads and a shortening of the hamstrings. Great for cycling but an injury waiting to happen on a football pitch. The fact that Gabriel is new and should not have been at the club long enough to see his conditioning deteriorate might just mean that the whole Arsenal injury crisis is just… Read more »


Typical Arsenal. Let’s hope our 2 remaining cb’s don’t get injured as well.


Shitsea have dcosta who has known ailments but is playing almost all the games through his first season and we have a player who is fully fit but gets a medium term injury playing his 2nd game. And this happened with Walcott when he came back for the first time this season.. Arteta/Wilshere.. they had setbacks when they tried to come back… plus the obvious history… I feel sometimes we have spy medic/therapist inside who is sent by other clubs to sabotage our season every year or may be because we pay the least so we get shittiest medics/therapist I… Read more »


Hmmmm, obviously, the speed and requirement of the premier league, being greater than the Spanish league, is sure to cause some muscle confusion. Nothing serious, just part of adapting. Welcome to the English league Gabby


“Nacho Monreal, who missed the Gunners 2-1 win on Wednesday with a back strain, should be able to provide further cover for the rest of the month.”

Chambers? He’s more than capable at CB.

andre santos

chambers pairing with mert would lead to disaster.
mert needs a quick partner.

Dick Swiveller

Chambers is quick enough, the perception that he is particularly slow grew out of the times he played at RB, left with little protection and with some dodgy positioning, it made him seem slower than he was. Even with Mertesacker, he’ll be fine in the middle with proper fullbacks either side.

He ain’t exactly the Flash, but he’s not any slower than most CBs I can think of.




Spends 3 years at Villareal without getting injured once.

Welcome to Arsenal.

Lol rvp

Something is seriously wrong with our training method.


Seriously these hamstring injuries are becoming a joke.

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Gabriel, now you can claim to be a proper arsenal player!!


At least he’ll make lots of friends in the physio room

Anonymous Arse

Was hoping he could play the Monaco game…

Lloyd Townsend

What’s the go with Isaac Hayden? Was hoping for big things from him – i know he’s been injured though. Anyone know how he’s tracking?


A quick injection of sheep placenta and he’ll be fine…..only joking…. season over! Like Wilshere…..


OH Noooooooooooo:(


The back up Cback is injured. Typical Arsenal. Not surprised really.


Gabriel: no injury history, comes to Arsenal….

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