Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger reveals team news for Newcastle

Arsene Wenger says he’ll rotate his squad for Saturday’s game with Newcastle United.

Confirming that, “everybody who was in the squad against Bournemouth should be available,” the boss added that Mathieu Flamini, who missed the 2-0 win over Bournemouth on Monday, also has a chance to return.

There was also an update on Alexis Sanchez, absent since limping off in the 1-1 draw with Norwich at the end of November with the Chilean likely to be back for the FA Cup game with Sunderland on 9 January.

Arsenal have only lost one of their last 20 games with Newcastle in all competitions, a record stretching back to December 2005.

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kampala gooner

Keep on raising straight to the top baibe


Yes Ssebo!


The 4-4 is another loss in my book.


Not when the result was massively influenced by the ref

Ramsey's spirit

I count the 1-0 win and Alan Sugar’s 1-1 tweet as a double win though so it evens out in my book.


Good logic. Also what Diaby did to Barton in that game counts as a win for humanity.


I’m still squeezing joy out of it


I would really like to see Chambers in the middle again.


Would you guys prefer Chambers to have another game in midfield or Flamini to go back in? I wouldn’t mind chambers, but this is pretty much a must-win, so Flamini’s experience could come in handy.

Dale Cooper

Personally, I’d go for Chambers, as it’s a home game, and Newcastle haven’t been a massive threat this season. Let Flam rest, he most likely won’t be 100%

AN other

I don’t think Flamini fits in properly. He seems to be almost in between central defenders which makes him mostly ineffective. Also, he completely disappears off the picture when we are under counter attack. So, I am all in for chambers to play as he really did well against Bournemouth.


I much rather have Chambo starting, and I believe he will be. He has more agility and more pace, also he is good in tackling and played really well against the Cherrie-pops. 😉


Flamini is more experience and a better DM.

Chambers is still learning his craft. he played against a very tired Bournemouth covered largely by Ramsey. he was good but you fool yourself into thinking he is better than he is because you have a bias against Flamini.

Flamini held ship against city and Olympiakos.

If fit, he should start.

Plus he’s never lost a league game at the Emirates;)


I’d play Flamini purely because he hasn’t lost a league game at the Emirates

Flying Dutchman

Sh*t. There’s no arguing with that.


We shouldn’t need to play the Flame cos he’s never lost at Emerates vrs Newcastle. Good opportunity to keep developing Chambers following a decent outing against the Cherries. Looked a good signing early days at Arsenal. Still think he will have a good future with us.


Chambers, one can not keep on asking what if and never try, Calum had good game against Bournemouth and so he deserves another runout, unless there are any tactical plans to use chambers as a late sub like we saw in past few games then chambers has to start and in turn allow flamini extra time for full recovery as to not worsen his small injury


Surprise us mehn.. Tell me welbeck is back 🙂


What about jack wilshere n welback n cocoline ….we need full scuad by january to get form to face barca!!

Purr Mertesacker

Although I understand the sentiment, surely you can spell the names of our own players better than that!


Id prob start with Flam and bring Chambers on if we are 1/2-0 up. If he is a injury risk you would rather him start and come off rather than come on later as a sub and have to go back off. IF….as mentioned we go 2-0 up, I think we should sub Ozil…getting concerned that he will go down Sanchez path and burn out at the most critical time!

Musa Muhammad Jabo

I prefer chambers to give him more game times.


What time does Mourinho do his Chelsea press conference?

Wait, what?

Jamaican gunner

Chamber to start. It’s crucial that we rotate the squad until reinforcement is available. I would really like to see us 3-0 up at half time so that Ozil etal can get a well deserved rest.


Chambers is not experienced enough. newcastle could be a different proposition to Borunemouth who were lack lustered. Flamini is experienced against City and Olympiakos, unless he’s injured, he starts.

Ramsey did a lot of cover work for Chambers.


Hoping to start the new year on top of the table.

Wenger should tell us when el neny is making his debut . I’d bet against Sunderland.

The return of Sanchez will be a welcome addition to our frontline.

I hope Ramsey stays injury free. He is holding us together.



You want to bring in a player and immediately start him, someone from a lower league like Basel (presuming we are in for him) who will need time to adjust.


Some players will not get a fair view from people with fixed narratives. See Per Metersecker who against City made 8 key intercepts for us yet this won’t be mentioned in the 7amkickoff stats. And when Koscielny plays bad, he doesn’t get blamed instead they blame metersecker. The same with Flamini. If he does the unseen stuff, they will say he dissapeared from the game. If it was Coquelin, they will say he did the unseen stuff. The same with Giroud. The moment he doesn’t put in a goal, they say he is back to mediocre when he has been… Read more »

gunnerfan ov palace

Happy new year all hows it going, i seen in recent games arsenal fc team have had high and low form but in alot of games some gd results bad results and official decisions faulty plus flu time now and injured players well missed big win 2015, was v olympiakos and man. C vital games coyg.

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