Friday, October 18, 2024

Report: Man City offer Sterling + cash for Alexis Sanchez

According to reports this morning, Man City have offered a cash plus player deal involving Raheem Sterling as they intensify their efforts to sign Alexis Sanchez.

Their interest in the Chilean forward has been reported throughout this summer, and although a concrete bid had yet to be made, it seems Pep Guardiola has made his move.

Quite how much cash is on offer is unclear but given how the value of Sterling has plummeted over the last few months it would want to be substantial (we’re here all week, try the veal)!

In seriousness though, it sounds fanciful. Sterling’s agent is Aidy Ward, who is also the agent of Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain. Arsenal have had difficulties dealing with him with regards a new contract for the Ox, so the idea of getting involved in another negotiation appears unlikely.

Not to mention the fact that Oxlade-Chamberlain is on the brink of a £35m move to Chelsea.

As well as that, Sterling left Liverpool saying, “You want to make sure you are playing at the highest level,” and as much as we love Arsenal, you could understand if he were reluctant to make the move down south – especially with things the way they are right now.

It’s also being suggested that Sanchez has asked for permission to leave Chile’s training camp for 24 hours to sort out his future.

Still, this transfer window has been bonkers in general, and you wouldn’t put anything past this club of ours, so let’s see what happens between now and the close of the window on Thursday night.

Update: It has emerged that Arsenal are the ones who proposed the inclusion of Sterling in any deal.

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Really? I far prefer this to losing Sanchez for free next year.

Tanzanian Gooner

How about they give us Sane plus cash. We get rid of a player who clearly wants out, in return we get a promising young german player full of potential with some cash to spare and we avoid dealing with the Aidy Ward in the process. Win win in the end!

Crash Fistfight

How about they just offer £70m or fuck off? It’s not as if they can’t fiddle the books for FFP purposes.


Hope they have a situation like psg and only way to buy him is on loan. They help us make sanchez extend an year contract with us with obligation to buy for 70 million next year to make the offer look serious. Once he is signed the extension and as sanchez packs bags to leave out comes wenger with a message where do you think you are going . We have you here for next two years.
Sorrryyy sitting idle got nothing better to do.

Tanzanian Gooner

Even if city offer £100m let alone £70m we both know Arsenal wont use it to buy a like for like replacement especially with lack of available top quality players like Sanchez. Add the fact that we are at the very end of transfer window which makes it even more difficult. And before anyone mentioned that we signed top class player in Ozil on deadline day, that was an exception rather than the rule and it happened a long time ago. Now which is better: Having £70m in the bank to enrich Stan Kroenke or getting a promising player +… Read more »


Yes, though honestly I’d rather have a (good) player plus cash rather than just the cash right now, as I don’t trust our club to ever go out and spend it.


Completely agree. I’d actually thank City for their generosity if this were true.


Sad thing is does it really matter who we buy,sell or swap. If the manager cant motivate them or insists on playing players out of position no amount of new faces will make a difference. Arsene is the problem.if he can’t see the obvious then what difference will it make. Left backs on the right,right on the left. Midfield left open.the Liverpool game exposed everything that is wrong with our club in one match. Yes the players have a responsibility to put in the effort at the very least but imagine how they feel seeing that team selected and set… Read more »

J Dizzle

Why would we bring in another player with a bad mentality..? He loves the playboy lifestyle like the Ox and would contribute nothing to a team clearly lacking fight…


Ox loves the playboy lifestyle? The biggest thing i remember about Sterling and the playboy lifestyle was when the tabloids kicked up a fuss about him buying his mother a house.

Public Elneny Number One

You forget Sterling is addicted to…….. HIPPY CRACK!

J Dizzle

Playboy may be the wrong word.. Celebrity lifestyle more accurate


Because Sterling is a one good game in 5 player. We do not want him come on everyone he has a pr*ck of an agent, he loses the ball 8/10 times. He is exactly the type of player we want to move away from!

Little Mozart

I will take Agüero for Alexis but that’s it.


Maybe, we should just offer Sanchez to Monaco and ask them for Lemar, Sanchez is going for free anyways next year or how about a cake+Sanchez for Yaya+40M?

Crash Fistfight

Why would Alexis want to join Monaco, though? They’ve sold all their decent players and PSG have bought “all the players”. Monaco won’t have a chance of winning anything. Plus they won’t be able to match his wage demands.

He wants to be with wonderful Pep or nowhere.


Yeah fair point! Then activate project birthday cake! We’re dire need of someone like Yaya but his injury is still a sore point, but I’d be okay with anything other than fucking Stan pocketing all the money!

Sinking Ship

Have you read the latest.

We pay cash for sterling and Sanchez goes to City.


Sterling for Alexis Sanchez?

Why would we want him at Arsenal? He’s just another complete shirker of any sort of responsibility on a football pitch combined with minimal worth ethic off the ball. Yeah he can look good going forward sometimes, but more then often, he doesn’t do anywhere enough considering how technically good he is.

For me personally, I think we already have enough of those types of players milling around.


30m plus aguero looks better


Sterling is another basket case. Why would we want him? His attitude is poor, and he left Liverpool to chase City money. Bring back Fabregas. Play him instead of Ozil. If I can’t go back to the days of Invincibles, at least I can go back to the days when Fabregas pulled the strings.


“we want to do things that will excite you”.


It’s getting more and more depressing every day. Can at least someone come in and make a good offer for Özil? He’d be the first player I’ll get rid of.


You have a point. Ozil is a brilliant player, but this team has never been truly built around him. He needs it: real strength and stamina behind him in midfield and lightning pace upfront. Unless this team is actually reorganized around him, he should go. I don’t believe it’s entirely his fault and he is often unfairly scapegoated, but he has come to represent this negative media image of the club as a fair-weather star in a fair-weather team. Without serious re-structuring and re-coaching arsenal will never be able to progress with ozil in this team.


He’s by far not good enough to build a team around him. Period.


To all the people who have downvoted me, why do you guys think there’s not a single club interested in him? We have received offers for Chambo, for Alexis, for Mustafi, even for Perez and Gibbs. I haven’t heard of a single offer for Özil. That tells you how much other managers rate him. They don’t even want to have him additionally to their team, let alone build a team around him. He’s good against ludogorets when the whole team plays well and we trash them. As soon as he plays against quality opposition, he’s useless. How many goals and… Read more »


Do read again, I thought i explained pretty clearly in my comment above. The team has never been set up to get the best out of him. He’s played almost his entire arsenal career infront of an week, unstable midfield with a slow target-man upfront.
There is a reason he excelled so much at Real and Germany who had high quality, settled teams at the time.


He hasn’t been good for Germany in ages. And Real got rid of him.
I read your comment and it’s just not true. We have played with Coquelin for a season and with guys like Theo, Alexis and Ox up front. But if he only works when the other 10 players are bought to make him stronger, he’s not actually that good.


How do you explain 15/16’s 19 PL assists and over 4 key passes a game then?


It was half a season, the second half he was awful, and even in the first half he was completely useless in the big games. Even though the first half proved that the personal around him is what he needs to succeed.


Exactly my point. Personnel around him


He has been good for Germany

Terry Henry

Dortmund are supposedly interested in Ozil


I don’t think they are. I think it was the mirror who reported about that. Because Dortmund now have money and Özil is in his last year. That’s it. He will stay and probably even extend his contract because nobody will pay him the wages he demands. Apart from us of course.


In those other players, at least the first 3, managers see qualities they can mould and develop, fulfilling a players potential with the right coaching and system. Perez and Gibbs can be experienced role players too. But Ozil is a totally different story. Goals against Chelsea and United tbf and can turn it on when we’re in total control but when we’re under any kind of sustained pressure he disappears. No other top club would tolerate that from someone they want to build around but it’s OK at Arsenal


Maybe he doesn’t want to move? Maybe he’s team isn’t a bunch of PR cunts? Who knows what it is. We will see if he runs his contract out and where he ends up next season and on what salary he gets. To say he is no good because there is no transfer stories about him is ridiculous and stupid. Lol Not good enough for Germany? Real got rid of him because of Bale I believe. Why is it hard to think players don’t move around for one reason or another. You don’t build a team around Ozil when you… Read more »


Of course you are right…german team player of the year and world cup winner…definitely not enough to build a team around


Mertesacker and Mustafi Are World Cup winners too. What does that prove? And the player of the year award is voted by the fans worldwide. He has the most Facebook and twitter fans in the German team therefore he can make the most promotion for that. Plus all Turkish people in Germany vote for him. So that doesn’t mean that he’s the best player, just the most popular. I don’t know a single friend of mine who would consider him the best or most important German player. Most of the people that I speak with about him, wouldn’t even start… Read more »

le me

you have some negative friends..

David C

kveb, how do you build a team around a player that does nothing when he doesn’t have the ball…

I got laughed off this site when I said I would have taken Cesc back over Ozil. Cesc is the leader and champion we could have used in midfield the last 3 years. I’m not sure Chelsea would even trade Cesc for Ozil now. I know I wouldn’t.


He does a ton when he doesn’t have the ball. He is CONSTANTLY making intelligent runs. You mean when we don’t have the ball. But first of all he does work back (more than can be said for Ramsey at the moment), he’s just weak in the tackle. And second of all, that’s why you build the supporting cast around: defensively sound base and passers from deep positions who look for him quickly when we win the ball.


Would disagree, the team has absolutely been built around Ozil, to the detriment of many players individually and our system as a whole. He’s played week in and week out regardless of form or suitability. It’s not that I don’t think he’s a good player but he’s symptomatic of the lack of flexibility, consistency and fight that’s plagued Arsenal and it doesn’t help when people constantly make excuses for him. “Fair-weather star in a fair-weather team” sums it up perfectly. We won’t progress without restructuring, full stop.


No the team has neither been built to ozil’s strengths or to minimise his weaknesses. Instead of ramsey and coquelin, imagine him playing infront of Matic and Kante for example. He needs these type of players around him.


Think about it, Conte dropped Cesc completely to accommodate those two and only brought him back in when he improved his work ethic. He wouldn’t tolerate Ozil at all, nor would Klopp, Mourinho or Poch. Notably Pep, of all managers, isn’t in for him either. I think that speaks volumes about a player in the last year of his contract. Also the team has absolutely been built to Ozil’s strengths, we’ve bent backwards to accommodate him at 10 in a possession-based side whereas players like Hazard, Coutinho, KdB and Mkhitaryan have no problem playing in many roles and systems. It’s… Read more »


He dropped Cesc not because of his work ethic. He was dropped because he isn’t a Conte type of player. He only plays when first choice is injured or against clubs they should dominate.

Why does JL keep playing him when he has many players to choose from?


Think about it, Conte dropped Cesc completely to accommodate those two and only brought him back in when he improved his work ethic. He wouldn’t tolerate Ozil at all, nor would Klopp, Mourinho or Poch. Notably Pep, of all managers, isn’t in for him either. I think that speaks volumes about a player in the last year of his contract. Also the team has absolutely been built to Ozil’s strengths, we’ve bent backwards to accommodate him at 10 in a possession-based side whereas players like Hazard, Coutinho, KdB and Mkhitaryan have no problem playing in many roles and systems. It’s… Read more »


The same was said about Cesc at the time. Özil is not the problem, unfortunately Arsene is.

Faisal Narrage

Disagree, purely on the basis that if the team was genuinely built around Ozil, Ramsey wouldn’t be in the starting 11. They are both no.10s and cant function together.

Quite frankly, this team has no vision. I suspect after Fabregas, Wenger lost the courage to build a team around any single player. Instead what we now have is just a mishmash squad to match a mishmash manager who lacks conviction.


For large parts of last season Ramsey wasn’t in the 11, it was Xhaka, Coquelin, Elneny or, when fit, Cazorla. Ozil at 10 is the only constant, that’s what I mean by the team being built around him. And just to clarify, I’m not saying we don’t need a destroyer DM, we do. But that won’t make up for Ozil’s deficiencies and tactical inflexibility, that’s why no one else is in for him even though he’s in the last year of his contract and clearly looking to jump ship


BEcause they don’t use Ramsey doesn’t mean the club is built around Ozil lol


we don’t need another walcott, useless player he wil socre a goal now and then bot nothing more no technic no brain always bullied of the ball.

If the put sane maybe or debryne (yea right ) 😀

I could only get exited a little if we sign draxler, marhez as ox is going and DM nzonzi woudl be ideal.


“useless player he wil socre a goal now…” He was our second top goalscorer last season! Christ alive…


I was talking about sterling man, that is what I say and I really think walcott will contribute more than sterling as he done it last year scoring the goals.

That is why we don’t need sterling get draxler and mahrez than we are talking and DM DM DM DM DM DM


Ah ok that’s fair enough though I’d be surprised if we can get players of that calibre now, we look like a shambles on and off the pitch


Mahrez’s attitude is suspect at best, Draxler would be decent, but only if we switch to 4-2-3-1.


A lot of good that did us.

Walcott is a fair weather player, far more so than Ozil or Ramsey.

He proved he can actually play well at the beginning of last season, but quickly reverted to his usual self, because why push yourself at Arsenal? Good enough will do.


Who cares? A player can get lucky. He does nothing else good enough to be a starter.


Gunnerdare, which of those players you mentioned, if they have any ambition at all wants to come to Arsenal right now, given the shower of shit we’ve become? We’re linked to Jonny Evans in defence and that’s the level of mediocrity we have to expect to attract at this venture unless we bring in a manager who makes more sane decisions and then we call tell our targets we’re looking to take the club in a different direction and we want them to be a part of that process.


mahrez wants to join us I’m sure of it, he is desperate for a move.

AS for draxler PSG has to sell, and if we are only team for him why not, maybe he will not be his wish but he will accept playing every week than banned to the bench and never getting a game after PSG signed mbappe


That said, I doubt that wenger will even make a move for them, we will spent the last few days of the transfer win with alexis will he go or not, at the end he may go and we get sterling in return or we don’t sell and wenger will say it is LANS rataining alexis.

Ox will go mustafi will go, gibbs move could collapse nobody wants debychy even on a free and wenger will make a statement that he has plenty of defenders with kolasinac debycy gibss kos per nacho bellrin and that is why he sold mustafi.


It’s all a bit of a mess at the moment. Maybe clearing the decks and starting again with a realistic goal is the way to go (too 6 and win the Europa). The cash element would need to be substantial.

Gunner Sore Arse

We’d miss that goal as well based on our current number of shots on target


Fuck no – no money grabbing idiots at Arsenal

Silent G

We have never been short of money grabbing idiots tbf


? He’s not a money grabbing idiot. He changed clubs and was the target of a pretty unpleasant tabloid campaign with racist undertones.

Donald\'s Trump

But how do dare anyone change jobs ever. Don’t footballers know a job is for life.

No fans change jobs for better pay or to work for a better employer.


I’d rather just money as long as we are going to buy a replacement. This weekend showed us that no matter how good a player is on paper if he don’t want to be at the club it effects everyone.


Get Sterling and the cash, sell Mustafi, Gibbs and Perez and buy van Dijk. Easy. With some profit, too, for good old Stan.


dude it really isn’t as easy as that with this club. Plus sterling would hardly compare to the contributions of alexis sanchez! Van Dijk is being quoted at 60-70m.. really don’t see arsene spending that much on a CB lol.


Far more likely to get Jonny Evans


fantastic in fifa, unrealistic in real life,
impossible at Arsenal

Stéréo Type

Thursday night can’t come fast enough


*Thursday night’s


**Thursday nights

Public Elneny Number One

Just think with the raw pace of Walcott down one side and Sterling down the other thats a phenomenal amount of goal kicks we’ll be giving the opposition


Brilliant comment

Wenger in, Wenger out, Wenger shake it all about



When it comes to Sanchez, I get the “we cannot make a direct rival stronger”. Yet if the start of our season is is not just a a setback but an indication of thing to come, we are not going to challenge for the title. And Sanchez will make a direct rival stronger anyway in one year’s time. On top of that, it really seems like Sanchez doesn’t want to be a Gunner anymore. So I really don’t know. In the end selling him might be the right thing to do… Of course our false start could be a setback,… Read more »


Unless we sell to Everton or Spurs, we won’t be making any direct rival stronger!



Everton are our direct rivals now : cash in with Alexis because his attitude will drag everyone down.

Happy Odjimogho

the team news a motivator on the field which seem lacking at this point. you may want to ask what’s the dressing room like? Against Liverpool the team was just spineless.


No no no no no. Don’t want that divey cunt anywhere near this club.


Despite all the reasons why this is unlikely outlined above, I would not be surprised at all if something like this happens. Let the rusty diarrhoea waters of Stan Kroenke rain down upon us until we all drown!

Big Dave

How many of our best players do we have sell before realisation sets in that we’re not gonna finish in the top half of the table and Wenger gets fired? Lacazette must be full of regret.


Well it’s not like we’re actually going to compete for the league this season. Sad to say, but I reckon there’s an argument for stockpiling as much cash as possible ahead of Wenger leaving in 2 seasons.


Who says he’s leaving?


oh god

Crash Fistfight

I’d agree, aside from the football inflation side of things. Money in the bank now is unlikely to be worth the same amount in two years’ time if the current rate of football inflation continues. In effect, you’d be losing money by keeping it in the bank. I guess the flip side of that is if Wenger buys players that the new manager doesn’t want, they could end up being sold for less.


I for one will welcome this new speedy wing back.


He’s a CDM right?


Why selling player near the end of the windows, why you have to tell us they’re not for sale for 2 months and change your mind when there’s only 3 days to find replacement. Is it another strategy so you can tell us “there’s no one available to strengthen the team”. I think fans should do something about it, don’t let these manager, boards, and owners get away with it.


Because 2 months ago we were renewing season tickets and selling merchandise on our pre season tour + Wenger was in front of the English media every few days for last month now there is an international break he can go off to France and have one of his sit down interviews with his yes men over there on bein sport. Kroenke lost £50mil by not getting his last 16 champions league spot.This was always going to happen with Ox and Sanchez, probably would of happened with Ozil but the interest wasn’t there. When I saw the first international break… Read more »

Stéréo Type

Thursday night can’t come soon enough


As much as it pains me, Sanchez must leave. He clearly doens’t want to stay, it ends up being toxic for everyone. We can cash in on him, let sterling be on city payrolls and we can go make a good last minute signing.


we have enough crap players as it is, thank you.


I konw it’s fashion to put Ox, Sanchez and Özil in the same pot of the “i wish to leave this club”. BUT Mesut has never hinted he wishes to leave, he is about to finish his contract in loyalty with the agreement made 4 years ago. Some would say “Nobody wants him”, but you can’t seriously think this unless you’re an English pundit, a specie who has done all its best to destroy him from day 1. He hasn’t just not agitated his agents to try and find a way out. He is faithful to his word, he stays,… Read more »


Yes Alex, but most can’t be bothered to see it. Mesut is class in everything he does and I’m disgusted at the treatment he’s received. Join the discussion


This is some A class fanfiction by the likes of John Cross.


You know it’s true right?Sanchez has left Chile camp for transfer business and that’s official

David Hillier\'s luggage

Aidy Ward is a slimy piece of work, he was Berahino’s agent & advisor too.


Swap with Sergio Aguero


Sterling? No thanks. However, I am at a point where I think the whole “starting over” thing might be a good idea. Cash in, start over. Project Youth 2.0, but this time with more investments to ensure truly top talents alongside the likes of Fabregas, instead of Almunia, Eboue etc. We got closer to winning the title with that bunch of kids than we have in recent years, and only failed because didn’t invest at all, and eventually it all fell apart. Monaco succeeded with that tactic last year, and were even fantastic to watch as well (scored the most… Read more »


I’m beginning to agree. However, the comparison with Monaco fails to mention that they’ve had all their best players bought by the big bullies of Europe. Come to think of it, our board would love that! $$$$$$


Haha, yes, true, and imagine how expensive Mpabbe & co would be with an added “Premier League premium” on top? £200M per player sale after winning the league. Kroenke would love that.

Crash Fistfight

Fine by me – that would mean we’d have won the league. Rather that than season after season of stagnation.


They have reinvested well though, bought Tielemans etc.


Not to mention young players tend to have resell value. Easier to offload the flops (maybe) and certainly easier to make big profits and reinvest when one of the players decides he has Barca DNA, royal (Madrid) blood or wtv excuse to move to a ‘bigger’ club


The club isn’t in a position to win now. If city up it by 10 to 15 million I would probably take it. Sterling is young and despite his critics is a good player. We need to start building towards a better future. I don’t think we will even get top 4 this season so what’s the point in keeping Sanchez if we aren’t going to achieve our goals.


I look forward to us agreeing a £200million double transfer of Mbappe and Lemar late on Thursday, after selling Sanchez earlier in the day, and then not getting the paperwork completed in time.


Cracked me up!


“source” has just seem them both somewhere in the world on their mobile phones – it’s on! Oops, source tells me network issues on our end – now getting engaged ringtone as other clubs moved in.


The funny thing is, that if we would sell Alexis (70), Gibbs (13), Ox(35), Lucas (15), and Wilshere(25) and then made the transfer you mentioned our current transfer record would still be better than it is at or M.united…
We would be somewhere aroundt -70M
Man. City are at -145M at the moment
Man. United are at -140M

Me So Hornsey

This actually made me burst out laughing aloud. The banter level at this club is unsurpassed st the moment.


Chamberlain wants move to play regularly and in the centre which is not gonna happen at Chelsea and Sanchez wants move to City who are ridiculously top heavy as it is and will probably enjoy a lot of game time on the bench. Let’s see how that works out for them.


Sanchez wont be on citys bench

Belfast Gooner

He will some games, as Pep likes to rotate his forwards.


It proves they want out at whatever expense. All said and done, Ox made a name for himself here and Alexis rose to superstardom here (remember the chap warming the bench at Barca).


Ox and Sanchez have both made it clear they’re leaving so they don’t have to work with Wenger anymore. So I think it’s going to work out pretty well from their perspectives…


I just don’t think Sanchez wants to stay at the club and I think it’s really starting to undermine the team. His first game back and we are a total shambles, albeit a lot of that was down to some incredibly poor tactical decisions by AW.

I don’t really want Sterling but since Sunday I am thinking more and more that Sanchez should go before the end of the window, we can get something for him at least. Keeping a player at the club who doesn’t want to play there can’t be the right decision…


If we are done weakening the squad, can this club start strengthening the squad.
Soft, Aimless and clueless are what this club now stands for.


It’s quite clear the opinion of fans is irrelevant. Arsenal football club is a shambles, a blueprint in how not to do things, Expect Sanchez to leave, along with the ox and Mustafi, and if anybody had a serious interest in Ozil he’d probably be gone too.


Only player to replace him would be Lemar. However more concerned with our midfield and defence and general organisation of the team, team selection is all over the place. Which is all down to the manager.


I would prefer Draxler. Some height in the front line son!


Draxler doesn’t score though


Sanchez lasted about 15 minutes into the season before throwing his hands up and getting the sooks on, he did fuck all except lose the ball and run about huffing and puffing. Who didn’t know this is exactly what his season would entail after last season’s fun and games? A great player with a shitty attitude is OK if the team isn’t falling apart but this team is broken. Sell him, sell Chamberlain, try and sell Ozil and commit to a club wide rebuild, that should have been the plan from 2 months before the end of last season. We… Read more »


Sterling is not as bad as some make out and he is no ox or Theo. Much better than both I dare say. I only do have a problem with his agent and if he really wants to come.
Pls sell Sanchez and ox and anyone who doesn’t want to stay. We have enough problems already and don’t need sulking prima Dona’s included.
Finally, when will we realize that midfield is our problem and really go out to get tacklers and battlers


Remember how it used to be. What it used to say under the cannon.
Victoria Concordia Crescit.
Seems like a lifetime ago.
What’s latin for “mediocrity through short term profit”.


Cui bono comes to mind


So this is what it is coming to – I am not going into the ins and outs (excuse pun) of wenger, though I love the man either he fronts up and tell us what has led to some bizarre bizarre decisions (assuming (and really hoping) there are other reasons) OR he fully accepts he will continue to be under the firing line. He should have resigned, he didn’t, so we live with that now unfortunately. I find it almost unbelievable that such an innovator who once, in terms of the premier league, reinvented football can himself stagnate this much… Read more »

Be Cool

I couldn’t agree with you more even if I tried. For the past few seasons I have wondered whether Wenger has deteriorated or he is taking the flack for the board (even though the media portrays him as the undroppable one) for inadequate funding. I am having hard time believing the man who developed careers of so many fine players can suddenly turn shite. Maybe his coaching style don’t suite the current crop of players? Maybe thats why we see more managers becoming cheerleaders on the touchline. That must be it, we need a band manager to remind the players… Read more »


Sterling is no better than Walcott !! Cash or cash plus Aguero or no deal.

Don Mozz

Aguero? No?




I understand the goals that we might miss but still fail to understand why anyone actually wants to keep Sanchez for one more season when he clearly doesn’t want to be here. We have a new striker who is capable of replacing his goal return (despite the fact the manager clearly doesn’t rate our record signing that highly anymore). Fuck him off, I would rather have Sterling, in fact I would rather have Jeffers than a miserable can’t be arsed Sanchez in the first team. We are going to sign Draxler, I reckon we will get Van Dijk. We have… Read more »

Tony Hall

No we couldn’t

Drogheda gunner

Are you on crack? Van dijk wont come and either will draxlar unless hes really stuck.


Talented player, but as far as mentality goes the perfect player we don’t need.
Also, as a city employee he might be getting payed a ridiculous sum of money. Not worth the trouble I say..

Tungor Adams

We need to get rid of players not having the heart set to stay at our club. Wenger’s desperate attempt to “bring sense of control” around the fact his preferred star players not wanting to stay will else have very negative effect on how players interpret what wearing an Arsenal shirt entails. Sunday game was a clear statement of this. This said, we have to maximize the package we get, Sane + cash would be a fair outcome, Sterling doesn’t sound as likely yet still preferable to keeping a wantaway player. if you don’t want to stay I dont want… Read more »


If we were to lose Alexis Sanchez I would rather take the 70 million and not take Sterling.

Sterling isn’t a particularly nice guy, as soon as things start going south he’ll be complaining (it won’t take long) and will want to leave. His agent is also Ox’s so I don’t think Sterling will be getting glowing reports.

The best thing we could do now is sack Wenger & replace him with Tuchel & let him rebuild the club.


It’s better to sell him, or else he will also start playing games like ox played against Liverpool


Rumours flying thick and fast about Bale. He is a gooner isn’t he? Not sure there is any room for him at Manure. Were I a senile old manager who after three games was being told to quit by just about every ex-Arsenal player alive then I would Rob the bank to bring Bale back to the Premier League and get my own ugly face off the back pages for a while. Surely if anyone can stop Ramsey from fucking off up the pitch everytime he smells the ball it is Bale. Not saying it could happen, but it is… Read more »


Would love Bale to sign, he and Ramsey work well together, plus it will really annoy Spurs fans.


I won’t accept anything other than Muller-Sanchez straight swap or Sanchez to PSG and M’bappe to Arsenal.

Tungor Adams

Then you are left with nothing m8, those deals will not happen.


Then you are not aiming high enough. I reckon we could get a swap deal with Rob Holding for Pogba if we all wished hard enough.


Murphster, be realistic. Which of those players would want to come to Arsenal now if they have any ambition?

Tungor Adams

We only accept taking Sterling if you agree to take our manager & board. Very Harsh I know, but still only the tip of the iceberg of frustration and anger I feel at how AW and board keeps degrading our integrity as football club. We have become 1. a business and 2. Wengers private project and tool in quest for ending a career on the high prestige wise that since long is going in the opposite direction.


Yes, that’s all we need. More overrated British players. They’re shit. All of them. Get rid of them all.

A Gunner with Psychic powers


Tony Hall

NO …

Muhammad Fürqan Afzal

Alexis is a outclass player…
But we are not playing well…
So Sterling is not a bad option.

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