Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alexis wants more from Arsenal next season

Despite winning the FA Cup, and gracing the final with one of the best goals anyone has ever seen in the famous old cup competition, Alexis Sanchez says aspects of Arsenal’s season were disappointing.

The club failed to mount a significant title challenge and exited Europe in slapstick style against Monaco. That has left the Chilean dynamo wanting more from the group of players we have in the next campaign.

“We have a bunch of skilful players so to not achieve more is disappointing,” he said from his native country ahead of tomorrow’s Copa America kick-off.

“I would have liked to be in the Champions League final or to have won the Premier League title. It was an OK season, but it was bittersweet.”

I don’t think there’d be any real arguments from fans who can enjoy the fact we won the cup and still want the club to do better in other competitions. Having a player like Alexis who will demand that from those around him will play a part in that too.

He also spoke about his first season in English football and was pleased with how his game has developed under Arsene Wenger.

“I had a breakthrough in my football life,” he said. “Now I switch to the left, I make goals, I pass, I am evolving.

“And if I am put in at centre forward, I will do it in the best way possible.”

We reckon we could ask him to fill in as Gunnersaurus and he’d pull it off too.

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Eddie Kelly's disputed equaliser

If you love him and you know it clap your hands.


Btw, get voting for Aaron here, best CL goal He is in second currently.

Mboya Vanda fat

Phew!!! Almost mistakenly voted for Ivanovic. My life would have lost meaning instantly


It’s one thing to mug off Stoke fans in a uk poll.

We’re taking on the rest of europe here. Come on you reds!


Spread the word.


Gap is reducing, 32% Aaron to 45% Messi. Keep voting…


How the fuck is Messi’s goal against Bayern better than that screamer? Oh wait, UEFAlona!


Messi was best player in the World Cup too. And didn’t deserve it in my opinion.


Also his face looked like a funeral when he received it. Reason being he’d just lost the final against Germany but to still be voted player of the tournament out of all those giants and receiving the award in such ungracious manner. Woeful!


Does not help that you need to sign up to uefo but mission accomplished.


I’d love to vote, but you have to log in with a social media signature or email account which I really don’t do.

His goal will win anyway though… obviously.


Clap !! Clap !!

kampala gooner

Bet your ass he would pull off gunnersaurus not with the energy he does everything with. More of the same mate in season 2


Not sure I want to think for too long about pulling off Gunnersaurus.


Unlike in steamroom, the more the merrier here works for me. The league and UEFA semis or just getting past the knockout rounds or winning the home leg would be nice 🙂


There you go. First Walcott then Ramsey and now Sanchez saying we are going for the title next season. We are going for it then COYG


Diaby has left the club, after 9 years. Might have been the new Vieira without his ankle getting shattered. Hope he finds something good to do.

Stringer Bell

The future is Sanchez!!! Oh and Ozil and Santi and Ramsey and the Coq and the Ox and Theo and Danny and jack and all the boys at the back. The future sure looks good.


Love how the players already showing their desire to win the league despite the season just end. Many more to come from alexis & the rest! Cant wait to see us lifting the title again


It was a decent season but our lads ain’t stupid, they know they can achieve more. As soon as the injuries cleared up we were the form team in the league.

This season we have balanced the squad, developed the team chemistry and cohesion, and reinforced our belief through winning a trophy again. Next year we will come out all guns blazing.


We hAD missed that type of killer instinct and directness SINCE Henry left.he is justified in asking more for the team as he himself gives 110%.I am sure he’ll inspire all those around him to greater heights. #COYG


imagine having 3 or more players sharing same spirit as Sanchez


Imagine the whole squad sharing the same spirit!

Woolwich Peripatetic

Imagine having eleven on the pitch and six on the bench – that’s the ideal.
To be fair, we have seen that this year a few times, highlight moment for me wasn’t a goal, it was Özil giving the ball away, thinking “if I get the ball back, no-one will notice” and then doing just that. I think it was against ManU in the FA Cup.


damn. how many games is he going to miss at the start of next season. the rest of the team need to step up during his absence.


It’s not like we were utter shit before he came.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

Yeah but that was back when we still had Bendtner to call upon.

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

I’ve noticed a pattern: Bale goes to Madrid, allowing Arsenal to swoop for Ozil. Bale scores the winner in the Champions League final. Barcelona sign Suarez, allowing Arsenal to swoop for Alexis, Suarez scores the winner in the Champions League final. Just a funny coincidence, but maybe seeing their former teammates celebrating with their replacements provides a bit of motivation for Ozil and Alexis.



Particularly for Alexis his former team won the treble, so he is disappointed with just the FA Cup.

Like many fans and players have already said, really like the focus on the league title for the next season.

There are not many areas this team needs an improvement and we don’t have the financial shackle any more. So hopefully, we get our business done really and get going with the prep.

Another signing as good as Ozil and Alexis and we will surely be celebrating something bigger come next spring. Even with just a couple squad enhancements/changes I think this squad will challenge.


Fucking look at this guy. His desire is phenomenal. What a pleasure it is to have him

Kenyan Gooner

Such a positive influence Alexis is. Now for his song to come from the Arseblog News’ comments.

monkey knees

If we can add another player (or 2) of world class, like ozil and sanchez, we’ll be laughing all the way to the title next season 😉

Arsenal's Legend

What does sp*rs and fa have in common? I hate shits


What do you do with food once you have processed all the nutrients out of it?


The BT commentators said the Villa keeper should of saved his shot! . Whatever. I will disagree with blogs on one thing, no one can replace the guy in the Gunnersaurus Suit. That guy is legend. Ha.




Love the belief – he comes from Barca and expects us to be challenging for the champions league. That’s a massive vote of confidence in his Arsenal teammates.


I think we are guilty of underestimating our team a little. We have had the worst record for injuries out of all the top teams in the league, and it’s been a struggle to field anywhere near our best 11. It is no coincidence that when the injuries went away, we were top of the form table.

Alexis knows.


Bloody hell, I read ‘more’ as ‘move’ initially. Missed a couple of heartbeats.


Now this is the sort of mentality our team and fans need to have. If we had 5 alexis in this team, we’d win the league.
Glad he’s just not satisfied with the FA cup alone.


… then dear Alexis, stop losing so many balls, stop being too selfish at times, stop shooting out target, start using your brain…

Scott P

start being a football match-winning machine… oh wait…


I’m hoping you just forgot to turn the sarcasm font on….

Gareth Murray

Am incredible player, one of Wenger’s greatest signings.
I’m glad that he has the desire to achieve much, much more and there are areas where his own game could improve. His energy and willingness to get back, tackle and chip in for the cause is unquestionable. When he improves his passing and distribution, he will be an even scarier proposition in our improving side.


Blogs didn’t say anything about Wellington, Ryo, Diaby or Jenkinson in his, er, blog post today, but their futures are more or less uncertain too. Ryo seems likely to leave. Wellington I think could be treated like Campbell: given half a season at the club, and then probably loaned out again. Diaby? Does anyone know at this point? Jenkinson I think will stay, although it’s anyone’s guess what will happen to our four RBs now. Maybe Chambers will be given a chance at DM or CB. My guess is Poldi and Campbell will be sold, with Sanogo, Akpom and Gnabry… Read more »


If he did pull off Gunnersauraus, it wouldn’t be sexual or sordid, it would be an act of kindness from a man who just cares.

I call him Alexis Statue. as he is the next one to get bronzed and erected outside the emirates.


Alexis Sanchez baby, Alexis Sanchez, o-o-o-oh!


The World needs more people like Alexis, not just more footballers like him. For me, this guy has taken on board and boosted the Arsenal spirit more in 1 season, than the skunk did in 9 seasons. Ledge!

Stewart Robson's therapist

Translates as: Alexis is unhappy at Arsenal and wants move away in the summer.

Media logic.


If we don’t show some real ambition now then Alexis WILL want to leave. We’ve been here before, haven’t we? A promising side with a star player playing out of his skin, and fans full of optimism. But what happened? Mr “Fourth is a Trophy” didn’t push the team on and so Van Persie, Nasri and Fabregas all decided that they wanted to play for a club which was capable of winning the big ones. This mustn’t be allowed to happen again. Wenger must now seize this opportunity. We’ve got money to spend so we should spend it on the… Read more »


I agree with this in the sense that we have to push on and show ambition for next season, it is an imperative if we are to challenge for the League or progress in the Champions League. I would love to see two signings of genuine quality and for us to shift the players who are considered surplus requirements (sorry Poldi : / ). However, referring to Arsene as Mr “Fourth is a Trophy” during a period of financial austerity focusing on the survival of Arsenal Football Club is not only a misrepresentation of the facts at hand but also… Read more »


Yeah we understand what you mean fatty. Wenger should wear the shirt and play himself THEN he will be showing some ambition. Humm any advice on where he should play Fatgooner? Told you we should take over this club.

Pascal Cygan

“Another season of mediocrity”. Who are you kidding? Most clubs would kill for the FA Cup and 3rd place, all whilst playing fantastic football and building a team without spending hundreds of millions, above teams that have spent considerably more than us. Improvement is always good, but be grateful for what we have been given over the last few years, at least.


Wenger wants to win the league again and have a crack at the Champions League before he retires and you can bet that the club have let him know there’s money there for him to continue to build the squad in order to achieve this.

A couple of additions and the way the team is gelling I think (and more importantly the players think) we have a good chance. I couldn’t think of a better way to finish his career for a true gentleman and scholar of the game.


Fatgooner…a parody of glum and negativity


just read that diaby has been released just cant stop thinking what could have been with him, he was a major talent


Chiilian bulldog all fired up. Every time he gets the ball he makes something happen.


This is the attitude all the players in the squad must have.. I get the feeling sometimes that players feel like if it happens it happens with regards to the title. Players like alexis are 100% committed to winning. “Only the title will do and anything else is not enough” kinda attitude. Love it.


This season and last are progress, anyone who compares them to seasons where we sold our best players and bought youngsters or unknowns is frankly, a bit of a bellend.

I love alexis’ attitude, I get the feeling he would still be slightly disappointed with some aspect even if we do win the lge or champs lge… winners mentality right there.

Ex-Priest Tobin

I hope this is not code for “I’m going to Man City/Chelsea”.

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