Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger on Ozil’s contract and future

Arsene Wenger has touched on the future of Mesut Ozil, saying that he’s open to suggestions for a ‘good bank’ in order to keep the German international.

As ever the Arsenal manager was playing his cards close to his chest about a new deal for the club’s record signing, but seemed to admit it was going to take a big financial offer to make it happen.

With under two years of his current deal left to go, Wenger wasn’t overly concerned, saying he didn’t have to do anything to convince the 28 year old.

“I don’t think he needs convincing,” he said. “He wants to stay here. If you have a good bank, call me!”

As for whart’s going on right now, he continued, “We keep that discreet. At due time we will come out with that.

“Am I confident he will sign? It’s not my main worry now. We want to keep our best players, of course. The more I say that, the more he is in a stronger position.

“It’s not just money. Arsenal can win titles, of course. But that’s what we have to show.

“We are in a league where Man City, Man United, Liverpool, Tottenham, Chelsea, everybody, fights and you cannot guarantee that to anybody.”

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Sign that contract, Mesut. You know you love it here.


I think ultimately our league success will determin whether or not Ozil and Alexis will stay. I personally cant see Ozil or Sanchez signing new deals until maybe late Feb, early March time next year when its a much clearer picture where we will finish.

They’re coming to the prime of their careers, and they’re that good they deserve to be winning titles. I mean, if they left I’d be gutted, but I wouldn’t hold it against either of them if they decided to move aboard if we fail to deliver silverware this season.

2016-2017 = the year we've been waiting for

Wenger’s comments “We’ll sit down at the end of the season” about his own contract sound similar to the FA Cup final against Hull in 2014… he’ll stay for 3 more years if Arsenal win the Premier League this season, otherwise he’s off.

Feels like the contracts of Ozil and Alexis are under similar circumstances. Whatever you think of Wenger, this is a massive season for Arsenal Football Club.


i dont think there are many teams who can accomodate ozil in their lineup. he is a pure no10 player . he certainly can play other positions but he wont affect the game as efficiently as he does when he plays at no10. most of the big teams in the world like barcelona , madrid , bayern city no longer use a formation that suits ozil.and these are the only clubs that can afford his wages in the first place . if any teams wants ozil they need to change their entire formation to even start thinking about buying him.… Read more »

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

Pretty much any team in the world would accommodate Ozil in their lineup.


Maybe he has a point.
City have De Bruyne.
United have Mata and Pogba
Chelsea have fabregas
Bayern have Muller
Dortmund have Gotze
Real have James and they sold Ozil
Nobody of these is going to buy Ozil next season. Probably. Will he go to France or Italy?
But, Barca have an ageing Iniesta. So, they might. I don’t think Ozil would want to leave at the end of this season, unless Barca come, and especially if Wenger stays.

Unyoke the Ox

We need a “sign da ting” remix. Make that 2… One for Alexis too.


Mesut will sign new contract, I guess he’s taking time to see if he can contribute at arsenal enough, unlike a certain Shrek who pressured his team in giving 300k/week by threatening to leave. He’s that unselfish,and if anyone deserves to be highest paid player at arsenal,it’s Mesut Özil.

Senator Clay Davis

No Arsenal players play for the money. They’d play for free but the god damn FA makes them take a salary.

Crash Fistfight

The only thing to say to that is:



good point by wenger. it is very difficult to guarantee a league title in the immediate future when you are playing in the Premier League. It is very competitive, this year more than ever. Then again, the players wanting titles have to prove and perform in a way that can help guarantee titles.


If he really wants to sign the contract and truly wants to stay than he will. He’s a rich man regardless and having been offered 180k per week as was reported and subsequently turned it down, you’d really have to question if he’s loyal to the club, or rather the bank.


It’s the intangibles (Jersey no 10) and promise to build championship team that is holding him back I guess. This is someone who willingly give up his world Cup prize winning money for children treatment.

At least he give off the vibe he truly love arsenal. At 28, this is his chance for 1 last huge contract. But I still feel 250k is a bit obscene…. Maybe 220k.


Do you not try and get the best possible deal at work?

Senator Clay Davis

No I work for free because the supporters of my multinational firm love it so that means I should love it and just volunteer my services.


I suggest Deutsche Bank


You mean the same bank that Kroenke borrowed money from to buy Arsenal…


I think a bank that actually has some money left would be more useful.

Parlour's pay packet

He deserves to be at the top end of the wage spectrum for the premier league, regardless of what you think that should be.


My gut feeling is that Özil will stay and Alexis will leave, which is a shame because he might just have been the solution to our striking issues

Tom Gun

Much more important we sign him rather than Sanchez. Don’t get me wrong I really really hope we sign both. Ozil for me is the playmaker, the magician, the genius at the centre of everything we do. Haven’t had a player like him since Bergkamp and it’s not just coincidence that between Bergkamp’s retirement and signing Ozil was our barren spell where we won nothing. Plus, it’s not just the fact he makes us better and we win, he does stuff (touches, passes, skills) that make us as fans purr and gasp in excitement. Sign him up at all costs.

Tom Gun

Quick poll: who is more important for us to re-sign, Ozil or Sanchez?

Thumbs up for Ozil, down for Sanchez.


I think if they want ridiculous money to stay, they should go.

Dan Hunter

Surely we are in a position to pay that kind of money


No we are not. Nobody is. Can Chelsea pay a player £1billion a week?

David C

Cheaper to give them great contracts than to sign like for like replacements. Both at a great age too.


Dawn I’m afraid that’s football these days. Fact is someone else will offer him obscene wages. The agent (the biggest problem in the game in my opinion) will get him the biggest deal possible. Same with Sanchez.


Not a popular position but I agree with you.


I dont think you can choose. The answer is BOTH OF THEM. Özil assisting, Sanchez scoring.. Or was it Özil scoring and Sanchez assisting?


in my opinion if the i’d have to choose between ozil and sanchez i will select sanchez . ozil is a wonderful player and when arsenal is at its full flow ozil is amzing to watch. sanchez too is a wonderful player . the only thing that seperates them in my opinion is sanchez’s incredible desire to make a difference. he is an animal ,runs for the entire 90 minutes so even if he is not in form he will never be invisible or be a liability for the team. i cant say the same about ozil . ozil is… Read more »


Wouldnt have said Ozil is a luxury but i think we’d miss Sanchez more. Obviously it would be nice to keep both.


I suggest if he wants money to stay he should go back abroad and we can buy back Fabregas

Bendtner's Ego



I just don’t think you understand

Cape Town Gooner

He’s Arsene Wenger’s man!


I don’t think we’re in such a bad position here. Say we kept Mesut to his contract next summer, he’d be headed into his last six months aged 29 and set to turn 30 at the start of the next season. Odd as it sounds he might find it a tad more difficult to convince a new club at that stage of his career to lay out £200+k a week. And there’s likely no value in selling him either: the fee wouldn’t match what we paid Madrid given the contract run-down, and for whatever we do receive it’s next to… Read more »


bare in mind that £180k a week makes in fact £99k a week after tax, so basically top earners are around £165k a week after tax, even if he does ask £250k a week, he will earn £138K. They will enter into UK top 10 earners (in football) as far as we can see for the past season and even more this season, I believe Arsenal should go ahead and give it to them. Aside there is bonuses, don’t know about tax on those though. Arsenal should think twice, nowadays even an better than average player already cost £30m unless… Read more »


Likely their tax arrangements are not that straightforward, they might not even be UK resident. Either way,they’re hardly on the breadline…

Yorkshire Gunner

I think another assurance they both will have (alexis and ozil) is on who the next manager will be after arsenal leaves, considering hoe big an influence was in signing them


This is a much bigger deal than money.

Finsbury Park Gooner

It’s a factor, of course, but how many times do we see a manager leave a top club club and think there’ll be an exodus of their best players? It never happens. Money talks.


But we are a top top club club

Arthritic Knee

What are their options anyway?

PSG (money), Real Madrid&Barcelona (not really likely since they are their previous clubs), Bayern Munich, Juventus (really?), Shitty, Chelski and United (we wouldn’t sell them to them).

Will have to wait and see, but one thing is sure, it’s gonna take money. Also, we have some other contracts to extend and I want to extend them all (yes, all – from Ramsey and Cazorla to Ox etc.).


Ramsey, Cazorla and Ox are not worth anywhere near Sanchez, Ozil money though.


I could see Sanchez fitting in quite well at either Juventus or Bayern.


Hopefully Wenger, Özil and Sanchez sign new contracts. #COYG


it’s 2016. the reality is that if we cough up they will stay. if we don’t, they won’t. for what its worth, i don’t think we’d turn down manure, chav or shitty money if we can’t afford to keep’em


I’m not too worried. I believe both Özil and Alexis will sign new deals in the summer. It will be their last big contract, both will be 28. They will want to maximize it. We certainly have the money to afford them both big new contracts.
I think Arsène himself will extend for a couple of years (especially if we win the league) and that will help convince them both to stay.


Signings like Xhaka, Sanchez, Cech and Mustafi will have helped convince him. No one likes to carry a team on their shoulders and the best players wants to play with the best and win the best titles.

But the money aspect is getting beyond obscene at the top level. But it is also understandable when the clubs are making hundreds of millions that the players want their piece of the pie.


it was the influence of wenger why the players signed to join Arsenal and maybe there could be a stumbling block because his contract ends next year maybe the club need to offer Wenger his 2 year contract for the players to commit further, if not then city will be waiting with their open cheque book to steal them


Wenger for 3-year extension 🙂


Wenger for as long as his health permits. This has nothing to do with winning the league as many are speculating.


Since they’ve arrived Arsenal have not competed for the title or the Champions League. Bring a better manager in and they may stay, otherwise they’re both gone – because Wenger is not good enough to compete for either trophy again and both players are far too good to waste their final four years underachieving at Arsenal. The biggest shame is that the board have thrown away chances to get Klopp, Guardiola and several other high-profile managers in recent seasons that would have turned this team into challengers within two years.


Why wud they go to Citeh to compete with de Bruyne and Aguero?? They have it made at Arsenal, very risky for either to consider leaving unless they genuinely are not happy.
Actually i think we have more internal options to replace Ozil than Sanchez atm


I love what ozil is trying to do pushing the boss to get in more experience players so he could win trophies for the club.


Wenger is sounding nervous


Have a sneaky feeling Arsenal will win the league and get to the CL final.

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