Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 0-0 Liverpool

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Chambers, Gabriel, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Giroud

Subs: Ospina, Arteta, Debuchy, Flamini, Gibbs, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Walcott

An “interesting” last minute twist looked likely to give this match a different feel. Both Mertesacker and Koscielny were left out of the squad for this encounter due to illness and injury, meaning Chambers and Gabriel would line up to face Benteke & Co. And with Cech a new keeper to Arsenal, it meant the center of defence fielded 3 players unfamiliar with each other.

Other than that, the boss kept the line-up the same as faced Crystal Palace the week before.

For Liverpool’s side, Jordan Henderson was out injured, and so their midfield comprised Lucas, Can and Milner.

After an edgy start by Arsenal, Liverpool had 2 quick chances within the first 3 minutes with Coutinho hitting the bar, the goal at his mercy.

2 minutes later, a great cross whipped in by Monreal towards Giroud and Sanchez on the edge of the 6 yard box flashed just over from Sanchez’ head. Moments later, Cazorla and Sanchez one-two-ed to put Ozil through on goal.

And then a minute later Cazorla put through Ramsey who beat Mignolet only to be called back for offside. He wasn’t. How costly would that be? (Very.)

This would be a nail-biter. Could we score more than we conceded? (No.)

After a really bright 10 minutes, Arsenal conspired to drop themselves in it by playing out from the back and twice turning the ball over, giving Liverpool 2 great looks in a row with one stopped by a critical Coquelin tackle in the box which had to be inch perfect.

Shaky would be a kind description of our defence with Chambers in particular looking lost and it seemed to be spreading to any player who joined in our defending with players like Cazorla failing to play it out of danger leaving Coquelin to make another goal saving recovery tackle on Benteke.

This felt like a Capital One Cup defence grafted onto an Arsenal attack in decent form.

On 33 minutes, Coutinho beat our offside  trap from a high line, and Gabriel got to show his pace by running him down in our box.

Exciting, end-to-end and high-risk.

After Arsenal gave the ball away twice more by attempting to play it out, Benteke went clear through on goal with only Cech to beat from the edge of the 6 yard box. The keeper got down quickly to turn it wide for a corner which led to another Cech goal-saving block.

On 45 minutes Coutinho turned Bellerin inside out and only a finger-tip save from Cech turned a brilliant “goal” onto the post and away. Thank God that will never haunt us as a vine.

Rodgers would have been delighted by the performance as the halftime whistle blew while rueing his missed chances. With how poorly Arsenal defended, only Cech, the woodwork and some saving tackles kept Arsenal level. Arsenal should have had 1 goal but Liverpool should have had 3.

An early chance in the 2nd half came to Giroud at the near post off a well worked cross from our right side as Arsenal started better, much better, maintaining some control. Yet our attack was over-elaborate as Liverpool sat back to hit on the counter.

A brilliantly worked move down our left on 58 minutes via Cazorla, Ozil and Giroud had Sanchez through to hit the post, then quickly followed by an exchange of counterattacks. But Arsenal definitely had the upper hand at this point.

On 62′, Liverpool brought on Ibe for Firmino.

Giroud had 2 chances to get his foot on crosses across the 6 yard box. Soon after, he found himself one one one with the keeper after a clever series of passes up the middle only for Mignolet to palm it away.

On 72 minutes, Theo entered the fray in place of Giroud to try and take advantage of this period of superiority. But if anything me lost our edge from there on.

Coutinho again turned Bellerin to get off a shot for Cech to parry and a penalty area scramble followed.

Wenger played the Chamberlain for Coquelin gambit on 82 minutes, and soon after he flashed a brilliant cross which Skrtel almost turned in.

This was the period that Arsenal needed to turn the screw but instead they struggled to generate the required pressure, as stray passes dissipated momentum time and again against a Liverpool that sat deep.

A long drive by Chamberlain was turned out for a corner which led to a cross that both our centerbacks rose to meet, only to head it over as the final whistle blew.

A match that might have ended 4-4 wrapped up as a scoreless draw. It was a game of two halves that left both teams feeling robbed and relieved. But Rodgers will be the happier manager tonight.

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Arsene's Secretary

Well you can’t win the title like that. Title winners normally win at home and try to win or draw the big away matches. We just aren’t clinical enough atm to really be number 1.
Close but not there yet :/

Must be pointed out how poor Chambers was. But he improved in the second half. So that’s a credit to him. I suppose.
we’ve played 180 minutes at home and not scored a goal. That’s just really really bad.


Plus 3 games at the end of last season.
What a load of balls


Respectfully disagree, it was the fault of a blind linesman to rule out a perfectly legitimate goal!!


Chambers beeing invisible in the second half due to a much stronger team performance doesn’t make him better.


Chambers was horrible in the first half and merely bad in the second. But he’s young and will grow with time. I’m sure not writing him off now. I’m more concerned with how off the pace Cazorla looked. Half his passes went to a blue shirt, and when he had it at the top of Liverpool’s box he never looked like he knew what to do with it. Ramsey was equal parts joy to watch and frustration. Come to think of it, so was the rest of the squad. Cech MOTM for me, although Mignolet would be a close second.

Giddy for Zelalem

Agreed. Part of the reason why Chamber’s passing was so bad was that Cazorla was giving him nothing to check to from midfield forcing him to angle passes into dangerous situation when Cazorla should have been dropping back further to collect simpler passes especially when it became evident that Chambers was struggling with his passing. And even when he did have the ball he didn’t have his usual deftness and quickness and gave possession away. I’m disappointed he wasn’t taken off. I’d would have liked to see Theo brought on for him and put out wide. We took Giroud off… Read more »

Andy Mack

It’s difficult to take off your captain, especially when he’s a stand in captain.
Taking him off could effect his morale / confidence and he’s been an important player for us across a season. But he certainly had a poor game.

Nasri's missing chinbone

True that chambers had a first half that we, and I would like to bet, he most of all, would like to forget, however arsene did the right thing by leaving him on and he had a much better second half. People losing their shit on here because a young player was dropped in the deep end in a big game and played atrociously for 45 mins need to calm down. A number of other clubs have had to do the same before and have been punished. Clean sheet in the end with a centre back pairing boasting very little… Read more »

2014-2015 = the year we've been waiting for

Bellerin was just as bad early last season.

I’ve no doubt Chambers will learn from this and improve.


Chambers. That was fucking dismal.

Finnish Hit

I would like to know what happened at half-time. It was a very, very brave decision to keep playing Chambers and the young man came out and performed well. Changing him would have brought loss of confidence which could backfire later on in the season.

The first half was panicky from the whole team, because a few errors at such critical positions at full pace are contagious. But the team got over that in the second half. Rather impressive!



Realistically AW had no choice but to stick with Chambers at the back. The kid needs games and to learn from mistakes, just a worry that its in the league and not the League Cup!


I have to agree, it was frustrating on many levels, and the paradox is that we were dominant overall but have nothing to show for it. Attack looked sharp, quick and good but didn’t lead to a goal and this is starting to become a theme. Something that needs to be analyzed well. For the moment, this just gives more encouragement to the teams who’ll come to visit us.

Eduardo Stark

sluggish start as ever. can’t believe it when Chelsea drop it a big time, only to find we do the same.
the linesman can bollock himself, though.

captain gooner


blue bird Gunner

Weeks ago when some of us were saying this we got massively thumbed-down, now you’re getting thumbs up saying the sameCOYGs are wising up. Let’s hope the boss listens before the window closes


Totally agree, problem is I (probably like everyone else) just don’t see AW doing any business. Realistically, could Higuain and Cavani be available? Though to be honest for the rumored buy out clause of Higuain (something like 60m quid) I’d rather just throw the money at Sp*rs to test their mettle on Harry Kane.


Orbinho just said we have the highest attempts on goal in the whole league (61, which is quote remarkable), yet the joint lowest goals in the league with 2….one of them an own goal.

That’s basically one goal from 61 shots already this season….and just one goal (2 if you count Ramsey’s legitimate goal today).

That is….. abysmal.


We dont create clear cut chances. Slow build up and the system mean we will rarely do that especially at home. At home we need to change the system. Proper wide players spreading the game and feeding two forwards. Under aw…no chance. And the idea that he might buy players to fit any system these days..again no chance.


That for me is always going to be the eternal problem. As long as Wenger is in charge, there will be no change from the same of way of play that we have seen for 10 years now. He has no more excuses this year. We fade from a challenge (like it looks we are doing) again this year, he just absolutely, positively, definitely, demonstrably has to go.


Hallelujah brother. Arsenal today under aw is like purgatory. He and his system are the problem. We have great players who with a couple of additions and players played in proper positions woukd be a scary scary team.

Steve Bould Legend

Why wait a year? How many chances should a manager have?

like a red head Ljungberg

again frustrating, no killer instinct and a terrifying defensive performance, btw, why the hell did cazorla finish the match again?

Crash Fistfight

Understand what you’re saying about Cazorla – I thought he had a pretty poor game. However, I wouldn’t have taken him off either – he’s the one player in the squad that can play that role the way he does (Wilshere or Rosicky possibly could but they weren’t on the bench).

I actually thought Sanchez could’ve come off – I didn’t realise he was still on the pitch at times in the last 20 minutes.

aussie gooner

Ox needs more of a chance. ramsey should drop to bench and ox starts next game


Ramsey was one of the best no the pitch today.

aussie gooner

don’t see how ramsey was on of our best today


He scored a goal.


Once again he was SO involved tonight that the team’s performance mirrored his, which was average, hence 0-0.
I keep saying it…


Just don’t see that Rambo from a while back anymore. Seems like his confidence just isn’t there. He works hard, but so does the Ox, plus the Ox has bags of pace to help out opposition defenders deal with any potential lingering constipation issues…

Giroud should have been dropped for this. Walcott would’ve suited.


not on today’s account

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Personally, I disagree. Although Ramsey prefers to play centrally, he needs to start. If he were to be dropped, it should be for Theo, seeing how we can’t score now.


Come on man. Rambo had one of his better nights tonight. I love Alexis but he’s just not there yet and should probably have been the man to come off.


I don’t know who you drop, but Ox does need more of a chance. Earlier at least.

Crash Fistfight

Problem with him and Alexis on the pitch at the same time is we lose the ball even more than we were doing in the first half today!

Remember the invincibles

We played Ox in the first game and he cost us the chance to save a point. Short memories.


Thats what you took away from this match?


The team selection was fine. Wenger made a BIG mistake bringing on Chambo with 10 mins left. He should have brought him on at 60mins. Wtf was Wenger smoking this is ridiculous now. I keep defending the man and he keeps giving people excuses to bay for his blood! Fucking hell is it that hard to see the most simple tactical changes??


“Fucking hell is it that hard to see the most simple tactical changes??” …apparently so


Does Walcott (with his frightening pace) ever think to turn and
have a go at his man like Chambo (who did more while on pitch
for less time) and for Bergkamps sake he shoulda started
or come on earlier.

What’s Arsenes obsession with 70th minute subs?


Ox came on at 80 mins (way too farking late)


theo came in the 70 sminute and he is right you can bet every match that wenger will only sub around 70 (except injuries)


I’d actually like to see Giroud dropped and Alexis go to forward so Chamberlin can get a chance.


Enough with the scapegoats. We have quality players, good enough to beat Liverpool and West Ham. It’s our mentality. Where is the ruthlessness? Wenger’s quirky rigid tactics and the team not playing with focus cost us in games like this. What a disappointing game. We won’t win the league with our team’s attitude, not because of Giroud or where Ramsey plays or whether Ox starts or not.




I’m happy with the result. Without per and koscielny, it couldve been worse.


Eh, quoi?

As Laurent might have put it.


Apparently we have a lot of goal scorers in the team.

Django unhinged

Well, that was dire. ‘Time for some home strength’ eh? More like time for some home stench. Awful, awful, awful football. How many over-hit or under-hit passes can an elite tram make without it being on purpose? How sluggishly can Premier League football be played without it actually being in slo-motion? How many blind alleys does a team have to go down before the stadium is classified in the sat nav as a cul de sac? 90 minutes of my life I will never get back. Frightful.


We were pretty good in the second half and the first half was a brilliant indication of why Mertesacker’s calmness on the ball is so important to us


Better than Liverpool but not good enough. I’ll get slated of course but look at Man City right now. Confident and ruthless. And then look at us. It’s just not good enough!


Your choice mate – to watch or not watch the game. Don’t get me wrong, I think we need to strengthen in this window. However, with two CBs filling in last min, there was bound to be nervousness (well I had my heart in my mouth so many times in the first half). However the first half should have ended the first half should have legitimately ended 1-0 for us! Second half, all I saw was us dominating and that wasn’t because Liverpool had some excuse – we forced our way into the game. At best, one could make a… Read more »

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Cech won us a point, Bellerin was excellent. Chambers clearly needs to play regularly, loan move is probably in order.

Obviously got royally screwed today, gotta start scoring at home, this trend is really disturbing.


Don’t forget Le Coq the Great!


Feast or famine at home the last little while. In the past seven home matches we’ve scored four goals twice, and no goals the other five times. This has to stop.


Gabriel is the real deal. Chambers is very much a work in progress.

Remember the invincibles

Yeah, gabriel may keep his place. I think Kos is our best defender so probably at the expense of mertesacker.

Me So Hornsey

Gabriel, Cech and Coquelin.

Those 3 and not losing after such an appalling 1st half are the only real positives.

Crash Fistfight

I thought Gabriel was immense tonight. If it wasn’t for Cech keeping us in the game in the first half I’d have given MOTM to him.

At least Cech has earned 1 point for us – only another 14 to go!


It’s difficult for him to win us 3 points if we don’t score.

goelogy arsenal

I’m happy with the result, without mertescielny, it couldve been worse.

Tommy Gunner

Are we worried that this home form/goalscoring issue is now officially ‘a thing’?

Podolski Sklep

Yes, sort of. Form in meaningless preseason games has obscured our late ropey home form last season and we seem to be picking up in rather the same vein. It’s frustrating – we look so good at times but it’s really not clicking. Or to be more precise, it’s clicking in various parts of the pitch but not in the first or final thirds, which is worrying. But it also feels like a few games down the line the defense could be sorted… I’m more concerned about the lack of end product. I hate to bring up the name, but… Read more »

Hank Scorpio

Don’t worry yourself. It’s not a ‘thing’. We either start the season poorly or fall away late in the season. This is just a case of the former & means you’re spared the inevitable disappointment of the latter.


Decent game. First point Cech’s won us – two unbelievable saves. Would’ve been three points but for piss poor offside decision against Ramsey.


Best thing about that was Lee Dixon. Called so much bullshit- dismissed the ‘good feet for a big guy’ cliché and made sure to highlight the disallowed Arsenal goal when the other commentator was singing Liverpool’s praises. Shame we couldn’t grab a goal in the second half, need to find a way to have the Ox in the team for pace as well as Ramsey. Think anyone would notice if we fielded 12?


Liverpool coasting by on this season on the strength of bad refereeing. The Brog thinks this is a sustainable model. That’s at least 4 points for them so far this year on crap offside calls.


Well, we might be able to, if we play Gibbs and Ox together.


I reckon that Rambo should be dropped for the Ox. Every time the Ox plays he’s direct and scares the bejesus out of opposition defenders, something that Rambo hasn’t done for a while. Also worth a punt dropping HFB for Theo I reckon, especially for the game at the Toon. HFB scored a beaut against Palace and has been ok in the other games, but hasn’t (as usual) been clinical. Not saying Theo is that much better, but surely Theo would be a better option for that googly eyed German Ozil.


Great second half but, really think its time arsene makes a choice between Rambo and Santi for that midfield slot next to Coq and ozil cause we just look so much better with chambo on the right wing.


“This was the period that Arsenal needed to turn the screw but instead they struggled to generate the required pressure, as stray passes dissipated momentum time and again against a Liverpool that sat deep.”

This was the worst feature of those last 15 for me, just basic stuff you’d be annoyed at yourself for on a sunday. Not sure Giroud for Walcott helped with the building of pressure either for me.

Crash Fistfight

Nope, not at all. The ball doesn’t stick with Walcott – once he came on the pressure dissipated. I don’t think the Ox coming on did much, but I’m not sure how much that was down to Giroud not being on. We really need someone who’s in-between the two of Giroud and Walcott – Giroud’s often just short of getting to the ball because he’s slow (despite his very good movement), but his all-round game is so much better than Walcott’s. I don’t think Walcott’s desire to play through the middle is doing him any favours – he looks far… Read more »


Giroud and Walcott are literally each others strength and weakness.


theo done nothing when he came on, ramsey make all the difference in second half when he move in the middle


I’m pained by this result it’s a game we could’ve lost and should’ve won.

Agreed that the subbing off of HFB seemed to lose us our focal point, but theo does have a more ruthless streak in front off goal and we’re not a side for throwing balls into the box so can kinda see AWs thought process there.

Still a clean sheet with a makeshift defence and Cech looked good!! COYG


Giroud couldnt get out of skertels pocket. Poor tonight imo. Didnt win any aerial battles i can remember and why he just went to ground instead of taking a step and smashing the ball in the net…fuck knows.what is wrong with us arrrggghh!!! So frustrated. Pisspoor passing and cazorla needs to change his boots again cos his shooting was crap again….keeps skying the fucking thing!! Still not doom and gloom….yet! Sort it out

Boilermaker Gunner

Spot on review. Chambers was a risk at cb today. Why didn’t he just clear the ball rather than trying to act like a ball playing cab after getting caught multiple times!
After Walcott came we struggled to create. I think ox and giroud would’ve been more apt.
Gabriel and bellerin did well today.
Disappointed at the result though
Maybe start ox next game

Crash Fistfight

Personally I think it’s the manager’s fault at times when this kind of performance happens (see also Ruud Gullit’s critique last week for more evidence). He’s so determined for players to solve problems themselves – sometimes it would be helpful if he just told them to do something, e.g. today he could’ve told Chambers to play it simple instead of trying to go on a George Weah-esque run every time he got the ball.

Boilermaker Gunner

True. That run from chambers had me barking at the monitor. In the second half, I think Wenger did just that. This has happened way too often with us – slow start and a solid second half which makes me wonder why ?!!
I guess the players weren’t drilled to play with a new CB’s. What boggles me is that we created chances but didn’t finish.
Midway, I was thinking Walcott can come but he offers so much less during buildup that it disrupts our rythym.
Coquelin was solid today. His passing keeps on getting impressive.

Crash Fistfight

Yes, I think he told him at half-time. The question is, why couldn’t the message have been relayed during the 1st half?

Henry! Chance!! Goal!!!

Wow, that was nerve wrecking


Chambers MOTM

Django unhinged

Ha ha! Muppet of the Month?


Liverpool’s most effective attacker

Daan van Lith

Well I dont even know what to think anymore.. When was the last time we didnt score at home two times in row?

Cygan's Bald Head

Unfortunately, it is as recently as April, when following the 4-1 thrashing of Liverpool, we didn’t score for 3 games, drawing 0-0 with Chelsea and Sunderland and losing 1-0 to Swansea. Our recent home form has been a problem, and I think it’s a mixture of nerves and more importantly, poor decision making in the final third against packed defences. Our home form has to be almost perfect if we want to mount a title challenge.


Last 2 games of last season?

Crash Fistfight

Is there something wrong with people that they can’t remember us winning 4-1 against WBA???




This spring actually, as we went three in a row without scoring (Chelsea, Swansea and Sunderland), so it’s actually not a new trend, but it is a very disturbing one.


Wenger is a great manager, but his game management is just not good enough. Why is ox only playing 10 mins, when we’re chasing a goal? And honestly I haven’t seen Walcott make a difference when replacing giroud yet… If we don’t get another striker, it will be another season chasing third. It’s just not good enough.

But coq was amazing, as was cech and Monreal.

blue bird Gunner

Or chasing and finishing 10th
Wise up guys . We need more depth. AW is a fantastic coach but he has some huge flaws, while other teams are catching up he always has excuses not to strengthen. There are hundreds for a club that plays over 50 games to tstrengthen


Why bring on Walcott against a back four playing so deep? And why bring on the Ox so late?


Well there go my title ambitions. Feels too much like last season with man city running away this time.


This is bullshit, we should have won the game 1-0, it was a wonderful title challenging grind out game but for the blind linesman!

All the talk about Liverpool’s is acedamic (like the Arsenal of a few years ago, who created tons but lost games due to freak goals)!


Arsenal has scored only two goals in three matches. that’s not good enough…and chambers is still very raw and not good enough at d moment.

Crash Fistfight

He’s 4th choice CB tbf. If someone could just tell him to keep it simple he’d look far better.


Toss up between Coquelin and Cech for MOTM. Ox has to, I mean HAS TO start next game everything seemed to go down the left until he came on as Ramsey, through no fault of his own, kept coming infield.

dr Strange

Will we win the leauge? Probably not. One point in two winnable home games are very poor and when you look at City… well they are by far the best team in England at the moment and they’re not done buying. We most likely are. But what if we buy a striker? Still no and we won’t. What’s our biggest problem? Pluckiness and defensive errors, as always. Why is Ramsey playing on the right wing when we got the Ox? God knows. Why are the Coq subbed and not Ramsey? God knows. Are walcott a striker? Nooooooooooo! Will we get… Read more »


Ramsey was one of our best players today and would have had a goal had it not been for a terrible refereeing decision. And while Ox definitely offers something different, his use of the ball could do with some work.I thought he was poor today after coming on


Ox was poor? What game were you watching? Brilliant cross that Skyrtel nearly put through his own net and a left foot shot that Mignolet tipped around the post and a sense of directness ( not sure that’s a word ) that the whole team could learn from

dr Strange

Ramsey good and Ox poor? Well I beg to differ.

Ramsey had a Great first 15 and then became the old Ramsey. Running around without direction (coaching), giving balls away and turn up where he shouldn’t be. On a number of occasions we looked to the right just to discover that no one was there. Ramsey was runnig around in the same square as Özil and Cazorla. Playing triangle. Might not be hus fault (coaching) but you do have to use your brain once in a while.

Cygan's Bald Head

Finishing is our biggest problem


What are Walcott?

Glaswegian Gooner


It’s all starting to feel like a repeat of last season’s opening months, isn’t it?

Man Manny

One part of me is relieved that we came out unscathed with Chambers and Gabriel; another part is sad because we could well have nicked it in the second half.


How many f… chances do we need to score a f….. goal. Mark my words. We will be fighting every single game this season. There is no game where we are in control, safe and dominent. This season we will be inches away from losing the game, wasting 10 chances and maybe score 1 out of those 10.

Thank you Arsenal yet again for making my week 10 times more frustrating. Lets hope we dont lose to Newcastle.

Django unhinged

Three games gone, already off the pace and looking like keystone cops in front of Cech.


What the fuck arsenal! This is beginning to look like last year. Most of you played like a bunch of butt fucked bitches. Get the tea in order! Sort yourselves out!


Cech’s time at Arsenal so far, Community Shield – Cech is World Class. Game 1 – Cech is not good enough anymore. Game 2 – Cech should be dropped. Game 3 – Cech is World Class. Football Fans in a nutshell. On a serious note, considering the first half chances Liverpool had I’ll take a point. But, we still should have buried the chances from Alexis and Giroud in the second half. If Ramsey’s goal hadn’t been disallowed, we would have controlled the game and won the game comfortably. Also, I think Wenger should not have subbed Giroud. All our… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

Why is the chance Giroud had in the 2nd half not a penalty? To me, the defender clear pulled him back, making him have to take the shot off-balance.


Last season we got nine points from the three games we have only got four points from – title contenders should be matching/improving, not getting worse!!! Something needs to change quickly or the title challenge will be over come September!!! What that something is I am not sure, but a quality striker might help!!! Alexis can’t do it all on his own!!!


title winners they said


More famous last words:

They’ll be home for Christmas…
It’ll never catch on…
It’s unsinkable…

Man Manny

First half performance – 1 point gained.
Second half performance – 2 points dropped.


End result 1 point collected

steveafc forever

This game tonight shows why we desperately need a striker giroud is not good enough should have scored two tonight and never held the ball up we try to score the perfect goal all the time this team will not win the league without at least two new additions but as usual Wenger does nothing while all our rivals strengthen wengers reluctance to spend is costing us any chance

Crash Fistfight

Punctuation marks please.


It was a complete stinker from our defence in the first half. Chambers must have received a baptism of fire in the first half and Gabriel consistently made mistakes in marking but the two of them improved in the 2nd half. It was like watching the west ham game again as we toiled and toiled without any success. Playing Giroud gave us a chance to create something and we were getting into the box, bit how on earth do you play Walcott against a very deep defensive line and expect him to offer anything different. My man of the match… Read more »


i know it’s early in the season but, no way are we gonna compete for the title like this. It’s frustrating because we have so much potential, yet we can’t manage to score. Please arsenal wake up, and the Ox should start next game. Rant over.


We are a very ordinary side right now.


One of those nights when I was cursing Giroud but I think Wenger made the wrong decision to bring him off. Theo should have been brought on alongside him, after that sub we never quite regained the momentum we’d had up to that point.


This team is much better than the results are showing right now. Can’t help but feel a different (maybe better) coach would have this team out of sight. Cech Monreal and Coq brilliant.


We really need to get into gear now because unfortunately another few weeks like these and we might be 9-12 points of the top.


So where the fuck was our new signing COHESION


Our new signing was in goal and he was man of the match.


We created not a single chance from inside the box when we brought on Walcott. How can a manager who has developed world class talent in Thierry Henry and worked with Dennis Bergkamp claim Walcott can be a striker?


Cech superb kept us in it. Chambers dreadful first half. Improved as the game went on.
Glad le Coq didn’t get sent off last week or we’d have been screwed. Much better in the second half where I thought Ozil was our most prominent player wish the lad would shoot occasionally though.

Reginald Perrin

3 games played and already 5 points and 9 goals off of the mancs.


Shit and fuck!


So last week, Chelsea are playing poorly in a big match, and their manager shows enough ruthlessness to sub off one of their best players, albeit a despicable human being. It doesn’t work of course, and I’m not trying to hold up Mourinho as a role model, but I think it does show a ruthlessness that we lack when it comes to certain players. Today, as in Monaco away last season, Alexis looked positively exhausted for the last third of the game, and through no fault of his own, wasn’t causing Liverpool any problems. And yet the manager kept him… Read more »


And we need the OX to start games, I was itching to see him play we needed his determination and darting runs, his speed. He confuses defenders and remember that goal he scored recently it was a cracker, top, top, top. Plus he is a real team player more so than some……. So, he must start all our games we need him! A dynamo!


Watch out for the whingers. Good game, unlucky to just get a point. City will drop points and sooner or later, Arsene will find a formula for teams that play deep. Liverpool were boring and the linesman was blind as a bat. He needs remedial action.

Crash Fistfight

Harsh on Liverpool – they were very good in the 1st half.

Clock-End Mike

No, they were just better than we were.


You cant win the league title with Giroud as your main striker. He is too inconsistent for a title chasing team.


actually the proper adjective there is inept!


ther whole midfield was absolute crap in the first half,still everyone find it easy to have a go at giroud

Beezus Fuffoon

Jamie Carragher has just said

“Liverpool haven’t conceded, and they haven’t even looked like conceding in any of their three games…”


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