Sunday, February 16, 2025

Travelling Gooners target Kroenke with chant

Arsenal’s travelling supporters directed their anger towards Stan Kroenke during stoppage time of the Gunners 2-0 win over Everton, chanting for the club’s American owner to sell up.

While few fans have ever been satisfied by the passive manner in which the 68-year-old has run the club since taking over in 2011, it’s rare that he’s ever targeted by such abuse during matches.

It would appear the reaction is linked with frustrations about Arsenal’s poor form, the debate over whether Arsene Wenger should remain at the helm at the end of the season and recent comments made by the American about why he bought the club in the first place.

The chant, ‘Fuck off Stan Kroenke, get out of our club’, was sung with gusto and followed by the display of another anti-Wenger banner which appeared to provoke scuffles between angry Arsenal fans.

On BT Sport, Ian Wright speculated on how anti-Wenger banners would resonate with the first team and why he feels the supporters are better off asking questions of Kroenke.

“When you’re going over there [to thank the fans] when you’ve just won 2-0 away from home at Everton, and you’ve won pretty well as well…yes, you’ve got the banners, but let the guys play, let Arsene do his stuff to the end of the season and then if you want start making your noises.

“The thing is, I still believe they should be directing their anger and criticism at Kroenke…at Dick Law, people like that. “What are you doing for Arsenal?” Those are the people who should be being asked the questions.

“Whatever you say about Wenger, he’s trying his best to get his team to do stuff. Sometimes they [the players] don’t react the way they should.

“The fans are split, I believe recently I’m starting to see more ‘Wenger outs’ than ‘ins’. That’s why it’s really important that the boys really have a blast until the end of the season and try and do and achieve something for a manager that has had a lot of faith in them. Then we’ll have to see how it goes in the summer.”

It’s not the first time ‘Silent Stan’ has been verbally abused in public. In February, a packed house watching the St Louis Blues repeatedly chanted, ‘Kroenke sucks’ after it was confirmed his NFL outfit, St Louis Rams, would be quitting the city to move to Los Angeles.


Story updated to address NHL error. Thanks for your comments/corrections.

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Arsene-al fan

Arsenal is now a business where money comes before trophies. This needs to change rapidly as there won’t be trophies and fans and much of a business left.

Either Kroenke out or a shift in aims.

Helder sceltor

“Now a business” it’s been a business a long time now.


Sure Helder, but there was the excuse of high stadium debt etc etc. Now that we’re generating more revenues and hold more cash reserves that most clubs(if not all) in Europe, those excuses are invalid. If the business is consolidating itself to transition into a new stadium, that’s alright but after that the focus should be back on winning which is the best way to grow the business. Look at Man United’s revenues.


About fucking time.

Fuck Stan Kroenke, fuck Dick Law, fuck KSE and their £3M charge for ‘strategic services’ – get the fuck out of Arsenal if you aren’t going to invest in the Club.


Hard to disagree. “We don’t want his sort round here-” as someone so memorably put it. Certainly he’s done nothing positive for the Club since he arrived.


I’ve seen the GG and the AW years and it’s always business first. How many times have we broken the British transfer record on a single or group of players? I don’t really think SK has done much different,I maybe wrong tho.

non flying dutchman

You don’t break the transfer record for the sake of doing so, you spend to improve the squad…. but Wenger has fallen unforgivably short this year of all years.

Its down to Wenger that an outfield player wasn’t bought in the summer. That a needlessly
small squad was stretched so thinly to the point of exhaustion, that key roles were not bolstered.

But still Kronke seems like a pretty hateful figure, and if your hated in St Louis, Colorado and North London than maybe you should just clear the f#*# off


You’re only half right IMO.
You’re right where you said you don’t break transfer records for nothing, but Wenger did break the bank for the acquisition of Ozil.
That kinda creativity and technique is one of a kind, hence the money required.

Crash Fistfight

Agree with you on this. Why, for example was Elneny not signed then? We had supposedly been monitoring him for something like 2 years, so surely he must’ve been on the club’s radar then. I’m sure people would’ve moaned that he wasn’t a marquee signing at the time, but surely it would’ve been better than having to wait 2 months from January for him to get up to speed? Not that I’m saying I wouldn’t have wanted another signing (I would’ve like us to go in for Aubameyang whilst Dortmund hadn’t had a chance to go on a decent run… Read more »

Arsenal hurts

as a fan i too obviously want that but a change in board isnt that simple. especially when it comes to americans doing bussines in soccer. its too beneficial for them to step down. remember glazers n united?

atleast theyre now spending almost the whole income year in year out. while our mr stan pockets it. the funny thing is even as they say we have a 250£m cash reserves, the intrest of that amount in bussines yearly would be even a much bigger number… he wont give up this brand. not that easy


Even if it’s a business, money flows and trophies are certainly linked, as more on-field success allows the club to bargain for bigger commercial deals, attract better players, and engage a wider fanbase and bargain for bigger deals again. However, this seems to be obvious to everyone except Kroenke, who still manages to take a consulting fee for his services, or lack thereof. As much as we hate Man City and PSG, the fact that their commercial deals dwarf Arsenal’s in recent times (Sheikh business relations and inflated values aside) certainly shows the lack of any merit in Kroenke’s buy-to-do-nothing… Read more »


We could show Kronke they he does not have it all his way. Arsenal supporters could boycot the drink and food facilities as well as the merchandise stores in and around the Emirates


May be you should be thankful for the moral high ground after all. If u take a step back and look at the teams whose owners did invest in their teams like most of their fans wanted. Where are they? Is it really about investmental in the team? May be yes but the evidence suggests that it’s much more than that. It’s high we recognised this and in turn let it reflect in our arguments/submissions too.


For a guy like Kroenke, 3 million or whatever it is that is paid in consulting fees is peanuts. That’s not why he wants Arsenal. He wants it as leverage to buy what really makes money for him, real estate. The bigger the value of the club, the better for him to get money to buy huge pieces of land to do business with. He doesn’t care about the daily ins and outs of the club so he doesn’t meddle. I, frankly, prefer for him to not be meddling.


Have you just realised this? Why is this a surprise? Where is this fairytale super pure football club that you speak of? Every club is the same!!!


3 thumbs down. Hey blogs you should be proud kronke law and Stewart Robson are fans of the site!

Silent Stan's Content Mustache

Fuck that rich twat. The only thing he cares about is almighty dollar. He will never shift aims and I don’t foresee him selling his shares any time soon since he’s making quite few dollars off of his team. He cares more about his fucking ranches than he does for AFC.


To those who prefer Stan over Usmanov, I think Usmanov talks much more sense and seems to have a bit more focus on footballing success when he shares his sentiments. I stand corrected.



Liam bradys left foot

Was at game sung by fans who only know the Wenger era


Meaning what? Old timers like Kronk?

Not snarking- i honstly dont understand what you mean


It means that fans under Wenger only know success…..FA Cups, League titles, always being a contender, constant Champions league games etc etc They don’t remember what it was like to be average at best with the occasional cup win or league title. Long periods of not winning the league is something the older fans are used to – 1950 league title to 1970-71 twenty years, 71′ to 89′ Eighteen years and the club was on track for another lengthy period of no league titles when Wenger came into the club. Wenger has also won the FA Cup the same amount… Read more »

DB10's Air Miles

Finally someone who speaks some sense on this site, I could not agree more.
Dein In

The Ox, The Ram, Willy and Wally

Certainly puts things into perspective.

I think football is confusing and a lot of information is kept from the fans, so they try to understand and simplify it with simple answers, such as “spend more money”, “sack Wenger”, “buy Chris Samba”.


You say this but with the money situation in football now, and the size of the club and revenues at Arsenal there’s no way the club can slip away that much with a change in the management or ownership. People talk about the way things were before Wenger but with modern football it couldn’t go back to that

Dixon's Awesome Own Goal

Ultimately you can say the past was worse because of XY and Z. But, it’s bollocks. There was no CL before where also rans eagerly fought to be sparked by Barca. We aren’t consistently contenders because every year for many years we have fallen away before the business end. Change might mean we finish lower in the league. Definitely a strong possibility. But change brings the excitement of the new. Something different to celebrate or complain about. As it stands, we know what we are going to get. Citing past fallow periods doesn’t make the present situation better. Arseblog likes… Read more »


Thanks Shoei. You’re the real Arsenal fan. Love the fans who support through thick and thin. I doff my hat. COYG


This all sounds wonderful but is actually completely untrue. I empathise with the sentiment of “new fans” but it doesn’t apply here, some yes, a lot no. Also, these “new fans” are the very people Wenger and mob wanted to come into the club. He doesn’t pay any attention to the old vs new, just bums on seats, and as long as they cheer when he wants to and not have the temerity to think their opinion is worth anything all is well. And the really sad part is all you smart arses are only now coming round and after… Read more »


Stan’s secretary: Fans at your London investment directed derogatory chants toward you Saturday 19th, Mr Kronke. The team recorded a victory, however.

Kronke: And the gate reciepts?


This. If you think Kroenke gives a shit what the fans say, you haven’t been watching what’s he done with the Rams.

Bob Davis

When we’re on a poor run the fans want answers. Either the fans want better players and Wenger or Kroenke doesn’t want the club to spend big.


Here is a hint. It’s Wenger..

Arsenal hurts

its both.


Think about it. If you ran a business and your operations director made you loads of money you would say well done, carry on. If you didn’t like the way he did things but he still made you loads of money you would say keep making money but change how you do it. Kronke is the boss, wenger has a huge say in how the club is run day to day but would you go against your boss and risk £8m a year or deliver what he wants? To kronke it’s a business, nothing else. To wenger it’s about the… Read more »


Great point by wrighty, in or out, you can’t deny wengers effort.

Where’s the effort from the rest of the board??? What are they doing to try and move this team forward?

Kroenke sucks… Dick


Law is crap too…. Hahaha

Third Plebeian

Yeah, but I’ll never forget his trip to Costa Rica, when he disembarked the steam-liner, pith hat and pressed khakis, ready for a week’s excursion to find the elusive Joel Campbell.


So how does Ian Wright think the fans could make themselves heard during the summer? There won’t be any matches to attend where they can make their point.

If the players don’t like it, tough. The delicate little flowers get paid enough to deal with abuse directed, not at them, but the manager.


Err … there’s still a chance to win the league and the confidence it brittle. And they see those stupid banners? Thanks a lot “Fans”.


To win the league from this position, you need an indomitable will and nerves of steel not to mention a lot of mistakes from clubs above us in the table. If we have those first two qualities, this criticism shouldn’t bother the team one tiny bit.


yes, they obviously got into this profession not to play football but just so they could be abused, threatened, and made to listen to the very ‘supporters’ they’re supposed to be out there for degrading the manager they respect and who brought them here.

Of course everybody’s got the right to not like something or somebody at the club, but to say ‘they get paid enough to deal with the abuse’ is like saying you bought the mule so you’ll whip it if you damn well please. That’s shite.

The Only Olivier is Giroud

I always tell fellow fans that, as things stand, Arséne Wenger is the only person at “board” level (as in higher than 1st team squad) that gives even a slight fuck about actual football. The next manager obviously also will- but careful what you wish for. The true cancer isn’t Wenger (for all his faults, which of course he has) but the greeedy money loving limo driving sons of bitches owning the club- and the same could be said for many other sports clubs (” franchises” ) around thr world.

Luis Boa Muerte

Couldn’t agree more


Wenger IS part of the board and as such, goes along with/carries out the rest of the board’s wishes. He is the board’s public face and takes the flak for them – Gazidis used to stick his head above the parapet but got it shot off so many times he now keeps his head down, like Slylent Stan. It’s taken a while, but fans are starting to realise it’s not just Wenger who must change/leave, it’s the rest of the board, too.


A bit of a hollow chant when you have already put your money in his pocket…


Not a hollow chant at away games.cos the fans are not giving the club money


Change is required!!! Looks like the only good result today is us beating Everton!!!


Quick clarification – Kroenke’s NHL team is Colorado Avalanche. He owns the NFL’s Rams, late of St. Louis and off to L.A.; so the Blues fans chanting their anti-Kroenke sentiments were acting in protest of St. Louis losing the Rams.

Arsenes Banter

I wish more of the discontent/anger directed at Wenger would be re-directed at Kroenke. Whatever you feel about Wenger (I personally am a fan), I feel Kroenke is the real issue at Arsenal.

As said many times by numerous pundits, the ambition has to come from the top, and after his recent media comments (massive backfire) its clear he only has one ambition: $$$£££


this is absurd. are you saying wenger’s lack of ability and ambition is excusable because our owner has a hands off approach when it comes to how the team is managed? do you think wenger’s ability to prepare and organize a team will remarkably increase if kroenke was replaced? do you think the new owner will shove transfers down wenger’s throat? you can’t blame the limitations of the manager on the absentee owner. you can only blame the owner for not showing enough ambition to replace the manager.

Del Dillingham

Just to clarify, Kroenke owns the Colorado Avalanche of the NHL, not the St. Louis Blues.


Long time lurker first time poster. Kroenke is the variable that needs to be removed. If you look at every team he owns (Nuggets, Avalanche, Rapids, Rams and the Arsenal) they’ve rarely found success under his tenure. Each team seems to suffer from the same malaise, they’ve all been good but not great. He just doesn’t seem to care enough about the teams hes purchased to get them over the hump. I’m not sure if that push requires extra funds or just extra attention, either way its lacking from his organization.

John Stepanovs

Nice Americanism.

I would prefer “organizationismarization”


Why not back usmanov? Other than the fact he is Russian, what do most of us dislike about him in a football context???


Am I the only one who is hurt by the “Wenger Out” banner? It makes me sad seeing it really.

Arsenal hurts

please find another brand stan. please

Arsenal hurts

another owner whoever he is just bring back david dein (old enough fans know wenger owes his early success to deins transfer managements) move wenger to another role (maybe he doesnt desrve another chance but he deserves that kinda respect, afterall he IS arsenal) and finally a new head to lead the team de Boer Bergkamp combo suits our style Simone would give us the lacking fire spirit Henry’s a gamble but still… its so obvious we have all the resources. all we need is a change in power


Maybe the truely irreplaceable person at Arsenal and biggest loss wasn’t Vieira or Henry or Adams but David Dein.


You do know who introduced Kronke to the club don’t you? He even got sacked for it before the club did it anyway when he sold out to the Russian.


What I can see happening now is us going on a run, wrapping up third, everyone forgets about he shit spell we just had and goes in to the summer thinking, as always, next season will be our season, nothing changes and the whole thing starts again. Even if we do well in our last few games I think things need to change and I hope people don’t forget that

An Ox-sized Coq

I doubt anyone will forget about finishing third…especially if Sp*rs finish above us.


Fans ready to switch blame to Kroenke is all good given his recent comments showing no ambition other than gaining $’s but hey, it still doesn’t excuse lack of planning, poor tactics and dismal motivation of a team when the pressure was on in December/ Januaury. That rests firmly at Wenger’s door but AKBs are all to ready to excuse and let him off the hook again


Doubt Kroenke will even get word that the supporters were chanting about him. It’s just a business to him. He honestly don’t give a fuck. Maybe someone should remind him he’ll make more money if he wins more games… that ought to do something.

Coq au Vin

But publishing this story will help bring it to his attention as his press secretary reads all articles where Kroenke is mentioned. Thanks News Hound!


The truth is that both Kroenke and Wenger are responsible for the cluster fuck this season has become and both need to go. Kroenke has no love for the club, we are a commercial business for him to earn more money, he said the same last week ‘I didn’t get into sport to win championships’. Ambtion and the will to win comes from the top and Kroenke has none. However, Wenger is also guilty for accepting this stance from the board, but he does so because he is left unchallenged and is able to indulge himself on the footballing side… Read more »


stan just buy totenham and relegate them


I’m fairly ambivalent with the board to be honest. Now whilst I’ll be the first to agree results haven’t been great, please can someone articulate in a constructive manner just what Stan has done or hasn’t done? Please also point me in the direction of a role model board/owner we should aspire too.


Really? Are you just being ignorant? Stan hasn’t done a damn thing for the club except send in a couple bills for 3 million pounds, says fuck all when asked about it, and forces his own board to attempt to explain why he is siphoning money out of the club. He shows up to the AGM meetings because he has to and doesn’t say a fucking thing at the meeting, even if questions are aimed at him directly. Gives zero shits what public perception of him is and has absolutely no relationship with the fans whatsoever. What a great owner… Read more »


Yeah sure, but answer the fucking question. I don’t know of other owners, save billionaires like Abramovich and the Sheiks, who do anything different than Kroenke. Arsenal has absurd cash reserves, but the way the club was run pre and post Kroenke is pretty much identical. So, except for a sugar daddy owner, what else could he do? And give some examples of what other owners are doing that Kroenke is not. I’m no fan of Kroenke, but he is hardly the cause of Arsenals inability to go the extra step of competing in Europe and for the PL. That… Read more »


That was for BW above!


He asked what Kroenke has or hasn’t done. I answered the question.

I’ve had enough of Wenger too, and think the club has gone stale and is desperate for new blood. But the issue is the club makes money with Wenger, we will consistently be top 4, make money, and Silent Stan will sit back and collect his keep. In his mind we are successful enough to leave things be, which as a supporter for over 25 years infuriates me.


Yes, Kroenke out for sure. Unfortuenately Arsene too! He has been great but his day is up. Someone buy up Kroenke who has a real love for the club and appoint a new youngish manager who will manage the club for maybe 20 years, a la Wegner. Koeman maybe, still young, knows football inside out and stays composed!


this is wenger’s team. he’s responsible. kroenke is responsible for not replacing him with a better, more ambitious manager. it’s hard to blame an absentee owner for the woes of the club when he leaves it to wenger to manage. the funds are available and wenger chooses not to spend them. not kroenke’s fault. wenger wanted ozil and alexis and got them. no questions asked. nothing changes at this club until wenger is gone. with or without kroenke.


Fans ready to switch blame to Kroenke is all good given his recent comments showing no ambition other than gaining $’s but hey, it still doesn’t excuse lack of planning, poor tactics and dismal motivation of a team when the pressure was on in December/ Januaury. That rests firmly at Wenger’s door but are we all to ready to excuse and let him off the hook again


I love Wenger. The banners are pathetic. Arsenal fans seem to think they deserve to win everything just because we have expensive tickets. We don’t deserve anything. We are lucky to have AW. The manager is trying and the team is trying. Support them. Please.


Do you think we don’t deserve to win the league in 12 years?

Clock-End Mike

The only teams who have won the Premier League title in the last 20 years have been Man Utd, Arsenal, Chelsea and recently Man City — indeed, the only other team to have won the PL are Blackburn in ’95. Liverpool have come 2nd 3 times and 3rd 4 times, otherwise it’s been the same teams in the top 3 every year since 1997. Why should we “deserve” to win the league more than Liverpool, say, who’ve never won the PL? Or Aston Villa, once one of the most successful clubs in the Football League? Young and johnny-come-lately fans think… Read more »


Nobody ‘Deserves’ it just for time going by.
And with the notoriety we have for shit support and abuse from our own, No. We Don’t.


Personally I think football clubs should be owned by fans and not billionaire foreign businessmen looking for large dividend payouts. The situation at Swansea seems to work quite well. Unfortunately, Kroenke will never relinquish his hold on the club though, no matter how much fans complain. Anyway, well done Arsenal today.


So many of these comments are depressing. Did we just win a football match?

David Abell

Low IQ football “fans” upset at successful people…

What a surprise… 🙁

Seriously, the mental level of that small group of low-intelligence fake fan who work out their daddy and authority issues during football matches make me sad and siphons off my interest for the game.

David Abell

OF course the comment section is filled with people wanting other peole to spend money (on what nobody knows – how much they don’t know but it doesn’t matter really).

Pathetic illustration of uninformed ranting.


Just goes to show the moaners will always moan,swap Kronke with Glazers,Venkys Ashley, Kenwright,Henry.Learner all the names(+many more), get the same abuse and vitriol whipped up by a media with vastly different agenda, why anyone would think these owners would listen to moaning, miserable fans(sic) is quite simply totally delusional but these individuals still wanna shout and scream. The smal l% in the game for the moaning will never be satisfied by any owner manager or player combination,quite simply because in there world there getting off on the moaning and don’t want any other way, if they did not they… Read more »


Its ridiculous to target Kroenke. What do you want him to do? He doesn’t even know footy. Be careful for what you wish for. You have owners like Mike Ashley at Newcastle who would intervene. Newcastle use to be consistently close to top four until he sacked Bobby Robson. Since them they have been slipping down the league. There’s owner intervention for you. The correct method is for the owner to provide the financial platform for the gaffer to make the calls for everything on the pitch. As far as Kroenke goes, we need him o the financial side to… Read more »


Does Koeneke actually pump money into the club? I thought he just bought enough shares to become the majority shareholder. I am not sure any of us know how the club operates behind the scenes and how much input they have into spending and transfers. However, it is obvious from his interviews that Kroneke is not overly worried about winning trophies and is more interested in financial return on his investment. If there is no ambition in the boardroom then there will be no real pressure on the Manager to win at all costs.(figuratively speaking)


The bit about Coquelin and Campbell is not true though is it.
The fans could see Coquelin could do a job for the club long before Wenger, in fact Wenger only gave him a chance when he had no other choice due to injuries.

Same for Campbell, the fans have been more appreciative of his talents than Wenger. Calling for him to play long before Wenger played him and calling for him to continue playing in the team recently when he’s been one of the best on the field only for him to be continuously overlooked by Wenger.

Andy Mack

Lots of fans wanted Coquelin and Campbell sold off before they established themselves in the squad.
They’ve both been referred to on here as ‘deadwood’ and ‘not good enough for the PL’.


I remember most fans wanting Coquelin given a chance long before he ever got one. As for Campbell he still isn’t given a fair chance and the fans are much more supportive/impressed by him than Wenger seems to be.

Don’t be fooled by Wenger’s PR.


Just track down what Kroenke has done and does in US. Where other stinking rich owners are in the game for trophies, he’s in the game for maximum profit. If he’s spreadsheet tells him that top 4 in PL and advancing through group stage in CL with buying players at level 2 is the way to do it, he’ll do just that and no more. Any better performance is pure bonus. I’m one of those who believe that Arsene are past his prime,but have no illusions of the next guy. It will not be a Simeone or Löw , it… Read more »


I support the team and Wenger but Kroenke can f*ck off.


Kroenke is the reality. In modern day business nobody in the board room gives a fuck as long as they make their money. The same goes to the previous shareholders of Arsenal from whom Kroenke actually bought his shares. They sold their shares to Kroenke and got paid handsomely. The best case scenario for Arsenal would be to buy back shares from Kroenke out of cash reserves and tell him to fuck off. But sadly that means not using up the money in cash reserves for transfers and instant success. In short wenger is a magic man who absolutely loves… Read more »


Arsenal have a billion fans, we all put in 5 quid each, buy out Stan and a board chaired by Blogs and Fatgooner controls the club. They take advice from those registered on this site and we all vote on managerial appointments. Then we sit back and enjoy. Simple.
As for Wenger, his brand of football is still the best in the league, when the real team turns up. Losing to Watford is still a disgrace tho, let’s hope we extract revenge. COYG!


Trump for Manager!
He’s got a good brain, and really, really great words. We’ll win, and we’ll win and we’ll win. It’ll be really, really great.


Trump won’t ket Mahrez in, or Benzema and Zlatan


But he’ll build a wall around the Emirates and make Spuds pay for it!

Crash Fistfight

You get a thumbs up for the “really, really great words” bit.


Tevi Craig

A club owner should be passionate about making the club better at what it does… How can u be a chef and you cook bad meals every weekend…. One day you would open your stall and meet an empty queue….
Kroenke is a cunt with only love for money… It’s not with Arsenal alone but with everything he owns…
I really want to see what Usmanov can do!…
He seems to be a fair enough bloke…


Again, its a dissapointing season if we don’t (and it looks unlikely) win the title or at very least even if we should nip Spurs. BUt put things in perspective. Yes Wenger does not seem to break through his glass ceiling but one should not confuse inability to achieve our potential to what he has achieved for the club. Many fans are completely delusional to think we were anywhere near a big club pre-Wenger We were if anything a club with strong pedigree in the league and a cup club. But we were never big in Europe. Our only win… Read more »


It’s just baffles me that certain folks endlessly pursue profit even though he/she already has what equates to the GDP of a small country. Kroenke has 8 billion of his own money, and married into the Walmart empire (wife is worth 5 billion on her own). What on earth does he need to pull 6 million out of Arsenal for? He doesn’t need it, at all. He just dropped $725 million, a US real estate record for land size, on a ranch in Texas that spans 6 counties. He already owns 11 other private ranches in various states. Yet has… Read more »

Wade Wilson

We were already self sustaining. Till Dein sr snuck the parasite in. We never needed extra investment, and I might be wrong but I still don’t think we received any. Rather the opposite, another snout to the trough. But anway hail the away support. Truly a magnificent thing of beauty, hearing us come together for the Arsenal. Gotta love those hearty souls!


My question is: what does the bloody fan and supporter’s do who spend their hard earned cash on the club? Any brand that is associated with the club should be boicoted coupled with empty stadiums until Kroenke sells. For now he can boast about a S.Aafrican who fly with his own helicopter to London to watch Arsenal mess-up.
Supporters do something except mourning its been 12 years now.


‘It’s not the first time ‘Silent Stan’ has been verbally abused in public. In February, a packed house watching the St Louis Blues repeatedly chanted, ‘Kroenke sucks’ after it was confirmed his NFL outfit, St Louis Rams, would be quitting the city to move to Los Angeles.’

blimey, they’re a bit genteel those seppos, aren’t they?


Customer is key. Let’s not miss the point. Silent Stan can be brought down on his knees by the fans. Without the fans there’s no Arsenal. Actually by investing in quality players and winning trophies, he will be enhancing the Arsenal brand Which will attract more fans. More fans means more money! More money means he will pocket some cash as well. Silent Stan and wenger need to restrategise .

Jack Wheelchair

Arsenal fans hitting each other…..shameful.


Found a petition. Sign it. Let’s make something happen. If the Scousers did it, we can, too.

Jon Z

$tan (Stan) just fucked St. Louis and his home state by moving the Rams to L.A. he does not give a rats ass about anything but money. Rams one of the worst run teams in the NFL, don’t let this happen to you, get rid of his sorry ass. Best wishes from St. Louis!

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