Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 0-0 Liverpool – player ratings

A frustrating and at times terrifying night. A goal disallowed, they should probably have scored in the first half, we missed chances in the second, but kept a clean sheet.

A bit mad overall but there you go. Here’s how the players rated.

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Getso gunner

Cech deserved an 8 and if there was anything for the manager to read from this game is the fact that we need that deadly striker


I’m not sure Cech will ever get a 10 if he didn’t get it for this performance. He made two truly world class saves that kept us in it. Last season we excused sczezny for poor results because the defence was disrupted. Tonight was a defence turned upside down at the last minute and still we kept a clean sheet, largely due to Cech. Short of scoring an injury time winner I can’t see what else he could have done

Austin Gooner

Agreed. It’s a bit nit-picky, but leaves you wondering what a 9 must look like!


My thoughts exactly! It’s a myth that a goalkeeper will usually play worse behind a worse defence. He’ll ultimately concede more gaols but he can still play as well individually. 9.5/10 for Cech from me.


Yes and no. World class saves – yes they certainly were. And it wasn’t just those two, he had a string of great interventions. But, his ball distribution needs to improve. Yes, it’s better than Ospina’s and 90% of Szch’s games, but while his throws were excellent his kicks rarely found an Arsenal shirt and lacked strategy. I’d still happily have him in goal over just about any other keeper, and expect him to keep improving as he learns the team.

Austin Gooner

Cech’s distribution has been really good so far this season. Looked like Wenger just simplified things in the 2nd half by asking Cech to just play long and stop giving the center halves the ball. I think with cooler heads at the back like Per, you can see Cech’s ability in this area which looks much better than anything we’ve had for a long while.


What I also liked about Cech was how he tried to help Chambers back into the game, with passes to easy positions whenever possible, to get his confidence back. That’s the experience and leadership Cech brings to the team.


I have to say. I thought Gabriel also deserved a higher score. Looked really impressive considering it was his first competitive game for ages and alongside Chambers. He made some excellent last minute blocks/tackles. So like Keown but with pace.

David Hillier Handled My Luggage

If I was rating them on the first half alone then it would be – Cech 9, Coq 7 and a disappointing 2 for the rest. We did, however, look a completely different team in the second half…. Now if only we can start the next game the way we finished this one. COYG


Cech deserved more than an 8. I gave him a 9.5. He lost the 0.5 for not scoring an injury time winner. Everything else he did was perfect.


Deserved a 9 . Both saves were incredible , especially the first

Nasri's missing chinbone

10/10 for the bonus rating. That man is the pinnacle of smug overrated self important dickhead.


Not a fan of Rodgers (Blogs put it best, he’s a shark-toothed wanker). But to be fair, if you watch his press conference, it’s pretty clear that he said that in jest. He knew it was a bad call.


You think ? I thought he sounded very convinced .
Anyways , he is a smug git


So lucky we had a coq in the chamber today or it could’ve been messy


buy Higuain or Cavani


If you think Higuain is clinical and the answer to our problems, then you haven’t watched Higuain properly in the last 2 years at least.


name me a better striker available right now


Charlie Austin


And neither are good enough for us. Cavani isn’t clinical either, missed sitters against Chelsea two years running. Ibra supposedly available but worse for dressing room than adebayor and balotelli put together. Benzema seems to have ruled out a move so better hope welbeck gets fit


I second that…. Let’s get him.

over and over again

Just to joke, because that’s impossible as completely out of Arsene’s way of thinking and building a squad. But in truth, Ibra would probably be our only chance to make a serious bid for the title this year. He’s a winner (he won the league on the pitch 11 times in the last 12 years), he’s a super technical player and dominant in the final third. But as I said that’s utopia.


^Who said Ibrahimovic is available even if Wenger went for him?

PSG have insisted that Ibrahimovic will not leave.

And if he does, he’s probably off to AC Milan who he already held talks with.


Did I ra win those titles because of him, or because he knows how to pick a tram?


Cavani over Giroud anyday of the week. If Cavani is available, get him without thinking twice.
We’ll never get to the next level with Giroud and Welbeck. If 3rd/4th is good enough for you, then keep this squad as it is.

Mr. G

Me 😀
Positives – Tall, fast, good in the air, strong leadership qualities, love trying to tak people on, am two-footed and I have an eye for creativity! I also have a great beard. What’s not to love about a great beard?
Negatives – Not very good at actually playing football, unfortunately. My ‘two-footedness’ comes from being equally as bad with both.


Sign Mr. G. immediately, Arsene. Immediately, do you hear?



Imua Gunners

Giroud. Walcott. Welbeck.


Jackson Martinez was available, I wonder why we were not interested. He’s a much faster and more clinical version of Giroud.


But… But… Youtube?


a problem is solved by trying to solve it
not by staying there saying “no better strikers available”
Lacazette and Higuain could solve our problem
signing noone certainly wont

Austin Gooner

Disagree. Buying Lacazette or Higuain is not better than doing nothing. Ask Liverpool if throwing money at Balotelli last season was a good solution for them.


Load of shite, we dodged a bullet by not buying Higuain.. and Lacazzette just signed a new 4 year contract..


or Lacazette

QLD Reds

This team is so disjointed at times. We need an Ibrahimovic type up front now to get us through this tough period then look to secure the best striker around. A skillful striker that can find a goal were very few can. I support Walcott but he is not going to be the difference for us. I’d like to see that wolfsburg lad come in for walcott.

Austin Gooner

That would be a lot of money to give to an interim solution. How much would it cost to get PSG to sell? And then the wages. And he’s not a long term solution? Can’t think that Wenger is even considering it.


A new striker wouldn’t have helped. The loaded midfield passes up to the edge of the box squeezing the Liverpool players into a compact area which leaves little room to maneuver for a striker. The midfielders then spend a few minutes passing it around waiting for a hole to open up to pass to Giroud who is surrounded by 5-6 opposition players and must score with his first touch or be swallowed up by defenders. Giroud gets a hard time because our midfield puts him in a terrible position.


Spot on Stephen. It’s just too easy to blame Giroud for all our ills.


I really like Giroud but he needs to stop trying to flick it around the corner every time he receives a pass with his back towards goal. Especially on nights like last night when the liverpool area was packed with players. I just don’t understand starting both Walcott & Ox on the bench, two of our most penetrating players. The Walcott experiment needs to stop, he’s not good enough to play as a lone striker, he’s much better out wide right making those perfect runs which will get picked out by our Mesut. We gave their 18 year old left… Read more »


You are all wrong. We need TGSTEL! Nothing was ever the same after he left. When will Wenger stop being pig headed and just admit that? Ah fuck it, Wenger out!

Dale Cooper

Did Rodgers really say that? It’s almost like he knows he’s utter shite and is riding his luck, and is just enjoying the ride.


Also 10/10 for Thierry’s pronunciation of Cech – “Sech”


Why does Theo get a 6 and Giroud a 5? I don’t understand.

Kenyan Gooner

Giroud Giroud Giroud bacon.


For me Giroud Giroud Giroud bacon gets a 10 all day. It’s fucking BACON, man.


Because Giroud helped Pool in it.


Because Giroud helped *keep Pool in it.


Because Giroud pooed in it


Giroud seems to be the focus. Never felt the need to defend him before, but he did well tonight for me. Had hands all over him, man marked by one of those things from from The Descent.

Carved out that Alexis chance and made quite a few hectic situations happen in the box. Wenger obviously frustrated with that fall-over miss, hooked him off. Seemed like an emotional reaction and looked to be the wrong one.

Crash Fistfight

Why does nobody berate Alexis for that miss, which was worse than Giroud’s? Giroud was pulled back and off balance (I’ve already said it but I don’t see how that’s not a penalty).

Goone's Farm

Also, I feel like I’m the only one aside from Blogs to notice his right foot was swept away when he was taking that shot, leading to him slipping as he was taking it. That with the disallowed goal would’ve had Maureen moaning for weeks!


Glad to see Ramsey given a good rating. Scored a goal, set up that great chance for Giroud. Perhaps Ox does deserve a chance to start but it’s definitely not Ramsey who should be dropped.

John C

Ramsey should be dropped because he does everything but play in his position. The disallowed goal he scored he came in from the left, he was nowhere to be seen in defense, and for Cech’s first save from Beneteke where Bellerin gave the ball away, Coquelin passed backwards because our ring winger, Ramsey was nowhere to be seen. All our attacking play was condensed down the left as there was no one playing down the right and that was against an 18 year old left back who’s played 2 premier league games. Ramsey unbalances the team, and frankly he doesn’t… Read more »


That’s by no means Ramsey’s fault, a CM playing wide right is always going to be central and surely you’ve watched enough Arsenal games by now to know that the three attackers behind Giroud don’t really have positions and just roam around.

John C

I’ve watched enough of this Arsenal not win enough games to challenge for the title and i’d like that to change.

Pires, Ljungberg, Wiltord, Overmars, Parlour all kept their shape and went from out to in, Ramsey’s playing from in to out and it isn’t working.

Ramsey’s wandering can only be justified if he’s regularly winning us games, which he’s not, we’re not even winning games.


He scored a legitimate goal and created a sitter for Giroud. If you think dropping Ramsey is going to increase our chances of winning games, you’d be wrong. If you’ve seen plenty of games of Arsenal not winning then you should be able to cast your mind back to last season when he was out injured. But he should be playing centrally as his roaming is a little ott. Personally I’d switch him with Ozil and let Mesut cut in from the right. Ramsey plays centrally, yet in an advanced position so he’s both free to roam but can add… Read more »


Forget the thumbs down, you’re absolutely right. Ramsey pops up in others’ positions and people say it’s hard work when in truth, it gives us one less winger in every match

Crash Fistfight

Harsh on Gabriel I think. He was having to cover mistakes by Chambers and others in the first half, and in the 2nd he was impeccable (I liked his cynical foul on Benteke for the yellow card as well).

Also, I think Ramsey did fairly well, but he was not close to being the 2nd best player.

For me: Cech MOTM, followed by Gabriel, Coquelin and Monreal (who was the only player that looked switched on at times in the 1st half).


I second this.

Wenger's Glasses

Totally agree. I would love to see Gabriel start again next week, tbh. To get his rhythm going. He is such a beast of a defender. It looks like Ramsey has gain his sharpness back in this game. With him in the team, when he’s sharp like this, is like having one extra body. But the one player I would criticize is Santi. Offensively he hasn’t been at his best for so long. He can brilliantly dribble his way out of any tight situations, but his passing & shooting is so meh. Hope we can get it together on the… Read more »


generally agree, but for me The Coq seemed switched on all night long – and his contribution was equal to Cech’s.

2014-2015 = the year we've been waiting for

I think Theo should’ve started.

His pace would’ve allowed him to bury a couple of those missed chances.

little gretel

Give me hope Joanna.

Crash Fistfight

Give me Yop, me mamma.


I’m so fucked off at that disallowed goal. A perfectly legit goal, poorly called off side in a game that finished 0:0. So once again, the ineptitude of these fucking officials are having too much of a say on games. Something needs to be done in-game, at that moment. I completely agree with Wenger in that a contentious decision like that should go straight upstairs and rightfully decided in less than a minute. So much was made of Benteke’s goal last week, but somehow when it’s a goal that is disallowed incorrectly, we should just all move on. There’s inconsistencies… Read more »


Quite rightfully we can feel aggreived but let’s face facts: the linesman’s job there is hard enough, and decisions like that fall down to chance when you factor in the speed of the game.
I’m firmly of the opinion we should have technology implemented to allow us to review those decisions. Blaming the official is very harsh to my mind.


Who can we blame but the guy who made the incorrect call? They are qualified ‘pros’ but you’re telling me we should rely on ‘chance’ when it comes to these decisions? Until reviews are implemented, my blame is always going to the officials for they are the ones who are FULLY responsible for that incorrect call.


If you’re unsure though, then you give the benefit to the attacking player according to the rules. (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong)

Which means he had to have been SURE Ramsey was offside. Which he wasn’t.

So bad call.


Two points: there are no ‘rules’ in football, but ‘laws’. Secondly, the referee’s assistant had to make that call immediately, in real time. Yes, he made an error, but a perfectly understandable human error. I also note that we don’t seem to be quite so critical when they make an error in our favour (Liverpool’s penalty claim?).

To sum up, these guys do a very difficult job to a very high standard. Some wrong decisions go for us and some go against. Let’s live with it until a better solution is implemented.

Yorkshire Gunner

Couldn’t agree more .I’m a Rugby League fan too and the reviews are now part of the game and add to its excitement. 3 reviews per team per match instigated by the captain on the field would be my proposal.

Crash Fistfight

I don’t think you can use it all the time (if at all) for disallowed goals though. A lot of the time a defence will stop (or ‘stop’) when an off-side decision is made – what would happen if that was the case and a player put the ball in the net, only for the decision to be reversed? I think what you would see is similar to cricket, where umpires aren’t bothering to call no-balls if a ‘wicket’ falls – the linesman could let tight decisions go, so that the decision could be reviewed if a goal is scored… Read more »


I do have sympathy with the officials at times, but there WAS A LINE RIGHT IN FUCKING FRONT OF THEM. The edge of their box was a perfectly straight line showing he was onside, you didn’t even need to superimpose one on the screen. No fucking excuses for that call, none whatsoever.


I totally agree with you. Why can’t we do it like they do in the NHL. If its a tight call, go upstairs, review the tape and make the correct call instead of the way it’s done now. Considering the BPL is one of the biggest and most popular leagues, it’s a joke games a lot of times are decided by poor decisions.


The NFL does a better job than that. All scores (yes all scores) are instantaneously reviewed off site in a studio in NY.

Any score is given/reversed upon replay review. In practice it adds to the game. A score is greeted with a great cheer and then another cheer goes up when the score confirmed. If the decision is reversed, people take it in good faith as they know the play has been reviewed independently.

The practice could be in place by next weekend if parties were willing.

Gandalf the Gooner

Being a Welsh arsenal fan, i completely. (i watched freddie ljungberg score against chelsea in the FA cup final 2002 when i was 8 and proceeded to dye my hair red, it was decided)… I watch both rugby and football and i cant comprehend as to why the FA dont introduce some sort of TMO system into football. A clear bloody goal which could have been easily resolved if it wasnt for the FA’s continued persistence of the view that their referees are infallible. Moronic. Hope it gets sorted soon

Gandalf the Gooner

*i completely agree, obviously. I’ve had some beers to make that defeat a less bitter taste in my mouth.


It’s games like this where it is made ever so clear that we lack the quality and consistency to win the league, and really the only way to address that is to buy quality in the transfer window, which is why this summer, ultimately, has been a frustrating one, and is why, in turn, we will finish third or forth in the league again, exit the CL in the early knockout rounds again, and, ultimately, have a frustrating season, again.

Neil #2

Totally agree with this, and think we need another physical DM who can fill in at the back when needed.


I think this man just grasped the plot magnificently above .


Totally agree with blogs re Theo. he can not hold the ball up and does t have a great first touch. Way to easy to deal with when the defence sits back. I really think he’s talking himself out of a starting position by insisting on being centre forward.


Makes it even more odd we offered him a £140k a week contract.


For a team who didn’t buy outfield players to focus on cohesion, we look extremely disjointed. Not even sure how to solve it, Ramsey was good, but better in the middle. Coq shows us exactly why he’s so good when we’re up against it to snuff out attacks, yet neither can play together. Theo should’ve started especially with Liverpool playing a high line at first, unless we can combine Theo and Giroud via a DBZ fusion, we always lose something with one or the other. Need a Santi or Arteta, Santi can’t work with Ramsey (too attacking) Need to play… Read more »


It was foolish for anyone to think that cech alone would make us win the league. People point to the invincibles season, but they forgot that the top 6 is simply stronger now than it was then and of course we were a VERY balanced team as well.
If we don’t sign a striker, we’ll at best come 3rd. Simple as that.


We haven’t had a balanced squad since the 07-08 squad. That’s the biggest issue for me.


Let’s not forget Thierry Henry. Our current side would win the league by a wide margin if Henry in his prime was part of it.

Crash Fistfight

Could a lack of cohesion be down to Alexis not being around for pre-season? (real question, not rhetorical).


I see you saying that certain players cannot play with other players, as well as, Ozil and Sanchez must play. Actually i do not believe that is the case. Ozil does not have to start for one, even though he cost $42mil pounds. Last season when everybody said he was playing great and Arsenal was playing such brilliant football, we have to remember that Arsenal started playing the brilliant football with Ozil still injured and he wanting to get back fit so he can be part of a midfield that consisted of Coquelin, Santi, Ramsey, Sanchez among others. Really i… Read more »


Really was a game of 2 halves. Personally a draw was a good result for as we were kinda medioca and predictable apart from Gabriel, Czech and the Coq…. As for a striker there’s one obvious choice. Charlie Austin, ok not a massive name but he would be a great option when the handsome bloke is having one of his off days when he couldn’t hold anything up apart from his saggy ball bag….

So let’s sign Charlie Austin………


Gabriel was great second half. with more games, he’ll get better.


Is this the point where we all lose our shit and start screaming at each other and anyone who will listen to spend some facking money?

After that first half a point seems a fair deal but games like tonight do show the huge gulf in quality between us and teams like citeh and chelski, what I would give to bring an henry or pires on (or dare I say it arshavin)

Mesut Ohno

Why would you bring on Arshavin? To laugh at him running around like a fat little gerbil?

Welbeck's hi-top fade

I thought Ozil was linking our play really well today, fuck Claridge!

Mesut Ohno

Yeah especially when he gave it away 4 or 5 times.

Arshavin 2.0


If Ramsey’s totally legitimate goal is allowed early in the first half then I strongly feel a totally different game would have transpired, so to say that we deserved a draw is wrong I feel. Liverpool would not have been as aggressive if they were (rightly) a goal down so early in the game. Alas. I felt Cazorla struggled today and Chambers was awed at the occasion. Giroud was a bit Jekyll and Hyde. Gabriel did well given the situation he was thrown into, Ramsey was very effective in both positions he played in and should have a goal and… Read more »


AFC/SYD – at last! A voice of reason! I’m absolutely with you in your review. Also, to put things into perspective, to lose both centre halves – including your captain and both of them seasoned pro’s who enjoy a psychic understanding of one another – is likely to have an unbalancing affect on ANY of the top teams.


Am sorry to say it but you rated Ramsey too it necessary to play Ramsey in the starting 11 while the ox sitting on the bench?!

Austin Gooner

If Ramsey’s goal wasn’t incorrectly called back, he’d have been the game winner, and it would seem ridiculous to suggest that he should have been left out. I agree that the Ox needs to get into the side somehow, but Ramsey’s finishing is about as good as we have right now, and it’s not easy to leave him out either.


This exactly. Ramsey was effective throughout the game, and is a proven game changer for us. Thats why he’s in our 11 consistently.

John C

When was the last time Ramsey won us a game?


When was the last time Ozil won us a game! Just trying to put things into perspective here.

Stringer Bell

Wenger 3 out of 10. Poor management. Blogs you sound like you think it’s a good move playing Ramsey out wide when you have ox and theo on bench. Ramsey posed no threat out wide right the whole time he was there. It is such bad management I now officially agree with fat gooner and a few others it’s time to get someone in with new ideas. This squad could potentially challenge, wenger has already cost us 5 points at home with terrible selection and set up.

John C

But that’s the point, Ramsey’s “goal” came from him running in from the left not the right where he was supposed to be.

Our play was all down the left because when ever one of our players looked to pass to the right there was no one there.

The only way you can justify ignoring a third of the pitch whilst attacking like we do is if the player on the right, in this case Ramsey, is putting in match winning display after match winning display, which he isn’t.


Charlie Austin might be worth a punt . The guy can finish .

I just don’t think wenger will sign a striker . He will say giroud is WC , that theo can play there ,
And that we have welbeck coming back and ” he’ll be like a new signing ”

God knows what the club are doing ..
Certainly seems like fuck all.


Austin isn’t good enough for a top 7 team never mind to win the PL.

Crash Fistfight

Let’s get Chris Martin or Jordan Rhodes then – they can finish as well.


Guys a moron.

Lone Ranger

With our regular defence we would have won that game easy. No question. As soon as Chambers made the poor clearance after 10-15 mins, the nerves went through the whole team. Chambers needs to be loaned out and play every week (as Neville said) and Gabriel will be excellent.


Brendan Rodgers what an utter prick .
Got lucky with that goal given for benteke the other night – officials coming out saying it was wrong …

And tonight he says Ramseys goal was correctly ruled offside.

Twat .


I disagree with that Giroud rating. In the first half he was completly isolated, we were barely in their last third. But in the second half everything which was good was because of him. He made the space and chances for others. He was unlucky he fell infront of the goal but he made a goal scoring chance for Alexis which If he was Giroud you would all only talk about that.. I think Giroud shouldn’t went off as since then we created nothing. And Ramsey should be benched.. He is not disciplined enough.. If he plays winger he should… Read more »


That dissallowed goal might be the difference come May.


Another nervy display at the back but a little more understandable this time. Cech bounced back marvelously and I felt Gabriel really grew into the game – both really promising signs. It’s clear to me – if not to Wenger – that we need to add cover & competition for Coquelin in the midfield and another striker increasingly seems more like a necessity.

Still, I felt this is a game we should have won.


Nacho Monreal needs more praise here guys. I’m not saying he’s been the best player this last year, but he’s certainly been the most consistent.


Call me old fashioned but I thought it was a decent game of football. Being so nervy at the back disrupted the flow but the goals will come.

Wierd that Walcott was bought on. Weirder still that he has a higher rating than Giroud!


Yo Blogs, you rated both Chec and our Coq at least a point too low. As far as I’m concerned they’re co-MOTM. However, as far as Brendan Rodgers goes, you’re spot on.


Tough match for Chambers to come into with an inexperienced partner in still a new position to him at this level. Liverpool is a tough team to play the ball out against and Chambers (and many others) had really bad giveaways too often in the first half. We didn’t learn from early season mistakes of turnovers costing goals so hopefully this will make it sink in. He will improve given time and games under his belt, just not sure how many he is going to get this year. A year on loan as a central defender would be best for… Read more »


Really good observation Mark, the chemistry on our right flank is a mess compared to the left flank. Balance and Cohesion had poor games today.


Disappointing result. It’s time to be ruthless. In an ideal world, I would have sold Walcott/Welbeck this summer and bought a Reus/Griezmann. I rate Ramsey but he’s being unfairly asked to play in an unfamiliar position where he doesn’t possess the skill-set to excel in. One of these players would allow us to play with genuine width on the right (or left) and would score much needed goals. that’s what we’re lacking. end product…. Having said that though I thought Ox was immense and it’s heresy that he doesn’t get more game time. I’d like an experiment with Sanchez playing… Read more »

Mesut Ohno

Why can’t Cazorla take a decent shot!!!!!

He has the technique but his execution has been woeful!!!


It’s the great untold mystery of Arsenal Football Club.

lee stiles

i never thought i would say this but really guys ramsey was very effective in this game. his work rate is needed on the pitch and i believe he has a much bigger role to play in the team. well we obviously need an upgrade on giroud and i think cavani would be a good signing think about it, with santi and ozil behind him. good performance from cech and gabriel ohh le coq rocks

Last man standing

Why is Giroud’s, Theo’s and Ox’s season average 0? Can’t last evening’s rating count at least? ?

Va va voom

That moment when Coq seemed injured…


Panic stations, Code RED, Amber Alert!

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

I reckon Arseblog has a weak spot for Ramsey. It’s not the first time either. He tries but he’s frustrating at times trying to do the extra bit. He was not the 2nd best player last night (FC34 was surely better?) and he’s not a bloody right winger…


I assume this will not be a popular opinion, but I honestly would love to see Zlatan at Arsenal even though I fully know that it will never happen. Wages way too high etc, but I still think he’d be the perfect striker for us. His finishing is extraordinary and his link up play is outstanding. He’s also one of those players who can create goals from anywhere.


…and entirely destroy the dressing room. Ibrahimovic is only interested in Ibrahimovic. Wouldn’t touch him with yours.


you can say what you want, but he might be egotistical but he still is a team player. Plus his record kind of speaks for itself – he’s won the double (league + cup) in the first season of each of his teams and he sure as hell can score goals from just about anywhere.


I don’t think he would .
I’m thinking one year loan ..

All we should care about is whether ibra would bury chances in the prem.

I think he would .
I don’t think wenger fancies him

I’d take cavani

Indian Gooner

I thought Ozil played really well yesterday,especially in the second half and Gabriel for me looks very good as defender..he is quick and he is very strong!Would love to see him partner Koscielny at the heart of our defence!
And this team for me is still not complete..I hope Wenger can see that!

Confused Gunner

I think we lost 2 points because we are lacking in the dark arts. It is totally unacceptable that none of our players complained about what should have been a definite penalty for the foul on Giroud. Even the crowed could have had that turned in our favor. Everybody is getting doggy decisions and we just don’t get ours because we are trying to be saints about it.


I haven’t had a ‘doggy decision’ for a long time. Maybe it’s my age?

Confused Gunner

🙂 i meant dodgy


Why always people on Giroud? When Giroud left, the liverpool backline breathed. They could even afford the luxury of substituting Lucas. I don’t see how one expect Aguero to win against 4 defenders marking him? I don’t say Ramsey is the problem but the lack of width on the flanks can’t make a good striker tick the boxes. This game was drawn, not because Giroud was poor but because Liverpool were discipline.


Can we pair Gabriel and Kos together ? I think its really make sense. Both of them are mobile with great clinical tackles.


I was happy with Gabriel’s performance – his edginess is a card risk, but he comes across as very alert, which I could never say of Djourou for example.


Ramsey is beautiful


In defense, this is the kind of match for Coq to shine and he did. Chambers had nothing to do in the second half, fortunately. To be fair with him, Gabriel has been a starter at CB in Spain, Chambers hasn’t really had the chance to play CB regularly. In attack our problems isn’t down to Giroud entirely. He was isolated the whole time, while Benteke could run freely between our defense. I think Sanchez isn’t match fit yet, that’s why he’s not getting his usual goals. We also need make a quick decision in this Ramsey vs Cazorla issue,… Read more »

Va va voom

Why couldn’t Giroud also run freely between their defense as you say Benteke did?

Va va voom

Also think it’s not Ramsey or Cazorla to rest it’s rotation of 3. Ramsey, Cazorla and Ozil. 2 out of 3 per game. We don’t even have a replacement as it stands for either one

Gervinho's Forehead

A quite magnificent performance from Cech- it was only time before his class was shown. Do feel sorry for chambers- a shocker of a game but not the match to make a comeback. Was impressed he kept plugging away at 2nd half. He’ll only get better. However, the most frustrating thing is this match shows everyone AGAIN just how important coquelin is. Which makes it even more ridiculous how we havnt got ready made competiton or replacement for him in the squad (in case of injury or to rest him). Pre-coquelin we were leaky as hell: 1 injury and we… Read more »

palace gunner

A gd game cech ramsey and skrtel was on form apart from that i see a few goals given offside its a shame to see this it was different to see chambers and gabriel feature gd game


Two things about the mythical 30 goal a season striker that everyone craves :

1) Who is gettable, that is a significant improvement on Giroud who averages just under a goal every other game,

2) Is Giroud the main problem, cos he didn’t miss all the chances last night, everyone chipped in, including Saint Alexis.

Perhaps they should ask Henry to take shooting sessions for the midfielders as well as the forwards.


1. Cavani. 32 goals last season from the wings and having to contest with ibra. Fast, more clinical than Giroud, works as hard(if not more) than giroud and mobile as well. Would work wonderfully with our midfield.
2. Yes. Giroud is too static, doesn’t seem to have any chemistry with ozil. He’s a good option to have in a team, but not someone you can pin your title hopes on. He should be what Dzeko was to city for us, not first choice.

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