Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arseblog News: 4-years-old today

There’s no rest from the *boilk* today … we’re continuing the weekend’s celebrations as today is Arseblog News’ 4th birthday.

We’re not quite sure where the time has gone.

It all began on 1 June 2011 with news of another FA Cup success for Arsenal Ladies and then we got down to the real nitty gritty with an article entitled…

“Bendtner: ‘I must leave Arsenal'”

It was to be a common theme on the site.

In the end it took TGSTEL another 1125 days before he actually cleared his locker of his fuschia boots and turtleneck sweaters. His adventures were definitely some of our favourites.

Take for example…

miley (1)

Man we miss that guy.


Who wrote what?

In total we’ve written 5,090 articles and approved 344,566 comments. Although not all adhered to our strict comment policy.

It’s been quite some journey straddling the final years of our nine year trophy drought (that 8-2 at Old Trafford seems like yesterday) and what we hope is a new era of success.

Here’s a percentage breakdown of the figures…

Worthy mentions to Hayley & Vince Wright for their video diaries, all the YouTubers whose montages have enthralled and those contributors who provided the odd article here and there. You know who you are.


By the numbers

217 – number of times mainstream media have copy and pasted our dodgy interpretation of Google translated articles from foreign press.

17,963 – YouTube views of our interview with Mikel ‘the hair’ Arteta.

1 – deleted post by Sul in which he announced the signing of Santi Cazorla before we signed Santi Cazorla. But then we signed Santi Cazorla. #sulknows

371,981 – transfer rumours ignored since launch.

1/2 – the amount of a packet of jelly babies Thierry Henry would munch before each Arsenal game…or so The Times of India believed.

7 – the number of hours it took us to stop laughing at Samir Nasri’s whinging in the dying days of his Arsenal career.


0 – the number of seconds we wasted compiling a combined Arsenal/Spurs XI.

4 – the number of times we did a bit of sick in our mouth reading the Dutch Skunk’s ‘You Guys’ letter on his departure.

10 – films Lukas Podolski should have starred in.

2 – FA Cup successes in a row!

69,466 – number of Twitter followers

22 – appearances made for Arsenal by Abou Diaby in the last four years.

15 – unusual facts you didn’t know about Arsenal until we pulled them from our arse.

4 – Sp*rs managers during that time; two of them on the wrong end of a 5-2 scoreline at the Emirates.


The highs

Thierry Henry scoring on his return to the club against Leeds United.

THAT 1-1 at Newcastle on the last day of the 2012/13 season.

The end of a nine year wait for a trophy.

This tweet from Andre Santos…


The applause and wonderment of the Emirates crowd on seeing a replay of Wilshere’s goal vs Norwich.

Signing Mesut & Alexis.

Everything about our BFG.

Laurent Koscielny’s “He Wants His Own Song” chant making it from the comment section to the terraces.

Andrei Arshavin being a mad little fucker until the day he left.

Russian footballer Andrei Arshavin, who

Linford Christie leaking Arsenal’s first ever Puma kit.

Smashing Villa at Wembley on Saturday.

Carl Jenkinson’s goal and celebration at Norwich.

Our favourite ever comment about Ryo Miyaichi:

Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 19.01.06


The lows

Not winning the Emirates Cup since we launched.

All the players being injured.

Selling three captains.

Wojciech being naughty. proxy

The 8-2 at Old Trafford, the 6-0 at Chelsea, the 6-3 at the Etihad, the 5-1 at Anfield…there really have been some true paddlins.

Losing to Bradford on penalties and the subsequent player ratings we were forced to dish out.

Being crap in the first leg of our last three Champions League knockout games.


Articles left in drafts

SIGNING: Arsenal confirm Gonzalo Higuain deal

The 19 Arsenal GIFs you just can’t see!

OFFICIAL: Bendtner joins Crystal Palace


Arsene Wenger

The manager has obviously been a huge part in many stories, but has often found himself photoshopped in unconventional ways. Here are a few of our favourites.

Arsene as Lady Gaga
Arsene as 80s pop star Desireless
New Romantic Arsene
Arsene Highlander
Arsene Highlander
Curb your Wengthusiasm


All that’s left for us to say is thanks for reading, commenting, sharing our articles on social media (you do that for us, right?!), and being a big part of why it is we’ve managed to reach 4.

Now, on the weekend of our 4-0 FA Cup win, we’ll celebrate our fourth birthday by drinking four of something. Not fourtified wine though.


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Ohhhhhh arseblog we love you !




Great content, guys. Superb output which is informative and fun. Keep it going.


Great work, constantly informative plus entertaining as well.

Up the Arse(blog)!

Be proud!!

David C

and CB must have the most comments on Arseblog! Where’s the stat for that?

I enjoy reading your views, CB. Good day to you, sir.

Most thumbed down award: Fat Gooner perhaps? haha


And to you for your gracious comments. Though I’m tailing off from now to August as (you may have gathered) I reckon transfer speculation is the worst waste of time ever. Discussing who might come to Arsenal (Benzema, Cech, Vidal etc etc) and then finding that they (invariably) don’t and finding Wenger has found someone that is great that we’ve never heard of (Gabriel, Kos, Monreal etc) is the normal experience over the summer. has two great tweets on this. There are usually 150+ players linked with us each summer. I’ll still check back here for the news though.… Read more »


Love Arseblog and read it everyday. Thanks to you Blogs! TGBloggerTEL


Happy birthday Arseblognews. Been a faithful reader, will always be…


Christ. Where did that time go?
Congratulations and cheers for all the news and grins along the way.
May the 4th be with Giroud.


Well played Arseblog news.

Long may you continue to keep ys informed.


Congrats to the team.

Thanks for the service – especially the sanity saving poo meter!

Scott P

I still don’t know whether more poo means less chance of signing or the reverse sometimes…

A Yank in King Arsene's West Stand

Few things have delighted me more than the success of “Laurent Koscielny, he wants his own song.”

Happy birthday, Arseblog News!

North Bank Gooner

4 he’s a jolly good fe-ellow, and so say all of us!!!

Nice 1 Blogs, the world would be a greyer place without you!!!


And the beat goes on…here’s to .another 4, 6,8,10 years Mr BlogNews

Our main man may not come on the full journey, but it’s going to be a great ride in the meantime ……Arsenal the greatest club the world have ever seen (wengerball)


Another highlight – the revelation that Carl Jenkinson’s dad backed Bonnie Tyler. And Jenks asked about it in a press conference and cracking up.

Third Plebeian

That’s definitely my favourite Arseblog News moment.


Mine too..

That’s the moment…


Wonderful stuff, thanks for the link!


“backed” as in singing, playing guitar, or what ? Please tell us more..


Congratulations arseblog here’s to another 4 years (and another 4 FA cups!)

La Défense

Yes to more Arseblog News!


Haha! Fantastic. Happy birthday Arseblog! 🙂

kevin sullivan

The Ryo cone comment will always make me laugh! Congrats on 4 years. Keep it up, gays! 🙂

Tom thumb

Happy birthday arseblog,favourite app on my phone by a country mile,always the first thing I read in the morning,heres to many more years of arseblog


Best Football blog by a mile. My day never starts until I read an arseblog blog and check the Arseblog News site. Only credible Arsenal News source.

Happy Birthday Arseblog News. Always a pleasure..

Me So Hornsey

Totally agree. Without being biased I’ve read many other arsenal blogs, some are very good, I’ve even read other teams blogs (even a spurs blogs a few times so I could have a giggle at their whimpering after the 5-2s) but I can honestly say none of them come near to Arseblog’s level.

The balance of on point news, reasoned opinion, hilarious writing and blog reader interaction is second to none and we gooners are lucky to have it.

Thank you Arseblog, for making us smile at least once daily. We salute you.


I thoroughly concur, many tanks Blogs for all the reasoned analysis, and the larfs…. Long may you continue…


Good stuff gents. Thanks for your exertions. Many happy returns. Carry on.


Cheers fella . Now comes the hard part keeping us entertained in the closed season but I have no doubt you can as you managed it in the last 4 years.


Went back to the player ratings for the Bradford game and looked through the comments… Can’t believe we have made so much progress in just 2.5 years from the debacle. Or remember 2008 and 2009? We are finally on the up again. Wenger needs a statue simply for keeping us in top 4 with Denilson Eboue Chamakh Bendtner etc. (It’s hilarious that United fans are relieved at making 4th after spending almost £150m)


Did the same (cause I love torture, ok?!), and learned that people were calling for Klopp and moyes(??) to replace Arsene. Now this gives you a bit of perspective.


A lot of gems there really, like this one: “Ramsey…. sorry you’ll never be good enough.”


All the ones about Gervinho were spot on, though.

Arseblog's dog

Have feasted on the arseblog news site and main site for some time now and love it. Imagine going back to when all we had for news were the odd article in the daily newspapers and teletext!

Man Like Ozil

You really are a top bunch of blokes. Long may the site, the podcasts and the fanbase prosper along with the team!
(Unless you continue your viscious tirade against poor Ospina and Walcott, in which case my vengeance will be swift and without mercy)


Fantastic – never miss my daily fix. Cuts through the crap so incisively that I don’t go anywhere else for Arsenal news. Koscielny’s song definitely a highlight. Plus Rambling Pete, of course.


Good call. Plus the revelation that several posters on here were (and some still are) in the same ward on similar medication.

Everything made so much more sense.


What would I do without my multiple stops to Arseblog News during the day? Well, work, but who wants to do that?

Although, the loss to Bradford was certainly one of the “lows” but looks better now, seeing as it was a loss, away, via penalties, and, you know, not a loss to Bradford by 2 goals at home like some other overrated London team.


Many happy returns Arseblog! Always informative with genuinely hilarious content, here’s to another 4! COYG!

Ajinkya.. indian gunner

Congrats Arseblog! Good stuff. Please keep it coming for many more years. Cheers!!!

AN other

I thought it will be another self congulatory article. But, boy, I was wrong. It was one of the best and like Martin Tyler said on Adams goal against Everton.

That sums it all up.


Great stuff, keep it up.


Out of interest, does anyone happen to have a video of the crowds response to wilshere’s norwich goal?


Or rather the replay of it



AN other

How did that goal never got into the nominations for this goal of the 50 years, I would never know.




4years of football news mixed with fun and crazy creativity.Happy anniversary Arseblog.from your hardened reader who never post a comment.


Oh man, that Bradford game. Colleague of mine was in town, he was only two months in the company, so I took him out for dinner. Afterwards he wanted to go for drinks & I wanted to watch the game, so we went to a place where they showed the game. About a year later he approached me saying he thought he might have made a huge mistake joining us, quote:

“It took me another six months before I realised not everyone on the management team were quite so mental”


I’ve been reading the blog and listening to the arsecasts maybe just under 2 years now. My favourite Arsenal site and podcast for sure, and I must say, John Terry is a tremendous cunt nugget.


It should be us thanking you.

Happy birthday and many thanks!


I guess this is a nice moment to show some appreciation for this outstanding blog! I have been reading as much of the articles posted as possible, but never felt the urge to post a comment. At this point however, I would really say, that this is a top top quality fan site, and even the comments seem to be posted by sensible football fans.. I am from Holland and football sites are crowded with total idiots / e-hooligans. Which makes me realize what a beauty of a site this is. Also Blogs, your liveblogs contain legendary phrases! Keep it… Read more »


Some eight or nine years back, I was introduced to Gunnerblog and I became an addicted reader, but then James went on leave. So I followed his link to Arseblog and ever since then I haven’t looked back. It’s Arseblog or no other blog, though I still had some loyalty for Gunnerblog. I was happy when James later joined on the Arsecast Extra. Mr. Andrew and Mr. James are the only credible bloggers when it comes to authentic Arsenal reportage. I love you both. Thanks a lot.

chippy's chip

Feckin great stuff and long may it continue and i feckin love super jacky wilshere a feckin legend already.

Player23 Russian Assassin

I always follow Arsenal Games and News no matter where i am(am in Malawi Africa apparently) thanks to u


I remember the days when I used to visit a blog called thegunninghawk. I remember how peeved I was when it closed. But I found arseblog and it’s awesome!


What Zizou said. Arseblog is my favourite site on the web, and the News is my favourite part of it. I love the articles, I love the writers, and I love the comments. Glad to have the chance to participate by leaving the odd comment myself. Many happy returns, and please keep going forever.


Apart from all the obvious praise for the articles and the entertainment: Thanks for being one of rather few sites where I can read the comment section at any time without either being depressed at the state of humanity or getting an urge to attack someone – or both. Your comment policy covers precisely the things that make me feel like that in other places.

Arsenal's Legend

I salute all the crews that keep us all happy through their immeasurable dedication. May God continue to replenish you in all your endeavor…… Long live Arsenal! Long live Arseblog?)!))


My life would be so different without you guys, thanks lads and ladies!

David C

What about Mrs. Blogs live feed from last year’s FA Cup final? That was class too.

In arseblog we trust

Happy anniversary, thanks for spoiling us everyday with great news about our dearest club.


hey,just wanted to thank you!

Getso gunner

I feel incomplete without reading a news from Arseblog everyday. We love you Mangan

Amaury Bischoff

In this team, I get to play.


Keep up the great work! Truly the only blog/website I absolutely insist upon reading daily. I don’t believe anything I read about the Gunners (transfers in particular,) until I’ve read it here. Cheers!


Happy Birthday News! You missed one of the Highs – seeing our Coq carrying that FA Cup and looking so proud. He is the best story of the season and possibly of the last four years.


Arseblog as quality as Alexis’s goal at wembley … Arsenal Gent is a breath of fresh air, albeit a bit of a worry. Site is brilliant for overseas fans


Thanks Arseblog!

Your blog is part of my daily routine and has been since I found it. Always funny – the lady gaga Wenger still makes me chuckle. More please!

Thanks and be nice to Walcott (provided he doesn’t drag out the negotiation too far this time)..

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