Thursday, December 19, 2024

Ox: I apologised for Twitter accident

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain has revealed that he apologised to Arsene Wenger after ‘liking’ a tweet posted by Arsenal Fan TV featuring a video entitled “Wenger Needs to Go!”.

News of the gaffe, made an hour after Arsenal’s 3-1 defeat to Chelsea last Saturday, quickly made newspaper headlines; a situation that has left the England international wary of the power of social media.

Speaking to Sky Sports ahead of the Gunners game with Hull, the 23-year-old was eager to clear up the confusion.

“It happened on the team bus on the way back [from Stamford Bridge]. I was on Twitter and I was scrolling through and I’ve accidentally liked something and not realised it.

“I had a knock on my knee so I went to the physio to put the ice machine on my knee, I put my phone down for ten minutes. I then picked my phone back up and I saw all the commotion. I didn’t know what had gone on and I went and looked at what had happened.

“It could have been anything that I liked and it happened to be that one. It was a complete and utter accident. If people know me as a character…if I meant to do that at that time, it would have been very out of character for me. I’d like to hope it was clear that it was an accident.

“It wasn’t ideal the title of the tweet I accidentally liked. We’ve sorted that out, I spoke to the manager about it. I might not go on Twitter again quite so soon after games.

“He [the boss] didn’t have a clue, he didn’t have a clue about what I was talking about. He just heard the word accident and we moved on.”

He added: “If you go to put something out on purpose then that’s your responsibility and it’s on your shoulders.

“When you do something by accident then it’s frustrating. You understand the fans picking up on it and it being a little thing but when it then makes the newspapers you think ‘Is that really necessary?’

“I think in my head it should be pretty clear that that’s not the time for any player to be voicing their opinions, even if they did have those opinions they wouldn’t be doing it then.

“For a national newspaper to pick up on it and run a story it can be quite frustrating. You never know, people might actually pick up on it and believe it.

“You accept fans or people on social media having a laugh and a joke about it, but when papers start [running it] that’s when it gets a bit frustrating. That’s when I realised I had to put something out to explain it was definitely an accident.”

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Need him to sign a new contract.

What do we want? Wenger out! When do we want it? When he does i guess

“I accidentally clicked on it” is an excuse i use when my wife finds japanese porn on my tablet. She doesn’t buy it from me and we don’t buy from you Ox.

You don’t buy Japanese porn from the Ox? You’re missing out.

Speak for yourself mate. I think the Ox is a little smarter than to drop himself into something like that deliberately. As for the Japanese porn on your tablet? You might want to consider covering your tracks a little more carefully! ; -)

Godfrey Twatschloch

Or get yourself a Japanese wife.

lovely arse

Legitimate question.. I’m not on social media.. how easy or hard is it to accidentally ‘like’ something?

Bombay Gooner

Not unheard of. Especially on Twitter. It’s essentially a small circle your finger can fall on while scrolling through.


Pretty easy if you’re scrolling on a phone & not really paying attention (especially if you have large fingers!).

Godfrey Twatschloch

And if you’re on a bus.

George the Gooner

Very easy. I’ve done it a few times


Yes, on a small screen as easy or easier than thumbing up someone you wanted to thumb down on here

Wenger of Hesselink

Oops, didn’t mean to do that.


Very easy, but the cynic in me says this is too convenient.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Here is social media, buddy. Happens to me to like comments I intended to vote down.


It is a remotely plausible version of events, that he genuinely was scrolling through his Twitter feed and accidently liked something. But its a bit too convenient that it happened to be an Arsenal Fan TV video ‘titled Wenger has to go’ or whatever it was.. I kind of find that hard to buy. I think he definitely watched the video at least and then probably liked it by mistake. I dont think he would of meant to do it out of spite, because even if he does want Wenger to go, making it public like that would be so… Read more »


Jesus fucking christ


I know this may not be popular with a lot of people but I really genuinely feel sorry for Wenger, especially after the condition that Ian Wright says he was in, for a man who has given so much for the club he really doesn’t deserve to go like this hope he will get more appreciation for the remainder of the time he is with us he deserves it after all.


If only some sections of the fan base understand that our fans have become cannon fodder for the media and willing accomplices in their 20 year bid to bring the club down to mid table places, like their beloved United and Liverpool have experienced but for the “French man”. I am not saying Wenger must stay, just that planning some demonstration or walk-out, etc. will not do the players and club any good. Wenger will certainly leave some day (I think he will this summer, actually), but given what he’s done for the club, he deserves to be allowed to… Read more »


Why do the haters get all the press
Wenger has done so much for us but people have short memories.
I for one will be gutted when he goes. A massive concern is “who is good enough to fill the great man’s shoes”.Cast your minds back to what happened to Utd when Fergie left!! I’ve been a Gooner for over 50 years so have seen many victories and losses but have always been loyal to the team , that’s what a real fan does.

Lula da Gilberto

No one remotely rational really cares. Just from time to time I begin to wonder how many people that actually excludes…

“He [the boss] didn’t have a clue, he didn’t have a clue about what I was talking about. He just heard the word accident and we moved on.”

That’s just a great quote. Can easily imagine Wenger being utterly unable to keep up with the Ox explaining what he did. “Well, boss, there’s this site called Twitter, you see…”

Godfrey Twatschloch

Wenger swiftly scans the eight virtues of Bushido and converts it to the handling of Twitter. He comes to the conclusion that the code has not been violated and therefore all is well.


Some fans are lack class. Bottomline. You do not treat a man who has built the club up in this manner. They clamoured for AVB, Martinez more recently Klopp….where are these managers? Is Klopp’s Liverpool stronger mentally. Did he buy well in the summer? Is Guardiola the answer, someone who is dogmatic and refuses to tailor his tactics to the team he has in hand. Bought a pair of great keepers in place of Hart. The season is far from over but people like Wright do not help the club in sowing doubt and negativity. We need to press on… Read more »

Godfrey Twatschloch

I think for the sake of Bould feeling good about himself he should get a hairdryer anyway.


If the Ox is playing in midfield with Coquelin, hope they strike a better balance. Elneny is also available but will be just back from a gruelling tournament.

Coquelin needs to stay more discipline and communicate with the Cbacks.

Its all about fine margins.

Lets not underestimate HUll given how they dismantled rock and roll manager of the year Klopp’s Liverpool (Hopefully they can get a result against Spurts)



Leave it out ox it was an accident lmfao. You meant it and I don’t blame you as we all want the same thing wenger out. Ox has stated his considering his options at the end of season as he knows he won’t get much game time at arsenal as missing in action ozil gets in all the time and his performance have been woeful recently.

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