Friday, October 18, 2024

Petit: Vieira ‘sickened’ by Arsenal snub

Emmanuel Petit says Patrick Vieira has been left sickened by Arsenal’s failure to offer him a coaching position in retirement.

The Frenchmen formed a close bond during their two years together at Highbury and have remained close, to the point where Petit feels it’s his business to air Patrick’s dirty laundry in public.

Reflecting on Wenger’s apparent reticence to include high-profile former players on his coaching staff, Petit told SFR Sport: “I was with Patrick two days before he went to the USA. There was an event organised by Manchester City in January, and I was one of four players invited by Patrick.

“I spoke with Patrick for two hours and I can say – and maybe he will not be happy that I am saying this in public – he is really sickened by Arsenal & Arsene’s attitude.”

Petit added: “Why didn’t Arsene open the door to Thierry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp, Patrick Vieira or Tony Adams?

“Arsene couldn’t imagine that anyone would criticise him openly on television, never mind a former Arsenal player.

“It is good to build statues to commemorate history but at some point you have to open the doors to help them.

“When I see Dennis Bergkamp on Ajax’s bench, it doesn’t bother me, but I remember Dennis has a son in Arsenal’s academy.”

Obviously, Arsenal have not made a regular habit of handing out coaching roles to former players…but then again it’s not that easy. Arsene has been at pains to point out, that where possible, he’s opened London Colney to ex-Gunners looking to undertake their training badges. The problem is that you can’t just give everybody a job off the back of that.

Quite what Petit is going on about when he says Arsenal haven’t opened the door to Henry and Adams is beyond us. Both men had the chance to take on a full-time position with the under-18s; Henry didn’t want to sacrifice his media duties and Adams took a big-money gig in China. In their place, Freddie Ljungberg is rumoured to be working with Kwame Ampadu.

It’s not the first time Petit has stuck the knife into Wenger, back in March the Frenchman called for his former boss to leave after the Gunners threw away a chance to win the Premier League. The timing of the latest outburst is all the more curious given Petit is confirmed to play in the Legends game against AC Milan on Saturday. His coach for the occasion? Arsene Wenger.

Patrick Vieira recently said his relationship with Wenger remains ‘really good’.


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I Rony

Trying to remain relevent or something? Good news is no news. Has to stir some feathers to get the interview and get paid for doing so. Wenger is probably aware of this also.

glory hunter

This is so strange, we all know that Arsene has his flaws just like everyone. So why are we always so against ppl criticising him?
I too would like more ex-arsenal greats as part of the coaching team


Does it matter that it is “ex greats” or that it is ex Arsenal players? Last time I looked there were and have been a large number of ex players involved in Arsenal.

YOLO Toure

Yeah I really don’t get it – when they were at Arsenal they were great, they did some incredible things, and gave us some memories that I’ll have forever, but soon as they left they just became men who played football for a club that isn’t Arsenal, and I don’t mean that in a bad way, it’s just how things are. Arsene has been around long enough to understand how things work – of course former players will always be welcome at the club on game days, and legends matches and the like, they are a part of our history.… Read more »

Disillusioned Gooner

None of whom played under Wenger.

Andy Mack

Our scouting is mainly former players who joined under AWs management.


Dissillusioned gooner, spot on.


Imagine yourself standing at the doorstep of the company that didn’t offer you a job and bitching and moaning about the boss. I can guarantee you no one will think you’re making fair criticism of the company or the boss. They’ll think you’re a wanker. Also, having “legends” at the club is hardly the first thing on Wenger’s mind as it is no guarantee for success (nothing is l, really). In fact, iirc, it went quite rotten at Ajax a few years ago with a bunch of ex players sniping at each other. So it’s hardly an egregious call on… Read more »

I Rony

Whats your point? I didn’t say wenger was free from criticism. Petite could said something actually worth criticizing him over but he chose this. Why? Because he has to say something to get in the news and repeating whats already been said, and wengers flaws have been mentioned a fuck ton in the press over thr years, so he says this pointless shite. The interviewers had one goal: what new crap can over dramatic arsenal fans whine about wenger. These players want their managerial careers catered to them by wenger instead working hard like everyone else starting at the bottom… Read more »


According be to Twitter from the guy who said this in the first place, Petit also last week said Wenger was like a father to him.

Seems like he was just stirring


And who says legends are definitely going to be good coaches. Arsenal is a one of the biggest football Clubs in the world, surly you have to prove yourself to some degree before you get given a job

Nick Adams

Wenger doesn’t like people who may be strong enough to speak out
That’s his biggest weakness ..Henry is like sourness they’ve both been winners,paid the price and have a ruthlessness that is tough but fair
Adams and viera are from the same stock
Henry has worked in Italy,England and at barca ..he knows what made France world champions and barca so great.

Trixie Bird

Because Steve Bould is a pushover…….. right.

Henry got offered a job by Arsenal and decided he’d rather be a pundit. So that’s Arsene’s fault for not liking strong minded people. #givemestrength


I think it’s at times like this you see who has some kind of grudge, because they’re still complaining …


I wouldn’t mind being a fly on the wall of the dressing room watching Wenger deal with his fly in the ointment.


But what if you fell off the wall Kate and landed in the ointment?

Kate Mead

I’m already in someone else’s ointment!


Ointment or no ointment, Arsene has enough trouble with his fly.


Judging by how he does with the zip on his jacket no doubt


If we have more players like Ljungberg kept his head down just purely working for the club then it’s a lot better rather than being a dickhead like Henry..

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Just gutted by the disrespect shown by some fans to our greatest player ever. Giggs was assistant coach at Man U, Drogba was offered same opportunity, Vieira got the youth team at Man City after less than two years with them. I know Cech will be given goal keepers coach position at Chelsea straight away after he retires. How many PL team managers used to play at Arsenal? Doesn’t this tell you they are not given opportunities?


You have only mentioned one player each from these clubs, does Steve B not count as ex-player again? How many of the ex players are presently in ManU & Chelsea? Why are we not even hearing the 1992 class of ManU bitch about not getting any opportunity to work at ManU?

Stewart Robson's therapist

Not really, no.


Giggs and Drogba stayed loyal to their clubs, Vieira and Petit left Arsenal for Juventus and Barcelona respectively. We owe them nothing.

Disillusioned Gooner

Err I think we sold Vieira and Henry due to the club’s age policy at the time?

Andy Mack

No, we sold Viera because him and his agent spent every summer wrangling for a big money move. Admittedly Vieras main issue was the shit refs that kept giving him cards whilst Roy Keane got away with murder, but the move was driven by the player (and his agent).

Andy Mack

And Henry wanted to get away from the UK due to his ugly (at the time) divorce.


Not having that Andy, Vieira was committed to staying with us until he retired, he was sold to build the team around Fabregas.
He was forced out the door by Wenger, he describes his anger at him in his autobiography.
Can we refrain from calling Thierry a dickhead as well, people started turning on him just because he said Giroud wasn’t good enough to win the league which is completely right.

David C

didn’t Vieira threaten to walk during every transfer window? Maybe Wenger remembers a bit of that.

I’m sure the situation with ex-players will change when Wenger retires…

The Doff

Dunno. I’d rather have the best suited candidate to get the job, than someone who gets chosen simply because he’s a former player. Maybe Wenger didn’t see as much in Viera as he saw in Bould and Henry.

Andy Mack

Was there a vacancy when he became available even?
Or did he expect the club to get rid of someone to make space for hi?

I think pat rice is also another ex player. More ex players are actually been involved in the club.

Moses Ononivami

Get your fact right, Wenger assistant is an ex gunner.


Henry apparently has pulled out of the legends game and also declined the offer from Arsenal to record a video for the fans to be presented at the match. Shows how much he ‘cares’ for us fans and the club. Disgusting behavior from one of the greatest players at the club.

Crash Fistfight

Isn’t he working with the Belgian national team and don’t they have a match this weekend?


Exactly. Thank you! Sometimes people just have an irrational need to be upset.


Yet he thought he could combine coaching with Arsenal and Sky sports duties.
Have cake.
Eat it.


Recording a message,…eve that?


I hope that you are literally disgusted and vomit all over yourself


He actually spoke about the match n I think he said feel gutted not to be able to make it coz of commitments and urging the arsenal legends to win the match. The press are just trying to be the press as always.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

That was twisted absolutely fantastically. Are you a fucking journalist?

broken red army

someone calling the King a dickhead is being praised by thumb ups? what is this blog? no other club does that and Im sure its right that they dont do this sh*t! Roma fans would slap you 2 or 3 times if you called dickhead Cassano a dickhead let alone Totti, no matter how much they critisize or whatever the fuck they say about baord or their boss. fuck this blog and you dickheads you deserve 12 years of Kroenke Wenger combo lies and not legends like Dennis Henry Wright or Adams.


Fuck off, BRA.


I always struggle with the idea that Vieira is annoyed at Arsenal for a lack of loyalty. Is he the same man who agitated for a transfer almost every summer? These feelings must either be exaggerated by others or he’s a little bit hypocrite.


Spot on. I remember those summers when viera would flirt with other clubs and wenger and dein would fight to keep him with better contracts. He left because he wanted to and then wanted to come back but wanted arsene to ask him to come back? He wanted a coaching role at arsenal but wanted arsenal to ask him? So basically beg him to come. If he is that great of a coach why is he at a franchise of a club in the US As for petit he also wanted to come back when wenger warned him that barca… Read more »


I presume neither Vieira nor Petit were sickened by Vieira’s efforts to get away from the club to Real on numerous occasions as its okay for players to do what they like but not clubs.
Honestly, the utter lack of self awareness of of these prima donnas is bond belief.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

I can see your point and even agree with it but it doesn’t tell all the truth. Doesn’t Peter Cech deserve a position with Chelsea after he retires? He won everything with them. Yes, I know the difference, Cech was not playing when he requested to go. Arsenal needs to promote the idea of winning by associating with players who won things for the club. The year Theo had a very good season, he was scoring some Henry goals. Henry himself said over and over watching Ian Wright goals helped him a lot. Arsene needs to promote this but problem… Read more »


Deserve? In recompense for giving the most physically able years of your life to one r more clubs, the footballer at top level is massively rewarded financially. At the end of this period the two parties are square. If the player then wishes to subordinate his financial earning power in order to learn a wholly different set of skills to enable him to manage or coach, then fine, the clock is reset. This takes commitment from the player and from the club who will provide him with the environment and support to learn. Nobody deserves it after a successful career.… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

This, exactly The idea that an individuals ability to excel at one thing (eg scoring goals) will lead to a similar ability to excel at something completely different (eg managing a football team) is a delusion that many fans suffer from. There’s no actual evidence to support it, either. In fact the evidence we have suggests that if you want a wildly successful manager you’re better off going for a player who was at best a journeyman (AW, Mourhino) or if they had a glimmer of ability they were invalided out of teh game through injury (Brian Clough, Ferguson). Or… Read more »


what the fuck are you talking about?


I wonder if ‘winning by osmosis’ is something they teach when you do your coaching badges


Sorry man but no one can be taken seriously when they are comparing Walcott to Henry.


Personally I was quite sickened by Petit’s attitude when his performance levels dropped significantly after an exceptional first season and he agitated for a move away as soon as Barcelona came calling but maybe that’s just me.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Take easy mate. Clubs are not always nice to players either. Joe Hart has lot to say about this, these days.

Andy Mack

Hart has had it easy and now one manager has a problem with him.
I guess that’s a side effect of swapping manager so regularly.
However Hart is paid more than enough to make up for that.


If you compare Arsenal to Ajax or Bayern you realize there’s another approach available than the Arsene way. That Invincibles are critical of Wenger ought to concern even the sternest of AKB’s

Art Vandelay


Andy Mack

Petit isn’t an Invincible.

Trixie Bird

Say what?

John C

Absolutely, there’s a reason why Bobby Charlton is still at Man U, and Franz Beckenbauer and Karl-Heinz Rummenigge are still at Bayern and it’s because they bring inspiration and continuity of success, something Wenger has never rated. When you have players who achieve special things with the team you have to keep their knowledge as they provide a continuous link to the past. Their appointment should be seen in the same way as a Regimental Sergeant Major, they’re there to maintain standards, discipline and to act as a parental figure, and this is something that has been very clearly missing… Read more »


Wenger has repeatedly opened the doors to ex players without a club to come and train and to those who were going through their coaching courses. In the end it’s a club that depends on getting the best people to achieve the best results, not a charity for millionaire ex players. The players had their time at the club, thanks for the memories, you will forever be in our hearts, what does arsenal owe them now?


I think these interviews are possibly taken out of context, and a very small part of the background story.


Still,…disgusted and talking about it for 2 hours is certainly sounding a bit over the top for someone who is supposed to be a head coach of an oil bankrolled team

Ex-Priest Tobin

Yet another sign Arsene has stayed on too long.


… from an ex-Arsenal fan?


Why are so many of our ex-players knobs?


Because they just are? Imho I think many feel that they have a sense of entitlement at the club after being at Arsenal for some time?

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

You know what? Gallas, Adebayor, Nasri and RVP are not complaiining because they are no Arsenal fans. That’s the difference.


We didn’t always know so much about the long term effects of head injuries

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Disagree but looool.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I blame Wenger’s team-choosing technique, “Box for Your Spots”, or as the coaches refer to it, “First Team Fight Club”. Surely you guys must have realised before now why we seem to have so many injuries at Arsenal?


Some of the comments above disregarding ex players are a disgrace Wenger may have help these players but they helped him too how can someone call Henry a dick sort your life out mate


I’m pretty sure us fans were ‘sickened’ when both Viera and Petit ‘snubbed’ Arsenal and forced a move to another club. Both act like they’re owed something at Arsenal but they should’ve thought about it when they were bitching over leaving the club. Great players, Yes. But certainly not good servants to the club. It’s sad considering how much care Wenger has for his players only for them to stab him in the back. P.S. Petit Arsene did open doors for Adams and Henry only for the latter to leave over the money he could’ve earned at Sky.

The Ghost of Peter Storey

There are a limited amount of positions available, so not everyone will be happy. And don’t forget that we have a great former player sitting on the bench next to Arsene every match.


Is he just as sickened that he didnt end up in a coaching role a juventus? Is Petit annoyed he didnt get a place at Chelsea? What is it with these ex players who thing a club is going to bend over backwards for them? you were an employee, you decided to leave, now your pissed they wont let you back, surprise surprise! And what, you want fire a fully qualified coach already deep into their roles just to please you? I dont know why this issue is becoming a ‘thing’ at our club that the media likes to pick… Read more »


Because the usual “spend some effing money” stories have been blown out of the water so the kids from the sports sections of the papers need to fill up the acres of space with more irrelevant, nonsensical, vacuous rubbish.


Because the Arsenal support is so easy to rile and Arsene is their favored target.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Yep, Johnny Journalist is really pissed off that we’re all happier with Wenger than we were a week ago. There’s no journalistic profit in happy Gooners so he’s egged on one of our old players to say something bitchy about Wenger so that we’ll all go back to screaming “Wenger Out”.


I remember a game where Petit was asking to be subbed off. When Wenger refused, he went in with a two footed challenge, he then left the club that summer. He was a good player for us but he’s a bit of a tit really for coming out with those comments, especially pointing out “maybe he’ll (Vieira) not be happy me saying this in public” – but I will anyway? Great mate he is. I’d imagine if we didn’t make those two signings, he’d be having a dig at Wenger for not signing anyone. As he has made some signings,… Read more »


It’s absolutely sickening that Wenger did not offer the assistant manager role to a former player after Pat Rice left.

Oh, hang on.


I am sick & tired of these so called invincibles because all they do now is undermine the manager any chance they get. Having your status in Arsenal does not make you qualified for a coaching position. I can’t remember if any of Sir Alex ex-players ever coached under him in ManU, if any, then it must be very few. Henry use the Sky TV to make Arsene look bad, which was not right forgetting that Arsenal has more global following today because of the visions of Arsene. How is it right to do a part-time at Arsenal during the… Read more »


Anyone noticed Pascal Cygan was in the Legends list? Seriously…

Gutbukket Deffrolla

He is a legend. People still talk about him on here…

I hope Mourinho gets punched in the throat

The phrase “these hoes ain’t loyal” comes to mind whenever some players are mentioned! Vieira,Petit, Henry et al all chose to leave the club in pursuit of glory. Now they want the same club they opted out of to show them loyalty in return???? Either these reports are exaggerated or our former players are just narcissistic!!

Gutbukket Deffrolla

No, they just miss being the centre of attention and they’ll run with any old tosh some journalist feeds them as a way to feel relevant again. It’s the same reason so many of them try punditry. Giving up a career you were really good at before you turn 40 must be a scary experience. They’re better off being a talking head for the Press than running a pub badly or ending up in jail or as a drunk. Life after football can be shit, and top footballers nowadays aren’t used to living ordinary lives like the rest of us.


Benched Saturday ?


the most laughable thing about his comments is that they bear no reality to facts, he names 4 ex players, and the fact is Arsenal offered 2 of them coaching roles, only this summer, and both, like PV4 and Petit himself, in their playing days, chose the bigger money on offer. Arsenal have loads of ex Arsenal players working for the club, in all sorts of roles, from first team assistant manager to tour guide and everything inbetween, Bould, Gatting, Pires, Ljungberg, Ampadu, Morrow, Lincoln, Garry, Brady, George, Groves, Grimandi, Boa Morte, Voltz, Cagigo, Bradley, and I’m sure there are… Read more »


Not to mention Karbassiyoon who’s a scout in America now and good ol’ Clarky with the Breakdown every week. That’s a lot of former players!


Cunty players seeking a pension. Surprised when they cannot get it.


If I remember correctly there are at least 17 former arsenal players moved into coaching role in different capacities at different clubs and locations, Paul Merson, Remi Gardi, David Platt,Begkamp, Adams…etc…

And more to that we have Steve Bould who was also a former arsenal defender. dismissing the fact that AW offered former players an opportunity would be gross injustice.

I believe he (AW) addressed this issue himself some time earlier by stating that there are a number of former players who were employed in different position in the club (scouting mainly).

Legends our are legends

Henry Gave us his best years and moved to barca when he was on the decline. The fact he did not want to give up the pay day that sky provide him for doing nothing much than sitting on a chair for 2 hours a week. People need to get a grip over which legend is here and who’s not i highly doubt our u18s coaches are on 3m contracts and nobody with a single brain cell would give up that money for a chance to coach some kids. The club should of made some effort or created a role… Read more »


When he retired he was playing for them City….

Trixie Bird

How about getting your facts right?!


Merson? I wouldn’t trust him to coach an under 8 side. He can only function when prompted with leading questions by Geoff Stelling.
David Platt? The quintessential English “run araaaahnd a bit” midfielder.
Adams? Potty.
Bergkamp. Great if your furthest away game is around the corner.
Honestly don’t think we miss any of these.


Just sad. When ex-players who we loved, and brought success to the club behave like this.
Wenger was only just praising Xhaka for being like Petit. Hope he doesn’t end up like him.


Well, then do what I’am doing. Am not loving any player, they’re just employees (like many said it already). How many of them would stay at the Club should it not play in the Champ League? Or even worse, being mid-table liverpool-esque club? Not many? LOVE the CLUB, The Arsenal.


Well, how petit of him.


I was sickened by the way Petit bottled it in England after a superb first season and then threw his toys out of the pram to go to Barcelona. Henry had a chance and proved all his “I’d be the kit man” chat was bollocks. TA after years of all and sundry calling for him to be involved had a great chance to get his foot in the door but decided to continue the magical mystery tour that has been his coaching career. You know what else sickened me? The way Paddy tried to move to Madrid every summer for… Read more »


I would love to see what he actually said in French. We all know that media tend to exaggerate things quite a bit to catch our attentions. For once, I think Wenger is doing the right thing, a good player does not necessary translate into a good coach. We all know Tony Adams’s ability as a coach…. Bergkamp’s problem is that he cannot fly, Henry had to make a choice of being committed or doing it part time. As for Vieira, I think Wenger was still bothered by his departure to Juventus. Loyalty is something that rarely exists these days,… Read more »


Sad to see some of our ex players jumping on the “bash Arsenal/Wenger” bandwagon, whilst making completely false statements.

Evang. Femi

Very very unrelated….. Can someone please give me a tip on how to get tokens and cash on top eleven 2016? Am a complete novice. Thanks

Thomas Vermaelen

Learn some class.

Public Elneny Number One

Has Petit got a biography coming out soon?

The Ice Man Cometh...

Former players talk a lot, what else is there to do? The only thing I took from this is Dennis has a son in the Arsenal Academy!! Give him a pro-contract ASAP


That’s exactly what I zoned on on, too.

Ducks sake

Bon a petit


Go home, Emmanuel, you’re drunk.


It is very easy to discern that Petit doesn’t have a statue at Emirates,….that’s why he thinks it is nothing to be immortalised by a club like that,…ironically, the 3 he claims to be disgusted on whose behalf, who have the statues, have also been offered coaching roles at Arsenal, contrary to his ascertion (Henry, Bergkamp and Adams)


Maybe Wenger was sickened when you watched the penalties against Galatasaray in the UEFA Cup final in your tracksuit, Emmanuel?

Agree with a lot of the comments above, too many former players are too keen to forget what Wenger and the club did for their careers.


What a bunch of entitled dicks.


Ummmm, Steve Bould…?


i wouldn,t worry too much about what petit says,not so long ago he was asking himself if we(i mean france) had really won the world cup,the guy smokes too much of the stuff!!


I just want the best candidates for the job, if that is a ex Arsenal player then great, if not then that’s great to. Would be mad to just hire ex Arsenal players just because reasons if/when there are better qualified people available.

Just because you were a great footballer don’t automatically make you a great coach.

Being a coach Is so much more than just being good with a football at your feet.


Whatever was said/translated etc we don’t know for sure. But I do know that any gooner that calls Henry a dickhead is an embarrassment to all true gooners. If you love the club show some respect for our top scorer, arguably best player of all time and a player who has shown true love for Arsenal over the years.


I think offering former players coaching positions is all well and good, but its not fair on those coaches at Arsenal who have worked hard to get there. Its like offering pundit positions to former players, when a sports journalist will probably suit the role better. I absolutely hate favoritism and people who expect things to fall on their feet.


I completely agree with Petit. AW knows it all. He doesn’t want any challenge to his authority. He listens to no one apart from himself.


I don’t know about the individual situation re Vieira, but I do think as a concept it’s good to have alumni in the organization. People that understand the traditions and the culture and are also winners. The club that Arsenal should look for inspiration is Bayern Munich, a well run, self sustaining club with loads of successful former players up and down the organization, including the top spot. Guys like Ivan Gazidis are necessary to have on staff b/c they know how to make the revenue streams flow, but they shouldn’t be in charge. Football people should be in charge.


I do think Wenger is a bit jealous and as a coach that never played professionally doesn’t like the idea of vying for attention with charismatic former players. I think he likes Bould because Bould gives him the deference his ego demands.


Surely it’s better for these ex-players’ developments to go out and learn to coach at other clubs. Clubs with different philosophies, pressures, owners and fan bases.

This is Wenger acting selflessly as always. Tough love and they don’t even know it.

I’d rather have Vieira, Henry or Bergkamp back when they’ve made it to win us some trophies. Arsenal is in their blood.

Julie Page

Such a shame that this has been brought up now . My son was disabled, a big Arsenal fan and season ticket holder in the time of the “Invincibles” He passed away in 2009. We were invited to the training centre and to lunch with the players and had an amazing day ( a great happy memory for myself and his brother who came with us ) The players including Patrick Viera Dennis Bergkamp Freddie Ljunberg and Thierry Henry were charming, as was Arsene Wenger. It saddens me that all the news nowadays is so negative, with so much “back… Read more »

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