Thursday, December 19, 2024

Arsenal 1-2 Swansea – player ratings

Do we have to? I just can’t. Genuinely, I can’t do it. Here’s what we’ll do, I’ll set it up, you guys rate away, and we’ll have 100% crowd sourced ratings. No Arseblog influence.

Although I will say I thought Joel Campbell was good.

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Campbell a 0?


This whole past week has been a disgrace. We’ve basically validated the three biggest criticisms pundits and other fans have against us: our inability in Europe; our failings in “big” matches, and as tonight would show; our inability to deal with pressure. Not only that, but after the barcelona ticket pricing fiasco, the sheer audacity of the club to release another, stupid, insulting piece about a ‘war chest’ is laughable. Every year, it’s the same story. Last year it was almost the exact same article, but for whatever reason this year it’s £75m not £50m. Not that it makes a… Read more »


“[…] because today I can’t seriously question the players.” which game did u watch?? how many shoots on target we took after the second swansea goal? how many passes were made from the midfield in our posession back in our own third? nobody had the balls to push things right through. joel tried but was exhausted after sixty minutes, so it was an obvious decision to take him off even dough he was the best of our side so far. alexis seems to be more vital than in previous game and even merstesacker had one or two big moments, but… Read more »


We were okay in attack, just need good final touches from world class finishers to find the net several times, not the woodwork! Campbell showed that, but unfortunately the others are not. Defensively, we were caught sleeping several times, funny though it is always happen when gabriel plays…alongside per and kos!
I am afraid we turned ourself into 4th place contender again and again and again. We need regime change!


Cech: Flapped at the second, then pulled a hamstring Mert: What is he doing? Gabriel: Terrible Monreal: Tried, and that’s the second “miss” in two games; if you are going to get into these position figure out how to score Bellerin: Tried, but too many crosses were simply hopeful Coq: Should not have played. Adds little in games where we dominate. Why no Elneny” Ramsey: Ran around, often went backward, but there was little movement in front Ozil: Best player on the field, but we couldn’t convert Sanchez: Lacks everything but will; should have benched him Campbell: Was best of… Read more »


Ive got a new idea !! lets get mentally strong and bounce back !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH !!!!!


I couldn’t agree more. This loss was not like any other and I am at the saddest point of my 14 years as an Arsenal fan. I have always been an advocate for Wenger, and always been on his side throughout the toughest years that we have faced. However, at this point I have to concede to the fact that it is not any player’s fault. The year over year capitulation, and loss of identity that our team faces, where we forget how to play and even go through some games without managing a shot on target can only be… Read more »

Anonymous Physicist

I have been a big Wenger advocate, but I’m going to have to agree with you. It’s probably time for him to go. So far, I’ve been able to rationalize away most of our disappointing results this year. “We’re missing our three best options to run the show in central midfield in Cazorla, Wilshere and Rosicky.” “We were unlucky.” “The ref was an asshole.” “We had an off-day.” “We’re in a terrible injury crisis.” “The opposing goalkeeper had the best day of his life.” “The premier league is tough, sometimes a lesser team will nick a draw.” etc. But this… Read more »


I partly agree with you. However, Corzola being around or not is not the point here. This is a team that has lost it’s value and importance. I am glad to read from some of our fans here that they have come to the conclusion that Wenger must go. That is the most single important factor for every Arsenal fan. Arsene has lost it. I was waiting to hear his excuse yesterday and as usual, the referee caused us the game. Wenger is like a sugar that has lost it’s sweetness. What happened last night continues to justify the huge… Read more »



Theo walcotts beard

I am the best think about Theo Walcott.

I Miss Arshavin

Very good! This is how it needs to be done every match day so that we can clearly see the rating of the players based on votes. That will be better than telling us Ramsey rates 10/10 when we all know he’s not that close.


lol, what a dick.


Most of our players did all reyt to be honest, especially considering our midfield pivot is the least creative in Arsène Wenger’s history


There were some poor individual performances, but I agree that no single player was absolutely terrible. The problem was that the team as a whole lacked conviction, courage, direction, ideas and any sort of system – and that’s far more worrying.


Can everyone stop saying pivot!

The angriest fan on Twitter

Everything is shiiiiiiiiit!

Arsenal hurts

arsenal hurts


I assume Wenger subbed Joel off early to allow him to get out while he still could.


Every news article (thereabouts) for the last two months is accompanied by a picture of a dejected Arsenal player (or players). Don’t get me wrong, each one is appropriate for the article. It’s just that the only news about Arsenal this year is, well, pretty much summed up by the picture above.


You might wanna bring out the poo meter for the next game.

Hank Scorpio

For what purpose? To provide the number of turds that should be thrown at each player after another inept performance?


Souness, you utter mug.

You labelled our performance against United as bordering on “a joke”, “weak” and “insipid”.

Tonight your words were shown to be wide of the mark. We are weaker and more insipid than you can possibly imagine. And if you thought we were on the border of a joke before, then tonight we packed one of those polka dot knapsacks that clowns have and crossed that border into Tommy Coopersville. Population – the cast of Frasier.

We are Arsene’s Arsenal Souness! Your mere words can’t begin to measure our buffoonery.


Do we have no shame guys? I simply cant believe how we are finishing this season as bottlers theres a manner to lose the league and this aint it… cringy!


Bad as the goals we’ve conceded are in recent matches, it’s our finishing letting us down. Every player seems tense and snatching at our chances in front of goal. Again the responsibility for making our players relaxed and calm in our finishing falls on Arsene’s shoulder. Campbell rarely gets dispossessed and is very good at shielding the ball so it didn’t make any sense to take him off. It’s only 6 points and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet but we need to get our mojo back in scoring fast. While people complain that this is the weakest league ever,… Read more »


Completely agreed. If Joel was tired I will take Welbeck, fine. To also sub Alexis, who was helping us keep the ball in deeper areas and bringing it forward even if woeful with his finishing was a really bad idea. To bring on walcott was a desperation move. Theo, in typical Theo style did very little although I think he was aware of the criticism after united and won a free kick late and actually tackled once to win the ball back. That’s pretty much all he did though, because there were two occasions when the ball was deep(defensive end)… Read more »


So let’s just clarify this – if we lose to spuds on Saturday, they will go top of the league.
Thank you Arsene.


That very thought is enough to gag a maggot.


Thanks for what? 19 years of St. Totteringham?

Of course, not that. Ungrateful swines like you always go into hiding during more sunny days.


Previous success doesn’t mean that we must accept years of underperformance. He’s had his well deserved period of grace, he’s exhausted the good will he has earned, now its time to move aside and let someone else take this great club forward. Arsenal FC had a rich history before Arsene Wenger and will have an illustrious future after he has gone.


It’s kind of ironic really. We’ve had years of being reliant upon one player to take us forward and score the goals that would win us matches between Van Persie, Anelka, Henry… this squad has always felt different. It’s been designed differently, Wenger’s new vision being a team that didn’t have to rely on one player. We’ve had to share the creative burden to a greater extent albeit with Mesut Ozil’s imperious form and ability particularly this season. I just never imagined that losing Santi Cazorla would of had the effect that it’s had. The same team that eviscerated Man… Read more »


The midfielder we miss more than any is Rosicky. Such a shame his career with Arsenal was so blighted by injury and I still feel the loss of him and Eduardo during the 07/08 season was what cost the Championship that year, Rozza was on fire that season until suffering his serious injury and consequent long lay off. In more recent times, yes he’s still been ‘fragile’ but then again, if Wenger had played him more when he was fit/available he’d have had a better chance of building up some decent match fitness. The same used to affect even Bergkamp,… Read more »

Pacific Gooner

Well at least Sp*rs didn’t win


Keep clutching at straws but they’ll be back to winning ways on Saturday.


Worst Arsenal CM pairing I think we’ve ever had. Even the Diaby-Denilson axis was more balanced, technically better and more creative than this one. No coincidence Ramsey has been at the centre. Also Joel scoring is also ironically an indictment on Wenger. Wenger has his favourites, and it’s really frustrated. Campbell has performed better than both Ox and Theo (combined too), yet Wenger seems quick to drop him at one bad performance, whilst Theo can just skype in his performances time and time again and will ALWAYS be given a chance. This Wenger favouritism needs to stop (he needs to… Read more »

Totally Disgraceful.. what a shame.


It’s too lazy to think we lost only because Campbell was subbed. There are much much deeper issues that Wenger needs to figure out and solve… and he has been at it for 12 years now. Anyway, gave everyone 0.5 and Campbell a 10 because I don’t give a fuck.



Yes, I only came to say this.


I CANNOT for the love of all that is shit in the world understand those subs! Did he say anything in the post match? And what the fuck is going on with Alexis? And what the even more fuck is going on with PUTTING WALCOTT on? Has AW already started making sarcastic substitutions? What the fuckkkkkk!! This is the biggest blow in recent history. How does Wenger still rate Walcott? I am not by any means one of the saltier nuts out there, but putting on a guy who averages below 20 touches per match to turn the match around,… Read more »


Utter. Fucking. Wank.


It wasn’t that good.

Bendtner's Ego

Campbell deserves one more point for actually scoring.

Rest of that team, with the exception of maybe Cech can feck off.


I can see Ozil leaving if we don’t win the league.


He is carrying us this season but we carried him two seasons though. I don’t think anyone in this team deserves a bail out. They are currently all shit, including (especially) the manager.

Gary Baldy

Taking Alexis off, I can understand, yes bring Welbeck on in his place. Bringing on Walcott on for Campbell well, the crowd certainly let the manager know about that decision and how they felt. about it. Walcott hardly got a cheer while contrast and compare the boos at the change and then generous applause for JC28. A well taken goal that Theo can only dream of getting right now, not due to the skill so much as the run needed to be on the end of the pass in the first place. Surely Elneny deserves a run out at the… Read more »


It was Welbz for JC and Theo for Sanchez. AW has lost the plot.

Two attacking full backs and two attacking defensive midfielders – all at the same time – result? Space for every simple attack from the opponents behind two centre halves the moment we lose the ball.

Gary Baldy

Yeah, you’re right, I got a little mixed up trying to say who should have come on for who as opposed to the actual changes made. I had just in from the game cold annoyed and filled with post match commiseratory beer.


That’s understandable. I’d had a long journey home (1am as the bloody M3 closed again!) plus a sleepless night thinking of the stick I was going to get at the pub tonight.


Need to break out the poo-o-meter for the ratings blogs.


How much of vodka is too much for a light-weight category?


It’s so hard watching this Arsenal team. I have come to the conclusion that Wenger rewards mediocrity and there is an allowance for failure that has been slowly built into the club. How do you justify starting Walcott or the Ox ahead of the Campbell in the last games? Joel has more goals and assists and his overall contribution so far this season dwarfs that of the two English men. It gives the impression you don’t have to do so well to get in the team. Joel is reinstated today scores then you decide to substitute him leaving Giroud on… Read more »


The conversation that happened between Arsene Wenger and Steve Bould on the 60th minute mark this morning, scoreline 1-1. Wenger: “Bouldy, it’s 1-1 and I think we need to make a change, bring Welbeck in. Who do I take off?” Bould: “Well Sanchez has been woeful, he’s messed up every attack we’ve had, and looks unfit. Ramsey and Coquelin have done nothing. Giroud needs some support up front. The only joy we have is in the right where Campbell looks like a match winner.” Wenger: “Sub ref. Campbell, come off”. What a joke, Mourinho was right, Wenger is a specialist… Read more »

Easy as JVC

Sorry but your entire point became irrelevant after you said ” Mourinho was right”.


“Mourinho was right”

Jesus Christ, Adi. Don’t EVER say that! That aside, hard to argue against what you’re saying.


Hate on him all you want. He’ll deliver at Utd. We’ll keep giving him crap for winning and we’ll say he plays ugly football and has no class. But tell me that Arsenal plays good football now and I’ll laugh at you. We are one of the most boring teams to watch these days. Most of our wins have been grinds, with slow passing, lack of creativity and urgency. This isn’t down to the players, this is how they’ve been set up to play. This morning Campbell showed urgency, speed and flair and what was his reward? Subbed after an… Read more »


Man United are slowly clawing their way back with Van Gaal. If they drop him now for Morinho then they truly have lost the fucking plot. Not that I’d mind that of course.

And no, Mourinho, apart from being an unsavoury man, is a disaster in any team. He comes in, does alright the first season, wins something the next and then implodes in the third. Give or take. He’s a liability. And a massive humongous cunt.


And I have no admiration for that champagne manager Guardiola either. Let’s see how he fares next year in charge of a team in arguably the toughest league in the world. Let’s see how he handles having lesser teams tearing his superstars up for arsehole paper every now and then which never happens on the continent.


You’re kidding right? He won the champions League with Porto and Inter Milan. Won back to back titles with Inter, they haven’t won one since he left. 3 titles with Chelsea out of 5 full seasons. 3 seasons with Real Madrid twice runner up and won one title in a league where the greatest team of all time is. If that’s failing for you and Louis Van Gaal’s bit of form recently, well then we have nothing to say on this further. One thing I respect about Mourinho is that he has balls. He didn’t let Hazard and Costa push… Read more »


To add having balls. Where were Wenger’s balls this morning? When does he ever make a tactical sub? His subs are always taking off players that knows won’t give him a reaction. like Campbell this morning. Everybody could see that he’s the biggest threat we have, full of energy. But I’m watching the game and I see Welbeck getting ready and I’m telling my mrs who barely knows football, that Campbell is coming off. She says “no way, he’s the best player”. Even clueless people that never watched a game could see that, but I know how Wenger manages. It’s… Read more »


OK so you think Guardiola is hot shit. That’s your opinion and I have no problem with that. Arsenal being a shower of shit and Wenger’s responsibility for that isn’t even up for debate but praising Mourinho? You’re on your own there chief. Fuck that!


Aside from our awful performance today, the most irritating thing is that every team around us dropped points. City lost, Leicester drew and Tottenham lost. This could have been a massive, massive 3 points today, but now confidence is well and truly shot.

I could even deal with the loss at Old Trafford, cause regardless of the team Man U put out, it’s still a place that you’d take a draw at.

But this was just so abject and a carbon copy of the classic AFC f**k up.


And what you’ve not mentioned is that we contrived to lose against the weakest of all our 3 close competitors (lol!) opposition… relegation battlers with a makeshift back four AND their manager in hospital…. AND we were a goal up in no time, to boot! You couldn’t bloody script it…

Oh… that’s right… Arsene did.


Oh.. and we were also at home… fortress AnyRates


Arsenal have a massive problem at Centre back. Mertesacker, while a favourite of mine, has been very poor and Gabriel has been worse in my mind. Even Koch has been struggling. It seems every game consists of no speed and urgency. There is no off ball movement and this affects Ozil and such because of no passing options. The only guy making constant runs and playing positively was Campbell, who somehow is below Walcott and OX in the pecking order. Based off of watching teams playing well in europe right now of Arsenals size and personnel (Dortmund, Atletico, juventus, even… Read more »


I’ll take a bleach and tonic


I give you credit for posting anything … I thought Man U was bad, but how could we lose at home to that team? Campbell’s substitution made no sense at the time and with hindsight it still seems inexplicable … Can’t see why Wenger persists with Ramsey in the pivot – all of our midfield creativity has been snuffed since his return to the middle … Alexis seems like a shell, how many times is he going to try to cut inside from the left wing and get dispossessed? Ozil created chance after chance but the guy has to be… Read more »


I think it’s time to look deeply on the every-year-the-same-reccurent-problems of this Arsenal side. Year-in and year-out we seem to have the impression of “déjà vu” at this stage of the season. For many seasons, many theories and explanations were given/believed by many fans, including myself, most commonly injuries. At this stage of the season we would be hit by many injuries so our squad is not at its best, it is easy then to justify the total absence of results every season this time a year. Expect for this and the two past seasons our squad has got better… Read more »


Well considered comment – and one which, I feel, gets to the heart of our problem. And I use the singular for good reason. Yes, we have certain, well documented deficiencies in two key positional areas; yes the Ramflam/Ram Coq axis has never really gelled; yes we cannot seem to buy a goal at the moment… But this team has – on a number of occasions, still produced brilliance, heart, fight, grit, boring dogged stubborn resistance – in sufficient amounts to win against big teams (unlike last season). They just can’t do it week in week out. And that my… Read more »


Those ratings look generous to me, bunch of absolute wankers.

That's Alright

Souness was spot on – we are a joke !


Anyone thinks Elneny looks like Beetlejuice?


I gave everyone 10/10.

Best live action comedy I’ve seen in a long time. Pity there’s only 13 more shows before it’s cancelled.

Be sure to get your tickets before it’s all over!


He had stated in the past that he is his own harshest critic. I can’t understand how he can oversee this and not realise he is the problem. For all his professed love for arsenal I now think the 8m a year is the motivating factor entirely

At least more fans are starting to take the blinkers off

good ol' 1 nil to Woolwich

Silent Stan is doing a great job. He’s managed to make our players more interested in turnovers than playing football that they’re now so good at turning the ball over.

If you’ve been wondering what goes on in training, it’s no longer a secret, they do business management


Cue articles linking us with new signings this summer to try distract the abuse

good ol' 1 nil to Woolwich

I can picture the smug look on Michael Owen’s fucking face now.


I’d like to picture my boot stamping on it. Forever!


“Stan, think it’s time for another war chest…”
“How much this time?”
“£50 million?”
“We did that last year… £100 million?”
“They’d know it’s bullshit. Let’s go for a happy medium – £75 million”
“Grand. Somebody get Jeremy.”


We were certainly unlucky with a few off of the woodwork, but to give up two at home to Swansea we didn’t deserve to win. No matter what our troubles are to score the thing that concerns me more now is our defense throughout the pitch. Ever time the opponent gets the ball to our end it seems we have 5 back, then a 6 strolls in and then maybe a 7th while every other team will immediately get 9 back. We don’t close the ball the ball fast enough on crosses, shots from distance or those passes that go… Read more »

He's the soup

Campbell: 7
Welbeck: 5
Walcott: -9
Everyone else: 0


I was handed a career-changing lesson today: when you are chasing the title, 6 points off the top, half a dozen games to go, scores at 1-1 in a MUST-WIN GAME, simply yank off the BEST PLAYER ON THE PITCH (while leaving on your worst-performing player of the day).
I think am ready to take up football management.


Very shocking, awful.
In Japan, the match started 4:45 AM, and now I have to work…. How painful it is.

But there is no pressure, finally! Pressure has gone far far far away.
So let’s go for 10 wins of PL in a row, forget about all the other cup games, hahaha…


Sanchez was bad, but not quite as inept as everyone’s making out. He hit the woodwork twice and got a quality assist – he may yet get his shit together before the end of the season. Defence looks much shakier with Gabriel in the mix – his positioning has been woeful of late. Coq actually seemed to make quite a few interceptions, but it doesn’t matter how good a shield you are, if you’re protecting a matchstick house you’re only gonna be able to do so much. Campbell was quality – fantastic touch and purpose going forward. Bonkers decision to… Read more »

Adelaide gooner

Can’t you see? We made a glass ceiling and we have reached it. We can’t do better than this with the current management. I refuse to be blinded by sentiments anymore. As a long-sufferung fan and supporter,my only sentiment is to Arsenal as a club not as a business. Apologies to fatgooner for the thumbdowns over the years.


We might end up 5th behind manure. The season when the title was within our grasp might be the season we end up outside top 4. Wonder if that would be a big enough kick in the ass for us to make some changes and take some risks. Probably not


Feel sorry for the players. There have been some terrible performances, true, but the issue is not the players. Watching them trying to figure out how they are supposed to be playing is just painful. Wenger has had a fixation with this dominant, possession based continental game ever since… well ever since he last had a champion team. People bash Ramsey and Walcott but it’s not their fault the team is not playing to their strengths. Put either one of them up for sale this summer and clubs will be lining up because other managers can see how best to… Read more »

Arteta's hair

Most of our players are fucking spineless mercenaries. I know it is cliché, but we really do lack character and leaders in the team. Players with the mindset of Suarez or – dare i say it – Diego Costa would have given it a real go in these matches, been in the oppostions faces. Instead we have the likes of Giroud and Theo on very big money looking very little interested. Come the summer i hope we replace those types with more talented players obviously, but also with players with the right mindset and with some fucking balls. That being… Read more »

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