Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Ospina to complete Fenerbahce move next week

David Ospina is closing in on a move to Fenerbahce with Turkish publication Fanatik reporting the Colombian will undergo a medical next week.

The 28-year-old keeper revealed last month that he’d spoken to the Arsenal hierarchy about leaving the Emirates and been informed the club wouldn’t stand in his way. It is claimed that the Gunners will accept a fee of £3 million.

Ospina, who signed for the Gunners from Nice for a similar fee in 2014, is currently on international duty. He’s due to play for his country against Spain in Murcia this evening and will travel to Turkey after returning to London.

Ospina has kept 18 clean sheets in 50 appearances for the Gunners and was in goal as Arsenal beat Chelsea to secure the 2017 FA Cup.

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2 million? Ouch.

Mein Bergkampf

We made it cheap as we stipulated that on first sighting, Ospina must give RVP a slap, wet willy and a kidney punch. It knocked a few million of the price but, according to Wenger, it’s “worth every penny”.


I think goalkeepers are priced by the centimetre.

Wright on the money

That is not enough should be at least 5 million for him, don’t blame him going I can’t see him getting much game time at Arsenal.


So with Ospina off to Fernabahce and Sczesny to Juve… we’ll surely go for a new keeper?


Szczesny is still to talk with Wenger so hopefully he will stay.

Andy Mack

Martinez is a very good 2nd choice.

Érlick Badu

I agree about Martinez. He looks like Butland: tall and fast.

Wizard of Ozil

I don’t understand transfer fees. How do we get 3M for 28 year old Ospina when City paid 17M for garbage 34 year old Claudio Bravo? I understand English clubs get bent over a barrel in the transfer market because of all the TV money but that makes no sense.


Is there something we are doing wrong when it comes to selling players? Remember when Chelsea made 50 million off of David Luiz? I know Ospina is a goalkeeper, but still – he’s almost starting 11 caliber on a champions league team and we ask for 3 million?


Page 4, paragraph 6 of The Arsenal Handbook clearly states this is “Dick’s law”.


The same Dock Law who also brought in Holding?

Selective thought process much?


Not to sound like a conspiracy nut, but trades between or involving PSG, City and Chelsea have more going on than meets the eye. Not saying it’s money laundering, but it’s not not money laundering.

Shkodran Goals

Oh wow, just seen this comment similar to mine. Thought it was just me that thought about this.


Didn’t they buy him for 20 million, sold him for 50, then bought him back for 30? So broke even on him?


That’s not “breaking even on him”, because they now have him playing for him having spent 0 net.

Heavenly Chapecoense

We’ve been losing money on transfer fees for years. Henry was sold 14 or 16 millions when he was still one of the top three strikers in the world.


Actually no. We have been minting money in the transfer market. We feel like we have been short changed because some of these players could have fetched hypothetically higher prices. But prices also depend on perceived value and if more than one club is driving it artificially upwards. This summer we are in danger of losing in some deals. Ospina is one. agreed that he should be sold for higher. My estimate is 10m at least. But Debuchy as well we make a huge loss. The likes of Jack, Jenko, Gibbs if sold not terribly much. Elneny is a risk… Read more »


Henry was crocked with a serious back injury

Heavenly Chapecoense

Is that why Henry stayed 4 years with Barça and another productive 4 with New York FC?


We mistimed Henry’s sale badly. The year before he was sold we turned down a then world record bid of 50 million from Barca. Then he had a pretty poor season after that, coupled with some injuries, and we only got 17 million for him.


A keeper in his prime, regular international for Columbia with 76 caps to his name and FA Cup winner with us, and we ask just £3m? Ridiculous. Might even be lower than the amount we bought him for. If Chelsea can sell Begovic for £10m I don’t see how we can’t even get £5m for Ospina.


Market dictates the price. If no one else was after him then then our hands are tied.


Need, supply, and demand.

Shkodran Goals

Conspiracy time: I think these teams with rich owners use transfers to get money into their clubs, and spend heavily for the service.


Arsenal are one of the worst sides when it comes to selling players. Far too often we sell below the players value. Does the club no favours when trying to purchase players, only lessening the money available. Fair enough if a player wants to leave, but there should be no requirement to do so if the appropriate fee is not met.


I think it’s our way of thanking a player for his service and allowing him to choose where he wants to go without big fee getting in the way.

I do think that they could get more sensible price though and use the extra few million on supporters! Perhaps a tannoy system that we could actually hear? Free drinks or food for some nothing games?

North Bank Gooner

Good point, might it also be that we pay better than average wages, and the fee is to offset Davids current wage?


40MM for Portugal cup winner (City), 3MM for FA CUP winner. What the fuck?


Why the second M?


American way…


They trade players for M&Ms?

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Old standard, double m’s used for multiple millions. People don’t do this anymore.


Why do we always get low balled like this?

Wright on the money

I know it’s off topic but the new richest clubs list has come in and we are 6th in front of Chelsea,Liverpool and Spurs how come we can’t compete with them in the transfer market and wages.

If we are that high up we should be able to spend more than £150 million to me and be able to keep are best players and building on them easily.


we are richer than Chelsea because we are more careful with how we spend money

Wright on the money

Yeah may be but they are winning the league with spending we aren’t by keeping it.


This is short-term nonsense. The next generation of international football fans is going to include many more Chelsea fans than Arsenal fans. That’s because young boys don’t want to root for the most financially responsible club, they root for the winning club. Some years ago, we at least had the “beautiful football” going for us. Now we’re basically what Tottenham was four years ago. Chelsea’s value has risen immensely since Abramovich took over. Winning gets you fans, fans get you money. Arsenal created a lot of fans internationally because of Henry, Bergkamp, and the Invincibles. They haven’t really given new… Read more »

Heavenly Chapecoense

Make sense what you said but Arsenal doesn’t seem to have problems getting new young fans around the world.

No way

3 fa cups in 4 years isn’t where Spurs were 4 years ago.

No way

We have higher wages than Spurs and K luverpool. We spent more on transfers than either last year.
Chelsea are bankrolled by abramovich.


And yet they both came above us this year.

Maybe, just maybe, it has nothing to do with spending.

I know, that is blasphemy to some.

No way

Yet neither won a trophy. That’s the aim, to win trophies. I wouldn’t swap our season for any of the other English clubs except Chelsea.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Liverpool always spend big to get top top top strikers like Suarez, Torres.


And Andy Carroll

No way

And Andy Carroll

David Hillier\'s luggage

The list was for the most valuable football team, not ‘richest’ in terms of spending power. We have a high value because of factors such as our stadium, share price, commercial potential and assets (cash reserves), that doesn’t directly translate into having the transfer funds other (often externally bankrolled) sides have.


Liked him but wished he were taller. Get Szcz back and compete with Cech. He is our best replacement by far.


Crazy how 6 foot can be considered short.


I wish he was a baller.

Niall Shannon

Jeez 3m is a bargain if you were the buying club. Ospina should be worth at least 5m.

No way

Costas goal in the final suggests not

Christopher Wreh

shut up

Twat McFinance Face

To the people complaining about the fee – there is no set value for any asset, an asset is worth what the market is willing to pay. In this case that appears to be £3m. Same logic that allowed us to sign Holding for peanuts. Not everything is gooner mismanagement.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Exactly. If they’re the biggest club in for him then you have to accept they might simply not be interested in paying more. (Or indeed be able to)
The fact there doesn’t seem to be any bigger clubs in for him doesn’t surprise me. He’s a decent keeper but no more than that.

King Henry the 2nd

We seem to have a habit of binning keepers that win the FA cup and club captains. Can we make a change this new season and have a keeper good enough for all competition and a captain that will lead the team for more than one season. It would be nice


This should mean Szczęsny is definitely coming back.


A pathetic fee in reality. I really do think we are poor at getting good fees in for players. No way a keeper of his calibrate should be less than £10m.


And 5M for Gnabry? Come on….


Recent sales has been poor and we need to hold firm but I suspect there is cost to salaries if we hold on too long which is the issue.

That said, we should have stood firm on Gnabry if anything more for footballing reasons not on bottom line.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Unfortunately 25 millions for Bellerin to Barça in three years.


Worth so much more than that on ability, but when a player wants to leave and is not playing you’re never going to get good money for him. Especially since he’s not English or homegrown. Even with that in mind 2mil seems incredibly low. Don’t understand why he’d want to go to Fener anyway, could easily make a move in one of the big 5 leagues.
At least it paves the way back for Shez


Because we bought him for 3 Million, we can sell it with the same price. LOL.
We can get more from him.

Buck Thirsty

here we go again..

David Hillier\'s luggage

£3m is a ludicrously low fee for player of Ospina’s standing and talent. Put into context, Chelsea sold Begovic for £10m. That’s more than 3 times more expensive.

When was the last time we actually got good value for an out going player? Nasri perhaps?

Sanchez\' favourite dog

To be fair Hleb, Song, Adebayour and Toure were all sold for much more than they were worth. Danilson too (yes, I’m aware we have him away for free)..

No way

We got 8 million euros for Gervinho.


That’s silly business. Gervinho’s forehead alone was worth 7.95 million euros.

rob pyres

Good luck Oooooooooooooooooooospinaaaaaaaaa! Gonna miss hearing that!


Oooooooffffff spina!


Surely he’s overqualified for that. If not for anything else but to be in the same team as a certain skunk from the Dutch country.


3 million? He’s worth more than 8 at least. Would be an option #1 goalkeeper at many clubs.


Cech is obviously number one at the moment but is not without errors. If Szczesny returns I’d give him t’gloves given what he must have added at Roma to his obvious potential before he left.


For those moaning about the fee, from what I’ve seen he has a 2 year contract remaining at £40k per week. So it saves us another £4.1m on wages so this would make the deal worth over £7m to us (as opposed to keeping him and paying wages of a player we don’t want to keep or doesn’t want to stay).

Not bad business and that would pay at least a big chunk of a nice wages rise for Ozil or Sanchez…..


So we aren’t going to get a new backup keeper you mean?


We already have one – Martinez. Plus, Szczesny should be coming back.


The last 3 FA cup finals keepers left (including loans) the club the season after.
What is happening!!!!!


Yes, keeping Fabianski and Mannone would have ensured we won the league.

Lord Bendnter

Should sell him for 5m as everyone else is saying too. But even if he goes for 3m, I’m not complaining as long as he leaves and is off our books and gets regular first team football elsewhere (which is he more than capable of).


£3 million for a goalkeeper like Ospina? seriously? I think he’s being underestimated by the club if true. And as a colombian I’m worried he’s going to Turkey… he’s worth playing in a better league.

rogue gooner

The reason the transfer fee is often small with Arsenal is because the buying club need to at least match the massive wages that English teams pay. That is compounded by the fact that arsenal have a bizzarre wage structure where average players get paid over the odds.


Any PL club besides the top six should be interested in Ospina. He probably is better than any of the GKs starting for them and they would probably pay more than 3 mill.


too small….bring back gooner scccczzzzzznyyyy

Chris Siple

I wish him luck. He seems a good guy to spend time with, he’s courageous, and he’s got fantastic reflexes. His size works against him and he does not command the six yard box on corners, so I get why he keeps getting exchanged for low single digit transfer fees. He deserves regular first team football, and he wasn’t going to get it at Arsenal.

Please bring back Szczesny!


For that little money I would keep him. It will cost us a lot more to replace him with an equally good goal keeper. I think Wenger did a deal with him to put up until the end of the season where he would let him go. He is a quality keeper, one the best we have had in a while. No offence Szcezeny!!!


He should have started in the league when Cech was so awful for a while and then gave the ball to Fabregas in the Chelsea game, and I think that was probably when he realised he had to leave. I like him a lot and I think he’s a very good goalie and should be able to get a better team than Fenerbahce, he was better than Szczesny and unlucky that Cech decided he wanted to move to Arsenal. I’ll miss him, and I hope that if he does leave it is to a club where he’ll be happy and… Read more »


Ronaldo can and has missed a sitter, that doesn’t make him rubbish. Czech is a quality Keeper, the best we had since Lehmann. He has 5 years more experience than Ospina plus has won multiple trophies and Ospina hasn’t. That’s why has been ahead of him in selection.


That wasn’t the point I was making. The point was that Arsene wasn’t going to drop Cech, even when his form was shite, which it was for weeks, so there was no competition and therefore no reason for Ospina to stick around.


Let’s be honest, they were all shifted and left him exposed on multiple occasions. He wasn’t the reason why we lost matches, it was the tactics and the lack of confidence. Wenger gets the loyalty if his players because he shows his confidence in themy when they are down not just when they are in form. 80% of the player we signed in the last 12 years wouldn’t have come to us without him. Still pissed off he didn’t get Suarez though…

Stuck on repeat...

Understand his reasons for wanting to leave, but still makes me sad. Always liked the guy. Wish him well.

Original Paul

Great shot stopper but raised everyone’s blood pressure when taking a goal kick! 🙂 A good Professional imo.
Good luck Ossssssssss,see…yaaaaaa! xx

Teryima Adi

He is a decent goalkeeper.


Yes he is – but no more than that.


It’s a shame. I’d have thought he could do better than going to that s**thole of a league.

All the best anyway.

Segy Turner

3M only? Id be very highly dissappointed with that figure tbh


He’s just not good enough for a team in Arsenal’s caliber – Great shotstopper yet proun to some horrible mistake and just not tall enough to have sufficient control when it comes to his air game.
Still, wish him to success elsewhere.

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