Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 0-3 Chelsea

Arsenal completed their overseas pre-season tour with a 3-0 defeat to Chelsea at the Bird’s Nest Stadium in Beijing today.

The Arsenal starting XI was: Ospina, Maitland-Niles, Mertesacker, Monreal, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Ramsey, Xhaka, Bramall, Ozil, Iwobi, Lacazette.

That meant youngster Maitland-Niles in the back three and Bramall on the left hand side, and the game was being played on an atrocious looking pitch that cut up from the very first minute.

Maitland-Niles looked uncomfortable as part of the back three and a sloppy pass saw him present a chance to Willian which the Brazilian put just wide. Chelsea had a few other pops on goal, and a great run from deep by Ramsey saw him poke an Ozil pass wide.

Ospina fisted Pedro on the edge of our box, leaving the Chelsea player unable to continue and he was replaced by some bloke I’ve never heard of. What a magic.

The Colombian keeper then pulled off a fantastic double save from some bloke and some other bloke who got on the end of the rebound. Then Chelsea had a goal disallowed for offside, Mertesacker diverted a dangerous cross over the bar, and Antonio Conte’s side looked the more dangerous.

Indeed, that danger was converted into a goal in the 39th minute Willian curled a shot in off the bottom of the post to make it 1-0, and the lead was doubled by Batshuayi a minute later after Bramall conceded possession sloppily and the striker curled a shot just out of Ospina’s reach.

Ramsey forced Courtois into a good save at his near post after a good pass from Oxlade-Chamberlain, but Chelsea took the two goal lead into half-time.

There was confusion as the second half began when Arsenal tried to bring on Olivier Giroud, but because the French striker was not on the squad list the Chinese officials objected to the change. In the end, Giroud was allowed on along with a host of other changes including Koscielny, Elneny, Coquelin, Welbeck and Kolasinac.

However, the changes had little effect on the game, as Batshuayi extended the lead after just a few minutes of the second period, cracking home from the edge of the box after being set up by Alonso.

There were shouts for an Arsenal penalty but the referee deemed a foul on Welbeck to be right on the edge of the box, and despite an atrocious maneuver the ball ended up with Coquelin who fired just over.

Giroud shot when he should have crossed for Ozil, Alonso hit the wall with a free kick for Chelsea, and then I started wondering why I was spending my Saturday watching this pointless shite. Am I so addicted to Arsenal that I can’t find anything better to do? The only conclusion is that yes, yes I am.

Giroud pulled a shot from distance wide, then Chelsea made a load of changes bringing on a load of c*nts for some other c*nts. Joe Willock and Reiss Nelson came on for Arsenal as the game entered the final 20 minutes.

Why do so many footballers think the Shawshank Redemption is the greatest film of all time? I mean, it’s a pretty decent movie but that’s about it. Is it some kind of collective delusion?

Kolasinac got booked for a cynical foul then Arsenal brought on Emi Martinez for Ospina and Donyell Malen came on I think for Mesut Ozil. Someone called to the door then and I missed a few minutes and then I played with the dog for a bit. He has a toy called Rob Lobster which he insisted I try and take off him by chasing him around the garden like Homer Simpson chases the squirrel in that episode when he goes back to college.

Malen hit the post, Giroud looked uncharacteristically clumsy when set up by Koscielny, and in the end Chelsea won.

Ultimately though, it’s pre-season, thus:

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Not an important game and far from our strongest line up. Nevertheless, depressingly I realised today how quickly disappointment will turn to much worse from fans if we have a bad start or a bad season after the decision for Wenger to stay.

A good summer won’t buy that much leeway.


Itll buy none


Don’t watch the games in pre-season for the scoreline.

That would be silly.

Watch it on individual performance.

That is the point.

When we get into the Emirate cup is when the team performance will start to be critical.

We’re missing key defensive players, swapping young inexperienced players in and out, its not the point of pre-season to win. The point is to see how individual players are coming along and where they may fit, what the shortfalls in the squad may be still if none of these players can step up sufficiently.

Stringer Bell

“When we get into the ‘Emirate cup’ is when the team performance will start to be critical.”

You lost me here.


Toxicity is inevitable. Just use this summer to spend big, at least it shows the fans that we really try to challenge.


Its only a friendly bit i thought we would have tried something different. We still trying to pass the ball into the net. Good workout for the boys anyways.

Mein Bergkampf

This wasn’t a competitive game of football but it wasn’t an uncompetitive game either as Chelsea proved, looking sharp, committed and clinical. Anyone watching that has to be a little concerned about this seasons campaign. We need new faces as Wenger doesn’t do new ideology.


wenger said before the bayern game that games against chelsea and bayern are about defensive preparation , its safe to say that we are nowhere near close to ready . both games we were outplayed in every manner . the only difference is chelsea just took their chances .


How could we be, we played a back three of niles, BFG, Monreal, while Chelsea played their first XI. Utter stupidity to even play them in the first place but I can’t see how Wenger expected a different result with the lineup he played, and the subs he made at half time. Deluded and naive.


the only member of the back three who would actually be starting most games there was Nacho. Other than that, Merty cannot be expected to get too many starts this season.


It was a meaningless friendly so why do you give it so much relevance ?

Lord Bendnter



Went onto the liveblog after work to check the score.

Full time. Arsenal 2-1 Chelsea.

“OH MY GOD. I feel like crying. Congratulations everyone. This is glorious. And this is Mrs Blogs, over and out. Enjoy the rest of the weekend 🙂 Take care.”

Wow, I wonder what happened? Sounds great.

*Scrolls down to see it’s the FA cup final liveblog*
Pre-season doesn’t count, anyway.


Who thumbed this down. Come on. Own up.


Was it part of our tactics to not provide Laca with any service whatsoever?

Mein Bergkampf

Anyone notice Michy Batshuayi using the preseason to turn heads and make a point to Conte? No need for Rambo, Xhaka or Ozil to do the same though, they already know they’re first choice regardless of performance.


Rambo is looking quite sharp in preseason for me. Ozil too.


And Xhaka looks like he upped his defensive game

Walmart heiress

Should have gone to spectators!


Spot on, all too comfortable at Arsenal, everyone knows their place is assured.


What was wrong with Ramsey and Ozil ?


Nothing but criticising them is forgetting how bad Ox was.


ox barely ever gets the ball and looks like he’s hating life at RWB at the moment.


Played too open and not sure why we picked Bramhall and Niles when there were better choices available. Still, it’s just a friendly.

Reiss Nelson looks v impressive every time I see him.


To be fair they both did ok but I would have played Kolasinac and Kos from the start and brought them on later … Big ask for both of them Vs Chelsea 1st team …

Bendtner\'s ego

Neither of them played well.

If I played that pass that Maitlen-Niles did to the Chelsea in my Sunday League team, you would not even BEGIN to comprehend the level of bollocking I would get from my Irish centerbacks.

I can’t believe they would tolerate that sort of play in our U-21 team.


Niles not a CB though so i won’t blame him, even Koscielny can’t defend properly against Chelsea youngster.
But Bramall, he is so underwhelming but he is a non-league footballer afterall, we shouldn’t put too much hope in him.


No not a CB either


Bramall was excellent. One of our few successes. I think we shall be seeing a lot more of him. Can’t agree one iota with your comment.


Bramall did not belong on the pitch. He offers nothing except a bit of pace. Did he, even once, successfully elude a Chelsea defender in possession? Did he ever threaten the goal or present a pass that unlocked the Chelsea defense?


Things I picked up from this game:

– Brammall isn’t ready, like, at all… maybe one day
– Kolasinac needs to get used to Premier League play but has hope
– Lacazette cannot penetrate against defensive minded teams
– We miss Cazorla and need that replacement ASAP
– If we don’t resign Sanchez, we need someone to fill that role (no guarantee Lemar can do it)
– Giroud is essential for hold up play and fake runs


Giroud really changed things, Def want to keep hold of him

Lacazette is new though, I think we need to give him time. Fortunately we are in a position to do that, at least as things stand.


Arsenal desperately need a deep lying playmaker in the mold of santi. They have nobody capable of linking play up from the back. Forget Lemar go in for verratti or keita. Both are capable of sitting deep and beating opposition with a pass or off the dribble.

Determined Culture

Agree that it is of utmost importance that we sign a super quality ball playing santi-like CM, even ahead of signing Lemar even IF alexis leaves. Id rather play Ram and Mesut behind the striker since its clear that ram will always feature for wenger. To be fair ram also does quite well in fhat role for wales. However both veratti and keita are out for us since a 75m bid from liverfool was rejected for keita and wr know we’re not spending that sort of $, and even barca failed to sign veratti.


I think we should go for someone like Modric.

A different George

Why do people keep saying things like we should go in for Verratti? He is at the richest club in the world and wants to leave to play at Barca. Maybe we should enter the bidding war for Neymar instead.


Or even someone called Fabregas.


Hahaha have you watched ligue un? PSG and Monaco aside the rest are defensive minded teams.
Some of them (lille that’s you) seem to play with a goalkeeper and a back 10.

Now I wonder who could penetrate those teams

A different George

Please stop interfering with commentary by adding information. Bad precedent.

A different George

I am deeply impressed that you learned all that from a friendly, in oppressive humidity, on what seemed to be a terrible pitch, with below-par officials. I have to confess that, despite seeing him against North by Northwest Sydney, as well as today, I still don’t know how Lacazette will do in the Premier League. I must be dense.


You absolute dufus. And your trying waay too hard with you’re perfect fucking grammar. Clearly hiding something.


Bramnal was excellent and to judge Lacazette on one performance when he got very little service is ridiculous. In fact this was a preseason friendly and no conclusions can be drawn.

Bertie Big Bollocks

Because it’s, ultimately, a training excercise and Wenger wanted to get a look at them and give them a chance to play senior pros


Not sure being skinned will do much for their confidence though

Godfrey Twatsloch

No youngster should ever play to protect them against the experience of defeat since it may damage their confidence. They should be just be wrapped in cotton wool while watching the older and experienced players from a safe distance until one day they are let out to just, you know, do it.

You know it makes sense!


It didn’t seem like Bramhall is ready … Maybe playing him against EPL champions isn’t the best place to start

Godfrey Twatsloch

I’d say the same for Maitland-Niles. But where and when do you play them? PL games or stuff like this where it’s not life or death? Worth noting that they came up against what looked like the regular Chelsea team as opposed to their youngsters. What an opportunity for them to learn.


I thought Bramall showed a lot of promise. This was a mid season friendly. Why do people take it so seriously ?


Only got back for the second half, but from what I saw the tempo of the game was Arsenal pass sideways a millions times, Lose the ball, Giroud falls over, looks disinterested, Chelsea pop one ball over the top, headless chicken disease takes over the players, Elneny gets rinsed (what is the point of him…seriously?) I know it is only a friendly, but it is scary how much Chelsea seem to have got their shit together compared to us with only a few weeks to go before the season.


Chelsea always do this to us if we’re not bang at it … they’re good, much as it pains me to say it …


It reminded me of recent league games. Chelsea, as it stands, are a much better team than us. Regardless of the FA cup result.


Not sure I’d go that far but they didn’t win the league by accident

Art Van delay

Recent league games against them, last season we played Chelsea three times. Murdered them at home, got battered away and done them in the Cup Final. I’ll take that again this season.

Andy Mack

In the last 8 games with them (inc this one) we’ve won 3. drawn 1, and lost 4.


Lacazette? More like lacashite.Lmao


Clearly we should write him off already

Godfrey Twatsloch

Getting no service and scoring nil during a pre season friendly. Total waste of money. Season’s over before it even began.

Laca out! Wenger out!


Yeah well he’s no Bendtner is he.


I think we all know the score that counts is still 2-1.

Agnes Demise

We still need 2 signings.
CB, CDM starters
plus Lemar if Alexis leaves


Not too worried about CB, most of ours are missing at the moment.

Not convinced about the CM though.


We need a more solid combative Defensive Midfielder that is good with tackles like Wanyama, Fabinho, Matic, Wijnaldum etc. Xhaka can play Cm or Ramsey in some matches.

Eric Blair

CB looks well covered but in my opinion they are all playing to still be there next season. Mert will retire, Kos is having more and more fitness concerns, Holding needs to show the last few weeks of the season and cup final wasn’t a flash in the pan, Gabriel needs to show he has what it takes, as does Mustafi who has a lot to prove. Not counting Chambers as he looks off and Monreal I still think of as a FB/WB. I think this is the area of the pitch that might require major surgery next summer, assuming… Read more »


Same old story though, defenders diving into tackles too far up pitch and leaving gaps behind. Still no creative deep midfielder to replace Santi. We have the forwards to score goals but they need to have the ball fed to them.


I’m disappointed and sad that Wenger, over the course of a few years, has decided to turn his trademark Wengerball into something barely even resembling football. I thought friendlies were supposed to be at least mildly entertaining.


Arsene was right…this was no friendly. Chelsea wanted revenge for the FA Cup Final defeat, and went all out to get it.

But just as Arsene said that we shouldn’t read to much into the Bayern Munich result, so we shouldn’t read too much into this result either.

We learn what we can from the game and move on.


Bayern lost 4-0 today too so its not just us

A different George

I think the result is completely irrelevant, but I didn’t see Chelsea going “all out” either except, maybe, for Batshuayi. I did enjoy Cesc getting booed.


At least score a goal to compensate this outclassed performance, we have those chance when Chelsea played their youngster in the last 15 minutes.
Should be a blessing in disguise, now we know if we need another Players –> CB, CM, and Winger (if Sanchez stay then we don’t need to sign another Winger).


Pretty bad all over 🙂

The shirt looks ace though.


We were playing a pre season friendly with a makeshift defense. They were playing almost full strength. So some perspective people before you start writing off the season.

This loss means the same as the win against Bayern the other day.

David C

plus half our squad had food poisoning…some crazy over reacting on here. Settle down people, it’s preseason, haha.


niles , bfg , monreal against batshuayi , jeremy boga , willian . their second string against ours , the quality is not far off brother . apart from bramal and niles all of the players in the starting eleven are the ones we expect to play regularly . lacazette , ozil , iwobi , xhaka , ramsey, chamberlein , our entire attack was full strength . but we didnt even so much as came close to even creating a decent chance apart from one. besides we looked shit even when they played their academy players . so the quality… Read more »


I don’t get the “it’s just a friendly and doesn’t really matter” talk. You don’t see the opponent relinquishing their attack or defending sloppily, then why do we put up this excuse for our underperformance? Our defense requires a lot of work, it was evident in the game against Bayern and today as well. But I must say that I love kolasinac’s mentality and work rate. And the usual story with our attack, always trying to score that perfect goal. Why can’t we shoot the ball from distance the way Willian and Batshuayi did? I’m really sorry to say that… Read more »


To be fair, we started without Kos, chambers, holding, Gabriel and mustafi – probably not a realistic reflection of how our defence will look.


Not to mention Monreal in his best position and Bellerin, a , you know, proper right back at right back. Honestly some of the bedwetters commenting on here do need to take a bit of stock of themselves.

Art Van delay

You don’t get it because you didn’t grow up with football.


Considering how bad the pitch looked, I am just glad that we didn’t have any injuries..
Rather lose 3-0 in a pointless game than have 1 or 2 of our players out for 3 months.


Not too impressed with the performance… even the referee was Fu Ming

John Lukic

I thought that until Ospina ‘fisted’ Pedro we were the superior team, smothering Chelski and keeping possesion well, it looked like a matter of time that we would create some clear cut chances. And that was with a very makeshift side.
I assume Cheski took umbrage to us destroying that rat faced little bastard hence the battering they gave us after that. Oh well, bit of fun next weekend then some silverware to play for the weekend after. COYG


Poor Pedro, sounds painful …


I feel sorry for him too, but I’m not sure what the outrage is about. Pedro is going as fast into the collision as Ospina is, and Ospina gets the ball, he WAS the one who is fouled, correctly so, because technically it is a late challenge by Pedro.

I just don’t know why Pedro is still going at the ball and how he doesn’t see Ospina coming.


Got fisted in the box …. Haha

Godfrey Twatsloch

Some people pay good money for that. Pedro being a man of financial means got it so good and proper he was carried off in a stupor. You read it here first folks!


Bet Ospina has big hands …


How do you measure superiority? Cause we created 1 scrappy chance (Ramsey) to their 5. At the end of the game they had 11 shots on target to our 1 (Ramsey, different chance). We barely saw their goal and it had nothing to do with them playing really well. We were just piss poor, which is a shame really, because I was looking forward to some pressure-free football before the start of the season.

Godfrey Twatsloch

A tepid shower of misty shit. Apart from the 90 minutes I’ll never get back it matters not one bit. Bring on the new season!


I don’t get the “it’s just a friendly and doesn’t really matter” talk. You don’t see the opponent relinquishing their attack or defending sloppily, then why do we put up this excuse for our underperformance? Our defense requires a lot of work, it was evident in the game against Bayern and today as well. But I must say that I love kolasinac’s mentality and work rate. And the usual story with our attack, always trying to score that perfect goal. Why can’t we shoot the ball from distance the way Willian and Batshuayi did? I’m really sorry to say that… Read more »


Not a hope in hell. Unfortunately Lemar looks a dead duck, as does Mahrez. Especially now city just signed Mendy.

Godfrey Twatsloch

A win would have been preferable but these promotional friendlies are a means to dust off cobwebs and experiment before the real stuff starts in August.


Should we be experimenting weeks before the start of the season? I would have thought pre-season was a time of building cohesion and getting our starting 11 fit and ready for the first game, but Wenger prefers to experiment and play kids. Wouldn’t be surprised if we lose to Leicester first up and around and around we go again.


Half our defense is on extended break from summer tournaments or recovering from injury- including Kos having a little back issue. Yeah, I’d say that’s a good time to experiment.

Godfrey Twatsloch

I forget. It’s never good enough and now the season is ruined because we didn’t play well in a display game over in China. Holy shit, let’s not bother, eh?

Lord Bendnter

The thing about Shawshank Redemption is that it’s quite unrealistic

Art Van delay

Prison Break’s bang on though.

Spanish Gooner

Feel a bit sorry for Maitland Niles – he looked good in his cameos at CM last season (against Southampton especially) but since then has been shunted around the pitch to play in unfamiliar positions where he has struggled. I can’t help it would be more beneficial to bring him on for the last 20 at CM (his actual position) rather than throwing him in the deep end at CB against the Chelsea first XI

John Lukic

I agree, could be seriously damaging to the poor lads’ confidence at such an early stage of his career


Hopefully the real Arsenal show up for the Charity Shield.
Clearly the best XI wasnt used, and the youngsters had a good run out but Chelsea seem to treat the friendly as a genuine game to build thier teamplay and structure where as Arsenal looked like it was the last game of my end of season booze week away with the boys.


Learn your goddamn lessons now, ffs. Don’t fuck up the season AGAIN.


Think Bramall looked like a player who’s played non league football a little over 6 month ago. He’s lost every ball and every tackle. Really like him and his story but I would be surprised if we see him anywhere near the first team this season. So if Wenger likes both Nacho and Kolasinac as part of a back three, maybe we should keep Kieran around for another year considering the fact we won’t get a big fee anyway. Or could Jack be another option for that position? If he stays fit. Big if, I know.

A different George

I was impressed with Bramall’s pace, which looks genuinely exceptional. Hard to judge anything else.


I knew that he has pace. That’s what everybody said about him, so I wasn’t that impressed. But apart from his pace he seems to be a liability defensively and not being able to beat anyone offensively. I know it was only preseason and they’re all not at their peak right now but for me it was quite obvious that he’s pretty far away from being good enough to start games for us. Not saying he won’t get there. But next season shouldn’t be about experiments, so I’d definitely plan without him. And then we do not have a lot… Read more »


Seems like the same old arsenal and the same old problems. Would it hurt us to buy a world class defensive midfielder? And also wen you lose the ball become a better defensive unit?

Onwards and upwards from now……….yeah right.


I would love Arsene to sign a world class defensive midfielder too, but Liverpool who are in the Champions League with money awash and their owners not shy spending when needed , have not managed to sign Keita despite bidding 70+M. The market is insane and I don’t see who’s available who’s realistic and ready to play Europa League with an unstable team that Arsene can manage to sign. Time for the fans to be realistic and set the right expectations for the season ahead or everyone is in for a disappoinment. United with all their financial muscle and flex… Read more »


Oh, how I was criticised for pointing out some issues with the team when we played our first pre-season game. I was told to relax because it was just a friendly and no real Arsenal fan criticises the Arsenal!
Wow. Looking from this comment section, that only happens when we win 😀
We’re finishing 5th again, aren’t we?


6th ot 7th for me. Depends how everton click

Godfrey Twatsloch

Let’s write the 17/18 season off based on 4 friendlies in Australia and China. Makes perfect sense.


how about we judge based the team on past few seasons??

Godfrey Twatsloch

Go on then. What’s your judgement?



Godfrey Twatsloch

I agree with that.


I mean, what the fuck man. Do you go into a season wanting Arsenal to lose? Cheer up chicken.


I said last season after the new managerial signings that arsenal will not finish in the top 4. I think they won’t again this season given that Man united have improved and depending on Everton.


Shawshank Redemption is also number 1 on IMDB. It’s overrated, no doubt about it. We live in a time when quality has gone down the drain.

In an age of the democratisation of information, communication; in the age of instant gratification, fools are taking over the world.

Papillon, now that’s a good movie.

A different George

Escape to Victory. Great goals. Not entirely realistic.


The attitude of Arsenal players is the same. We are not winning the league not because we lack quality but because we have no fighters. Once in a while we fight in games when are backs are against the walls but that doesn’t run through the season. Our players looked like they were not fit enough. The calibre of player lacazzette is , you don’t isolate him and leave him all by himself. We may not have played our best team but most of our players for the season played but they were short. It’s very concerning, we need more… Read more »

Dino Plopp

You can see why Wenger wants to keep Sanchez!!!

Dino Plopp

P.s all this football is boring lol when we gonna sign another player? ???


A game too many on an energy-sapping tour, played on a horrible pitch in incredible heat and humidity, when half the team had recently been ill. Chelsea played their first team, we played a mixture of youth and experience to try to last out the 90 minutes. We weren’t good, but maybe that’s a positive as it will at least banish any complacency, we hadn’t lost a pre-season match since 2014, and mostly lost the opening game of the season. Lets get home now and get down to some sensible business. New faces are needed, things need to be sorted… Read more »


You make a good point I hope will be correct about this potentially being a wake up call. Let’s hope Conte has done us a favor by reminding the club what is required. Other than than I’m not reading much into a friendly in which we started a 2/3 total makeshift back three and Chelsea started a much stronger lineup. I mean, seriously, Maitland-Niles in a back three? Poor lad, well done to him for doing as well as he did.


Let’s also not forget this was our fourth game travelling between three continents in 10 days and Chelsea’s first of pre-season. We were clearly exhausted. Chelsea were fresh. Doesn’t take a genius to work out the likely outcome.


Terrible pitch.. Terrible team chemistry.. Terrible chelsea jersey.. No gameplan in all four pre-season games.. it’s like they were told to just run about and get fit.. So far, i don’t have good hopes for the season ahead.. Let’s see what the Emirates cup will bring, being on home turf, better pitch, better weather.. We are shit without Alexis.. Iwobi tried pushing us forward but no one else was on his wavelength.. Bramall has confidence and pace no football brain.. That willock boy is a Gem, i say loan him to one of the newly promoted sides.. Lacazette, still haven’t… Read more »


I know it’s only a pre-season “friendly” (since when can we play friendly against Chelsea?) but let’s face it: it’s never nice to lose against those cunts in blue and let’s not start developing an apologetic loser’s mentality in pre-season already.


Lets save our judgement and comments till next weekend.


Wenger sux a$$ = Arsenal sux a$$. Wenger out. Then Arsenal no sux a$$.


Oh good. Schools out. 6 more weeks of halfwit kids displaying an utter lack of critical faculties not to mention command of the written word.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Whereas you merely suck ass.


Oscar Wilde lives.

Godfrey Twatsloch

I like to think of myself as more in the tradition of Blake but failing the recognition of that Wilde will do.


It is funny, to me at least and I did it intentionally. You guys are just pretentious arseholes from arsene knows brigade. Wenger out, and I’m out too from this site and Arsenal until the poison is out of my club.


Are we seriously overestimating the quality of our wingers? After Ozil and Sanchez the options are decent at best. God help us when Sanchez leaves.


Wenger’s teams have always this feeling of pass pass pass, no change of rythm, no urgency, no shooting, ever…….. It’s just a friendly yes, but the feeling is the same nonetheless.


Bayern Munich lost 4-0 to AC Milan today. Pretty badly at that. So I’m assuming the bed wetters out here are already saying the Europa League is gone? Lmao.
Dense logic from some here.


Bayern won their league buddy; we haven’t for AGES, and performances are mostly like the one today


We’re never going to win anything again. Cue media. I mean its customary for the team to make a point to Arsene to spend some money right? Not sure if this is anything other than exhibition stuff since we are not exercising any defense for next season with a back 3 of Maitland-Niles-A sick Metersecker-Monreal. So its what it is. Mainly I think this pre-season is chiefly to guauge we are at with individuals in the team who are on the periphery. Plus gives us a slight indication what we may still need in the team. Chiefly central midfield needs… Read more »

Original Niger

Did anybody noticed Ress Nelson ? So assured. Watch out for this guy, at a point he was looking like the only arsenal player that could make thing happened. Good passing range, one on one.. I am excited


Ox. He can play at wing back but I have said it before, he’s best position for the team IMO is as a winger in a 4-2-3-1. It frees him up to do damage further forward without too much recriminations at the back. As soon as we can get an OPTION to also go back to 4-2-3-1 the better. BUT that will entail adding one more player who can truly help retain possession in that system. Santi was the one who made it work for us but we cannot rely on his fitness as we foolishly did last season. Add… Read more »


We had enough strong players in the lineup with really only two inexperienced ones and should be further along at this point. Yes it’s the preseason and yes it’s a friendly so results don’t really matter, but to me form and progression does. Playing those weak teams in the first couple of games is great for building confidence and seeing younger players alongside the veterans, but the last two games when we were badly outplayed in the first half by Bayern and today (though didn’t see the match, just the scoreline) is a bit worrisome with the league starting in… Read more »


“Ospina fisted Pedro on the edge of our box, leaving the Chelsea player unable to continue”

I cannot be the only person who had to reread this line.


He couldn’t walk afterwards


In terms of younger players, its been an encouraging pre-season. Plenty of quality and purpose from the Academy lads. Nelson has been impressive. Willock, Bramall, Nketieh all had good showings but plenty of work ahead of them. Bramall has the clearest path ahead with Monreal aging but still needs experience under his belt (best on loan) Bielik hasn’t been poor either with some accomplish performances. But he has Holding and Chambers ahead of him and only Per retiring in a season to come (possibly Koscielny but I think we may hold him for one more season after) I frankly don’t… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

I’m a bit Malen fan.


The third goal showed how weak Ospina is and why are we keeping him?

Yorkshire Gunner

The season is clearly over.Wake me up in 2018. When did supporting a team become an expectation that it wins every game by playing sparkling football? FFS.

Arsene Gonner

If Arsenal keep Sanchez we’ll finish 5, without him around 8th.

Clive St Helmet

The Shawshank Redemption is in fact a film of the short story “Rita Heyworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, the first of four short stories (“Hope Springs Eternal”) in the collection “Different Seasons” by the popular Sci-Fi / Horror genre novelist Stephen King. Personally, I preferred the second “Summer of Love” short story, “Apt Pupil”, also made into a feature length film and starring Sir Ian McKellen. But I will concede that the novel is certainly better than the film.

YAYA gunner

let them win this one, and perhaps the community shield. And we will win against them when it matters


It was just a friendly after all

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