Friday, October 18, 2024

Alexis & Walcott on the Bournemouth win, babies, and dogs

Theo Walcott and Alexis Sanchez spoke to Sky after today’s 3-1 win over Bournemouth today. Here’s what they had to say.

Walcott on a goal capping a great week for him personally

“We had a baby on Friday, so it’s nice to be back. It’s happened now. I can concentrate on the football. It was a good performance. Bournemouth are a very solid team, they play very good football.

“We did find it difficult at times, but we’re beginning to click again. Even if it was in patchy stages it’s started to happen again.

“The baby was born on Friday, we got home after about 12 hours, it was very special and it’s all about the family. I’m probably the happiest person in the world right now, and the team are back to winning ways.

“It’s the perfect weekend.”

On the goal and getting a win under our belts again

“You can grab a few goals at the back post. Nacho, I think he went for the shot to be honest, but I was just there at the right time. But I’m more happy for the guys to get the three points.

“People said we’ve been edging off a bit, but years gone by we’d have lost a lot of games, but we’re still there.

“So, it’s all positive in that dressing room at the moment.”

Alexis on two goals, man of the match and a great day for the team

“I am so happy for two goals, but the team’s mentality is strong, and congratulations for the one more baby my friend [turns to Walcott]!

“The Premier League is very difficult. We have to continue the same, it’s difficult for me, the team, with Chelsea, City, it’s the Premier League. I like!

On his English getting better and doing more interviews

“No! I understand a little bit you, but I am happy for my friend [Walcott], for the team, for the fans is fantastic, so now I’m going to go home with my dogs!”

What a dude.

Alexis Sanchez and his dogs

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A video link please blogs… We missed the sanchez interview!!

Timorous Me

Worth watching if only for the hug at the end.

gooner stuck in cornwall

That picture of Alexis with his dogs single handedly just cured my depression.


Atom and Humber defo getting steak for dinner!!!

lovely arse

Looked like an intentional pass from Nacho, Theo. Unselfish, that Nacho.


Looks like Alexis wants to stay hence the interview…just need to pay the money Arsenal??


I think that was an inch perfect cross from Nacho, can’t agree with Theo there.


Xhaka was a major difference imo. His ability to pass between the lines and distribute it is the closest to cazorla. I believe in cazorla’s absence he has to start. We can change his partner in midfield depending on the opposition.


Thought Elneny was solid too, they could build a good partnership. He could use his movement better when he wasn’t solely responsible for the team’s playmaking as he is when he plays with the coq.


Alexis’ English is excellent, he should be doing more interviews lol


He was superb today! And when he smiles the world seems a better place!

gunnerfan ov palace

Oi gd win today look at prem table i like alexis huggin pets to oi j10 missing but he even will be happy bout alexis m.ot.m well played

gunnerfan ov palace

Gwan theo alexis


Walcott did good today.

Zambia Gooner

Great game and tenacity by the team to grind out a win. Shows how our strong the team’s mentality is. Congratulations to Theo on the baby…. I can’t believe I missed Alexis do an interview?????


Given his training partners of the pitch, I understand now where Alexis got his moves from 😀 😀


Alexis is just a ball of energy. Congrats to Theo on his new baby


Alexis just seems like an all around good guy.

LeCoq an Arse

I thought Elneny was solid today, never stopped running, closing down and getting stuck in, fantastic performance from him I.m.o


That grin though. Guy just looks like a bundle of fun.


santori, leave walcott alone. he always did good. he always position well, run behind defense but without supply and scores about 90 goals as a winger, and about 50 assists. yes 10 years, but how many wingers have that record presently? You use good point to justify why flamini was not our problem. But do you not think of rendering double standard judgement when you failed to excuse the same for walcott? How many goals and assist will he have added supposing his teammate open for him and launch passes to him when he was running behind defense? How about… Read more »


I don’t care how much Sanchez wants, I don’t care if him and ozil being on 250k a week would unsettle the squad wage bill, whatever it is, sign him up!

For years we said we needed a striker like Aguero and at the moment he’s playing better than him! Sign him up! Sign him up! Sign him up!


I honestly had to see the interview, just to see if you were bluffing that he said he’ll go “back to his dogs”. Bloody hell blogs, you were right. Now I’m scared about the dungeon that rosicky was taken into


Me too PVS

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