Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reports: Barcelona want Bellerin Zzzzzzzzz

The Catalan press have started it. The inevitable chase of Hector Bellerin. They want him, and why wouldn’t they? He’s a Barcelona boy, he’s really good, and they need a long-term solution for the right-back position.

There’ll be talk of DNA, and how his DNA is Barcelona DNA and when you have that DNA there’s only one place for it and that’s Barcelona, because that’s where Barcelona DNA belongs.

Some Barcelona players will suggest he needs to come home. They will send Xavi to his house holding up a boombox playing a Peter Gabriel song to show how much they love him.


It will be relentless and interminable. We’ve been here before, of course, and it all feels quite familiar. That said, Bellerin signed a new contract with the club just last year, and if Arsenal have any sense at all they’ll be offering him new terms – but his current deal expires in 2019, so there’s that.

Then there’s the fact Hector feels right at home in London and at Arsenal. Speaking last year, he said, “I came to Arsenal to stay here, I’m not thinking about going back. I’m happy and I’m playing. It’s my fifth season and I feel like this is my home. I see it as very difficult to leave.”

Arsenal have already warded off interest from Man City in the 21 year old, giving short shrift to an approach from Pep Guardiola this summer.

So, unless something happens that completely turns his head, it’s all paper talk at this moment in time. It might well be a case they want him, and are using their friendly press to add some pressure to the situation, but Arsenal are in a strong position and Bellerin is happy in North London.

For now, we’re going with the full 10 on the poo-o-meter.

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Walcott's left footed curl

My thinking is that the “Barca DNA” argument becomes weaker now that there are less core players that comes from the academy and even if Luis Enrique played for the club I don’t really consider him as much Barcelona through and through as I did Pep Guardiola. That being said, Barcelona is obviously always an attractive side, we’ll always need to up our game in order to be able to compete with the very best.


If it comes to the point where the stupid and annoying ‘Barca DNA’ takes over Bellerin and he decides he wanna leave, someone said that the going rate for players returning to their former clubs is a 100m euros. we can start the negotiation if their starting offer is above a 100m euros.


100% agreed. Had enough of us bending over for clubs like Barcelona. You want him, you pay market rate for him. And the market rate isn’t what you want to pay Barcelona, it is what City want to pay, or United or PSG. I think what the Spanish sides are experiencing is for the first time, they can’t afford these players. Real probably really wanted Pogba, but were out muscled by United. That and they also were right in thinking he wasn’t worth the money. If I was Wenger, I’d just say, ‘look at how they treated Fabregas, or Hleb,… Read more »

Park chu young and recreation

Jog on Luis


I don’t see how he can legitimately have Barcelona DNA when he’s never been found guilty of tax evasion


Lol… but all jokes aside by joining Barca he would:

Earn the same if not more money.

Have a far greater chance of winning the Champions League.

Play in a better team.

Boost his chances of playing for Spain.

It’s great that he’s signed a long contact but we’ll need to show him and other players that Arsenal can compete with the best in Europe and are serious about winning trophies.


I always think and feel that we can compete in Europe. Every season. It’s being a fan of the club for sure but I always have this feeling we can at least go to the semi’s or final. If Atletico or Juventus gets there, why not Arsenal??? …and that’s competing in Europe for me.

Godfrey Twatschloch

There’s also the possibility he’d find himself benched like so many other hopefuls who took the leap from first team play in their recent clubs to fancying their chances against the big guns in Barcelona.

Vincent Kompany/Jamie Vardinho

Some very delusional people downvoted this post, OP is speaking the truth


Hey dont you come speaking truth and making sense in here and bursting our bubble like that. Arsenal is the greatest team the world has ever seen.

Realists have no space in here my friend 😉


I agree with the fuck off Barca comments, 100%. Realistically thou, you can only hold on to top players if you compete and win trophies. The FA Cups satisfied for a couple of seasons, but understandably, Ozil, Sanchez, Bellerin Etc. will realise it would be quite easy for them to find a club that shows the ambition, and ability to do just this. Now I’m not sayin we can’t, I hope we win a big trophy this year I think we’re capable. But I’ve said that for a few years now. And with a managerial change on the horizon…a key… Read more »


They can buzz off!

Granit(e) hard!

here we go again, Effing DNA thieves. Hands off!!


Thank God all that fabregas DNA happened during bellerin’s lifetime. Pathetic club.


You would think given how things panned out for Cesc, Song and Vermaelen players might think twice now.

We are on the up, he is onto a good thing here.

Difficult not to hate the way they keep tapping up our players … classless …


Somebody send them to f*ck off land. Never gonna happen


Cuntism at its best!


Barcelona should just give us Messi,Neymar,Suarez and £100m… then we will take it from there…hahahahahahaha

Arsene Used To Know

If Barcelona is on fire, they don’t desereve to be pissed on. They can fuck off right now.

Hendricks Kaonga

Whats wrong with this team you call Barcelona????,they bought Fabregas saying is having Barca DNA,two year later,they shown him exit door,where is their DNA???.wHY cant they groom their player to become world class??,i hate them,,,fuck them,That Dude is no for sale


So if I want messi and neymar,will I get it?
Fuck off Barca!

Lord Bendtner

We need to keep him busy. Throw him into a London Boy band, give him a stint every year in Britain’s Got Talent, get him married into the British Royal family, learn to forge his signatures. I should have been his manager :S


What do you call “fuck off” in Spanish? Well, whatever. Come to us, take his DNA sample and leave. Call us when your lab tests confirm “Arsenal” all over it!


barca are such mo monumental cunts!


Soz barca my 5-a-side team has dibs already..

Michael Roche

I think we should send Cesc, Hleb, Song, Verm, etc… to Bellerin’s house to send Xavi and his boom-box packing and explain to Bellerin that Barca isnt always the best move for a young player like him.


I don’t really get why those aren’t rated in Tottenhams rather than poos.

Scott P

What difference does it make? Everyone knows they are interchangeable anyway.


A trade for Messi is the only way this will be worth it…


I’ve read a couple of stories about this and I’ve not seen any quote from Barcelona saying they will attempt to sign him at all, let alone in January. Is this typical media clickbait 2+2 = 456? Yeah.. they like him… so what? Who doesn’t? He was one of the best defenders in the league last year coming top in one particular stat that I can’t remember. We’ve dealt well with them in the past getting a decent fee for Fabregas even though he adamantely wanted to go. Maybe one day he will go back there but I can’t see… Read more »


apparently Barca vice-president, Jordi Mestre started this bullshit about DNA already: ‘It’s positive that [these players] get minutes at other clubs. It is a dynamic which has always provided good results for players that carry the Barca DNA in their blood.’

Mongolian Gooner

How many times did Barca get burned buying from us? It never seems to work out for them. To just list from recent times: Cesc, Song, Vermaelen all were complete failures at Barca, and in the case of Cesc, there’s even a case to be made that it actively hurt their team. I’m confident we’ll keep Bellerin for many years. He’s never given us reason to doubt him and we as a club are not in the weak situation that we were back in 2011.

Vaseline Gang

Barca can have him.

For £40m.

Plus Suarez.

Sounds like a fair deal to me.


Suarez, £40 Million and Neymar and we might begin to talk.

The scary thing would be that £40 million is probably not nearly enough to replace him in the current market. With Luke Shaw at nearly £30 Mil and Stones nearly £50 million just for two examples, Hector is all but priceless.

Little Mozart

Tell Barça to grt fucked.

Little Mozart

Daft as I feel, the sentiment remains.

Godfrey Twatschloch

“grt” as in gurt? Is so I agree. Barca can get gurt fucked!


Inevitable that some clubs will covet your good players, also inevitable that some will have their heads turned. Actually been a while we lost players we didn’t want to go but with the uncertainty about Wenger, there will be a lot of activities in arsenal in d next window.
The club should just extract the best possible value and get suitable replacements. It’s football, we buy from others, others buy from us.
A price tag of &70m will do just fine for me.


Nobody who has left Arsenal for Barca ends in a better place in their career in the long term. Song in Russia, age 29, Vermaelen huge deterioration, Hleb loans to Birmingham and lower bundesliga sides before fizzling out. Cesc I suppose is at least a hell of a lot richer.

Art Vandelay

Plus he got to play the club he supported as a kid and won a few medals with them and another at Chelsea last year. Hard to claim it’s worked out badly for him.


Yes Barsa you can have him, we want £100m…

Wenger's Smirk

You went full Poop, man. Never go full Poop.


All barcelona boys who go back there get washed up. Living proof is Fabregas.


I’m glad we’ve got the money now to fend off Man City, let’s hope we are able to also fend Barcelona off for many years to come.

Godfrey Twatschloch

With their DNA all over young lads across the world you’d think someone would have arrested those cunts a long time ago.


Defective DNA which Fabregas found.

All the rubbish about Catalonia and they chucked him out anyway.

Bellerin bleeds red and white.


Asking price:- £200 million


¡Vete a la mierda, Barcelona!

Bendtner's Ego

Have these jokers even heard Hector talk lately??

They will never get the cockney out of him, even with the Spanish accent.


Messi swap deal?

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