Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Bordeaux back in for Debuchy

According to Le Parisien, Bordeaux have opened negotiations with Arsenal over a permanent deal for Mathieu Debuchy.

The right-back, 30, spent the second half of last campaign on loan at the Ligue 1 outfit as he attempted to regain a place in the France national team ahead of Euro 2016. Debuchy’s quest was ultimately in vain as an injury in the final weeks of the season ruled him out of contention.

Debuchy started Arsenal’s friendly with Lens on Friday night and will travel to the States as part of the Gunners pre-season squad, however, his unwillingness to play second fiddle to Hector Bellerin means he’ll push for a move before the start of the season.

Debuchy was signed from Newcastle United in 2014 for around £10 million and remains under contract at Arsenal until 2019.

On paper, Arsene Wenger has plenty of cover at right-back with Calum Chambers, Carl Jenkinson and new boy Rob Holding all capable of playing the position.

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I’ll get the car, someone book a ferry, we’ll have him there by lunchtime.


Not if you’re going via Dover you won’t


I like Dover. It’s going well. We’ve built a makeshift shelter from rods made of old bottles and a sheets of woven crisp packets. I think Mathieu might be getting upset about being second choice scavenger though: he keeps saying he wants more time in the field but every time he gets out there he runs around aimlessly screaming “damn you Hector!”


Don’t waste your time, Ryan air or easy jet for 50 quid one way.

Feek for the guy with his injury record, but he has reached like a little brat.

I remember seeing him in a match for Newcastle before he signed for us. They were getting hammered something like 5 nil at home and it looked like he got sent off in the last minute so he wouldn’t have to face the crowd at the final whistle. I saw enough about his character on that day.

Granit(e) hard!

Good riddance to bad rubbish i would say!

He basically lost me as a fan when he went running his mouth off to the media after his loan move to last jan

Mr. G

I wouldn’t say he was a bad player. He’s a good right back, but everyone could see straight away that Hector was better and is only going to improve.

But yes, he also lost me as a fan with his media antics and half-arsed, sulky performances last season. I was glad to hear he was injured for the Euro 2016 and all of his unprofessional and disrespectful whining had not paid dividends.

Get out of our club Debuchy!

Nacho de Montreal is tasty

Sorry but as a general rule, I like players who are unhappy on the bench. I agree, he didn’t do it the right way. Wasn’t patient enough because of EURO in his home country. Wish Gibbs was a bit eagger to get his place back too, not verbally but on the pitch.

Merlin's Panini

I think it can be a positive when someone is unhappy on the bench but, when given the chance, Debuchy has played like shit for us since he lost his place so the attitude is questionable.
If you’re not happy playing second fiddle you should up your game. If that’s still not good enough you can leave with everyone’s blessing knowing you did your best.
If he weren’t such a douche he’d be a decent option but I hope he’s gone as soon as possible.


I’m not convinced we won’t need a right back signing.

Jerks had a poor season last year (obviously the injury didn’t help) and the other two are definitely more centre backs.

As good as Bellerin is, it’d clearly better for him to have someone pushing him for his place. No ones doing that at the minute. Also there’s always the danger of a Hector injury.

Clearly it’s not our main priority in the transfer market but in a perfect world…


Spineless, heartless, worthless. C’est Debuchy.


He’s not happy at Arsenal, we’re not very happy with him any longer (although I really liked him in his first season – seemed like an upgrade from Sagna even). Let the man go!

Thierry Bergkamp

Down vote for the Sagna comment


In all honesty he was, initially. He came into the side ahead of Sagna in the national team and he was better going forward than Sagna and better technically ball to feet. I know many of us at the start were startled by how little we missed Sagna and how seemlessy Debuchy slotted in with us. No one could’ve predicted this being how his story with us panned out over 3 years…maybe Bellerin.

Thierry Walcott

If true, this will be the best bit of transfer business we’ve done this season. Off he goes, I say!


that’s a sad indictment of our transfer business then isn’t it .

Thierry Bergkamp

Why is he even still an Arsenal employee?


I wonder if Bordeaux might also be interested in Walcott & Ox?


Walcott yes, on the merit he’s been here ages and show very little signs of improving. Ox? A bit harsh maybe. Sure he hasn’t had the best of seasons but give him another year (or two) to prove his worth. There’s the Ox of Bayern away from 13/14 in there somewhere.


Bantering with the Jack of Barcelona, probably.

I kid, I kid.

David Hillier's luggage



Mahrez starts for Leicester against Celtic amidst links of a move to Arsenal; Arsenal fans lose all hope of a possibility of signing him.

Debuchy starts for Arsenal against Lens amidst links of a move to Bordeaux; Arsenal fans gain full confidence that he will be gone.

My point? Just because a footballer starts a pre-season friendly with his current team, it doesn’t mean any possibility of him moving on is nullified. Debuchy case in point.


Although if the past 2 summers are anything to go by, Arsenal fans having their knickers in a twist due to lack of signings is very understandable.


2 summers ago we signed Sanchez, Welbeck, Ospina and Chambers…


When we also needed cover badly in defensive midfield. Coq came out of nowhere to save that season for us. Last summer we signed Cech, and also needed cover for Giroud (still does to this current summer). Nobody’s complaining about who we signed, just the apparent resting on your laurels when a bit more effort can see us really going places.


Fair comment


I tried a somersault and now I’ve hurt myself.

Godfrey Twattschlock

Good defender who sadly had two injuries in a short space of time, lost his form, whinged a bit about game time and then got set upon as if he was the devil incarnate. While being superfluous to Arsenal I hope he regains his form and gets all the game time he wants with Bordeaux.

Shame it didn’t work out but all the best to him.


I’d be willing to overlook his previous ‘indiscretions’ if he wanted to stay and fight for his place. I still think he is a very good right back.

Godfrey Twattschlock

At 30 he has no chance with the options currently at Arsenals hand. He knows that and he’s ready to move on to a lesser club in a league for less money. I see nothing sinister with that. All this hatred towards him is bullshit.


Lost sympathy for him when, rather than working hard to reclaim his place in the team, he decided he would rather chuck his toys out of the pram. Sooner we get him off the books the better.


Exactly this, could’ve put his head down and worked on getting that position back but no he threw a tantrum. Worst thing was when he played, post-tantrum, he was awful and showed absolutely no desire to be our no1 RB

Godfrey Twattschlock

I never heard of that. Where did he throw a tantrum?


Au Revoir


I think people have been a bit harsh on Debuchy. He saw the writing on the wall with Bellerin’s rise, ultimately wanted to play football (imagine!), and made some comments in the press that were presumably designed to force through a (loan) move.

He’ll almost certainly take a large pay cut.

In a way it’s almost honorable.


I would add that he seemed to remain popular with the rest of the squad, so it seems unlikely that he was acting up (e.g. I remember Giroud making a bee-line for him on the bench to celebrate a goal, perhaps in January).

glory hunter

Where’s the poo ratings?
To be fair we all know this is definately true.
95% of transfer speculation that involves a player leaving Arsenal is usually true. If only it was the same for incoming player transfers 🙁


I don’t wish him ill because ultimately, his existence did not affect Bellerin negatively. I just want him to go before he starts stinking up the place. And also because I really really really want Jenko to get a shot as I see every Arsenal fan in him. He can be our O’Shea, not world class but ALWAYS dependable.


fuck him right in debuchy


Thank God. Don’t discuss money. Just stick a stamp on his forehead, shove him in a postal bin, and wave a polite “au revoir”.


The signing of Rob Holding (and subsequent shirt number of 16) put the nail in Debuchy’s coffin. Holding is quicker, more versitile, younger, and dare I say it- stronger than Debuchy.
If Calum Chambers stays at the club this season, Debuchy is good as gone. Given his attitude over the bast 12 months, I can’t say I will miss him much.

Ned Flanders Bible

Ten million quid, do you think Bordeaux will accept that or will we need a bigger bribe?

Godfrey Twattschlock

Any report on how he performed in the Lens game?


He was pretty poor in his 45 minutes. Didn’t track his man at all on the Lens goal, allowing the guy to jog past him for a tap-in.

Thierry Ennui

Pass Debuchy on de left hand side

Well, no-one else has said it yet 🙂


Unless they are giving us a boatload of money for him does not make sense selling him unless we need to get his salary off of the books. Wenger appeased him and sent him off on loan last year which was a risk without much cover for Bellerin and now we need to keep him at least until Koscielny is back as he at least provides some experienced cover for the backline as he did admirably filling in at CD two years ago. Would have an experienced international with much PL experience in a pinch than the new guy Holding… Read more »

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