Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arseblog News turns 6 today!

The merriment continues at Arseblog towers…

Having spent the first half of the week basking in the glory of another FA Cup victory, we’re now celebrating Arseblog News’ 6th birthday.

We just wanted to say thanks to everybody for reading and engaging with the stuff we publish.

It’s been another roller coaster season so we really appreciate the fact that 99% of you happily adhere to our comment policy. In our opinion debate is healthy, respectful debate even healthier.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s our annual ‘State of the Arse’ address…

521,150 – approved comments
84,529– followers of the @arseblognews Twitter account
8,467 – posts published so far (average 3.8 posts per day)
4,510 – posts by @arseblog
3,165 – posts by @AAllenSport (aka Arseblog News Hound)
323 – posts by @jeorgebird
318 – posts by @7amkickoff
45 – posts by @Stillberto
31 – posts by Sul

There’s a whole host of other contributors who’ve chipped in with vlogs, montage videos, match reports, amazing translations and other assorted features…cheers to you all!

It’s a real group effort.

At this point, we’d usually run through the highs and lows of the season, but quite frankly we can’t be arsed to focus on the bad…and the highs are pretty much all from last Saturday.

So here’s a great pic of Rob Holding and Per Mertesacker holding the FA Cup – a trophy we’ve won a record 13 times.

Drink it in. Drink it all in.

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i can’t imagine my life without arseblog ?
-pls blogs let mrs.blogs do all the liveblogs from next season or else break the leg of the bloke who won us the mancity game ??

Mein Bergkampf

Too right. My morning routine goes eyes open, arseblog, arseblog news. Then I tackle the non Arsenal news (world news I believe they call it) and finally the news of a bunch of people I hated at school. I would also like to take this opportunity to state my name is no more than a (supposedly) amusing play on words. I love Dennis very much and really, really hate fascism in all it’s forms. Almost as much as I love Dennis. I hope it doesn’t offend anyone.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Main Bergkamp, never doubted the intent behind your name was to amuse. Despite our ”Wenger out, Kroenke out of our club” thing, we Arsenal fans intrinsically love others including Wenger and Kroenke. Personnally, I do not like Facebook and Twitter but everyday I read and comment on Arseblog. Just the look and feel of this blog is superior to others.


I’ve never been on here and neither has Paul, Paul or Original Paul.


But more seriously, all the Paul’s love Arseblog News! Thanks very much.

The Loon Ranger

Like everybody else here I really don’t know what I’d do without Arseblog. With all the ? around today you’re like a breath of fresh air. Thanks to the arsenal gent too who has consistently brightened up my week. And like lots of others I’d be blissed if Mrs Blogs did more live game coverage. You’re all great.


I too enjoyed Mrs blogs live commentary. It was much more coherent to be honest 😉

uncle D

I can’t believe I was one of your first! Now you moderate me for the rest! ? whyyyyyy don’t I do it for you anymore???! You can’t even look me in the eyes!!! You thumb me down now…




Thanks for everything!


You guys are the real MVP, not that fake news out there 😉

Turn up Arseblog!


It’s your birthday so why are you writing this, get pissed and celebrate!

Thanks one and all for the whole site, you keep me sane in a mad world. Without The Arsenal and Arseblog life would be shit.

Here’s to another six.


Thanks for the quality and timely Arsenal related news. Thanks for the jokes as well. I doubt a day has ever passed and I don’t visit Arseblog News. Also, thanks for allowing quality and healthy debates in here. Happy Birthday Arseblog News! Wishing you more news about Arsenal winning loads of trophies in future.


Blogs, I know I’m not going to be the only one to say this today, but thank you for your continued and daily efforts to bring us everything Arsenal. There are ton of shit sites and shit bloggers out there, no offence if you’re a shit blogger reading this – but this is sheer quality. No wonder I’ve arsed many of the other haunts I used to frequent over the years. Keep up the great work man! It truly IS fuckin excellent, Andrew.

David C

My favourite site on the entire Interweb!

Happiest of birthdays! Keep up the amazing work.


Happy 6th Boilk Day!

Could never get the hang of the Arses on Arseblog proper, so Arseblog News filled the gap perfectly. Cheers for all the hard work day after day guys!

Make Arsenal Great Again

Congrats, Blogs! You’ve done an amazing job with this blog. Hope to read more insightful stuff from you for years to come


Happy Birthday ArseBlog, all bloggers and bloggees!??
Arseblog is my go to for coherent discourse and hilarious mirth!
ArseGent is a bounder!
Up the Arsenal and bring on 2017/2018!!


What happened to the text I was supposed to get? 😉


Haha, oops, just seen it, sorry 😉



Vin Unleaded



Happy birthday Arseblog ??

Eddie McGoldrick\'s shin pads

What would we do without Arseblog news…



damn i basically started following arsenal seriously at the same time then…

Arsenal Pakistan!

Thank you Arseblog, James, news hound 7am and not to forget Graham dougan ? being a gooner would be infinity times harder without this site. Specially considering how stuff is on special media it’s amazing how you maintain a level of decency on this site and arseblog and bbc are the only 2 sites I use, don’t even open the other sites. Also finally thank you to every other gooner who comments here or on the arses. I do believe the most sensible gooners are on this site and enjoying after a victory or getting through a defeat is a… Read more »

Third Plebeian

I hope Graham Dougan continues as a writer here. It has been such fun reading the reactions in the comments from people who think he’s a real person.


I’m sure he will


Happy birthday and thanks a lot to all who made this thing what it is! Keep up the good work!

Lord Bendnter

An average of 3.8 articles per day! That is why I love Arseblog
And articles are always “finger lickin good”
*copyrighted expression


Best site on the web.

What Did She Wear?

Thanks for all you do. This is where I visit first for all my Arsenal news so cheers one and all.

Rob Pyres

Congrats Andrew. Definitely THE number 1 Independent Arsenal News source in World Football.



The BEST All inclusive blog for the Arsenal and frankly a service to the club whose PR machine should bear note.

Discussions here are generally high quality and not beholden to the sycophantic atmosphere at other sites.

All views are welcomed.

Well done!

Teryima Adi

Congrats Arseblog News. You guys rock!

Mississippi Gunner

I can typing


Many returns of the day…


Congratulations team Arseblog. You have held my attention for at least 4 of those 6 years and I remain convinced that trend will continue.

My Mrs asks me – Do you never get bored of Arsenal and Arseblog every day?

Nope, I honestly don’t. You, on the other hand…..

A wee joke ( incase she reads this )

Many happy returns from a place where the weather can be described as aquatic.

Glasgow_Gooner\'s wife



Happy birthday?





Hoppalong Gabriel

Happy birthday Arseblog news. The first place I go for my Arsenal fix, I’d be lost without you. I have a book in my bag that I bring with me every day to read on the bus (at the moment it’s Ray Davies, ‘Americana’) yet never get a chance as I spend all the time on Arseblog! So many happy returns. Ps, we won the cup!


Most reliable site, with plenty of humour and debate to boot. I’ve had this week off work. Man, am I drinking it in…!


Happy birthday all. Absolutely top job you are doing, keep it up.


Thank you for being such a great source for arsenal news. There’s too many football news sites filled with adds, clickbait and downright lies. You are doing an amazing job and I really appreciate your effort.


On a side note, is it possible to leave a reply in your Android app?


Happy b’day – up the arse!

I should leave it there but I’ll gush a bit and say that its here every day that I’ll look first for Arsenal news – even before BBC, Guardian etc

Cheers guys – its really really appreciated !


Xhaka\'s Red Card

Cheers blogs!

this is my go to source for all Arsenal matters. plus the array of material and writers on here is just top class. love your work guys

much love all the way from Kenya

Gudang Pelor

Thanks to you guys.
Its been worth the membership fee and more!


?nice one?


Happy bday!
Where do we go for the obligatory cake and party hats?

Theres a business opportunity.. arseblog party wear.


There needs to be a F###ing Awesome phrase count


Congrats to Arseblog News – don’t think there is a day go past without me dropping into this essential site.


Arseblog + AN are top top quality.

But your greatest thing is you brighten up my day with a smile, a chuckle or a hearty LOL at least once every day.
Andrew your sense of humour is found nowhere else in the blogosphere and I hope you can continue for the rest of my life.

Bombastic Shaggy

We love you Arseblog, we dooo…

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