Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Walcott to join West Ham

Theo Walcott is on the verge of a summer move to West Ham United, according to an ‘exclusive’ in The Sun.

The attacker, who this year celebrated a decade at Arsenal, has fallen out of favour at the Emirates and is believed to be excited at the possibility of kick-starting his career with the Hammers when they move to the Olympic Stadium.

The report, which comes less than 10 days since a spurious link with Manchester City, claims Arsene Wenger is open to letting Walcott move on, so long as the Gunners recoup a fee in excess of £20 million.

Walcott, 27, has scored 85 goals in 344 appearances since joining from Southampton in 2006 but has struggled for form since returning from the cruciate knee ligament injury that cut short his 2013/14 season.

Perhaps a move to a stadium built for athletes that run without a ball might suit the lad.

Let’s see, it could be more posturing on the part of his representatives. Here’s the poo-ometer anyway…


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The Sun? Not really reliable that. I do hope he’s sold in the summer though, time to be ruthless.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Ruthless is the word. The summer activity that I feel wud definitely propel Arsenal into REAL contenders. I wud keep Cech Kos Bellerin Monreal Elneny Coq Ramsey Cazorla Ozil Sanchez Iwobi and sell everyone else. Of these Monreal wud be back up, need to sign a player to play ahead of him at Left Back. Need to sign two quality CBs Same for Elneny Coq Ramsey. They r good squad players, but there are better central midfileders out there and Arsenal need to sign some. Giroud is not a bad striker, but Arsenal clearly need a more clinical striker, and… Read more »

Gillespie Road

Are you fucking high?


He would* be high.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

LOL Really?

How dare he think of signing better players and getting rid of under performing players.

He MUST be high.

If being high is what it takes to something as plain as this, I wud gladly pass some of that stuff on to Wenger.

Bould's Eyeliner

“Professeur, you must try these herbs; the side effects are imitating arabian oil sheikhs, giddiness, and loose purse strings.”



Intriguing. Please share which left back you want us to swoop for to displace arguably the most consistent left back in Europe for 18 months?


Damn straight. Monreal is my player of the season. Been so consistently good.


But has he really been that good? Maybe I’m being overly critical but I think he’s severely overrated, though he had a very good start to the season. TBH I can neither remember his last decent cross nor the last time he actually blocked a cross. He’s one of Arseblog’s favourites so of course you won’t see that mentioned here…

Crash Fistfight

I think Monreal’s ‘less-good’ end to the season might be clouding your judgement, loose_cannon.

I do think he’s looked a bit off the pace the last month or so (he’s constantly been getting caught under crosses/cross-field passes to his side and has looked hesitant in his decision-making), but overall he’s been our most consistent performer all season. He’s not flashy, but he’s extremely solid most of the time.

The other question to ask is when was the last time he made a mistake that led to a goal?


In reply to Crash Fistfight, by that argument, I think Walcott’s “less good” end to the season is clouding the judgement of most fans here. Now I was harsh in my criticism, and I think Monreal is a very good fullback. But it’s frustrating to see some players elevated to god-like status with good to average performances ( Mertersacker, Elneny and Campbell are great examples) while other players are being thrown under the bus. For example, I really like Campbell but the way people on here talk, you’d think he was better than Messi. The way we talk about Monreal,… Read more »


“I think Monreal’s ‘less-good’ end to the season might be clouding your judgement, loose_cannon.” Doesn’t the same apply to Walcott? Consider public opinion of him after his goal against City to now. Giroud too, though he has had a lot more chances to play himself into form.

I admit I was harsh in my judgement of Monreal, and he’s a player I like a lot. But it’s frustrating how some players are elevated to god-like status and others are thrown under the bus when they’re all playing averagely!


@Crash Fistfight

“I think Monreal’s ‘less-good’ end to the season might be clouding your judgement, loose_cannon.” Doesn’t the same apply to Walcott? Consider public opinion of him after his goal against City to now. Giroud too, though he has had a lot more chances to play himself into form.

I admit I was harsh in my judgement of Monreal, and he’s a player I like a lot. But it’s frustrating how some players are elevated to god-like status and others are thrown under the bus when they’re all playing averagely!


Have you ever won at Monopoly? Your selling strategy meks one wonder 😉

not deluded

He certainly has a monopoly on comments.

Lord Bendtner

With this many changes u might as well support a totally different team all together

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Really? … u want me to support another team cos I want Arsenal to get rid of players who have under performed constantly and wanting them to be replaced with better players who know how to win, and who will help the team really challenge for the title for the first time in years, and who will for once make Arsenal get into the business end of the CL?


Lord Bendtner

I feel ur pain. I once bought Ronaldo on my Fifa Manager mode, alas I too wish our squad could become all out awesome but keeping just 11 players and selling everyone else is unnecessary. Yes I agree we need certain additions in certain positions and yes I just as u am not keeping my hopes too high during this transfer window. I hope next season will better. Yes an addition in winger striker department would be much needed. And uff I drool at the thought of having Diego Godin partner up with Kos. And Greizman latching onto Ozils through… Read more »


“I wud keep Cech Kos Bellerin Monreal Elneny Coq Ramsey Cazorla Ozil Sanchez Iwobi and sell everyone else”

hahahahahahahaha. this. is . . . precious.

Not only that, but pretty much everyone that you would keep would be as backup.

this post should be saved for all time. classic.


“wud” I see what you did there 🙂

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Name the fucking players who will come in to replace our squad.

Wenger has to pick players, chase their clubs, chase their representatives, chase them and convince them to join us, agree a deal with their club, and agree a deal with the player and his representative.

If you are going to tell us how you would do Wenger’s job then you can at least give us the 17-odd names of the 17-odd players who will be joining us as part of your grand plan.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

You r right lets not sell anyone and lets not buy anyone either, why, because u can’t think of anyone to replace them with. Typical Wenger mentality of there being no one on Earth who cud improve the squad. This is the best lot of players on planet earth. Sure be happy with mediocrity if u must, but Arsenal frankly as things stand don’t have the players who r good enough to win anything worth winning. The on;y way anyone can believe in this squad is if they have been living under a rock for the past few seasons. Its… Read more »


Not sure finishing 2nd or 3rd counts as “mediocrity” Yes, its hugely frustrating that we have let this season slip away, & the mistakes we seem to make are the same year in year out. But I think we must all accept that AW is her for at least one more season, regardless of how much that upsets people. BUT he does need to be a bit ruthless this summer. It does feel like there will be some churn, so here’s my 2p worth of what I would like the squad to look like next season (gets ready for boatload… Read more »


Yeah. That £25M will go a long way for Stan. I’m sure it will help him acquire some mighty fine horses for his new ranch, the cunt.

Darth Wenger

There was a young man named Theo, shite like Keanu as Neo, he’s scared to get hacked, his acting is crap, now all he produces is b.o.

Old Father Time

We all know of Walcott’s potential, what he can do on a “good” day ; even when he is fit, we haven’t seen those good days enough. Is it Arsenal, failing tactically to exploit his speed, or some missing quality in him ? IT DOESN’T MATTER – whatever the cause, Theo is never going to deliver consistently in a Gunners shirt. Give him a chance by transfering him, take the money and buy where we need. Why not start at central defence with, say, Virgil Van Dyk (yes, I know he’s just signed a long-term contract at Southampton). Or Eric… Read more »


It would be typical if he goes there and plays week-in week-out injury and steps up to be a decent forward!

Good luck in any case and we should be upgrading adequately.


‘Steps up to be a decent forward’ I’d definitely be surprised if that happens.


If I were West Ham and wanted a good RW/Striker from Arsenal with still potential for development, I’d spend a quarter of that £20mil and save £100k in wages a week, I’d just go after Campbell.

Younger, technically better, more work effort and more potential.


Actually it wouldn’t be typical at all. Say what you will, Arsenal players who are sold on to someone else almost always get worse, not better. Even RVP at Man U was just roughly the same as his last year at Arsenal, not better, and only for one year. And he’s the one you think of when you think of a success story.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Theo is too inconsistent and does not fit in our system but he is too good for West Ham. I can see him thrive as a winger with PSG, Chelsea or even Man U. However, I wouldn’t like us fans going after Theo as a traitor because that’s not his nature.


Completely agree about players going down the hill after leaving us.

The typical bit is on the injury front.

In my opinion, Walcott was playing well prior to his long lay off, which started with him holding up 2-0 to Tots.

Since his return from injury he has been poor, I think partly because he hasn’t been playing regularly.

In another premier league team, as a new signing on a fat pay check (he is still marketable), he may have the run of games to actually fulfill the potential…that we all hoped for!


It’s true.
But if Campbell leaves, I’d make a safe bet that he would be the first to get better (via just by being given the chance he deserves).

Also, do Kane or Cole count as players who left and got better?


I don’t think that’s really true of Fabregas though, considering his first season at Barcelona and Chelsea. Apart from him and Nasri, everyone else was sold after their prime whereas Walcott could obviously improve with a bit of consistency and a lack of injuries.

Wenger's love child

Upgrading? But Iwobi is like a new signing.

Mark Hughes

WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ORDER BY id’ at line 1]
SELECT playerid,avg_rating FROM player_ratings_results where postid = ORDER BY id – error that came up blogs


Thanks – refresh and it’ll go away


SELECT playerid, avg_rating FROM player_ratings_results
WHERE postid = id

Should fix the above SQL error

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Getting rid of Mark Hughes is really that easy?

Zorro in the Box


The Mert

Please let this happen!!

Norfolk Gunner

Walcott out, Xhaka and a world class striker in!

Mattias Larsson

Only? Arsenal need players that makes a different in situation that only players of strong mentality will power thru. Gabriel doesn’t work next to Kos, we need a young powering d’man than have similar skill set that of Mertesacker. We need a strong powerhouse in the middle than can bully and dictate the pace of a game. We need a striker that will score on that one golden chance they get a game. And we do need proper wingers ala Douglas Costa, Ribery and Robben that play on the wing with speed and that can deliver the boll with speed,… Read more »

Bendtner's Ego

Never mention Robben or Ribery and Arsenal again!!!

Thierry Ennui

It’s a Ribery Robbery!

Aditya Phadke

And did you just stop watching football post overmars? I ask because you claim that someone taught Robben how to cross the football.


There are about 7 or 8 truly world class strikers in the world and out of those I can only see Zlatan moving this summer, we don’t need to limit ourselves to the world class bracket of players we won’t sign, but instead go for strikers who are just below, that have the potential to become world class


And Zlatan will turn 35 next season and has been a big fish in a very small pond for most of his career, playing for Galactico teams in leagues that only have two or three real teams in them plus sixteen or seventeen pieces of cannon fodder.

I do hope Man Ure sign him for several hundred thousand pounds a week, because they’ll find out pretty quickly that he won’t do anywhere near as well in the PL as he did in Ligue Un or La Liga.


There is no doubt Xhaka is decent but how many dm’s do we need? We already have Coquelin and Elneny. Xhaka stats show he hardly ever scores, hardly ever assists and 11 yellows and 3 reds last season show he lacks discipline. The world class striker we have been waiting for for the past go knows how many seasons is what I really want to see money being spent on. I kind of feel a bit sorry for Theo because up until his cruciate injury, he had a pretty decent goals and assist ratio. If he had stuck to playing… Read more »


Please tell me how Arsene ‘sucked all the confidence out of him’.


Truthfully, Arsene is a real meanie along the lines of Daniel Day Lewis’ character in ‘There Will Be Blood’. Just instead of sucking oilf from other people’s wells, he is suuuuuuucking confidence out of hapless players.

This makes me so sad, I need to go to a dog shelter and rescue some puppies.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Save some puppies for me. I’m busy learning to cook.


He started the season with two goals in the Emirates cup. Got an assist in the charity shield win. 4 goals and another assist in Setember meant he was voted supporters player of the month (that’s real proper supporters by the way) not guys with short memories. 2 more assists in the win against the mancs before he picked up a calf strain. On his return from injury Wenger let him sit on the bench for 2 months prefering to play Ramsey out of position on the right wing even Kieron Gibbs on the left and of course a struggling… Read more »


So scoring in the emirates cup and the community shield assist count towards the season? I’m sorry I didn’t know that. 4 goals and an assist in september is all great, but do “real supporters” like you watch the full 90 minutes? We play with our fullbacks bombing forward most of the time. What does the great Theodore do to help them out when we need to defend? When did he ever score 30 goals in a season for us to carry him despite all his deficiencies? We already have a sort of luxury player in Ozil in the middle.… Read more »


Yes real supporters like me watch the full 90 minutes and the full last 40 years you arrogant prick. 30 goals a season. If that’s what you expect then obviously Sanchez is crap too then and basically every single player in the premier league. If you are wondering about Theo helping out his full backs then once again you have a short memory when 2 nil up against the spuds, Theo did his cruciate tracking back tackling Danny Rose. Anyway if our full backs stuck to defending our attckers could actually do the job they are good at. Our full… Read more »


Oh dear, who is making himself look a right nump with his hissy fit and cussing!!!

Purple Patch

Fender797, quite interesting insight. I wonder why theo languished on the bench when he returned from injury. Wenger really gambled on him this past summer by giving him a bumper deal instead of moving him on and bringing on an attacking replacement. I trusted Wenger but that trust has eroded.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

…however, as supporters rather than employees of the Club we actually have no knowledge of what is really happening in such a situation. We see Walcott left on the bench, but we don’t see why that may be. We can’t know if there was some underlying physical or mental reason Walcott couldn’t be chosen to play regularly for the full 90 minutes. Maybe there were other factors in play, maybe there weren’t. We do not know. We can argue with eachother and be rude about Walcott, Wenger, eachother, whoever, but it’s all speculation based on guesswork and supposition.


@Locksley 444,

By paying him over 100 grand per week when he’s worth over 200?


Wagner ahhhht

Santi's Smile

Though there’s been reason to admire Elneny’s performances, not sure he’s really a DM. Certainly did not look very strong defensively on Man City’s two goals. Could have at least touched the ball on Agüero’s goal and should have done something to stop De Bruyne on the second. Hope he learns from the match because he has a lot to contribute to this team.

South london gooner

You speak the truth my friend. Everything you said is valid Ramsey over rated and Campbell treated like podolski was


Hey ciderman.. A decent discussion and a difference of opinion is normal. Coming up with reasons and answers is how most get their views across. then you have an arsehole like Locksley4444 who just wants to try and be clever without ever actually having anything useful to say but “so and so is shit”.. So as I said he can go fuck himself. As for cussing, yeah noone ever swears in the 21st century when they are frustrated by idocy do they? You complete penis!


I still haven’t forgiven Venga for not buying Aurier, Fellaini, Samba and Lacazette

We shouldn’t mess this one up – hence splash da cash on Xhaka NOW!

Pull your finger out VENGA, else I will point mine AT YOU!


…and don’t make me mention others, like Lorik Cana, M’Viller, Berberthoff

I gasp convulsively at the thought: “What could have been?”

Oh shit – I nearly sobbed on top of my A4 protest paper!


Luis Boa Muerte

Lovely strawman you’ve constructed there

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Oh, well played Sir. You’ve gained a decent following of fans while simultaneously managing to irritate both the avid Wenger-supporters who think you are serious, and the avid Wenger-haters who suspect you are taking the piss out of them.

A hit, a very palpable hit.


An out of form Lacazette has scored 21 in the league – same as Giroud in his “best season” in his career.
Aurier would definitely have been a useful signing. Very versatile and probably as good as bellerin at his best.


Would that be the Aurier that was sent to reserves for being a twat on social media slating his teammates and manager? No thanks. I’m enjoying a squad without that sort.


How do you know he would’ve acted the same here?? Some of you people act like we’ve only had angels as players in this team. Aurier is a great talent who wanted to sign for us.
Wenger isn’t Blanc.


Bellerin is doing a great job, so no regrets on Aurier.

John C

We signed Debuchy instead, he’s hardly set a better example has he?

Scott P

20 million would be good business.

Wenger has a large Coq

I would pay a team £20m to take him off our hands at this point, although I wouldn’t mind some extra cash to gather dust in the transfer fund

Difficult Climate at the Emirates

One year ago – following his hat-trick vs. West Brom – I think we could have received closer to £50 million (around the price Man City paid Liverpool for Raheem Sterling) for Theo Walcott .


3 poos on the poo-o-meter.
I really really really hope this is true.
This would be the first step forward.

Frustrated Gooner

We should be happy even if we get £5 million for him.

Runcorn Gooner

Unless he shows some “Bottle” he will get found out wherever he goes.He is basically lightweight and needs help from the rest of the team.
A complete disappointment after early promise.The Ox is going the same way unless something dramatic happens.

Indian Gooner

Best move I would say it would be for Theo.

It is exactly the kind of club a player like him could fit in. Mediocre.


Bit opportunistic since David Sullivan has confirmed that West Ham have placed a £25 bid for an unknown player today, and they are going to make another similar bid for a player in England this week

Toure Motors

Little t, the happy hammers and the shiny new stadium. Writes itself


No poo rating?


Giroud should be next in line to leave. All mediocre players should be put on transfer ASAP. We need serious, talented and ambitious footballers. We have accepted mediocrity for far too long. Next season should be make or break for Wenger and Arsenal.


I would happily sell Walcott & Giroud if it meant we had the funds to buy Lukaku.


Don’t rate lukaku….would rather buy Lacazette.


You mean you don’t rate the 119 goals in 272 games (61 in 121 for a poor Everton side), 22 years old Lukaku? We should sign him for his injury record alone, let alone his phenomenal goal return for someone of that age!


How many of those were at Anderlecht?? Lu Kaku wouldn’t fit our style of play and is only slightly better than Giroud. Giroud has better technique than him. Anything more than 25m on lukaku is a waste.


I won’t lie to you Trez, if there’s only one thing that needs to change in the summer, it’s our “title-winning” style of play. There’s no point signing anyone if we don’t rethink our brand of football! Lukaku is more like Welbeck than Giroud in his style of play and attributes, though more willing to shoot.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Does somebody want to sell Lukaku to us then? I didn’t even know he wanted to come here.

What happens if we sell Walcott and Giroud and then Lukaku says, “No thanks”. Who would we buy with our Lukaku money?


Why so many dislikes? Is it because lamp post was mentioned and he had one good game? I honestly think the same as you mate


Lamp post scored 20 goals this season. He’s not world class but he’s not mediocre either. The last thing we need to be doing is selling one of our only two players who has shown any ability to score over a dozen goals a season reliably – even if he doesn’t score the two dozen we’d like.

Get an upgrade to challenge him by all means – but selling Giroud this season is bonkers.


13 in the league. Defoe has scored more.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

So you want us to buy Defoe then?


No,just saying Giroud numbers are nothing special for a first choice striker in a big team…especially one who a certain Higuain and Benzema aren’t upgrades on.


It’s because our fans have been brainwashed into thinking that players like this are good enough to play for us.


Really can’t understand why sooo many Arsenal fans would be happy for him too leave. Yes he isn’t ‘world class’ but he certainly isn’t as bad as what many of us make him out to be. The lad is struggling for form at the moment yes. But he can still do a job for us I think? Letting him go would be a mistake, especially if it’s too another prem team


Ya, I agree. Walcott is just having a rough patch for some time – for 10 years to be precise!


I am fine with him leaving, but not to another prem team, especially one one the up like west ham.
Chelsea want cuadrado back from juve at the end of the season when his loan ends. lets send walcott over there. forget the price, he shouldnt go to another PL team


Nobody outside the PL is going to want Walcott. His primary attraction is that he’s a homegrown English player so signing him doesn’t come at the cost of a much better foreign player.

There is a reason English players hardly ever go abroad. They are worth literally double to English clubs what they are worth to a club anywhere else.


You don’t get it mate. Selling Walcott to a direct rival team will actually maximize our chance of winning the title. He is that shit! There is no EPL team( Aston Villa included) where he can be considered an upgrade.


That comment is stupid. You are probably the only one who thinks that.

I want him to be the Last one if he completely has to leave.
Rosicky Arteta Flamini should be priority


Heroldg: Maybe you should read your comment. All three of the people you list are out of contract this summer anyways. At least we should get a fair penny for Walcott.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

The player actually gets a say in his future now. The days you could tell a player where he was going to be sent to whether he likes it or not are well and truly over. Walcott is very capable of messing us about if he doesn’t get his way. He already showed that to us. If he has decided that West Ham are the team he wants to play for in their shiny new stadium then that’s where we are likely to sell him. He can always play out (or wait out) his contract and go for nothing wherever… Read more »

Gareth Waugh

He’s lazy and terrible .


Because he is on ridiculous wage that he hasn’t justified during this season, not even close. Would be another matter if he was on, let’s say, 50-60k/week so he could be kept as a squad player. Now his wages should be used to bring in some real quality be it to his position or some other.

Luis Boa Muerte

We’re trying to win the league, we need players who are better than just ‘can do a job’. And tbh he can’t even do that, he hides and fucks up most chances that fall his way


I hope this is true.

Walcott was never good enough for us. And this could actually be a good move for Theo: playing every week will improve him. Bur who’s gonna play him 140k a week?


I’m from the east end with a family of hammers fans if theo thinks he’s in for an easier ride from the west ham fans than he got from us then he’s in for a shock, most i speak to don’t want him and if he decides to have an off month or two and bottles the tackles they will crucify him. he needs to go now and we need to sell him as another reason like the last and he will have little value left in him. Anything over 10 million and i would snap their hands off bearing… Read more »

Gutbukket Deffrolla

He got broken making a tackle, you know. Maybe he’s wary of tackling now. Maybe that’s why Wenger hasn’t played him much. Who knows what goes on in his head?


Nvm. It wasn’t loadiing on my phone


What a great news. ..hope it materializes.


I just hope it’s not a silly 2 year loan where we foot the wage bill and then get him back when his knee explodes again


Swap Theo for Payet? Yes please! As if 🙁


can’t be allowed to stay…he is a liability by all standards.

Hope it materializes.


I can see the excitement of the poos


The thumbs downs can only mean one thing – Theo, his brother, father and step mum also read arseblog news.

Max Henchman

I think something is screwed with your WordPress Arseblog, possibly a messed up database query or it’s retrieving loads of unnecessary data? It’s taking ridiculously long to load the page, I’m not a WordPress pro but that’s what it seems like to me.


Site is just busy at the moment – the Walcott news seems popular.

Snake in the grARSE

Time for server upgrade 😀


I hope so.

Look at me hector

Always nice to end the season on a positive note, we’ll throw in Gabriel and Olivier while you’ve got your wallet out.

Jack Action

Please God, if West Ham offer 20m for Walcott grab that deal so hard it rips their fucking arms off.


Just to put some context to the comments that Theo has always been shockinly shit.. In 173 premier league games , he has scored 49 goals and has 33 assists..

Bertie Mee

He’s a one trick pony, with that trick being pace. While it can be pretty effective on occasion, the club that has his contract when that pace goes is going to be stuck with paying a huge salary for a player who’s going to be as much use as a chocolate teapot. If this news means it isn’t going to be us, then bloody brilliant.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Wow! You don’t think you’ve hit on the reason he wants to be a central striker, do you?

I do wish people would stop calling him a one-trick pony though. Did he run all of those 49 PL goals across the line?


It’s strange isn’t it? A couple of seasons ago, before his knee injury, we all thought he was the real deal. And he started this season well too. But his form collapsed halfway through the season and suddenly he was “never” good enough. Doesn’t help when egged on by Arseblog. How can dodging the challenge at Sunderland be the defining moment of his season (when he was on the pitch for like 10 minutes) and not the goal against Man City? Strange reporting


Feelgood end to the season. Have despised the one trick pony runt since he deigned it acceptable to hold us over a barrel in the wake of RVP.

Lord Bendtner

Surely Isco or James Rodr one of them must be available.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

….and have nowhere else they’d rather go to.

Why do people always think of players as commodities on a supermarket shelf rather than people with needs and ambitions?

Crash Fistfight

Well yes, you make a valid point, but if you don’t try you never find out.

Who’s to say that neither of them would consider a move to Arsenal worthwhile?


Billic will probably get the best out of Theo, which is a shame for us. I don’t think we should sell until we’ve got somebody though. It’ll just put the price up of every player we go for now.

Patrik Ljungberg

Yes! Just do it, Venga!

Teenage mutant Ninja Turtle

I think it could work for him, as he will have space to run that he doesn’t get in a team like Arsenal

Lucas Northbank

The seasons body is not even cold yet

Gutbukket Deffrolla

But it does have a nasty case of gangrene.


Marco Reus or Mario Gotze as a replacement please. Bring Robert Lewandowski with you.

That would do me I think.

ramsey's spirit

I wouldnt object to a sale, but if its to the premier league id prefer a significantly higher price. the pace mis-match with Monreal is concerning next season if true.

Jack Action

Monreal just has to stand 5 yards off of him, keep him from dribbling inside and he’ll run him out to the touch line all day. That’s if he gets the ball. Chances are good Monreal will fall asleep since Walcott only touches the ball about a dozen times a game.


As long as we’re in the red kit we should be fine, Walcott will be drawn unerringly to the red shirt and run straight into Monreal, giving away the ball in the process, as he has done so often this season.

Squillaci Assault

Theo is that gf who you’re unsure of … You think you can do better but you’ve never really put yourself in te dating market for the best part of a decade , so you could be fantasising , right? And what a fool you would look if she went onto have a fantastic life with someone else … and chances are she might but the point is the 2 of you are never going to and you should go your separate ways !

Gutbukket Deffrolla

But if you suddenly find out that in the dating market most girls think you’re a bit scrawny and plain then the only alternative to a girlfriend is your hand. They don’t give trophies for that.

Squillaci Assault

If what you say is true then why is Joey Barton such a prize wanker?

Squillaci Assault

And Theo diving out of that tackle was the equivalent of the last half assed hand job that you put up with. You’re dumped, Walcott! GTFO

Gutbukket Deffrolla

It’s not like he’s got a serious injury from making a tackle, is it… Oh!

I’m starting to wonder if he is actually afraid of getting hurt. He’s seen Eduardo almost lose his foot, he’s seen teammates miss years of playing, and he’s had a long injury of his own through chasing back and making a tackle. More than that, it also seems to me that he’s always favoured jumping clear of a tackle made on him rather than taking the knock (or diving) and earning a free kick… or maybe I’m just imagining it.


Hope he gets a testimonial. And I hope we don’t turn on our club when he performs well for whoever he joins. It’s that way sometimes. He’s a poor player who has made money out of being British and being in the right position vis a vis the club in moments of turmoil. I dislike him a lot but also pity him, he’ll never have a moment of epiphany. Will talk shit in a season or two about how he did his best for arsenal but now he belongs to whoever and was happy to help his team secure three… Read more »


I say sell. At 27/28, his main asset in pace will start to wear. He does not contribute much off the ball when not scoring (unlike oh say Giroud). The money made could bring in a new striker or Cback or both preferably. Plus the wages freed up will help too. Doesn’t matter if its West Ham or somewhere-else. Why moan about GIroud when Walcott is even more ineffective. Some people have their pet peeves and are too stubborn to change their views. Point in case this whole Elneny nonsense. He is a decent player but hardly the over hype… Read more »


It always comes back to flamini! Love it


Like ramblingpete with a flaming fixation


Fucking autocorrect, Flamini!

Crash Fistfight

Are you doing it on purpose now, santori?


Funny how people say keep him he is not as bad as he looks, can I just sa something. It has now been 10 years since I started supporting/following Arsenal, coincidentally Walcott was one of the reasons why, club with young promising players, giving chance and all that. I can not recal but a single season where Walcott scored more than 20 goals that was back in 12/13 season. Apart from that he’s like Van persie ( excuse my language). So here is the question does a club that is supported apparently by so many moaning and bitching ‘fans’ keeps… Read more »


Only 3 on the meter and the source is the Sun.

I sense a hope greater than just birthday candle wishes on this being true.


To put a dampener on proceedings but this is never going to happen

The west ham owners love being accessible to their fans and once the twitter army begins they will back away. The did so with Barton, admittedly he’s a cunt all on his own but it shows the sway their fans can have with the owners

Plus no one is paying upwards on £20m for him


Excuse me for I lost a track of my thoughts.

So yes, for all the moaning ‘fans’ and most of the real fans this transfer is a no brained and even if he goes on to have a better career with hammers then so be it, but I reckon a decade of patience is just about all we can spare at this point.

And the Certain ‘Dutch little boy inside’ comparison was aimed at very poor fitness record and overall contribution( or lack of it) to clubs success or an attempt at success in sense of trophies.

South london gooner

Personally I think we need new spine to the team. A world class CB e.g hummels, Godin. Then we need a holding mid and stop thinking Ramsey is the player he was when ozil first signed because quite frankly he is not. A striker like cavani who is physical and fast and clinical, and mahrez as an instant guaranteed improvement on Walcott and chamberlain. Then add 2 or 3 squad players on top and we would be giving any team in Europe a run for their money. Ship out the extra baggage but keep some of the promising players eg… Read more »


If Theo is going to West Ham and Slaven gets the best out of him more then Arsene ever did this would be bad for us leaving to another London club,Ox has publicly stated he would never go to another London club in respect to the clubs and the fans that is if he was sold
I would not sell either of them and found a way in the team for them to succeed,these are great players and what a need,other the squad are.letting us down


Gesturing 2-0 whilst on a stretcher, giving the Spurs fans a bit of stick. Will forever come to mind when I think of Theo.


Here we go again! The summer wish lists are being aired and the first rumours are circulating …


Well now we know why Walcott jumped out of that 50/50. I won’t boo him when he returns but good riddance.

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