Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: We have the experience to cope with Sp*rs

Arsene Wenger is confident that Arsenal can get back to their best against Sp*rs even though his side have gone four games without a win since beating Leicester.

The Gunners travel to White Hart Lane tomorrow knowing defeat will leave them seven points adrift of their neighbours with only nine games to go of the season.

Speaking at his pre-game press conference, the boss emphasised that his players have the experience to cope with the pressure of a vital north London derby.

“It will [bring out the best in them] and I’m confident that it will be very vocal,” he said. “Of course what matters is what goes on, on the pitch.

“We have players who have played everywhere in Europe, in very vocal places, and when you have the right performance we have always got the right result.

“It is a big game and an important one. We prepare for every single game with the same intensity, the same focus and there are not a lot of special things to do. Maybe the impact and consequences on the table [are more significant] but the preparation is the same.

“I had a few [very competitive derbies] and it is very difficult to predict what will happen on Saturday. Maybe it is one of the few where the title race is at stake, maybe the only one since I have been here.”

Wenger also spoke of Arsenal’s need to add an extra ‘one to two percent’ to their game and of the importance of giving belief to the supporters who travel up the Seven Sisters Road.

I believe that belief comes with the last results that you have made,” he said. “Maybe our confidence has been a bit jaded but it’s like that always in football.

“I feel a massive disappointment after Wednesday’s game. We were a bit unlucky as well because the second goal was offside and the first goal was a blatant foul on Ozil that was not given. We can only look at ourselves to correct the results but everything went against us on Wednesday night.

“We now have to do 98 per cent of things right and then add the two per cent of things that are down. Then we can rediscover our collective qualities and put even more effort in.

“The fans will be behind us, I don’t worry about that. The fans away from home are always behind us and it is down to us to give them more belief and get more vocal by playing a quality game.”


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Spare me


“and when you have the right performance we have always got the right result.”
Wonderful insight Arsene and that helps us how?
I keep finding myself doubting Wenger these days, not a good place to be!


So what happens if we lose 4-0? What will the quotes look like then?


While Wenger tries to speak positive of his team to try and encourage his team he fails to under stand that you gotta call a spade a spade sometimes. Be rest assured the he’ll be back here with another excuse if his team fails to top spurs on Sat. Our team is talented enough to beat any team on paper no doubt but we gotta learn to let players know when it is required of them to pull their weight….enough of the kind words pampering ish..

Buzzy Gunner

I hope We get Lucky thru experience 🙂


Funny thing that the harder i work the luckier i get

dr Strange

Prepare in same way for every game. Who could have guessed.

Coq's on fire

”do 98 per cent of things right and then add ” another 200% and then we talk

King Henry

It’s the derby, let’s fucking do this. COME ON YOU GUNNERS.

Mr. G

As despondant as I am over our form, the quality of the squad, and a manager for whom the League Cup final loss against Birmingham should have been the last straw, there’s much more to this derby than pride at stake. Win, and whatever is left of a title challenge just about survives. But a win OR a draw (a draw not being a bad result under the circumstances) and we dent their title hopes too! So COYG! Let’s remind these basketball-balancing-chickens who is still no 1 in North London! Even if we can’t win the title, at least a… Read more »


And for me that’s the killer. This team and manager have now made me feel like a spurs fan. We need a result to help ruin thier season. I don’t want my football happiness to be as a result of thier misery.
That’s all they have had for years beat us help fuck up our season and they are happy.
Bollox we deserve better than that.

Ivan Drago

While we’ve been awful the last week, Sp*rs also looked shite in their last match. Let’s get the three points and go on a winning run!

Ex-Priest Tobin

It must take a huge effort to continue posting news articles about this disgrace of a team. Well done. I’m sick of the sight of Wenger and most of the players.



The Iceman

I think he missed a couple of zeros there

George Gunner

So Wenger says 98% is right with Arsenal. He is deluded. I just hope
Spurs beat Arsenal and send him to the exit sign.

Ivan Drago

Really? Wanting Arsenal to lose to Sp*rs? Either you’re trolling or just a bit of a dick


Surely, no matter how you may feel about AW, you don’t actually want us to lose to Sp*rs? Cutting off your nose and all that…

He is Well Beck Now!

No way but it’s hard to see how we are going to win or even take a point off them. Just hoping for Swansea type of luck with 2 goals from 2 shots on target specially when both should have been disallowed.


The coming St Totteringhams day AND maintaining a shot at the title are on the line. That’s TWO noses by my count. Maybe seven.

bims lay

can you really mean that….as a goooner?……to fecking spuds??


Did you type that wearing a shirt with a massive cock on it?


Or a shirt with a massive cock in it.



Please take your coat and leave.

Ghost of Denilson

Notice me senpai


Go back to where you belong. You White Hart Lane cretin.


We need to win this both for the sake of the title as well as St. Tottering Day!


Surely, no matter how you may feel about AW, you don’t actually want us to lose to Sp*rs? Cutting off your nose and all that…


Yeah, replied to the wrong comment didn’t I…

Toure motors

What do we think of Tottenham?….



bims lay



Doctor: Mr. Wenger, I’m afraid you are the sickest team in the United Kingdom. You have everything. AW: You mean we have torn hamstrings? Doctor: Yes. AW: Bottlers’ Bliss? Doctor: Yes. AW: Diabycontagion? Doctor: Uh, a little bit, yes. You also have several anomalies that have just been discovered – in you. AW: I see. You sure you haven’t just made thousands of mistakes? Doctor: Uh, no, no, I’m afraid not. AW: This sounds like bad news. Doctor: Well, you’d think so, but all of your woes are in perfect balance. Uh, if you have a moment, I can explain.… Read more »

Dale Cooper



I got it. Meh; somehow makes me cringe a bit imagining you writing that.




Please don’t try to imagine me writing, it makes me feel uncomfortable. And for your own sake too, I look like an unshaved Kathy Bates


meh, lol


Very long walk, very short drink.


Guys tries a little Simpsons related light-hearted human, some other guy acts like his day has been ruined just because HE didn’t find it funny. This is why I love the comments section.


*humour. Just in case anyone takes that too seriously and grows concerned I keep Simpsons related light hearted humans against their will.


Arguably, this is the biggest game of Wenger’s time with us (FA Cup Final ’14 being the other). If we lose then it’s hard to imagine even the most die-hard of the ‘Wenger Knows’ crowd chipping in with support.


St totteringham’s day 2016. If not wenger out!

Fool of a Took

I´m a shit supporter at the moment, so here we go.

Hoping for a trashing with a 3-0 win for spurs, only way for this club to get a new direction come next season.
Just fucking get it over with, we´re down, continue to kick us so that we eventually will kick away our manager.

AW is a legend, but his footballing brain is still in -04. The rest of the world kept going, but we´re lost inside a seagulls brain..

Thumb me down, but this is what I belive will be the best for us 🙁


I will never, ever understand this agenda. Ever. Wanting the club you support (and will have done your entire life) to lose against fucking Spurs in order to get rid of a manager. I just don’t get it. Donald Trump could be in charge and I would still always want us to win.


The folly is all the greater for the fact that the board won’t sack him anyway!


Everyone bar kroenke works for aw.

How can they have a meeting about him when he’s there?

Bould's Eyeliner

Actually the Board does not work for AW. That’s why they exist. They have the power to oust him. We just know that they won’t, largely because it’s a horrible business decision and a huge gamble, with plenty of evidence that managerial changes usually cost a team a season or two. Is our season that poor this year compared to other years? Not really. We just want more silver. A lot more. I’m all for a change in managers, and although I’d love Wenger to end his career on a (Everest) high note, the truth of the matter is that… Read more »


Bould’s Eyeliner – you’ve hit the nail on the head!



‘Im really angry cos my team keeps losing…
…I hope they lose the next game too then the board who i criticise for not getting rid of the manager sooner will sack the manager i know wont be sacked’.

Ivan Drago

I see where you’re coming from even if I disagree with it

The thing is though, even if we lose, and don’t get the title, do you really think the board would sack Wenger? All Kroenke cares about is money and once we make the Champions League next year, the cash will keep pouring in and Stan will be happy


No you’re not a supporter, you’re a cunt!

If we win I sincerely hope you stop ‘associating’ yourself with Arsenal, as to even contemplate hoping for a spuds win should be grounds for the firing squad.

bims lay

i’ll take a one eyed donkey with a hunchback for a manager than lose to spud pal

He's got no hair but we don't care...

Seriously, please shut up.

We also had the experience to cope with both manure and Swansea.

So, again, just shut up.


He has to answer the question hence the whole being a press conference.

I don’t think you understand the concept, so maybe you should shut up?

He's got no hair but we don't care...


By all means answer the question but I’m not sure about you but I try to avoid repeating the same thing if it makes me or my team look like idiots.

So, yep, shut up.


Ha! Yes maybe he should just act like a child and moan about everything his team has done take no responsibility and single out players. That worked really well for some other manager this season didn’t it… Unlike twats like you, who get to vent there frustrations anonymously online at a man answering questions, he’s obligated to answer those questions. He does the press conference because he actually cares about his job. I may not be happy with how things are going or with some of the decisions that were made on Wednesday but to expect him to act like… Read more »

He's got no hair but we don't care...

Do you actually read the response?

I am not advocating whining or not answering questions but clearly I’m a twat and you’re a genius who reads things that are not there.

Yep, I’m the twat.


bims lay

Win this, and for me, all is forgiven!…….nothing galls more than a spuds victory in the NLD!


We win – same old same old

Lose – pressure for change becomes even greater



Surely you’re not implying we should lose.


Plus it’s the early game so we will only be 3 points off top with Leicester in the late game going to Watford which won’t be easy.

Gooner Stoner

And we also experienced in take a nap during the game. Shit. I can’t remember I am this worry for not finishing below the Spurs.

Oh my lord, I am begging to you, despite this arsenal team is so bad, especially that boy named Theo, please, please grant us another St Tottenrinham Day this year.

Spurs 1 Arsenal 3
(They lead 1-0 until the minute of 75. Before Super Flamini do the hat trick)


Mmmmm,I am listening….

Le Jim

Perhaps the only North London Derby that could make or break each teams title chances, says Arsene. All this tells me is that Tottenham have caught up a fuckload in the last couple of years under Pochettino, who arrived a year after the signing of Mesut Ozil. The financial restraints are off, and yet the scum down the road are still better than us.

Dale Cooper

Bullshit, they’ve bottled it more than we ever have. Redknapp’s squad was just as good as ours at the time, and they bottled it every time, in terms of where they finished in the table. Take a look at both squads those years, and tell me different. We’ve beaten them before with worse teams, let’s beat them again.


It’s like with an elderly family member who really should stop driving. You all know it but know they love doing it.

It’s time for the hand on the shoulder ivan

Dan the gooner man

whatever has been happening the last few games forget it all, this is the NLD so fuck off and get behind your team.


There is one guy on whom we can trust, it’s Özil. I read this nowhere, but he is a leader, OUR leader, shouting, running, defending, attacking, being the peacemaker (United), goaling, assisting. Forget Sanchez, forget what others can say: Arsenal has got a leader and it’s Mesut!
But strangely i reasd nowhere what is so obvious. Or do i have to think England hates him?
Sanchez would do half he does, it’d be praised to heaven!


Özil is our creative leader but not our team leader.


We should’ve been going into this top of the league with a healthy improvement to our goal difference after the last two games. Instead we’re still behind that shower of shit and need a win.

Dale Cooper

Anyone wanting Sp*rs to win needs to get a fucking grip. This is the one fixture you should support our team no matter what’s going on.

Christopher Wreh

Fucking come on boys. Please.

Turkiş Gooner

Is this a joke?

Martin Finley

Wonder if Tottenham’s new stadium will hit them as hard as it did us, or will they just carry on improving and challenging for silverware regardless under the guidance of Pochettino? Time will tell.

I doubt though Pochettino will accept selling his best players to rival clubs or replacing them with cheap replicas. Dont imagine he would ever stay for 10 years with instructions to forget his silverware ambitions and focus on just making money for the next decade.

Will be interesting to see how it plays out.


Don’t be bloody stupid it’s the Spuds they’ve won nothing of note since the 90’s. Their one claim to fame was that they’d won the FA cup the most which is actually us now. The have always been a selling club and always will be, Pochettino is the coach and Levy does all the deals. Seriously a couple of bad results and people start believing the deluded crap every fucking ten penny pundit or Spud is saying. To be a Spud is a life of consistent losing fact! We might moan about being in 3rd/4th season after season but none… Read more »


They came 4th in 2013 – that’s 3 years ago.
But at least this season we are making our financial advantage show them up, look at them pathetic spuds.
Thanks for the memories Arsene but it’s time to say goodbye.

Tony Hall

Minor detail in article but if the spuds beat us they will be six points in front not seven if we beat them we are on level points. Just hope we beat them for AW’s sake or the mood will turn nasty.


I think because if their significantly superior goal difference (it make’s me nauseas just typing that) it will feel like 7 points.


While I think a win at the shithole that is White Hart Lane would be nice, I’m not sure if we can accomplish it.

Petits Handbag

Starting XI, Ospina,Bellerin,Monreal,Mert,Gabriel, Coq,Ramsey,Ozil,Campbell,Alexis,Welbz.

We really, really should have signed some fucking players.

Dr. Phil

My lineup tomorrow would be:

Bellerin Mertesacker Gabriel Monreal
Coquelin Elneny
Campbell Ozil Welbeck

I think Welbeck and Campbell on the flanks will offer more security in the wide positions, and it may be time to give Alexis a try up top. It should help with ball retention up to the final 3rd and hopefully if he gets a goal bring him and us a bit more confidence.

Perry S.

I really do believe we have some of the worst “supporters” in the league. like not only are they fickle, they are full on dunces. he was asked a question in a presser and as any manager must do, he had to back his team to come good. fucking idiots.

Dale Cooper

Sadly, I completely agree. Reading the Facebook comments on any Arsenal page is hard at the best of times, let alone now.


Pls i need to understand AW; Is he saying we are going to apply the same focus & intensity like in games against Barca, Swansea, Chelsea, & Machester united, when playing spurs tomorrow?




I hope not as the performance against the latter two was abysmal – we should be top of the table not in this mess and who is ultimately responsible?


I often get the feeling on this forum:
Aaron Ramsey??

Bob Davis

That’s the spirit Arsene. We have a much better team than those c*nts.

I can’t deny they’re on a great run we just have to make sure we stop that run from going any further and start their descent to mid-table where they belong!

Rats 0 – 3 Arsenal. The three players who ‘ll score are Flamini, Giroud and Sanchez.

COYG! Show us what you’re made of.

Arteta Fan

I just hope everybody brings turds to throw at Wenger and the players. A team like Arsenal sitting in third place, having a bad run of form, playing at the same level or above every other team in the league except 1-2. 3 balls off the post, offsides goal given, fouls not called … Who cares! Real winners never struggle…they win. What we need is mass revolt, demoralize the players until they capitulate and recognize they are losers. Then we can get the greatest manager we ever had fired, clear out the garbage players and go through years of rebuilding… Read more »


Like the Same experience you had of playing man utd? The same experience you had with swansea? I swear sometimes I just wish he could shut up!


I have a feeling Owen Goal is going to come back and lead us to victory.


Dear Bloggs,
I just listened to the ever excellent Arsecast and was looking forward to you finishing it off with….
“and remember Sp*rs are cunts”…which didn’t happen.
Any chance of confirming that on here please?


what i really can’t fathom right now is how we are still third in the table.

Dial square

Forget all this bollox about the last few games, let’s just give those cunts a fucking pasting in their own back yard, fucking spu*rs, pretenders-clowns-wankers,
We are The Arsenal, let’s not forget what we stand for, pride-tradition-success ….COYG


Hope Chambers gets the nod over Gabriel. The pressure seems to be getting on the Brazilian the most. Some horrendous defending in the past 2 games, wholly or partially culpable for 3 goals and some ridiculous decisions that, luckily, weren’t all punished. COYG with a heavy heart. Fucking spuds.


I think it will come down to who has more energy. Both clubs have played every three days, whether in Europe or in the PL. I hope we have that little bit extra juice but it’s hard to believe, with all the injuries. Time to give fringe players their chance as subs? Clearly United showed us how it’s done.


Who’s in for a 5-2?


He had better come up with a plan to deal with their high press as they are going to throw it against us from minute one. It probably shouldn’t involve Ramsey trying to make fancy passes or dribbling moves from our defensive third.


OK, although i have been massively disappointed and slightly disillusioned and utterly bewildered by the Arsenal this season, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that our players are going to come out extremely pissed, firing on all cylinders, and will blow the life out of Sp*rs, even before the first half is over.

say what you will about confidence and mental strength and all, we never roll over against Sp*rs.
we’ll probably go on to lose against Norwich or some team like that afterwards.

but we never fold against Sp*rs. no doubt at all.


Getting up early for the game. Will need an extra coffee. No solid foods till after. Will root for The Arsenal regardless, but wrf, looking for a different lineup (even slightly), a different attitude and a different result!


Coquelin and Ramsey have to get a better measure and balance between attacking and defending. Much like Flamini and Ramsey found their own equilibrium What Coquelin found useful support in Santi won’t be the same as in Ramsey. That said, Ramsey has been a constant regardless of Coquelin or Flamini. If Ramini can do it against City and Olympiakos under pressure, no reason why Coqsey can discover better understanding too. Similar issue with Gabriel in the back 4 mix and with Per. I feel he may be better suited to Per because otherwise he is too similar to Koscielny. With… Read more »

gunnerfan ov palace

Remember our last games av it arsenal fc the prem pts need a win still be third if won but an away win sssshhh coyg

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