Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ramsey: City game can help salvage ‘difficult’ season

Aaron Ramsey says that beating Manchester City to reach the FA Cup final would go some way to salvaging something from a season that the midfielder admits has been ‘difficult’.

With top four still not out of reach but looking very difficult, winning the cup would provide a real ray of sunshine at the end of a frustrating campaign.

That in itself will be no easy feat though, because if we overcome City on Sunday, one of Sp*rs or Chelsea awaits in the final – and it could be a game in which we’re out to win a trophy and stop one of them doing the double.

“This is massive for us,” the Welsh international said. “It’s going to be important for us to finish the season strongly and hopefully have a final to look forward to.

“It has been a quite difficult season. There are a lot of things being said at the moment but we have to stand up for ourselves and get back on track as quickly as possible.

“There’s still a lot at stake and it’s important now to put ourselves right.”

Of course Ramsey scored the goal which ended our trophy drought in 2014, netting the extra-time winner against Hull City to cap a nail-biting comeback, and he’s looking for more good memories from the cup this year.

“I love this competition,” he said. “It has been good for me. I’ve played in three finals, and hopefully I could be lifting the cup for the third time.”

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Chambo Number 5

It’s been ever so difficult Rambo. I, and i assume many others, can’t wait until its over.


We gonna win the cup to make wenger the most successful manager in the cup ever.

Cmon u gunners!!!


If its any sort of omen I saw on Instagram that Gunnerblog is in hospital on the brink of death.. I wasn’t really convinced we could do anything, but since seeing that.. I am feeling slightly more confident.



Cliff Bastin

Thunderblast volley from outside the box please.

Shere Willpower

With his left foot!!!

Too Sober to be Onside

Seen it before from him


Give us a screamer Aaron.


3 finals? Did we lose one I forgot? Is he counting the Carling Cup? We’re Cardiff in a final? So many questions, I do apologise.


Cardiff got to one in 2008, losing to Pompey


Could’ve googled that ?


You can become more than a good player if your recognise your limit and do not attempt to do things on the pitch that you are not capable of doing. Keep it simple and you will be fine.

Stuck on repeat...

Obviously it’s been a tough season. Really not sure how many more “must win” statements I can take from: the players, the manager, the board (lmao), the owner (hahahaha…wipes tears from eye), former players, pundits, the media (pfft what do they ever know!), the fans, my dog…& so on.

That all being – North London derby in the final please! COYG!!!


You know what Aaron, how about you actually do what you say for a change? Rather than just provide mundane soundbites about what needs to be done, just put in the fucking effort and work your bollocks off to get the result! Play for the shirt, the manager, the fans!

Q Mantis

I really wish the players wouldn’t do this, it’s time for action not words we’ve had to here this ‘stand up for our selves’…’it’s a massive game’ ect. Please no more talk. We don’t no what to expect, will the players be up for it? Will they fight from the start to the end and refuse to loose? Will they play together as a team all doing there jobs and cutting out the mistakes? That’s what we want to see. save your words and do the one thing we as fans ‘want…no ‘need’ to see-yes, win a game against a… Read more »


You think this is difficult, sunshine? Imagine having to actually earn your place in the squad. No matter what happens, we WLL NOT “finish this season strongly”. This season has been shit. If you win the FA Cup, sure, that’s great, it will have been a shit season with a really good cup campaign (and two really shit cup campaigns, let’s not forget). Overall, still shit. I feel terrible saying this, but I’m finding it incredibly hard to be genuinely happy about winning. The bar has been set so low that it seems like only a flat out disaster might… Read more »


This isn’t Wenger Out week, we won a game. Man, don’t you read the rules of the comment section? This week everyone wants him to stay. Come back when we ultimately lose in the FA cup. Fans on her will want him out again.


Please save the bashing for after the game, for now get behind the boys and the team. Ps: No one at the club really cares about your opinion no matter if you use bold or capital letters to state your point. Through thick and thin we support the Arsenal. COYG


“Ps: No one at the club really cares about your opinion” Well that’s was my point, wasn’t it? If the club did care about the fact that the majority of fans see the problems and want change, there’s no way they’d give Wenger a new contract. Then we could all get behind the team and hope for the best result this season. But if a relatively good result this year means more years of bad results down the line, I can’t get too excited. It’s been bad for years. We the fans saw it, it’s just that other teams sucking… Read more »


The only thing I can say I disagree with you on every level, respectfully tho. Yes we had a shit season, putting that behind us and having a strong end to the season is not a bad thing! Winning the FA Cup would be considered a strong end to the season, especially when the other three teams in the semi are Chelsea, City, and Spuds. You have to move on and move forward, we can’t stay negative and pessimistic about everything. We have to put our shambolic form behind us, try and make things right then at the end of… Read more »

Wright on the money

Hope the boys do well and win against Man City. But even if we manage to win the FA Cup it will still be a very disappointing season for the club.

Good luck boys we are going to need it.


Winning the cup would make me happy, I think it would make us all happy, and that’s all that matters. We had a shit season, fuck I’m over being so wound up all the time because of this. Winning the FA cup and qualifying for top 4 would be a good season to me, taking into consideration our horrendous run of form between Feb-April. Yes we messed up in the league and we crashed out of the champions league in a shambolic manner, but we gave the team enough shit and we’ve waisted too many days being upset because of… Read more »


I guess arsenal fans are dumber than I thought. All I said was I know we had a shit season, winning the FA Cup would make it less shit, and if you can’t enjoy winning a trophy then why the fuck are you a football fan!?!?


Come on you reds!! Lets do this!!

Too Drunk To Be Offside

City game means nothing in itself. Winning the FA Cup will be a consolation no doubt, so don’t pretend that just getting to the final will mean the season is salvaged.

Its either win both games or nothing at all.


Beating Citeh would give me a major buzz. Small steps Too Drunk…:-)


Common then, show us how much you care. How much are you willing to give to win the game? 1000% is needed. Anything less will be futile

Liam Bradys left peg

Heads up Rambo. Winning a semi doesnt salvage anything. Winning the final v spuds might paper over some major cracks though


If he can find the right balance in this 3-4-3 with Granit, we may have a chance.

He is certainly more attack minded Rambo. I feel Coquelin may fare better in the 3-4-3 but he is more defensive.

We simply lack perfect option at the moment.

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