Saturday, July 27, 2024

Boss: If you love football, you love Ozil

Mesut Ozil’s assist for Olivier Giroud yesterday was his 7th of the season, and the German international created 5 goalscoring chances in the 90 minutes yesterday.

He’s becoming increasingly influential in this Arsenal team, and his craft yesterday was backed up with hard work from first whistle to last. His performance yesterday drew the praise of his manager, who repeated a line he has used in the past to talk about Tomas Rosicky.

Speaking after the game, the Arsenal manager said, “He is a top-class player, honestly. I think rather than talking about him I would rather watch him play again. If you love to watch football, you love to watch Ozil.”

And pressed on what makes him such a joy to watch, he continued, “It is a combination of quality of the touch, intelligence and team attitude. He is a real team player, I said that yesterday in the press conference. He puts his talent at the service of the team and he wants to help the team with everything he does.

“That makes him efficient.”

Vorsprung durch Ozil, as they say.

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You can see the difference between le prof and mourinho when they talk, arsene is class, otherwise enjoying whats happening to chelshit


It’s about time we say the truth: If you love football, you love Arsenal! ;D


Basicaly, what Wenger is trying to say is owen doesnt watch football, what does he watch then? rugby i guess.

The Only Olivier is Giroud

This seems to be his year. To see him trade one-twos with team mates and shooting late in the game after already assisting earlier is what people expect from him. He’s adding tenacity to his assasin-like sniping.


it took him two years to adapt to the premier league. This year, he is taking over. All hail the assist king.

Consice Pete

True, two years have passed. But injuries slowed progress. Now we see him shine.


Concise Pete! Rambling Petes more word-efficient cousin?


… Two years while helping us win two FA Cups


I think it’s unfair to him to say that. First of all with all the circumstances (injuries, WC winner who played all the minutes in all games etc.) I think he has done very well in the past 2 years. He is not good at finishing I agree with that, but that applies unfortunately to a lot of gunners, therfore his asissit number might be much, much bigger if he had better finishers in the squad. Happy to say that with our players being much more confident (which you really see since the Chelsea game), he will add much, much… Read more »


Ha! Forgot to mention the most important part. Ozil game isn’t about the number. That’s in my opinion what Wenger thinks when he say that Ozil “sacrifaces himself for the team”. He means that he is not looking for his ego, for an action which put him in the spotlight. He always in first instance thinks whats best for the team. And I mean not like we amatures “I go for that 30-yard pass, that migh be good”, but he analizes fucking everything! And he does what’s the best (at most occasions). He is a genius, not touched by his… Read more »


Allright. While adapting to the PL for two years, in order to win us PL, Ozil had won us 2 FA Cups and won for his country a World Cup.


Exactly. More like it two years for those thick-skulled, low-grade morons in the media, amongst the punditry, and in certain sectors of the public to get a clue about him and his game and to forget about his facial expressions and price-tag. It’s not over, mind, but we all know better don’t we.

Clock-End Mike

And he is beginning to get the praise from the pundits that he’s deserved, which is actually quite pleasing.

David C

I have to admit that I was one who said I would have swapped Ozil for Cesc straight-up when Ozil was still adapting and Cesc was on fire.

I am soooo glad I have been made to eat my words!!!

In Wenger I trust 🙂


Super quality player. So glad Tottenham helped us get him 🙂


Spurs sold their best ever player so that we could have Ozil. Who says they are idiots?

Second only to Chelsea, who sold us their best ever player, Cech.


And don’t forget Liverpool helped us get Alexis.


But Liverpool a bit smarter. They only sold their racist player.


I see now, people meant “invincable” 😉


Sunderland in danger of losing bottom spot to Mourinhos’ cuntshits as they mount pressure.

Flirty Sanchez

I ozil love

Alexis shots

Ozil is so awesome, he crated so many chances but the rain was weak and naive otherwise we could have taken our chance and scored more goals.


If you love beautiful football, you love wenger.


I agree 100%! #onearesenewenger


If you are human,you hate everything related to chelsea.

Rip Van's Winkel

Just watched the Bayern game again, and Mesut really does see in 11 dimensions!!

Little Mozart

Watching Özil was the most delicious thing I’ve experienced all weekend, and I’m a man currently enjoying hobnobs with Nutella on.


I’m sure it’s against local bylaws up here in Yorkshire…decadent southern hobnobs and Nutella eaters…

bims lay

Top world class player and we are so fortunate to have him…..we all know about his unique offensive capabilities and the laser accurate killer passes that nobody else on the pitch can see, and sometimes even pull off, but what is really beginning to impress me personally is the defensive side of his game that is beginning to develop and his concerted effort to take up arsene’s challenge and add more goals to his game……with him now making those runs in the 18 yd box, i have no doubt he can aciheve more than the 10 goals a season required… Read more »

Thierry Bergkamp

Raheem is twice the player of Mesut


Yeah, him and tiote


Two raheems and still not as sterling as mesut

Wenger the fashion icon

Mourinho is close to being sacked by the same club twice. That to me is the definition of a “specialist of failure”.


Imagine Chelski sacking him and then re-employing Dr Carneiro.

Third Plebeian

I think we should employ Dr Carneiro. Smart and beautiful does not belong at Chelsea.


Neil Ashton must hate to watch football.

Stewart Robson's therapist

I think we sort of knew that anyway, it comes through in every article he writes. Soaked in bitterness and vindictive loathing.


He also said something similar of Santi Cazorla a few years ago: ‘If you love football, just watch him play – it’s a delight to watch him.’

Arsenal sure have some lovable football players.


I’m sick of the so called experts (particularly Collymore) saying they’re waiting for him to ‘take a game by the scruff of the neck’ (I hate that cliché). Why do you need to run around like a loon when you can maintain possession with the accuracy of your passing and see and execute passes few can?

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