Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Robots might break my FA Cup record

Arsene Wenger says his preparations for the FA Cup Final are not driven by the prospect of becoming the competition’s most successful manager.

To date Wenger has secured six triumphs (98,02,03,05,14,15) in his 21 years in charge at Arsenal, a total only matched by Aston Villa’s legendary manager George Ramsay who achieved the same feat between 1887-1920.

A win against Chelsea on Saturday would put clear ground between the Frenchman and his Victorian peer, however, Wenger is adamant that the focus should be on his team, not personal glory.

“Look, I want to do it just to win the cup,” he told media at London Colney on Wednesday.

“I think the team has done well to redress the situation on the sporting side. That [winning on Saturday] would be a good crowning of what we have done in the last two months.

“The team has given so much that I think they really want to win something. After that, if I have some benefit as well, that’s ok. But that’s not my main worry.”

Pressed on whether his potential record might stand the test of time given the volatility of top-level management these days, Wenger couldn’t help but take his wry humour for a spin.

“Maybe [it would last], I don’t know,” he said. “It’s difficult to predict always what will happen in our game.

“We just spoke about losing two centre backs in one game so it’s very difficult for me to predict where football will go and what will happen in the next 20 years.

“Maybe we’ll have a robot on the bench who will make the decisions and a computer will analyse exactly what kind of decision he makes during the game.

“You might not even have human beings anymore on the bench.”

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bite my shiny metal arse


We already a robot in the club, TV5, The Verminator


R2D2 has similarities with Alexis, same height.


Or should it be:

C helsea
P *ss
O ff


Grasping there.

Yankee Gooner

The chances of that joke successfully landing are 3,720 to 1.


Never tell me the odds

Mein Bergkampf

Peter Crouch to manage Arsenal?


Wenger has chosen his successor.


Will be interesting to see how the robot deals with pesky journalists in the post match conference.

Dorothy Maitland-Niles


Alex Stark



Expecting to see a Lars Bender transfer story in the press tomorrow now.


How about a robot as a replacement for Gazidis? He might do a better job.


How about a 90’s dialup modem as a replacement for silent stan


Come on, be realistic! Where would you find a dial up modem with billions?

Bai Blagoi

Hahaha, I simply love that guy 🙂


If a robot can give 5 robotic punches to break Maureen’s upper jaw before being separated by 3rd official then yeah why not?


There’s a seriousness to this comment despite it being tongue in cheek. People don’t like to think about it, but the fact is that future generations are likely to make a serious attempt to achieve a-mortality should we not destroy ourselves. Combined with artificial technology and age regenerating treatments, which are both well under way, what chance does he have against beings with 300 year careers. Messi even has no chance. But will they be human anymore, or something we can’t even fathom? Genetically and technologically altered super-beings, not borne by the lucky chance of evolution, but intentionally engineered by… Read more »


Ah well, fuck kroenke


For a minute there I thought I was reading a rambling Pete post. Whatever happened to you Pete?


this FA cup game has so many factors riding on it for Wenger (contract) the board Wengers contract) the chairman (share price) the players (contracts)and of course the fans (love of The Arsenal Forever) no pressure there then robbie the robot


“What is my purpose?”
“You finish fourth every year and make sure the books are balanced”
“Oh my god”
“Yeah welcome to the club pal”

North Bank Gooner

Would saying Arsene could be replaced by the Six Million Dollar Man show my age? We have the technology to rebuild……….

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