Friday, February 7, 2025

Wenger grateful for fans support during City game

Arsene Wenger has thanked Arsenal fans who got behind the team inside the stadium yesterday, backing their side throughout the 2-2 draw with Man City.

Having gone 1-0 down inside 5 minutes, it wouldn’t have taken much for a generally negative atmosphere to take hold, but the Gooners rallied behind their team and that was something that was notable from the TV coverage and by fans in the ground.

It was also something that was noticed by the manager, who made a point of thanking the fans when he spoke to the official website afterwards.

“I would like to thank the fans today,” he said.

“In the moments we suffered, they were absolutely amazing in a positive way. Today, that was a very important moment in the game.

“If they had turned against us when we were 1-0 down, alongside dealing with the nerves, it would have made things worse.

“They really helped the team recover and we are grateful for that.”

Unfortunately there were sporadic incidents of fans fighting inside the stadium, and outside too when one group took exception to Arsenal Fan TV filming their usual post-game interviews.

Whatever your thoughts on what’s happening at the moment, it’s crazy to watch things descend to the point where people think violence is the answer and others can rationalise that violence because it suits their point of view.

Read today’s Arseblog: Mustafi salvages a point after early goals problem surfaces once more

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Yeah just renew your contract and our trophy-less run of same old Arsenal mistakes. At least you make sure board has a full pocket and business is all that matters here.

canon 10000

I posted the following elsewhere in case you didn’t see it Blogs: Blogs, This is your place. You own it. You know it the best. From what I see some of the pre-meditated, regurgitated hateful posts that are hamstringing all sensible discussion… have stats out of context… bait other commentators… all of this is really whipping people into more and more stupidity. It is beyond embarrassing or self-destructive now. It is driving me off these boards from sheer annoyance. Maybe you can do without one visitor. Just thought I’d make myself heard. Spinner, John C and others like them: I’m… Read more »


Because someone has a different opinion to you doesn’t mean they have to keep it to themselves the reffered comment has 24 people who agree with whatever it has to say. All in all at least those people are persistent in their idea about the club and don’t go Wenger in/out depending on losing our last match

Godfrey Twatsloch

It’s gone beyond difference of opinion though as it’s become more and more toxic while sections of the Wenger Out crowd have nothing else to add but that. Shit result – Wenger Out! Improvement – Wenger Out! Decent to outstading play – Wenger Out! Someone is injured – Wenger Out! Blog writes a jokey piece – Wenger Out! Transfer roumours – Wenger Out!

It’s hysterical.

gooner of Oz

So you mean they SHOULD be going back and forth depending on last result? I’m someone who thinks a change would benefite the club and help us be better hense I want a change. A fresh start. I wouldn’t change my opinion based on couple of results. Wether we won 5 nill or lost to City it wouldnt have moved me. I’ve had 13 years of Emirates Wenger to prove me we badly need different ideas.


good for you. but guess what. its not your club. its kroenke’s. he decides.

and your idea of change is what exactly? coming to the ground protesting like a cunt against wenger till you get your wish?

in the stadium he built for us?

fuck you Oz…seriously…

gooner of Oz

Lol. Only Kroenke himself would write something like that. Hope you find peace somewhere in your life. 🙂


i found wenger’s arsenal…. but lately theres a bunch of ungrateful cunts who have decided that their opinion is more important than the well being of the club…


funny how you dont mention a fucking word about the intolerable behaviour of some utter scumbags ‘fans’ who think its an exercise of freedom to come hound wenger out with protests and ‘ thanks but you can fuck off now’ style banners. funny that….. i take it those who dont cry over cameras for money every week are not important… well you got your replies yesterday and will encourage a lot more of the same. lets see those tough guys calling wenger out with eyes popping and veins in the necks how they deal with real fucking wrath from actual… Read more »


I’m really disappointed to see comments like this get upvoted. Of course ppl like salmok exist somewhere in the world but how could one read this disgusting comments and like it is beyond me


the only thing disgusting here is the way some ‘fellow fans’ treat wenger.

in or out is irrelevant at this stage. you will behave with civility towards Arsene Wenger and respect or else yes i will come and demand that you do.


You strike me as a bit of a cunt.

Treat the Boss with civility, you fucks, or I’ll kick your ass?

Sure you will, big man. You’re probably 13.

Under NO circumstances is it okay to advocate violence. If you think otherwise, you’re a stupid asshole and your opinion is worthless.

Wenger has had 20 years. It’s gone stale.

Every season, his teams go through the same cycle, make the same mistakes, never learn from them, never progress.

But by far the worst thing about Wenger are these dipshit fanboys he’s inspired.

Arsenal is not an anime, kid.

Godfrey Twatsloch

I mostly agree with you but I still don’t see why when the team actually gets its act together, if only a little bit, that there can’t be a bit more jubilation and less of the endless toxic shit we hear day in day out? When we finally start playing a bit better I wish the focus would be more on football and less on the constant Wenger Out shite.

And collectively, “boohoo, I haven’t had a win for ages”. What are you? 5 years old and daddy took your tricycle from you? Fucking grow up!

Bould\'s Eyeliner

@canon 10000 — there are far more dangerous things than an idiot fan, and censorship is one of them. Politeness and all such other things aside, it is the height of emotional irrationality to try to censor someone based on their opinion on a game. Let’s not go nuts, just stay off the comment boards if you don’t like it for awhile. Plenty of Arsenal forums..


get lost you southpaw cunt. you dont like it dont pay. there are 40k waiting to take your ticket and thats what scares you the most. that when it all clicks you wont be there you egotistical prick.

you want the trophies for arsenal or so that you brag about it at pubs/workplace ?

if its the first you wait, you bite the bullet and support through thick and thin…if its the second then we dont want you amongst us.


What are you on? 1. I wont get low to your level and come back with such words 2. through thick and thin? 40k waiting on me? Ok tell me where do you sit in Emirates exactly? How much do you pay per mounth to attend matchs? How long have you been buying tickts? I’m pretty pretty sure 0 is your answer to them all. I’m not a fancy business man or an old fella sitting on money but have spent Gs of my hard earned money in Emirates. And I assure you it all have been through thin. Arsenal… Read more »


He’s right. You are a cunt.

Godfrey Twatsloch

“I’m paying good money and I’m entitled to…”

No you’re not. Don’t like it, don’t fucking buy it!


I said Arsenal is for all of its fans and you comprehension is that Im entitled to… ?


arsenal is about fans and culture? YOU BET

and in our culture and in our club we dont trash our legends nor hound them out like classless spoilt brats. NOR do we make money out of fan disappointment outside stadiums for self-publicity

behave you piece of shit …behave and show respect to the legend who has carried us 20 years with excellence


I’m sure you have a sad life.


Remarkable draw. No confidence – someone outran Bellerin – Kos off but we didn´t concede 4 more goals – body language telling that no one gives a shit if they finish fourth or seventh – Giroud didn’t win one header – and the list goes on. There were some issues that needed to sorted out in November, December and January – contracts with two key players and dealing with the hub of the team – midfield. We have OK descent defenders and some very good attackers but our midfield is not good enough and hasn´t been since Cazorla. If things… Read more »


Giroud didn’t win one header? Sorry you weren’t watching terribly closely.


Giroud won the ball on the few occasions the ball was played to him. At least he panicked the goalie into kicking the ball out!

Art Van delay

‘Ain’t happenin today’…. Nice one young fellow.


how many time we should repeat it … it is very simple : Wenger out !

Loo Roll Messi

Nah – very simple – support the team instead of trying to run it.

gooner of Oz

Believe it or not. Some support the vulnerabilities while some try to fix them and support the whole thing. The idea of a successful team.


you are an embarassment for siding with clearly ungrateful bastards who are also making money out of this…..

there is a guy there crying he wont be able to go on twitter cause manu fans will taunt him about 6th….

fuck these ‘fans’..we dont want them..

Loo Roll Messi

Got to be tough and a lot of pressure playing in front of fans that want you to lose to support their agenda. Alot of the pressure is of our own making – Just support the team until the end of the season at least.


…so that at the end of the season he could say: We didn’t do as bad as everyone thought we would and ‘uuuh I’ll sign z contract so that I could take the club to a whole new level. So no. Couldn’t give two shits where we’ll finish this season, as do the players and here’s a news flash for you: By supporting the “team” (as a good Wenger apologist that you are) you’re actually doing bad for the “team” because you’re supporting the rotten stalemate that we’re in and which is only going to get worse! Get behind the… Read more »


Loo Roll didn’t say Wenger.

It’s sad you don’t give two shits about where the club will finish.

You don’t know what the players think.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Whereas you are just so uplifting for everyone. I imagine anyone from top to bottom at this club, players and manager included, reading your posts and having eureka moments. “PING! Why didn’t I think of THAT before? This Roadkill guy is the fucking bomb.”. And as through magic the team starts smashing everything because through your wisdoms they now know. Fuck me do they know!

Faisal Narrage

Well at least all the usual suspects who come on here to blame the fans for the reason why the team doesn’t perform well can’t use that excise this week.


Yeah, the “support the team” crew who never in their lives said that Wenger did something wrong. No wonder he thinks that he’s faultless himself…

Bould\'s Eyeliner

No one who thinks that they’re faultless makes it far in life. Even Cristiano Ronaldo surely has a few reflections and revelations.

If you really think that making some sort of boycott will improve things, then just follow a different team. That’ll be true ‘supporting’ according to you, since you’re taking your ‘business’ elsewhere.


Perhaps you should just follow Wenger wherever he goes if he does have the courage to move on. I’m the one calling for a change so that Arsenal could move forward and compete again. You’re the one satisfied with a constant state of mediocrity. Now be honest to yourself: Who’s being detrimental to our beloved club here?


And yes! Boycott will force the hand of our money grabbing board to do something. Or are you satisfied with the ambitions of Kroenke, Chips and the lot as well?!

Godfrey Twatsloch

Arsenal board calls up Wenger for an emergency meeting.

Sir Chips – “Look Arsene, we’ve stuck with you for 20 years and we’d stick with you for another 20 if it weren’t for this fella on an Irish run fan blog by the name of RoadKiller who says he’s not buying merchandise now. Do you see the severity of the situation?”

Arsene – Yes, Sir Chips, this is indeed grave. I shall hand in my resignation without further ado.”.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Arsenal board calls up Wenger for an emergency meeting.

Sir Chips – “Look Arsene, we’ve stuck with you for 20 years and we’d stick with you for another 20 if it weren’t for this fella on an Irish run fan blog by the name of RoadKiller who says he’s not buying merchandise now. Do you see the severity of the situation?”

Arsene – Yes, Sir Chips, this is indeed grave. I shall hand in my resignation without further ado.”.

Arsenal Pakistan!

The fans inside were great and that was amazing to see but I really hate arsenal fan tv. That guy interviews the same 10-12 people all the time because he knows they hate Arsene and will say something ridiculous which will make him go viral. Robbie chooses to show arsenal fans in a negative light and then pretends to be innocent when someone reacts like in the video above. Wish his channel the worst because I don’t buy he’s a nice guy crap. He may be a nice person but has gained followers on his channel through cheap publicity by… Read more »

Eric Blair

Totally agree. Don’t condone the violence but maybe people are seeing this for what it is, self-promotion that doesn’t care if it harms Arsenal in the process.

Arsenal Pakistan!

Exactly! You described it better than I could in a much longer paragraph. He could easily work for because he fits their criteria perfectly. Using clickbait rubbish to attract an audience


That ‘init blud, ya get me fam’ bloke could do with a little slap though


They are Arsenal fans too and want the best for Arsenal. I don’t think there’s any problem in voicing their frustrations which is very understandable owing to the constant failures of the club. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it but don’t badmouth those people just for having an opinion different than yours.


constant failure is what spurs do. last trophy was 2 yrs ago not 9, and i can still remember our unbeaten season.

no wonder other fans think were tits

canon 10000

If you don’t like what the world has to say about Arsenal Fan TV don’t read the comments then. Fair?

Edna Dowling

No-one’s denying them the right to an opinion… it’s how they choose to make their opinions known that’s the problem. You’ve only got to consider how popular Arsenal Fan TV is with Spurs fans to understand that, surely?

Dan Hunter

ArsenalFanTV is one of the few channels that tells it as it is. You say they only interview a few guys every time but that just shows you know nothing about it. There are numerous opinions on the channel every week. The reason the likes of DT and Troopz are on it at the top of the rankings are because they are the most popular. They have 400K subscribers and millions of viewers every week. I love watching it as it is like therapy for me, and God knows I need it very often. Anyone can go on it and… Read more »


It’s a YouTube platform. Anyone can comment. You don’t have moderations on comments like Arseblog. How is it aftv’s fault that other fans want to comment? They’re just using that platform to raise objections. And just to be clear it was the Wenger supporters who started the fighting. Aftv have resorted to no violence


You sound like you work for them.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Correct me if my observation is wrong but comment sections under the AFTV clips I’ve seen are chock full of people telling them they are a bunch of morons.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Actually my observation is wrong. The comment sections are full of fans of other teams mercilessly ripping the piss out of Arsenal on a whole. Can’t blame them. Our shit form with the added side show that is AFTV gives them all the material they need.


So, we draw one game, which changes absolutely nothing in the table and the Wenger apologists are out in force downvoting anything that actually makes sense. Good to see you back, boys!


The team played better than in months yesterday. Is that not something to be happy about? However small and not sufficient an improvement it may be, is it not preferable to the shite we’ve endured the last couple of months?

Crowd noise PA system

Dude, that Roadkill character has got blinkers on and a one track mind for negativity (Not the only one either). If he/she won the lottery I’m certain they would still find something to be angry about (eg: “only 2 million? grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I wanted 20mil, this is fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” followed by “Vengah aaaht!”).
Yes I completely agree with you, it wasn’t a majestic Arsenal performance but it was better than we’ve seen for quite sometime, and yes I too am happier than I was after the West Brom game.


We’re not even remotely competitive. Yet another season gone in the wind and like 70% chance Wenger will sign a new contract that will prolong our misery, before easily manipulated “bread and games” characters such as yourself realise that a change is needed. For a club with our finances and our stature, a draw at home to Man City is NOT supposed to be a success! But yeah, I’m an idiot for failing to see the silver lining which basically is that we didn’t lose the game. How many games without a win is that btw? Yeah, “one way track… Read more »


I think what you’re missing is that no one is saying that things are good or that things don’t need to change. That doesn’t mean people can’t be happy over an improved performance.

Cheer up misery guts.


I believe that some people are only truly happy when things are shit.


Some people not happy with their misery they must make sure we all feel it. happy we didnt lose yet another game, sad we didnt pick up 3 points – roll on Wednesday lets get a win for the CLUB!!!

uncle D

This is madness! What are we supporting? How have we stooped so low! We don’t deserve the tittle any better than any other club. We have to fight for it! Just like any other club! The whole thing has a negative influence as is evident!

uncle D

I think enough has been said! It’s sad our fans will follow the critics of this club and turn on their own team! Nothing is justified if the protests destroy the confidence of both fans or the team! The general idea of this whole Wengerout during the season is destructive. Everton or any other team in the league would love to win the Premiership crown. It’s not won this way if that is the whole idea. No one likes their team being looked at like fools and being fools for supporting them. I hope after such scenes people realize this… Read more »


Our fans fighting each other is just embarrassing. My spud mate can’t stop laughing at me.


That’s the most harmful thing for the club in the long run and is pathetic. This whole debate of you just support the club in this way, my way is farcical. If my wife sees this sort of infighting in the news I’ll have a hell of a job convincing her I can take the kids to a game again and in the meantime they’ll go back to school to be told Chelsea or city whoever are great because they win and you lose a generation of fans because some arsenal “fans” don’t like how you support the club or… Read more »


That reminded me to finally Unsubscribe


Glad someone had a go at those AFTV morons to be honest.

Feel a bit bad for Robbie and obviously you don’t want to see Arsenal fans physically fighting but they act like complete children after each game and we all get made to look a laughing stock based on their behaviour.

There aren’t many walks of life where you can act that obnoxiously and not have people giving you a piece of their mind.

canon 10000

I wish they would replace the violence with ‘protests’ when they are filming. You don’t have to kick people to make your point.


Actually, you do.

Art Van delay

Thing is, if those who hold Wenger and the players to such a high standard, applied the same to their own lives, they’d not be on here slagging off everything that doesn’t coincide with exactly how they believe things ought to be. There are those who appear to believe winning football matches is easy, if that were so, there really wouldn’t be much interest in it.


Oh come on, he’s on what 8 million a year + add on’s etc. And still with millions stashed away he won’t do the honorable thing & walk away. Course the Stones & Dylan are even older and they still live on past deeds.


Class from our fans to show the gaffer the support he deserves. Whether he is relevant to the future or not is a seperate matter. BUT we are fighting right now. Personally cannot understand ‘fans’ who want to see us finish out of top 4. Its plain silly. Even if we should feel Wenger is at end of tenure, we should want to see the team finish as HIGH as possible. 10 matches to go. If we win every single one of them ( tall order), we can still finish at 81 points. Likely there isn’t going to be St… Read more »


Wake up, ya dreaming


-I salute you!……hope we can enjoy a drink together sometime…


this is fucking brilliant. finally !!

the wenger uts need to realise there afre people with a different opinion to their

what happened there robbie and the rest ? hiding and running huh?

to be continued….

full credit to the three gentlemen who were having none of your celebrity wenger out wankfest


i love Arsenal through and through and it pains me to see all things going on around our club we are at the same stage in the league as we were last season the only difference is all the teams above us have moved up a gear or two wether it be money spent or managers changed or both we are just treading water even though we have spent money,cant see top 4 or the FA cup, cant blame the fans who turn up week in week out no one can condone the violence if the club has any real… Read more »

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