Friday, February 7, 2025

Happy Ozil in no rush over contract talks

Mesut Ozil says that his decision to move from Real Madrid to Arsenal in 2013 was unquestionably the right one for him, and that his only unhappy moments have been when he’s been out injured.

The German suffered a 12 week absence last season with a knee ligament problem, but has changed his routines since moving to England to keep up with the physical demands of the Premier League.

“The biggest change started when I was injured last year and I changed my diet and started to look at the small details in my life,” he told Kicker magazine.

“For example I started to have physiotherapy on my days off and made sure I had a good sleep. That is crucial over here. It is the fastest league in the world and we often play twice a week with no winter break.”

He spoke of how happy he was at Arsenal, but played down rumours that a new deal was imminent.

“My contract runs until 2018, that is for another two and a half years,” he said. “There is no need to hurry. There are no talks at the moment but I can only say that I am very happy in London and that my decision to come here from Real Madrid was the right one.

“There is not a single day, apart from when I was injured, that I have not felt great at Arsenal.”

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Colonel Mustard



Mesut Ozil! Mesut Ozil!
King of the passes that kill
The opposition
And pundits
Michael Owen, are you ill?


Just oozes class


Class oozes Ozil


There are sports personalities with no parallells. Roger Federer one example. Elegance personified.. This man belongs in the the same league. That lazy elegance. Such a joy to watch..

Win or lose.. I just don’t care.

Perry S.

Except he’s not cocky like Federer. Rafa is the most humble player in tennis, so better comparison to Özil’s humility there.


Federer is quite a sore loser on court. I do not know him well off court.

David C

Sign the thing! This guy makes the game look so easy that maybe he is nicking a living…haha

Sanogo for Ballon D'Or

God I want him to retire at Arsenal.


Don’t be creepy


Just hurry up and give him a statute outside the stadium


Statue* balls.

Scott P

Not sure if it has to be that detailed…


Yeah, I’m sure HE is in no rush, but in a year’s time he’ll have City and PSG whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Now’s the time to nail him down to another 5 years.


This is not the time to “nail him”, because, unfortunately he’s no idiot.

He came here for Arsene.
Arsene’s actual contract runs as long as Ozil’s current one.
Now let me do the math…

occam's hatchet

I thought Wenger’s contract ran until 2017.


“City and PSG whispering in a years time”??
Get with the beat baggie, in a year’s time Arsenal will be the “go to” team for great players! COYG!

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Guardiola knows what he got from Xavi. He will be after Ozil as soon as he gets a PL team. He probably studied Ozil in details for a few clasicos in the past. Plus, why would Ozil earn half of the money he can make just because he is happy at Arsenal? He contract needs to be extended with much better terms.


A little part of me wonders if Wenger might step down if we win league this year and maybe Pep would come in. Then he’d not need to worry about buying Özil. Then he’ll get on the phone and get his old mates Lionel and Robert to come join him. Meanwhile Mr Wenger will take over as head of FIFA and sort that mess out. He’d be one of the few people
Who, with his love of the game and integrity, I’d trust in that role.


I was asking me the same question. Is it possible that AW steps back at the end of this year to make way for Guardiola? First of all, I am not sure I want to. Fidelity, consistency, is one of the thing I rate the most at Arsenal. But we all know that AW will have to retire in the short term. The prospect of having Guardiola and the idea of finishing on a victory could incite AW to leave. I don’t see that happening, for two reasons. The first is that AW has groomed this generation for so long… Read more »


Any player that appreciates competition would pass in PSG. It’s a crazy season over there if they don’t win the league by 12+ points. And I don’t see him swapping arsenal for another team in the prem. He seems like a loyal guy. Which would also rule out Barca. So options seem limited… But I’m biased 🙂


Pass ON** PSG gahh


He will go to Fernebahce after Arsenal then probably end up I’m The MLS sometime later just so he can fulfill his tiny dream of one day appearing in a CBS sitcom as a “famous athlete”




Nah, the jury’s still out for Ozil, no point offering a new contract on better terms. It will make more sense if we invest the money to buy world class players like Fellaini, right?

Mark Hughes

Is Chris Samba still available?


While we’re at it, isn’t it time for Wenger to be replaced by Michael Laudrup?


Or M’Villa?


Nobody will buy Ozil. We are stuck with him.
He is lazy and nicking a living. The jury is still out on this one.


David Moyes….. What an absolute melt


Sign dat ting!

Coffee + Transfers with Wenger

Hey Ozil, sign da ting! <3


He’s alright and everything and good to see him putting a shift in but he needs to up his amount of assists if he wants to keep his place imo.


Long may it continue. He is so good and relaxed on the ball. #silent assasin


Only 5 more Össists to go to equal king Henry’s record. David Moyes is a tool with history comment about his & he’s proved a lot of people wrong. What a player

Arse city blues

Özil is in no rush. Just like his playing style. He is biding his time with composure, safe in the knowledge that he will be able to effortlessly provide a contract-shaped assist for Arsenal at the right moment – when playing matches and winning the league has already been seen out.


What a class of a player! Yesterday he just stepped up in another big match like we knew he would. ” The jury is still out” David Moyes comment is just b.s. He is just trying to get publicity for his dying career.


The only ‘out’ is Moyes who is out of a job. Maybe he can replace LVG. Can’t do worse.


When he first arrived I must say I thought he lacked a few things. Confidence, strength, determination in hind sight I now think he was demoralised, maybe because he felt he was a failure at his current and leaving was failing.
He now lights up the game and playing his football the Arsenal way with players he can work has reenergised him. Stay forever Ozil


Ive been a very staunch supporter of Özil even during those times when both fans & critics / haters alike were not convinced, critical & even insulting him.
Im now so so very happy that they (most of them I hope) have open their eyes & minds to see his worth, his class & most importantly his importance to the team esp offensively.
I am very sure he will get his 20 assists & more this season. It would something he deserves & Arsenal too.

Ozil's Assistant

I read that he is been doing a bit of legal research so he can assist Arsenal with the contract extension.

sixteen swans over ainola

His reluctance to sign right now might well be related to Wenger’s own future.

Remember, Ozil knows first-hand what it’s like to play under a cunt for a manager. He had one of the biggest at RM.


42.3m panic buy. 😉 Buy Fabregas. Buy De Buryne. Wenger bought Alexis for 32m (Martial cost 35m). Ozil for 42.3m (de Bruyne at 55m) Sterling for 49m? Campbell for under 2m And Cech for 11m The gaffer may have made poor buys but he bought at low prices minimizing cost to the club. Meanwhile all his marquee signings have been excellent. Simply put, he knows plenty more than you or I. Do not be fooled by simplistic pronouncements made by pundits who have had mediocre careers and no experience managing top clubs let alone working in the transfer market. MVilla,… Read more »


Could you please stop talking about contract and enjoy… Sublime assist..ozil is simply the weapon of pass construction


Hes probably waiting to see if Flamini gets a new contract. Just pay for his registration fees and kits and the guy should sign on. Its not like flam needs the $$!


HITC has highlighted what a baffion Michael the Muppet Owen really is – the moron is as dim witted as moyes in his criticism of ozil!!! What drugs have these two morons been snorting? Cretins the pair of them!!

Kenyan Gooner

Ozil for Ballon d’Or.

Cygan like Donkey Kong

This is just a media plant to try to unsettle us. No need to worry about it now, just keep his BFF on the books and we’re golden.

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