Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Loan move doesn’t appeal to Joel Campbell

According to the Guardian, Joel Campbell has told Arsenal that he does not want to spend another season on loan away from the club.

The report doesn’t outline what the Costa Rica would prefer, but as far as we can make out the alternatives are to stay at Arsenal, and risk not being registered for Premier League and Europa League action, or seal a permanent move elsewhere.

The 25-year-old international is currently recovering from a knee injury sustained on international duty at the Gold Cup earlier in the summer. It was initially suggested that the attacker would be ruled out for six months but his rehabilitation appears to be going quicker. Whether he’s recovered enough to pass a medical elsewhere is unknown.

Campbell has already been loaned out five times since moving to London from homeland club Saprissa in 2011. He’s spent time in France, Spain, Greece and most recently Portugal where he played for Sporting Lisbon. His only taste of Arsenal action came in the first half of the 2014/15 season when he played ten games.

He was rewarded with a new contract before spending the second half of that season at Villarreal. The Guardian suggests that his deal lasts until 2019, we (and Transfermarkt) think it’s until the end of this season, meaning he’s on the cusp of becoming a free agent.

Arsene Wenger has spoken repeatedly in recent weeks of his need to trim the first team squad. He still has work to do on that front despite selling Wojciech Szczesny and Gabriel, releasing Yaya Sanogo and loaning Carl Jenkinson and Cohen Bramall. Lucas Perez, Mathieu Debuchy, Kieran Gibbs, Jack Wilshere and Calum Chambers could also move before the window closes on 31 August.

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I feel bad for the guy, hope he gets a permanent home somewhere.


Watch this guy’s clip on YouTube there’s no much different between him and Lemar. Go watch and confirm b4 you down vote

My Wig smells cheesy

Editors earn money because they edit Rook

andre santos

joel campbell is the next reiis nelson. you heard it first


This goal didn’t get the credit it deserved, for obvious reasons, but it was a cracker:


Holy crap. Have we lost the plot?


the plot left on a free transfer


If not use him, release him. He won’t pass a medical, but at least he can sign later as a free agent. Can’t see us cashing in on him, besides us being in Arsenal market form right now.


I like him
He’s got real character.
He’s worked hard and been willing to go anywhere to play and improve.
Whatever happens?
I hope It works out for him.
Seems like an honest hardworking player who just wants to play, he’s also shown really quality at times as well.
Surely someone will give us a few mill?


This is arsenal remember. We will be insisting that this regular international leaves for no less than £25m


Nice poem.


He seems like a genuinely nice guy, and he always works hard when picked. He’s also quite well thought of in Costa Rica. With the swap in formations though, he’s in a Theo Walcott-esque position: a wide forward that doesn’t suit the new setup, so he’ll likely become a casualty to the transfer market after he’s regained fitness. Sad really.

Faisal Narrage

Played better than Ox, got shipped out.
Meanwhile Ox is holding the club to ransom as Wenger puts people out of position just to appease Ox.

I say just keep Joel. I suspect he would make a great RWB. Hardworking, defensively sound, tenacious and good crosser and passer.


Not sure he’s defensively sound. He plays as a forward for Costa Rica. His time is done at the club, sell him to the MLS.


Why MLS?

I wish him better. Why not go and play the Caribbean derby.

Cool and Smooth vs Jennings Grenade?

OK it would be a step down but I couldn’t help it when I saw those incredibly named teams


He’s better than the majority of the players in the MLS, and it would be a waste of his talents. Surely somewhere in Spain or France, or even at a club like Newcastle would be a better move for an honest, hard working professional of his age.

I\'m Professor Ignorance, on that subject

MLS has worked well for guys like Giovinco and David Villa. Costa Rica’s NT gets some of its players from there, so it wouldn’t be a bad move for Campbell because it wouldn’t hurt his chances of playing for his country. The league itself lacks skilled players and is a lot of hustle and bustle as far as typical play, but that allows players who are marginal on good European teams to go there and get a side built around maximizing their talent. He’d also be on good money as a Designated Player. It’s not as outlandish an idea as… Read more »

David C

I’m from Toronto so I support TFC. You guys have no idea how amazing Giovinco has been since his move from Juventus. I seriously think this guy could play for Arsenal. Look up some of his free kick goals, best player in the MLS for the last couple of years. and yes, I know it’s JUST the MLS….don’t downvote for that, the league is getting better every year.

I\'m Professor Ignorance, on that subject

I agree with you 100%

Tanned arse?

Agreed, think he’d be very good as right wing back


He’s left footed!

An Ox-sized Coq

A left-footed forward playing as our RWB…


Like a right-footed right back playing on the left?


Victor Moses was one of the best fullbacks in the league for Chelsea post-switch to a back five. Azpilicueta hasn’t done too badly when played at left back either.


He is also left footed, so if anything he’d be a LWB and not RWB. Although with Wenger I guess why would you want to have a left footed player playing LWB to send in crosses?


And he can score as well as give brilliant through balls with his superb vision!


We could do worse than to give him a spell in the team! He’s yet another victim of Wenger’s contrary stubbornness.


He is not good enough. If we bought a similar standard player in this window we would all be up in arms. So many average players on disproportionate wages at the arsenal. Evidently not easy to sell these players.

Lord Bendnter

It’s amazing how you can reward a player with a new contract based on their performances, but not have enough faith in them to play them. It’s as if one person decided to give him a new contract and the other person (manager) decided he doesn’t fit into the team.
What the heck goes on behind those closed doors, I have no idea…


This exactly


I would love to read Wenger’s autobiography one day, about signings like Joel Campbell, Perez, that South Korean guy, Miyaichi, Sanogo, Bischoff et al. What was the thinking behind signing them, and what went wrong….

Lord Bendnter

He was thinking Cheap and Best. But he only got the cheap part right…


To be fair, it is a good strategy to buy young promising players who have the potental to improve and become top class. If you want do that, then inevitably sometimes you’ll end up buying players who don’t live up to what you’d hoped.

Perez doesn’t fall in that category though, obviously. Realistically, Arsene must have never seen him as more than temporary back-up.

And Wenger never even tried playing Park, seems he was doomed from day one, almost feels like he didn’t approve the transfer.


In theory, but the reality is we’re left with too many mediocre/shite players that are on too high wages that are hard to get rid of, which in turn makes it more problematic to purchase better players.

Faisal Narrage

Wenger bought Podolski, a player only known for being a striker, and played him on the swings because he was surprised Poldi wasn’t interested in build up play.

I’m beginning to believe he’s just winging it.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Except poldi on the left with giroud up front pretty much allowed us to find the form/shape we needed for 2013/14. That was good management, and the fans pretty much agreed. From there, our shape continued to grow and poldi lost his spot. It is classic football… Don’t know why we feel like we need to list everything as a failure of Wenger’s.

Faisal Narrage

Wenger specifically said he bought Poldi to be our Van P replacement. He was meant to be our striker. Yet Poldi wasn’t his type of striker to drop deep and get involved in play, and he was surprised by that. But why? Poldi was no time an unknown, his scouts should’ve known that. Heck he’d seen him play loads of times Wenger didn’t want to cater to Poldi’s strengths as a striker, yet did exactly that when he tried Theo as a striker for a season (Theo is basically a much lesser version of Poldi). Why? Also people point to… Read more »


Podolski playing on the swings is a fantastic image. Imagine the size of his grin!

say it like it is

You mean the guy who played for Gemany on the left some 100 times?

Surrey Gooner

But they were top top quality so I had to buy them!


It would only be the Arsene Wenger version of events, and the amount of lies he’s been coming out with lately I wouldn’t believe a word of it.

David Hillier\'s luggage

I think it’s a touch harsh to lump together Campbell, Miyaichi & Sanogo with Perez & Park. All three came for little money as sought after, promising, youth prospects, with Joel & Rio’s progress in part hampered by work permit regulations. It’s pretty easy to see the thinking behind those and many of young players who didn’t make it here. Perez & Park on the other hand, yeah totally agree – I think we’d all love to know what the thinking was!


If Moses can make it as a RWB, Joel can as well. Might surprise us and do a better job than the Ox…


Not a bad idea in theory (he tracks back and defends really well), except for the important fact that he’s (very!) left footed. You don’t want wing backs having to cut in all the time, because they’re the only ones providing width in this formation so they absolutely have to hug the touch line and overlap (also why it’s a bad idea to play Bellerin or Ox at LWB).

Ted E.

Last week before the transfer window closes is definitely the worst week in football.


Probably a better option than Theo in terms of work ethic and tracking back and probably a more prolific option than Chamberlain. He’s limited but is of some use.

dr Strange

Better than Walcott.

Lord Bendnter

Watford manager says they desperately need a LB. Hint hint, Gibbsy


There is an offer in from Watford for Gibbs. He is considering it but a bit close to home seeing as training ground is next door. Also an offer for double money however from Turkey.


Gibbs is still a very good player and can do a great deal better then a relegation prospect

Samuel Peeps

God I’d completely forgotten about him.

Don’t mean to be overly negative, but he’s bang average. He’s also got Sanchez, Ozil, Walcott, Welbz, Iwobi, Perez (for now), and Ox ahead of him. He’s never played as a WB… Nothing personal, he just doesn’t add anything to our squad, so we should sell him if we can.


Before his injuries possibly he with Baines were the best English left backs.


How Walcott displaced Joel and Lucas is beyond me.

I know Arsene knows his players better than we do, but players do talking in high pressure games not in training.


maybe its the 19 goals he scored last season…


yes, because for some reason people think repeating that same sentence over and over silences all possible criticism of an incredibly one-dimensional (but highly paid) player.

A different George

It does not silence all possible criticism, but it puts the burden on the critics to explain why all those goals are outweighed by other factors. With Wellbeck, for example, it is the opposite: if you think he should start, you have to explain why his many good qualities–and there really are many–are important enough to overlook his difficulty (I am being kind) in finishing.


He made of scored 19 goals but he played a total of 2465 minutes, while Perez had 8 goals in 1038 minutes. Plus Lucas had 6 assist and Theo only had 2.


How many of those came in the buisness end of the season when the pressure was really on?


did you watch any of the games towards the end of the season? not defending TW but he hardly even played after the formation switch.


I’ve been watching every Arsenal game live for 13 years and that’s only because I never had premium TV before that when I used to follow them on the internet since 1998. Been a fan since 1992. Thank you very much.

And Walcott should not be displacing Joel or Lucas. he is technically inferior, one dimensional, and not a footballer you should have on a team that should be fighting…for anything.


Probably his ability for end product. Theo gets goals


Anybody else getting these dodgy popup adverts all over the site?

“You have been selected to test the new iphone”.

Then I can’t go back and get out of it

Original Paul

Have you cleared your cookies mate?


Tried that. So far so good.


Use Chrome install AdBlock extension problem solved.


Not sure I can on my phone, unless I use a different browser


It came back


I’ve been getting them too


Crazy to think we have moved on 5, and that most would be happy to see another 5 go. Perez, Debuchy, Gibbs should be certain to go.


get out while you can, joel!

A different George

We were all waiting for this. And the week after we played at Stoke.


Why would he want to go away on loan, he wants to move on with his career but Arsenal are making it very difficult for him to do so (along with a number of other players). Suck it up Arsene, their not worth as much as what you think. Let them go for fuck sake.


Can’t JC just tell Arsenal tear up my contract I don’t want the money owed to me? Sure they will lol


Also I genuinely like the guy. I think he operates quite well on the right hand side cutting in on his left (something we don’t have right now). He’s like a worse version of Mahrez but still a very useful player. He has great vision and can slide a ball through with his left when cutting in very nicely.


Better production per minute than Walcott and Ramsey (look it up), albeit with a small sample size. He’d be great at RWB


its funny how everyone thinkss he would be a great WB when he doesn’t play there.

AR plays a different position compared to JC. Comparing them isn’t right.

Are you looking at JC total minutes played last season in Portugal or just at Arsenal?


For all Arsene’s talk of leaving the club in a strong position when he leaves, I’m starting to fear the state we’ll be in when he goes in a couple of years
We’re a shambles at the moment.

Clive St Helmet

Another decent but ultimately limited player that the club need to shift.

Adiós Joel.


You loan out young players to build their experience.
You don’t loan out 25 year old players – if they have not made the grade you get shot of them otherwise they become a drain on resources.
Something so simple is beyond the wit of the buffoon we have “managing” the club.
He was given the responsibility to off load players who could not make the grade and he is not even capable of doing that…

Clive St Helmet

[He’s] like a 40-degree day. Ain’t nobody got nothing to say about a 40-degree day. Fifty. Bring a smile to your face. Sixty, shit, niggas is damn near barbecuing on that motherfucker. Go down to 20, niggas get their bitch on. Get their blood complaining. But forty? Nobody give a fuck about 40. Nobody remember 40, and y’all niggas is giving me way too many 40-degree days!


yea yea, west coast up in dis mother copulation




Lucas Perez is the new Campbell 🙁


Whenever I click comments on the Android app.
I get stuck in a ad to subscribe for some shit.
Can’t get back or forward.
Help us out man.

Stuck on repeat...

Same issue.


It happened to me for most of the day using the app. Just refresh the page to get rid of the pop ups and refresh again when you go back to the blog. It worked for me.


They have stopped on mine, now.


Me too


yet another wenger crap buy, the amount of money this idiot has wasted on crap players is unbelievable, but he wont pay the money for a good player.


I mean, why would a loan appeal to the poor chap.

He needs to find a home.

He’s a very decent player not sure why no one is in for him. Particularly, you’d think the Italian clubs may have a need for someone like Joel.


He isn’t good that’s why. He’s bunk. 5 years and can’t crack the starting 11….summarizes why isn’t playing anywhere.

Stuck on repeat...

Very frustrating situation currently going on at the club 🙁

I still feel we need to stregthen, & bring in at least 1 more player. But as it stands & looks, the last week will be spent exclusively trying to offload or loan out current players.

A complete charade & mess all round. This season will be different alright…in my niaviety I thought this meant better, not worse.


I have no problem with Joel but seriously how long is his contract! 🙂

Brown American Gooner

I can see him having a Carlos Vela style revival in another league


We got senderos back!!! PL champions 2018! That defense is going to be a rough nut to crack.


I think I may suspend my Arsenal fandom for this season to root for Qarabag, the Azerbaijan team who just made it to the CL group stages. COYQ!!!


Squad player with a massive desire to succeed, much better on the ball than Theo, good close control and has never said anything bad always worked his socks off.

As someone has mentioned above Wenger keeps destroying players Perez and Joel are prime examples of that, then he’s off to say he’s pleased with our transfer business.

For instance Diaby ok he was a nice guy and a great player when fit but how long did we keep on the books because he was Wenger’s little puppy?


To think that somebody spent an entire transfer window trying to sign the same Joel Campbell…. I’m really tired man.

Al Gilmore

And how exactly did he do on loan last season in the inferior Portuguese league?

Just askin cos clearly he must have set the World alight the way he is talked about.

I like the lad. I prefer him to Theo. But the same people that praise him are the same people who lost their mind when it looked like him coming into the squad having finally got his work permit was our only striker purchase of that summer.

Faisal Narrage

I’d like to see Theo or Welbz on loan and see how many goals they score.

I couldn’t’ give a toss what he did in another country. I only care about his performances whilst here and he outperformed some of Wenger’s favorites and still got shifted out.

Teryima Adi

Wenger seems to be missing the plot.

Ivan Parasite

If he is not good enough to break into Arsenal midfield first team, He should consider being L/RWB in this modern era that demands versatility. If, he can prove his defensive qualities. Since Ox is not willing. As what happened to Valencia, Pedro & James Milner.

ZZ Mop

God we suck


Don’t blame him one bit. We’ve already held onto him too long from his perspective. He will never be the player he could have been now. That’s not to suggest that he was good enough for us, but at 25 you want to be settled somewhere and scoring goals. He isn’t a bad player.


From the outside all along it’s appeared he has been treated very unfairly throughout his entire time at Arsenal. Do right by him and sell him even if you get way below what you want for him. What has he done to deserve this crappy treatment?

Samuel Ogungbayi

I have said it several times ,no matter how good a player is,based on demonstrated performance , Wenger will frustrate him out if he is not the one that solely negotiated his coming to Arsenal . He must have put a telephone call to you or visited you before signing for Arsenal or you will be frustrated out.That is the story of Campbell . D. Law went to Costa Rica to bring Campbell. Podolski was in the same boat and was frustrated out even when he was scoring goals for us . Lucas Perez is the latest. See Wenger’s response… Read more »


He lit up Cheltenham in the Gold Cup make him an offer

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