Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wilshere: No more ridiculous challenges

Jack Wilshere says he’s not going to let his enthusiasm and competitive streak get the better of him any more, and has ruled out going into any ‘ridiculous’ challenges in training.

The England man was injured in a clash with Gabriel on the eve of last season and subsequently missed most of the campaign.

His footballing philosophy has always been combative, but now he says he’s going to save that kind of thing for matches rather than sessions at London Colney.

“I know my body better than ever now and I know what it can and can’t do,” he said.

“What it can’t do is go into ridiculous challenges, especially in training. It’s more difficult in a game but in training I can take myself out of those situations.

“It is something I will definitely be working on – not going into challenges that are 20-80!”

And in terms of transfer business Wilshere reckons we need a defender, but aside from that feels the current squad is strong enough to challenge for the title.

“We finished second last year and we are confident that we can take any team on in this league,” he said.

“I think people forget that, in the past, we have added big players like Mesut and Sánchez, and they are still in the prime of their careers. They are top, top players.”

The 24 year old has already hailed £35m Granit Xhaka as a midfield leader.

Read Wilshere’s full quotes in the Guardian.

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Thank fuck. Jack finally got the memo


File this under “I’ll believe it when I see it” Jack.


I think it was more like a negotiation. Wenger started by saying “no more 50-50’s Jacky boy”, Wilshire replied “eh Boss, you know me, I can’t really help myself”…. In the end they settled for the 20-80 deal.

Yorkshire Gunner

As much as I believe his sincerity, in the heat of the moment you can forget everything and go for it, so we’ll have to wait and see




Is he tryna roast Gabriel in secret?


Sounds like he’s blaming himself if anything.


… “I know my body better than ever now and I know what it can and can’t do”

Really Jack? I’ve known what my body could and couldn’t do since the age of 13 ? ? ?


I wish the champions league was for talking,we are the undisputed kings!

Stewart Robson's therapist

I can’t remember too many Jack Wilshere soft tissue injuries. All his long-term absences seem to stem from impacts, being on the receiving end of nasty challenges (Agger, McNair, Gabriel). That’s what gives me hope that he can still have a long and fruitful career with Arsenal: it’s not his own body breaking down on itself.


Yes. But he seems to contribute to his own injuries by over dribbling with the ball. The ball has often gotten away from him at the point of injury.

Obari Lale

My favourite Arsenal player. Accomplish this season, Jackie… As much as I believe you can.

And, Walcott + 20million pounds would be seriously considered by Leicester, wouldn’t it. Killing two birds with a stone…


Agree that one wants to get rid of Walcott but that swap would leave us short on the striker front and in need of a CF signing, which doesn’t seem to happen. Walcott is still a better backup option than Akpom, Sanogo.

SoCal Gooner

Did I he say “challenge for title?” ???

I just dropped my fon from laughing so hard.

Make mine a Swiss miss

Let’s hope it broke as punishment

arsens army

I like wilshire but I just don’t see how he cracks the starting eleven. He won’t push Santi out, or Ozil. That leaves xhaka and eleneny. At this point their do it all skill set and box to box engines won’t let jack get a game. Plus the back four need all the sheilding they can get. And I hate to say it but he’s shit on the wing.


Who said anything about a starting 11? We’ll need the depth, and Wilshere is in fact a good squad player – loves the club, is liked in the team and can have an impact when he comes on (although not an impact collision-wise, appearantly). And who knows, Arsene might have a flip of personality and start rotating the midfield to avoid injuries..?

Like I said on the Coq issue earlier this week: by normal Arsenal standards, at about November we’ll be down to Coquelin, Jack and a free-agent Flamini… 😉

King Kolo

Jack has to believe he can get in this team. He’s not Joel Campbell. If he can just stay fit we might get a reminder just how good and different to the others he is


20-80 is a very Texas Hold ’em way of putting it. He has had a ton of time to play cards.


No more ridiculous anything Jack please. ..focus on football and let us take care of Spùrs.

The Arse's Horse

Jack Wilshere’s off-field troubles=some of the most over-blown BS in football. His injuries are annoying. End of story. Everything else nah, get over it.


Never really thought it was anything about going into ridiculous challenges, his body is just not strong enough. Plenty of players that are unfortunate as him, Diaby case in point. Wilshere will not be fit this season.


I haven’t been able to run let alone play for 5 months after pulling out of an unnecessary tackle in the last minute of a game we were comfortably winning. At 46 I’d decided the same as Jack. Scan is apparently “busy” and may need cartilage surgery on ankle. Albeit the NHS process is somewhat slower than at Arsenal (hang on, maybe not). Anyway all I’m saying is you got to be careful how you don’t go into ridiculous challenges.

Yankee Gooner

Preach it. My ACL blew out while I was *avoiding* a dangerous collision.


Sorry, but if his injuries are just down to a couple of challenges during training, then he shouldn’t be that often injured.


Dont forget Paddy Mc Nair……..the last most constructive (destructive) action by him was the unpunished assault on Jack.
His thankyou note from Mourinwhore/ Manure, was a P45 (dismissal letter).

Despite our failings, I am glad I support Arsenal.

A Different George

I suppose this will not be well-received but:
How can people praise this entirely sensible idea (that risking a serious injury in a challenge is stupid) and still damn Walcott for doing exactly that against Sunderland?

The Arse's Horse

Walcott shows an general lack of drive. Wilshere shows a a general over-commitment(I don’t always mind it myself). The Sunderland moment only served as an exclamation point about Theo’s timid play in general. It wasn’t the only time Theo has given less than 100%.

Yankee Gooner

I take your point–I think Walcott gets undeserved abuse for Sunderland–but Wilshere is talking about avoiding these situations in training, not competitive matches, which allows for the discrepancy.

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