Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger wants Oxlade-Chamberlain to believe

Arsene Wenger says that it’s time Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain fulfilled his potential as a player,  backing the 22 year old to have the campaign his talent requires.

He scored the winning goal against Chelsea in the Community Shield, and it was his shot that brought about the only goal at Newcastle, but he’s also had a couple of high profile defensive lapses which have proved costly.

However, the Arsenal manager is looking for the former Southampton man to make real strides this season, saying Oxlade-Chamberlain has to have more belief in himself.

“It is a massive season for Alex,” he said. “He is at the age now where he is getting picked regularly for the national team. He is picked by me as well for the team.

“It is a very important season because of the nature he is growing. You feel the evolution has a sense of responsibility. I think Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain must believe more in himself.

“He must believe more in his talent and that will help him develop as a player. I think sometimes he is too critical of himself. I would like him to play with the freedom and express the desire of his talent.”

Perhaps a run in the team for an extended period, rather than in one week and out the next would help, but you can also understand why he’s not nailed down a place yet due to a lack of consistency.

Yesterday, Oxlade-Chamberlain spoke about his desire to do more in front of goal and as he’s likely to be involved tonight against Sp*rs, that’d be a good time to start.

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Yes, Ox, believe!
In the meantime, Arsene, please hire Dr. Eva Caneiro. Let her see for herself how a classy club operates.

Dan Hunter

I was thinking that too! Sign her and unveil her signature on Fulham Rd


Also get a haircut maybe


Whats with his hand?

Did Suarez take a bite and the effects have proved irreversible? forcing him to cover the gruesome flesh wound whenever he plays?

Just a theory


I just hope its not for the same reason as Paul McGrath wore wrist bands…

Uh Ah Paul McGrath


You wear tape on your wrists so you don’t sprain it, when you hold off defenders whilst running with the ball, or just in general 😀


In Morpheus voice:

“He’s beginning to believe…”


In fairness Alex I think we all want to improve in the Box, if you know what I mean!


get in – score – get out again.

Dick Swiveller

Yeah, I think playing with a little more freedom would be good for him. There was an intelligence in his play when he first came through, but that rarely shines through these days as he looks desperate to impress and constantly play at high pace, maybe if he relaxes a little more then his ridiculous talent will show.


“Do you baaalieveee in love of L’Ox (of L’Ox) of L’Ox) of L’Ox)”


He has tons of talent but most times despite his directness he is infuriating with the way he plays with no end point just like Gervinho back in the days.

Gab's Scratch Mark

I think he has to perform the basics first. Sounds simplistic, but once he sees himself doing the fundamentals consistently, it’ll only give him more self confidence to try the “bigger” things…like scoring goals.


Needs to get much better at retaining possession and mainly not giving the ball away in our defensive third.

I think the attacking side of his game will come together naturally.

Jack Wheelchair

He lost a season with his injury….a big set back in his development. I’d like to see him in the middle like that night against AC Milan…bossing it!


I lend my voice in support of those calling on arsene to hire eva,to get even more @ that arogant portugues hanging at the bridge

fred fish

Its not a matter of belief surely but a matter of gametime. The ox deserves more starts, we all know hes got it in him.




“You have to let it all go, Alex. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free…your….mind.” Morpheus Wenger


the ox and Gandalf the white! when did they form this allegiance


I don’t think it’s a confidence thing, at least not entirely. I think he’s wanting to make that “step up” so badly he’s forcing the issue too much and may just need to a “back to basics” reboot like Ramsey did a few years ago. I still he’s arguably the most exciting prospect in English football up there with Sterling and Wilshere.


“It is a very important season because of the nature he is growing. You feel the evolution has a sense of responsibility. ”

Ox is growing a nature?
And who is ‘the evolution’?

Glad evolution has a sense of responsibility though. Alex often does not. Two goals through poor defense and wrong move when bringing it out of defense already. Add Monaco, and a pattern is growing a nature, without a sense of responsibility


There’s a reason why Wenger has accumulated so many players around 23-24yrs

It’s around this age when young players fully translate their potential into actual capability on the pitch

We saw this with Nasri and Fabregas before

We saw it with Ramsey, Walcott and more recently Coquelin

All came good at 23yrs thereabouts

Ox like Welbeck and Campbell are next up.


He looks more dangerous when he drifts into the middle. On the wing he try’s to just play kick and rush. I think he would be a dangerous no 10.

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