Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hoeness: Sanchez too expensive for Bayern

Bayern Munich president Uli Hoeness has again hinted that his club are unlikely to sign Alexis Sanchez claiming the player’s wage demands are infeasible.

Despite being one of the richest clubs in world football the Bundesliga giants appear to be put off by the prospect of paying the Chile international mega wages on a long-term deal.

It’s been claimed that Sanchez wants to double his current Arsenal salary, taking him to near the £300,000 a week mark.

Speaking to Sport Bild about the link with the 28-year-old, Hoeness explained: “I’m not in the operational side. [Chairman] Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has not yet come to me, so the matter doesn’t seem to be too urgent with him.

“A €20 million salary is probably not feasible.”

Last week Hoeness defended Bayern’s decision to spend their cash on younger recruits explaining: “You can’t build a new team with €100m transfers for 29 and 30-year-olds. That isn’t a policy.

“Either we go down this road with all these young players, all getting a chance to play, or we don’t go down this road.”

Former Bayern manager Ottmar Hitzfeld has also had his say on the Sanchez saga playing down the importance of adding another star to a squad already teeming with talent.

“If you could get a Sanchez, someone would have to go back to the bank – that can create problems,” Hitzfeld told

“Bayern will be wondering if they really get someone else in this category.

“One must not forget that you have incredible players with Ribéry, Robben, Müller, Thiago, Lewandowski.”

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Rwandan Gunner

Let our (Arsenal) enemies continue to be misguided and overun by confusion. Sanchez stay please.

Tanzanian Gooner

Sanchez himself said a while ago that he wants to live and play for a competative team in London. Chelski are not interested, Spurs are just spurs. That leave only one choice, The mighty Arsenal. He’s staying lads calm down….


If anything Sanchez should sign a new deal with us & help smash the cheap Bavarians when we meet next year in our annual Champions League encounter.


Yeaaah… don’t think that ones happening next season mate.


What if Bayern finished third in their group?


We still wouldn’t be playing in the Champions League if that unlikely result were to pass.

Heavenly Chapecoense

But they may play against us in Europa League in such situation.


but next year?


And thank god for it, the way they’ve been going this season it would have finished 15-1 on aggregate.


Err…you need to qualify for the CL to actually play in it.


?? the cheap Bavarians have been beatin Arsenal ass for so long, and they will keep doing it ofcourse because england clubs are pussy, an germans got what it takes.


Hoenesstly, I think Sanchez will stay.


Guess he has to stick with us then 😉

and no Shitty, back off!

sad eyes

Maybe poor Bayern should get a kickstarter going….. ?


My heart bleeds for them

Cliff Bastin

If his mind is made up I say sell him to spurs.

(Hear me out)

They’d be getting an great player but one who showed questionable team ethic at a few points last season and can you imagine how mental he will get when he plays with all those shit team mates? He’ll not only bankrupt them with the transfer fee and wages, he’ll also implode the dressing room.


shit team mates who finished above us and actually challenged for the league !!!! hate to admit it but they are currently a well oiled team as compared to arsenal..

Heavenly Chapecoense

Better oiled to win nothing and we did.

Original Paul

I think Sp*rs are shit.


This is the worst suggestion I’ve ever heard. Anyway they’re struggling to pay even 120k to their star players right now so they can’t afford any WC player

Spanish Gooner

Yet they somehow have all their best talents signed to long contracts despite that lack of cash ???


Both Modric and Bale were on long-term contracts when they were sold. Very easy to get players to sign such contracts with the understanding that they can leave when a big bid comes in.

DJ Khalid

Means getting the max value of their players too.
Maybe we should give it a try.


They have some very good players tbh.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Downvoted you for being honest about Spurs.


Downvoted for not filtering profanity. Sp*rs


The Spud transformation came with Pochettino, He’s completely turned them around on and off the pitch apart from their fans … Surprised more clubs haven’t gone for him … I’d shudder to think if he was in charge of manure ….


lol are you trying to be funny??


You said “hear me out” and I thought you were going to say something meaningful. ??


All this about him being troublesome doesn’t really hold water. Why would Pep Guardiola be so keen to get him? He’s managed him before…


Rumours upon rumours upon rumours.

Chippys chip

He sulks and strops because those on the pitch with him dont show the same energy, desire, commitment etc or just not on the same wavelength. He is a winner, fighter, warrior. We need him and more like him.

Terry Henry

Fek off a cliff

DJ Khalid

Yeah, let’s pair the league’s top goal scorer with one of the league’s best players.

Let’s give then Kos too. Imagine how annoyed he’d be having to play with those lot?

Brilliant strategy.

Congratulations, you played yourself


You need to get your head checked Cliff Basting.


Who cares about them lot? They think Kyle walker is worth 50 mil, Deli at 100 mil and Harry Jane at 200 mil and they want the Ox at 25 mil. Wankers. Once in a lifetime like Leicester. Never again. And yes Jane is not a typo.


Smoke, mirrors, shadows, and maybe some common sense somewhere too. Not all clubs are filled to the eyeballs with oil money. It also suggests our reported wage offer to Sanchez is more than reasonable.


While I sympathize with your thoughs – as far as the second half concern…
I’m afraid it will be hard to fight with the best teams without the best players in your squad.
If Alexis is among the best players in the world, why isn’t it reasonable to earn like the best players in the world?

Hamburg Gooner

It was said the Arsenal offer is around 230.000/week. With this he will be in the Top 10 in world football – there´s only Messi, Ronaldo, Neymar, Bale, Rooney, Tevez, Oscar (?) and probably Neuer on more than that. What more can you ask?

He just has ridiculous offers from China and his agent probably tries to get that kind of money in Europe too

A different George

I can’t imagine any keeper, even Neuer, being paid anything like that. Surely Robben, Lewandowski, Vidal, and Ribery all make more than Neuer.


So Bayern are basically saying either drop your price and sell to us. Or sell to Man city, and take the consequences with strengthening a direct rival, the impending anger and protest from your fans. So I see him going for like 25 or 30 mil to them, or we bite the bullet and keep him for one last year. I’d choose the latter

Determined Culture

Gotta agree with that.
1) will definitely rather sell him to bayern for 25-30m than an epl team for 50m
2) are we really in desperate need of the 30m?
3) if (2) is a yes, then much as i dont want olivier to leave, i’d have to choose to let him go instead of alexis to raise the $

Heavenly Chapecoense

Alexis is going to have a bad season anyways. He has played too many summers in a row and has shifted his motivation to earning lot of money and perhaps evading taxes. We should let him go.


Alexis bad season are you mad, even if he starts slowly because he had not vacation for years only playing he will shift to beast mode in September, October.

The only thing that can stop him is an injury and for the guy who plays whole season all games + summer tournaments 60+ games he is out of world fit I can’t see other player matching his fitness ant not being injured after players non-stop.

Heavenly Chapecoense

Last season was Alexis best season in career and that happened at Arsenal. He played 145 games (72 goals) at Arsenal compared to 141 (47) at Barcelona. Alexis score 25 more goals in roughly same number of games. If he goes to Bayern, Robben, Ribery, Muller are not going to always give him the ball. They would want to score themselves.


Very valid point that. Alexis has every Arsenal player feeding him the ball and the best #10 in world football assisting him. He won’t command the same importance in that Buyern team. Robben and Ribery run both wings, Lewondowski is stationed at CF and never moves. So, where does he even fit in at Buyern? He will have to displace a star player of theirs. The facts are: – Arsenal have offered him a great salary – He is the star man at Arsenal and has excelled – He has scored more club goals than ever before – Arsenal are… Read more »


What are you talking about Heavenly? Totally wrong. Put some of those negative vibes towards our beloved Wenger, who is the sole reason we could lose one of the top players in the world. Without him we would seriously be 30% weaker, he pulls the whole team up with his sheer will to win and never give up attitude.


It’s not the sell price, its wage demands. They will pay 50 mill but don’t want to give him 20mill a season for 4 season.


Bayern has no problem paying 50 mil for alexis they paid 40 mil with add ons rising to 80mil for Renato Sanchez and he was a bench player all year, bayern don’t want to break their wage structure and will not do it even for messi they have strict polices and i thin the best paid players is payed 185 000wk .

Alexis is asking 300.000wk + om wages. Even if they sign him for 10mil they will not break their wage structure.

Chippys chip

China it is then. If he is sold to shitty, chavski or (wake me up i must be dreaming) spuds (wtf), then whoever sanctions it must be sacked or No1 target next season. Hope he stays and signs on though obviously.


I think we should sell to Bayern cheaper (still 40m surely) if it means we don’t sell to City, but we can’t do much about his wage demands. It sounds like they are trying to get us to lower our fee demands and him to lower his wage demands. If he really wants to play for the best team and have a shot at the Champions League he will lower his wage demands and go to Bayern. We regularly beat City but Bayern is on a different level. No guarantee that Guardiola can win anything with them next season, with… Read more »


Obviously i would rather he stays put and helps us to challenge for these things …


Why not give us Lewandowski then, If you’re so “poor”. I would actually fancy him if Alexis god forbid agitates for a move.

uncle D

Sanchez is staying. People who have dogs value loyalty, he won’t be joining city. Give the man some credit.

Chippys chip

I so hope you’re right Unc.


Who would he realistically replace at Bayern? He’s an excellent footballer, no doubt, but he’s definitely not miles ahead of any of their first team players.
His last stint at a ‘top top’ club didn’t go so well, so I would be cautious if I was him…

Heavenly Chapecoense

Ribery and Robben got too old now but the german young players who beat Alexis at the confederation cup are all dreaming to play for Bayern.


agreed with you . he put himself in a very dangerous position. the only club that can afford his demands is city and he knows the club wont sell him to city. at bayern his wage demands are too high and he wont be guaranteed a starting place. so rest the psg… but then its ligue 1 ! or one more year with us and go grab the europa league cup and ready for the wc in russia and bang them in there . its his best move career wise.


Alexis would walk in any other team starting 11 except Barca and Real.M. Maybe he will not play so many games at bayern like at Arsenal but he will be starter for sure he is miles ahead of riebery and robben golden years.

A different George

“His last stint at a ‘top top’ club didn’t go so well.”

The problem at Barcelona was that the role that Alexis plays (not necessarily the position, but the role) is already occupied by Messi, one of that tiny handful of players who is clearly better than him. Despite this, I don’t think it would be accurate to describe his time at Barca as a failure. In his last season there, he scored 19 in La Liga, in only 34 appearances.


Have to disagree regarding messi. He’s a great player, surely, but when he’s not in a favorable environment he really struggles. Look to his international career for evidence. Messi relies very heavily on favorable refs and a broken league in Spain to thrive.


and yet you would take messi at arsenal in a heart-beat….Messi is magic and if anything he’s carrying barca and argentina and not the other way around!


This is the effect of bottomless-pit clubs like City. If it wasn’t for the blatant money laundering with suspicious sale fees every season, they’d make Chelsea look like a conservatively run, fiscally responsible outfit. City obviously set the bar with this ridiculous wage offer, if you can always offer more then you’re at an advantage. It’s their tactic in the market, offer stupid numbers that you know nobody else will or can. They single handedly inflate the wages and fees of every player they even look at by 200% and they intend to do so. There’s no accountability for it.… Read more »


Bayern would be the best option from our point of view. Bayern for a reasonable fee or City for an unreasonable fee, or let him run down his contract.

If we get a large pile of cash for him to go to City i wouldn’t be happy but at least then we get stronger too.


Only if we invest the sale fee back into players.

Sell Alexis for £80m to City and then offer £200m for Mbappe?

The whole thing is a circus.


If we get enough for 2 good players it might be worth it … For 40-50m we might as well keep him


What disgusts me is that the likes of Sky and BT Sport parade these transfer fees. Shouldn’t media outlets and journalists be highlighting the serious problem football is facing? The game has been taken over by billionaires and corporations who care little about the values of clubs and the sport itself. We have regulatory bodies like FIFA, UEFA and even the FA who have shown no other motivation but to cash in on the huge popularity of the sport. Racism still exists. Match-fixing still exists. Dodgy officiating still exists and is worse than ever. Football is no longer a fair… Read more »


The worry is that this really looks like it’s going to run. The least likely scenario looks to be Sanchez signing a new contract. If the plan is to let him run it down, which most feel is the best scenario, then that intention needs to be made very clear very quickly, to Sanchez, to his potential suitors, and to the fans. What has become interesting in this scenario is that before the summer we spoke of Ozil having less suitors and Sanchez having an appeal to most of the top clubs, and that hasn’t actually materialized. Bayern have now… Read more »


Seems likely, though I think Ozil will sign a new deal. The lack of interest in him this summer from other clubs will not have gone unnoticed by his people, so the best advice he would have is to sign a new improved contract or run it down until the end and leave on a free. Question is, even with him being a free transfer next year, there will be reluctance for some clubs to break their wage demands. In my opinion, both of them need to show some commitment to the club which has taken them out of shitty… Read more »

Laughing Stock

Yeah so fuck off

Spanish Gooner

Look, if he won’t go to Bayern for “only” a marginal increase in wages then his “oh I just want to win things” excuse is shown to be rubbish because Bayern are the dominant German team with a better record in the CL than any English club. If Bayern can’t afford his wages I don’t think Arsenal can reasonably be expected to afford them either. Let him go to City, get his money and be dropped to the bench by Pep like last time he played under him.

Spanish Gooner

I don’t understand the argument to keep him. A fully focused 100% Alexis may be worth taking a £50m hit, but the sulking disgrace of a player whose turnover rate was the highest in the team and who refused to pass to anybody but Özil that we had when we needed him most last year is not. He’s 29 and probably closer to 33 in Rosicky years. Sell him now, end the saga and spend his money on somebody younger


alas not every gooner out there thinks logically like you do.If we sell sanchez to mancity(highest bid) then there will be tremendous backlash amongst the arsenal fan and this site would surely crash on that blog post.It would be sad to see him go to a rival but we can totally invest that on a lemar or douglas costa…

Original Paul

I don’t understand this proposed anger if he goes to Man City. If he doesn’t they will probably buy someone better than him anyway!


Spanish Gooner I’m so happy you seem to share my opinion on this, was quite remote to voice it out and not provoke some angers but to be sincere I don’t care if he goes to city or bayern, football is a team sports though individuality is an advantage but not to be holding a team and it’s fans to ransom, there’s no proof he ll be as good as he is in Arsenal in the City team, take Adebayor for example, he thought he was up there, that he was getting bigger than the Club, but in reality the… Read more »

Rolo Toure

Does it not make you sad to see a player’s Arsenal legacy ruined by such moves? When moves like that happen it makes me wonder whether it was worth having them in the first place. All those Van Persie goals we can’t enjoy anymore, bittersweet Fabregas memories etc. If it’s 50m in the kitty, I’d rather preserve the memories. It’s a big part of the game for fans.

Original Paul

Rolo if you didn’t take that opinion about players leaving you could look back and enjoy the Van Persie goals? People get too cross too easily at times imo.

Lack of Perspective

Spanish gooner took the words out of my mouth. Although i would keep him and play him when needed and he can fuck off for free in a year. I wouldnt miss him. Thats the point of the contract.

Manganese bronze

That year’s supply of dog food says he’s not going anywhere

David Hillier\'s luggage

I think Sanchez wants to sit out his contract and go to Bayern next summer. The money they save on a transfer fee will pay for 2 years of his wages, and I suspect they’ll only want him for a maximum of 3 years too.

Where are PSG to help dive up prices when you need them?


As Sanchez said he isn’t allowed to tell the people what he is doing I’m pretty sure he will be allowed to join man city when Wenger thinks replacements have been found. I guess he is just not allowed to talk about it because of our transfer business

Ol\' Granny Xhaka

Does this mean we’re competing with the likes of Bayern Munich? *hides*


FYI “bank” in this case is the German word for “bench.”

Makes more sense as “If you could get a Sanchez, someone would have to go back to the bench – that can create problems”



Ja. Genau.


I never considered the possibility that Arsenal’s offer might be the best on the table for team Sanchez, all things considered.

I want to keep him, I really do


I sincerely hope Sanchez stays but I kind of get Bayern’s comments that he’s not worth blowing up their wage structure for. He wants roughly twice what their top earner makes (Lewandowski) and so will have huge knock on effects. He’s WC- but is he that much better than what they already have? The one that’s nuts to me for not signing is Ozil. I love him as a player but no other top team will give him a free role like he’s had at Arsenal nor will he likely get paid remotely close to what we’re offering him. I… Read more »

not so fed up

Keep Sanchez on his lower wages at Arsenal for this season, play him in every game and let him go crocked to man city ?




So shut the fuck up about it then. They are trying to drive the price down by proclaiming that they could’t afford him.


the wages and transfer fees paid by the PL are totally out of whack with reality in the rest of Europe. we pay superstar wages and fees for very average players. if we want to sell abroad we will increasingly take massive transfer hits. otherwise we will have to sell to the PL. that’s just reality going forward


It’s sad, isn’t it?

We are supposedly one of the biggest clubs in the world, and yet our star player is being hawked around like a prize bull. This is so disrespectful.

How has it come to this?

Chippys chip

How indeed? Sky tv and £££€€€€$$$$ is how.

Original Paul

I expect you think it is Arsene’s fault Fats?


Absolutely not. I actually don’t hate Wenger any more; It’s clear now that the real problem is Stan Kroenke. Because of him our club is now just a joke. We have zero ambition to win the two big trophies. It’s no wonder why Sanchez just wants to get out.

Original Paul

Wow! Even Fats is fickle! 🙂


Ha ha, they really want him but they want him on the cheap.


1) To the people who say, I would rather take the money…why? It’s not like it’s our money is it? Who gives a shit how much Arsenal spend/generate in player sales? That’s for them to worry about, our only concern is to see the best football team our resources can provide. 2) All this paper talk about city, and they have not made a bid yet. I wouldn’t be so sure they want him – it would seem odd considering the options they already have and the history of bench warming between him and pep. 3) We won’t sell him… Read more »


Ah yes, the challenge of winning the Bundesliga with Bayern must be tempting for any player, just like the honour of joining such storied clubs as Dubai City and Chavsgorod FC.

On another note, I would love to know how much tax Arsenal saves paying by depreciating all their assets like they do every transfer window. There must be some reason we can’t get anywhere near market rate for players unless we’re cheating Barcelona (perhaps acting as accomplices to dodging tax knowing them).


So keep him.:D

Seriously, Bayern are playing hard ball. They know City are next up and we don’t want to sell to them. So they are going to drag us to the wire and try and get as low a price as possible.


I don’t really understand this story and never have. People say Sanchez wants to leave because the club can’t match his ambition and him wanting to “win stuff” – but all the actual stories are about money. Which is it? Would you really push through an acrimonious switch to City to “win stuff” – after all, they struggled least season too, and we were the ones that ended up with a trophy last year, not them. Bayern makes sense to “win stuff” – but then why would you be sabotaging stuff by demanding a wage that Bayern are unlikely to… Read more »

Kano gooner

Ok, this leaves City the only likely destination if he decides to leave and if we decide to allow him.

Sanchez should know, if it is about winning the Champions league, though we will not be playing next season, but City’s chances of winning it are as good as ours!

Original Paul

He needs to sign or go very quickly because he is losing more respect every day this goes on imo.


If Bayern can’t offer 300k per week, Should Arsenal succumb to this kind of pressure? Just asking


Bayern chiefs sound like sensible people though.. why rush it when you can get him on a free next season and spend the cash on just his wages


Chilean news today: Alexis decided to stay at Arsenal at least for one more year. Fingers crossed! Cheers

He\'s got no hair but we don\'t care...

If he wants to leave, sell him but do not be short changed as we always do.

Same for Bellerin. £35M is pathetic. If they double that & he carries on bleeding like that Chelski judas, then sell him too.

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