Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger impressed by intelligent Mustafi

Arsene Wenger says the intelligence and experience of Shkodran Mustafi played a big part in his decision to bring him to the club.

The German international has already had a spell in England, joining Everton as a 17 year old. It did not go well, so much so that he considered giving up the game.

“At the end of my time in England, I thought ‘wow, I’m only 20, and I’m already sick of football,'” he told Spox in an interview this year.

Once he left David Moyes though, his enthusiasm for the game returned. A spell in Italy with Sampdoria was followed by a move to Valencia, and Arsenal have paid the La Liga side over £30m for him, making him the most expensive defender in the club’s history.

The fact that he’s been around the block a bit at a young age was a consideration for the Arsenal manager who told the official site, “He has already played in Italy, he has already played in Spain and he has played with the German national team.

“He is a very intelligent boy, that was important in my decision as well. He is very focused as I told you, and he knows the rigorous climate of the Premier League and how much you have to fight for every game.

“I know as well he is a very focused player who can play with the ball as well. That is important for us, and all this quality made me decide to try and get him.

“The player wanted to join us as well, and I think he will hopefully be happy here and will enforce our squad. It puts us in a good position.”

Also, his name is an anagram of Matador Funk Hiss, which is a great name for a Spanish jazz covers group. Feel free to take it, just send us some tickets to your first stadium gig.

It’s also an anagram of Mafia Drunk Shots, Stud Monkfish Afar, Duh! Satanism Fork, and Tamarinds of Husk. All great band names too. Be inspired by Mustafigrams!

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Ducks sake

Stop talking and go buy Messi.

Ralph Wiggum

My cat’s breath smells of cat food.


“Once he left David Moyes though, his enthusiasm for the game returned.”



He’s like the footballing equivalent of Birmingham. I lived there for two miserable years, and when I left I found my enthusiasm for life in general returned.

‘Birmingham-Because sometimes, death is the better option.’

Sam Gunner

Quite refreshing to have two solid CB’s with a proper DM enforcer in front of them now, don’t feel like we’ve had that for years. If Perez can get off to a flyer then it could be a great season for us.


No to mention a couple of backups that can step in for cover. Gabriel has his inconsistencies, but he has done well in the PL and has experience there now plus Holding is going to be a very solid player for us and he too will have him moments of “oh crap”, but would feel very comfortable with him coming in for either starter when they need to rotate.


This is fantastic… haven’t seen optimism like this in years! Lets hope its displayed in the stadium….. for 10 minutes after our 3rd goal vs Liverpool, The Emirates was rocking.. more of this please! GOYG


Honestly can’t tell if you’re taking the piss.


I just may have to move to Spain and start a band, so much inspiration! On a serious note, I haven’t felt this at ease with our defense in a long time. COYG!


Once he left David Moyes though, his enthusiasm for the game returned. ?

Evang. Femi

If wenger is happy am happy

Irish gooner

You must be very good at Countdown


Can’t spell Shkodran without hard on


The Last of the Mustafis

A Gorilla

Best squad in 10 years I think
If we have to register 25 people for the squad, the following should be farmed out today:
Debuchy, Wilshere, The Jeff, Gnabry, Akpom and Sanogo.
That leaves us with 3 Goalies, 9 defenders, 7 midfielders and 6 forwards.

Bucketful of Seamen

Talking of Sanogoals, what has happened to him?


Honestly, who gives a shit about Sanogo


the jeff, akpom, sanogo and (maybe) gnabry are all under 21 so dont count as part of the 25 also holding and belerin so we are ok for numbers.


Any players under 21 don’t count so we are actually alright for numbers without getting rid of anyone else

Andy Mack

Under 21s aren’t included in the 25.


You don’t have to register the youths, so that means the likes of Jeff, Iwobi, even Bellerin, don’t count towards the 25.


The Tamarinds of Husk is a moderately entertaining Brick Lane baritone harmonies group; favourite tracks include; You can’t curry love, Shish out of my life, korma chameleon, and my personal favourite mango no.5.


I intrinsically don’t trust anyone who is that good at anagrams….


Great to have him – he’s already building a formidable partnership with Per by the look at things – just hope they gel on the football pitch as much as they already have on the dance floor


Does his three years at Everton make him a homegrown player then?

Ali A. Dier

Looking forward to the formidable Shkoscielny / Kostafi partnership! Or maybe he’ll be a better fit with Gabriel? Gabrafi? Too similar to a fallen dictator mind you…


Mubriel or Kostafi, our two top pairingsm There’s also Musding and Mertafi


u drank fish atoms


Shirt musk of Dan

A Different George

The thing is, for this kind of money, we might be in for David Luiz.

nigerian rex?

Mustafi > David luiz

A Different George

it was SARCASM!


karma sound shift


Trash famous kind


To the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody

Mumma, just got Shkodran
With Koscielny by his side
Harry Kane’s mouth open wide…



Plenty of panic buys today then according to media logic. You see Cuadrado going on a 3 year loan deal. That’s what happens if you should get signings terribly wrong. Should they have to pay on wages too it has an impact particularly if we are self financed such as Arsenal. Liverpool desperate to get Benteke off the wage bill. It isn’t as easy as simply just going out and buying a player for any price. Perez at 17m compares very well to plenty of the players coming in to other clubs around similar price but without the goal scoring/assists… Read more »


Add Hart, Nasri,Mangala and Bony all on loan with subsidised wages likely.

You can imagine if we did these sort of deals at our own expense.

No comment by media.


I’m unimpressed with Wenger’s lack of intelligence this summer.


As somebody pointed out we have a very Solid Defence and Solid Mid field. With Ozil and Alexis plus all our strikers have a point to prove, Esp Theo and Lucas will be desperate. Iwobi, Ox will keep the flank chasing.

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