Saturday, July 27, 2024

Szczesny eager for Arsenal second chance

Wojciech Szczesny hopes he can still resurrect his Arsenal career and revealed he never envisaged leaving the Emirates prior to his move to AS Roma.

Having confined the Polish international to the substitutes’ bench for disciplinary reasons in the second half of last season, Arsene Wenger opted to shuffle the keeper out on loan in August freeing summer signing Petr Cech and David Ospina to compete for a regular starting berth.

Szczesny has experienced highs and lows since moving to the Italian capital. He produced a magnificent stoppage time save to secure three points against Juventus but was yesterday caught out by a Gary Medel effort as Roma went down 1-0 to Inter Milan. He’s also spent time on the sidelines with a finger injury and grown a curious barnet. 

Reflecting on his current circumstances, Szczesny told Sky Italia: “Nine months is a long time in football and anything can happen, but Arsenal are like a family to me and I’ve got to admit that if the Gunners do call me back, I would say yes.

“If a year ago, somebody had told me I’d be playing for Roma, I would have thought it impossible.

“I could see myself at Arsenal for all my life, and I don’t hide the fact that is still my dream. I owe a lot to the people there and if they were to give me an opportunity, I would play for them.”

Szczesny also confronted the story about him smoking in the dressing room at St Mary’s after Arsenal’s defeat to Southampton on New Year’s Day.

“I never hated Wenger, I owe him a lot. I never hated him, I have always taken responsibility for my mistakes and not created any problems.

“The history of the cigarette in the locker room is real, but it is false that I argued with Wenger.

“Everyone knows that I have made mistakes but I have always accepted the consequences. Wenger was always clear to me and I believe that anyone who is honest is to be treated with honesty.

“We never had any problems but I understand that newspapers are looking for stories. I was not surprised by the arrival of Cech as he is a great goalkeeper who has won everything. I think any coach would have taken at such a low price.”

He added: “I know that I still need to improve a lot. But I’m working every day to do this and to give it my best. I hope to win the Scudetto here, and I hope that Arsenal win the Premier League.”


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Walcott's left footed curl

Good lad, Szczesny. Really hope this Roma adventure can help him get his head straight on the field and rub out some of his irregularities. Then come back and help us win the league.


Retain the league ?


Sounds rather gushy.

Nevertheless, I hope he finds consistency and can come back to challenge Cech in the coming seasons.

Cape Town Gunner

Szczesny is a Gooner.

Always really liked him and I think that it’s rather premature to write off the possibility of him still building a successful Arsenal career.

He will just need to be patient, and I’m not sure he has that in his locker. No questioning his ability though.


He might not have that in his locker, but I bet he has 10 B&H in there?

The Car2n Goon

If he never plays in an Arsenal jersey again (which, as a Szcz fan, I hope is not the case) I will always remember him for that save off Bale in the NLD. He stood big and twatted him, saving a certain goal in the process. Bale was left writhing on the floor, whilst Szcz brushed himself off and trotted back to goal winking at his teammates. I remember thinking at the time, “this kid has shades of Schmeichel”. Not to long after he proved that he also has the brain of Lehman. I hope he sheets himself and comes… Read more »

The Car2n Goon

*sorts not sheets


I remember his double save (one a penalty, then the rebound) at Anfield; also, having to make his Arsenal league début rather impromptu at Old Trafford, and performing creditably.


I was one of those who thought the difference between Cech and Szcz before we signed the former.

I now know – Wenger knows!


BTW, I do hope Szcz learns the trade well and Italy might just be the place to learn defence.

Couple of years from now, I hope he returns to stake the claim to be Num 1.

Danger Mouse

Who among us hasnt done stupid things when young? I like the fact that he takes responsibility for his past actions. Fair play to the lad. I also liked his ‘ When The Spurs come Marching In’ reindition on piano after we twatted them in the derby.


He doesn’t take responsibility, he talks responsibility and then does the same bloody stupid things again. He’s very good at media manipulation, so playing the piano distracts from his rubbish displays on the pitch.


Prefer him to Ospina, personally speaking.

Before anyone says it, this opinion was held before Ospina’s Champions League antics.


Bar is set high by petr cech now, not only that but he is also a leader on and off the pitch.
Szczesny should focus on first being valuable for Roma and give them his 100%.
Petr cech is a special player but Szczesny shared the Golden glove with him not so long ago. But he can still improve and has time on his side.

Fatboy Gooner

Did anyone see the 4 goals he shipped in against Bayern loser cruising? ??

Anyways, I can’t see Szczesny coming back next season, unless Cech gets a bad injury, Ospina is still better than Szczesny, Yes, Szczesny is a Gooner but so is Jenkinson!

Andy Mack

Or will Ospina move elsewhere for more game time…….

Szczesney may (Possibly….) decide that he’s rather be No2 at this club, than No1 somewhere he doesn’t have any emotional links with….. or possibly not….


Absolutely love the current squad hate to sound emotional but I still can’t get over some of our important players declaring their love and hopes to play for another team. Disrespecting the club and manager who gave them their breakthrough


It was only Ramsey right?


Who are you talking about?

Man Manny

Will have to bide his time; Cech still has about 4 years at the very top.
I think Ospina will go though; so our Szczesny can deputize from next season.
Age is still on his side.


Took us Cech to remind us that our problems did not only lie with the DM (not anymore), C.F(Still on the fence) but also with G.K.

Installing the Cech has truly improved everything we thought Szczesny offered us. It’s mind-blowing.

Think i’ll be safe with Cech for another 3-4 years. Szczesny will have to play 2nd fiddle which despite his enormous love for the club i don’t see him doing.

Cue. *Circumstance could change


Wojciech Kennedy.

It does feel like he genuinely loves the club. Always liked the guy. Will never forget that double penalty save against Liverpool. Hope this loan move will help him. He’s only 25, so as long as he is happy with it I think we should keep him on and ready till the day Cech no longer plays.


I would not be surprised if Wenger has shipped him out on loan to help him realise how good he had it at Arsenal. I know he loves the club, that has always been clear but smoking in the changing room smacks of someone that is taking things for granted, regardless of how old he is. I would love to see him succeed at the club and there is no reason why that could not happen. I would like him to learn what real professionalism is all about from Cech and would be happy to see him coming back with… Read more »

Big Chief from Antarctica

I don’t think the smoking is that relevant. I know there is a shift in society’s attitude but Wenger used to smoke on the bench back in France as did the French lads whom he brought with him at Highbury and The Tuesday Club was something else, sheesh. Sczc is arrogant, to us it’s swagger and in my opinion, that’s the character we want from “local” lads (I consider Sczcz as one and recently also Bellerin, heck Fabregas might not have Catalonian Cockney Accent like Hector, but he too, for a while). Anyway, I agree, he needs to get some… Read more »


I think Szczesny says what he thinks everyone wants to hear. He didnt take responsibility after he got caught in the locker room. He was caught again at the end of last season in Poland. He learned nothing by sitting on the bench for 5 months. Loaning him out was the best thing for Szczesny, it would be a shame for such a young player to lose all the game experience by playing second fiddle. Also that would mean Ospina playing 3rd fiddle. I am very unhappy at the lack of playing time for Ospina, but that is another topic.… Read more »


Oh hell noo…..
In fact Ospina deserves our backing,
Why dont we all allow Ospina the similar opportunities afforded to this kid
At the 1st sight of criticism and he’s backing off from Roma.
We’re in a good place right now, let us not ruin it


looks like someone’s missing out on all the gooner fun


I never want to see him back, he had chance after chance and brain fart after brain fart until he completely lost the plot at Southampton. He’s totally erratic and David Ospina displaced him for a good reason. I’d like to see David stay and Cech can help train Emi Martinez for the future, he’s a good young goalie and doing very well on loan.


you know Nothing vonnie


and what do you know, Rex? Tell us.
It is a known fact in that life, if you don’t grab your opportunities…you are gone. He never did and so..its none of my biz.
If he is all what you and arseblog claim he is, we will see but to me, a club like arsenal is too big for him.


P.s. Ospina is better than him. Forget about David mistake against Olympiakos


like the many times le coq failed to grab his opportunities right?….. shoulda been shipped out right? even as young as He still was and is and the promise He showed right? for Pete’s sake szczesny was joint golden glove with the great cech just the other season…. dat ain’t no fluke!


p.s……I ain’t quite comfy with ospina’s height…. as much as some of us try not to make it a Big deal, it does affect his goal keeping. He’s conceeded quite a number of goals purely down to his height,… olympiakos debacle being the latest. would surely have been different Had it been Cech the great or szczesny. szczesny can only improve on his flaws, ospina won’t grow taller


I thought Shez and Ospina would be a great keeper tandem to push each other and didn’t think we need Cech when the rumours were running wild in the summer.
After the West Ham game I was thinking Jose has pulled one over on us.
But I now know what Wenger knew all along. Cech is irreplaceable and a massive upgrade for us.
He’s gonna take us to the Premier League title while he’s with us.


Well he’s young so at least he’s got that going for him.

Martin Finley

He has been rather unconvincing in Rome aswell for me. Talented for sure, but to inconsistent still. He had one man of the match performance for Rome, But he need to be close to that level more consistently. But he is still young for a gk ofcourse, But alot of young talented goalkeepers coming up now around the leagues especially in Germany who allready look more calm, assured and reliable between the sticks than Szczesny in my opinion, so he really need to take the next step up sooner rather than later. And I wish him the best for the… Read more »

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