Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Everybody is on board to make this season different

Arsene Wenger says that despite some players being frustrated at not playing as much as they’d like, this Arsenal squad shares a genuine togetherness which is evident in results and performances.

For the sixth time this season, Arsenal came behind to get something from a game, and the manager believes that speaks to the unity there is within the group.

“I think we have a united squad, even if it’s frustrating for some players not to get the number of games they would like to,” he said.

“But everybody is on board. We can only do it all together. At the moment the energy levels in the team is very united and very together, and that’s what we need if we want to be successful.”

The Gunners had to respond to going 1-0 down to a Charlie Adam penalty, and the goals from Theo Walcott, Mesut Ozil and Alex Iwobi fired them to the top of the table.

“It makes you think that six times is not a coincidence,” said Wenger. “As well it makes you think in the future when you go 1-0 down, this game is far from lost because you know your players have the strength to fight and come back.

“Overall I believe that’s very positive for us. We want it to be different.

“I believe since we lost at home to Liverpool, in the Premier League and Champions League we have been absolutely remarkably consistent.

“That’s very difficult so it shows that the team is ready to focus and to give absolutely everything to win the games. Can we maintain that collective energy?

“I think we have a chance.”

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Such strength in depth we have. This has brough about real competition for places. And the fruits of such competitiom can be seen by the improved performances of Theo, Ox, and Iwobi. Long may it continue


All men in the team, lots of depth, coping with injuries (with the benefit that they will get some rest and come back stronger), only one serious loss (Liverpool) so all looking good.

Difficult to get too optimistic (I was when we were top in January last year) but also hard not to be.


Some players stepping up (Walcott, the Ox, Iwobi), winners (Sanchez, Ozil etc), strong bench with different options (Giroud Plan B) on it – sorry getting too optimistic.


The difference this year is that we are actually playing well. Last season we barely deserved to be on top. We also have depth in the squad that we didn’t have last season (Flamini starting way too many matches, not too relied on Giroud scoring).


last season apart from some really good performance at the start of the season were really struggling. after injury of santi and coq in a single match we were winning with campbell and giroud and ozil playing well. but there was and itching feeling that we are on the brink of a defeat in every single match. and in november we saw that .

this season even with the injuries our performance has been largely impressive.apart from a liverpool game and few games here and there we are scoring loads of goals in every match.


At the moment it seems like it will be between us and Chelsea. They are just winning every game, but so are we. I don’t think City or Liverpool have a good enough defence. I don’t think spurs have enough depth or enough in attack. I don’t think Man U have much of a chance.

There are still a lot of games to play and anything can happen. We will need a bit of luck.

Pires' Left Foot

I think we have a chance too. Haven’t felt this way in a long time.

The comment that didn't get published on Arseblog News

Wenger, whose he fink he bloody is? He walks around as if owns the bloody place – picking the team; talking to the press about Arsenal this and Arsenal bloody that; comin’ and going when he wants – usually first thing in the morning and last thing at night. I bet that really pisses off the poor people what has to let him in and out at them times – better you never thought of that Arsene so-called Wenger – did yer? And while i’m on the subject, some idiots out there, who’ve been watching Arsenal for longer than i… Read more »


While i can kind of understand what you tried to do here….. not sure it was worth the time.


Keeping the team together and adding some much-needed depth has proven so beneficial. The improvement by Walcott and Oxlade this season has been fun to watch – funny how much in football is about confidence. 🙂

Glory hunter

We usually start or end the season well
This season is clearly the former, let’s hope unlike other seasons we don’t fade away in the new year


I think the depth in our squad has made a huge difference this season as competition keeps everyone on their toes. Just look at our forwards – Walcott had bit of a dip but quickly picked himself up yesterday. Ox had a few shockers, was dropped and now looks like a real player. Iwobi started brightly, then faded, dropped and now firing again. Perez can’t get a start despite scoring a hat-trick, Giroud remains our super sub and that’s not even including Welbeck who will be back in Jan. Also Joey Campbell… no idea how we’re going to fit him… Read more »


I just read the daily Arse, and the Adam thing is interesting………not cause he is a thug, rather because MOTD “missed it”.
Surely with a limited highlight programme, they have back room boys to comb over stuff like that and then show it to the viewers??
Not sure I understand the logic here.


They don’t like us

Armchair Expert

We would never hear the end of it if one of our players had done it.

Lord Nicki B

I really really want to believe, but then in the back of my head, there’s *shudders* 2008.

And a similar situation then with some of our stars. I sincerely hope this is us breaking that cycle.

:bird: @iambadal

I thought Manchester have “United” Club..
I’ll get my coat.

Arsene's Economics degree

Am I the only one starting to believe?

There is definitely something different this season.

It’s been a long while since we’ve had this squad depth.

Indian Gooner

I believe it is absolutely essential to add a top quality player in the team during January. Not because we don’t have enough quality or depth in the team. It just adds that extra bit of optimism and drive within the team and within the fans and add to that psycological edge. I felt that is what we failed to do last year and should capitalise at least this time around.

I would definitely not complain if don’t.
Just an opinion.


Who would you bring in? I can’t see any position where we currently look like we need a “top quality player”. Surely bringing in such a player, who would expect to be a regular on the team sheet, at this stage of the season would just disrupt the cohesion of the team. Happy to be proven wrong though!

uncle D

Support and motivate the team, let them imagine of what it will sound like being champions ring, if you don’t see them as that why should they believe. Supporters support and the team will respond! No two mindedness, it’s how much you want it


You’ve got to believe when Arsène says Arsenal is now a team of “men”


It’d be nice if the referees got on board too.. they all looking too keen to do us over

Felix Udoh

Well said. I share your sentiments.

Stewart Robson's therapist

Hopefully someone pretty soon susses out how to beat this 3-4-3 thing Chelsea have got going on. Get them out of the way and it’s ours for the taking. No team can win a title with a defence as poor as Liverpool’s or City’s; nor can they do it scoring as few goals as Spurs. And United? Don’t make me laugh.

Ozil's Left Foot

Hey blog’s, any idea to the truth in the bringing in of the psychologist that worked with the All Blacks? Should be interesting to see what impact he has if it is


It’s in the next article.


I just wish Chelsea would drop some points. Their next 3 matches are much easier than ours so if we are trailing by 5-7 points come January, it wouldn’t be too surprising. We have to at least beat them at the bridge so our destiny isn’t completely out of our hand.


NO easy games. We have to face Everton but they are on a poor run. Still not to be taken lightly at all and there is as always danger of compacency on our part, we are as always our own worse enemy. But if there is a time to play Everton, would be now. Ditto City without Aguero. There is opportunity there to gain two massive wins and if we are to be champions, we musn’t be afraid of these sort of’challlenges’. In truth, we could have got some points from the previous United and Spurs games too so we… Read more »


We are absolutely struggling and sub par LOL. We can only score 12 goals in the last 3 matches. WENGER OUT! Meanwhile Chelsea edge WBA by one goal but according to the media they are flying like City, its their’s to lose and they are infallible because Pep has bought such quality with Stones and Nolito etc. United beat the Spurds today which must have been just bad luck for the Spurs because they are unbeaten all this season and are obviously the new force in North London. They are no cheap imitation. Arsenal are rubbish. Spineless. Should have bought… Read more »


This time it is different. In the past we were repeatedly raided for our best players. Our first 11 were always competitive but behind that were talented but inexperienced kids. Why were we ‘cursed’ in November? Simple, we did not have the depth to play 2 tough games a week. With the Champions League our best players were knackered and the back ups were never good enough. Finally we have been able to both build and retain a strong squad. Wenger has made excellent purchases, who have had a chance to bed in to the system and we are in… Read more »


We need to be realistic too… Chelsea have no european football to contend with, they have a massive advantage as a result. They are the team to beat for the title.

Arshavin's fake moustache

So far we’re keeping pace though. That bodes well. I don’t think doing well in Europe should hamper us too much. Good momentum and a positive vibe in the squad could be vital.
It feels different this season. Players like Gibbs, Lucas and Giroud are stepping in and making a contribution. They squad players seem really up for it.

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