Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 1-0 Newcastle (inc goal)

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Koscielny, Monreal, Maitland-Niles, Xhaka, Wilshere, Iwobi, Ozil, Alexis, Lacazette

Subs: Ospina, Chambers, Coquelin, Kolasinac, Elneny, Welbeck, Giroud

An outstanding first half goal from Mesut Ozil gave Arsenal a 1-0 win over Newcastle at the Emirates this afternoon, although the overall performance was far from convincing.

Arsene Wenger made just one change to his team from the 0-0 draw with West Ham, as Alexandre Lacazette came in for Olivier Giroud. It meant that Ainsley Maitland-Niles continued at left back in a back four.

The Gunners started brightly, and Lacazette was first to test Newcastle keeper Elliot with a shot from outside the box in the third minute. At the other end Lascelles header forced Cech to turn the ball around the post, before Bellerin almost found a way through but saw his effort deflected wide.

Slick interplay between Bellerin, Ozil, and Lacazette created a good chance for Sanchez but he blasted over when he really should have hit the target. That was followed by a superb run from Maitland-Niles who drove through midfield, beating opponents, before cracking a low shot just wide from the edge of the box.

Arsenal were on top, but before the anxiety levels about dominating and not scoring could rise, we took the lead in the 23rd minute. Iwobi’s low cross saw a Sanchez shot blocked, and under pressure from the Chilean the defender’s header fell for Ozil who watched it all the way and dispatched a sensational first time volley into the top corner to make it 1-0.

Bellerin had a chance to double the lead shortly afterwards, but the Spaniard’s first time effort from an Alexis pass was put well over the bar. Xhaka fizzed a low shot not far wide, and Ozil was involved once more when he drove forward, played a one-two with Lacazette, before forcing Elliot into a save at his near post.

Alexis shot wide as the first half came to a close, and at the break Arsenal were good value for their one goal lead.

There were no changes from either side at half-time, and an early Alexis attempt was deflected wide with the keeper rooted to the spot. Iwobi almost got on the end of a rebound off the keeper, Maitland-Niles fired wide from distance, and Lacazette’s fine touch helped him find space inside the box but he skied his shot well over.

Sloppiness at the back provided substitute Ritchie with a sight of goal but he fired over, before more poor defending saw Cech called into action as he palmed away a low shot from Murphy.

Lacazette had another great sight of goal when he was put through by Iwobi, but he tried a cheeky chip rather than a low shot across the keeper and put the ball high over the bar. The Nigerian then showed good close control in the box but found no venom in his shot which was easy for the keeper.

Arsene Wenger made a double change in the 72nd minute bringing on Olivier Giroud and Danny Welbeck for Iwobi and Lacazette, and the Frenchman was involved quickly, nodding an Alexis cross into the path of Wilshere whose first time effort was well saved by the goalkeeper.

The one goal lead was precarious and it was hammered home as Newcastle put pressure on and a Joselu shot deflected just wide off Koscielny with Cech going the other way. Bellerin made a very important intervention as a low cross from the right skidded all the way across our box, and as the game entered the last 10 minutes Perez headed wide from what was a very presentable Newcastle chance.

Monreal picked up a yellow card for a cynical foul to stop a Newcastle break, and Francis Coquelin was introduced for the final couple of minutes in place of Alexis.

There were four minutes of additional time at the end of the game, Xhaka got a booking for a foul he had to make after a careless pass, but in the end Arsenal hung on for their first win in four games.

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Happy we got the three points though would have liked us to have put the game to bed earlier. But at least it’s an improvement on the previous two matches, which we should have done better in. Would be great to see Man City lose so that we keep the Invincibles record which City are putting at risk, though given it is Sp*rs playing I guess that is highly unlikely. Fourth in the league currently. Let’s hope we can get the next three points in the league, versus Liverpool at home, so we can have a relaxed Christmas. In the… Read more »


i cant even get excited by a win now… dont know whats wrong with me, its good to win but i feel like we have just drawn again, felt just as boring.. oh well


Yep, .. it was boring

Lord Bendnter

Tell me about it. I can’t even get excited either. I watched till 75 min n then shut the tele. I was so bored for some reason, even though we were winning n getting chances.


theres nothing to get excited about, we are not going to win the league, and I cant see us winning any cups either, and it was a boring home win against Newcastle, so there you are


Don’t agree with you about the cups. We are a cup team now, so that’s when I’ll get excited.

It’s funny how so many people on this site are becoming Fatgooners: totally downbeat even after a win. I guess you all finally get it: fourth is not a trophy. And until Wenger is gone champions league qualification will be irrelevant because we can’t win it.

But I’m looking forward to those cup games next year. We can win all of them. With a bit of luck.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

“I guess you all finally get it”–that actually irks me. Can’t say for all the rest, but I never treated 4th like a trophy, and neither did most on this board. You can be jaded all you want by yourself, but people do amazing things against the odds, everyday. The fact that the odds are stacked are what makes it beautiful when victory comes. When the hope fades for a year, it is invariably painful, but that’s the beauty of a ‘season.’ There is always a fresh start to be had, and if you can’t be patient enough to actually… Read more »

John C

What a rubbish analogy, are you suggesting the odds are stacked against Arsenal?!? Our wage bill is only marginally below Chelsea, Utd and City’s, quite a bit more than Liverpool’s and double Tottenham’s, we’re not underdogs but one of the favourites.

We choose not to fully engage in the transfer market, not because we can’t but because we don’t want to and we hoard the cash instead.

The fact is when the 3 teams who outspend us on wages left us an open goal for the league we couldn’t take advantage so institutionalised we’ve become in finishing fourth

Granit(e) hard!

yeah, you are right mate…..just couldn’t get excited over the win. Don’t get me wrong, i am happy about the win (definitely better than a loss or a draw!)…I guess i am just one of the ‘grumpy’ fans that want to see Arsenal win playing exciting football…or even lose playing good football. (personally i wasn’t that sad when we lost to ManU because we outplayed them on the pitch). When you lose that way, you can still walk with your head held high and move on, its plain bad luck and every team lose sometimes…even my manU friends couldn’t take… Read more »

nimble foot

I think you’ll find there’s not much wrong with this team at the Emirates… It’s away from home they drive you nuts


Isn’t this what certain segment of the fans want? Just win at any cost. You read it alot about how fans just want to win don’t care how. They would rather the club just win even if its ugly. George Graham era?


not a dominant performance, but three desperately needed points. maitland-niles looking better and better.


Looks like a really decent player. Should be given a run in the midfield, Can’t be much worse than having Denilson in the midfield from years ago


here we go, settling for seconds best again, how about we get a world class player instead

Jean Ralphio

I read an ESPN article a while back that said Xhaka displays his better qualities when playing next to a midfielder who does a lot of the dirty work and is energetic. So I do think Niles could do well in the middle


Sorry i don’t want to build a DM pairing around Xhaka to magnify his strengths. He’s so slow and nonathletic. Its painful seeing him when he has to sprint.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

So, leave him on the bench you’re saying then? We need a midfield maestro if we’re going to stick with a back-four, which means someone is going to have to pair up with Xhaka. Why shouldn’t the pairing suit to his strengths? As otherwise to what, making sure he won’t be on the pitch? He’s the best we have at the moment, and his distribution is genuinely promising (although not as much in recent games).


Don’t worry ‘Wenger’ will ruin him as with all the others. Well ruin is a bit dramatic, but when you see the way Pep has improved players it makes you realize what we are missing.


onwards and upwards… COYG


It’s not working for Alexis at the moment.

Indian Gooner

I don’t know.. but I thought Alexis was a bit better when compared all his other previous distastrous performances.
The ball fell for Ozil with him going and trying to win the header. I thought he did play some nice balls forward and I for one thought he was conscious about not giving the ball away too many times today.(except for a very few times when he did give the ball away.)
He definitely needs to improve though and has to start scoring again.


as long as wenger is there it wont work for anyone


Yep’ 60mill lost on Alexis just to stroke the old mans ego. But Kronke loves you Arsene.

Charlotte Bates


Clive St Helmet

Did you notice he was first down the tunnel at the final whistle? Didn’t celebrate the win, just straight off to the dressing room. He doesn’t want to be here anymore. It’s like he’s operating at 50%. Going through the motions.


I am happy with our win after the recent draws. However, our players need to work on their finishing, especially Iwobi and Wilshere who missed gilt-edged opportunities.

Another Sam

odd how we used to have umpteen goal scoring midfielders and now have very few goals from midfield.
I only saw the goal (couldn’t find a way to watch this – any help for future much appreciated) from some french link after the game. Brilliant from Ozil. Even the sour faces in MoTD studio will have to be nice about that one.


Go to Google, type in ‘football streams Reddit’, click the link for the game you want to watch, close all the click bait ads, and then enjoy the poor quality video. 🙂

Lonely Lonliness

Well If Ozil can strike it like that, what the heck is he not doing it every now and then ?


I think Niles deserves to keep his place…I want to see him at RB over Bellerin for a while.
As usual tried our hardest not to score but 3 points.


Anybody else waiting for Rafa Benitez to do magic on the sideline with his loyal assistant Teller by his side?


Maitland Niles my man!


Alexis and Xhaka should be dropped after that. So many careless mistakes

Dial Square Charity XI

Xhaka should have been dropped after about the 3rd game of the season.


ha, they all should be dropped


I thought Sanchez had a better game today than recent efforts but Xhaka is bang average all the time, he should be sold.


Hung on there by a thread. Glad we won.
Looked like Sanchez has improved a bit but I definitely would like to see Granit Xhaka to be dropped the next match. Too bad to be an Arsenal player.


Not a bad player; could be a very good player, but agreed, he’s just been far too careless for a while now, and needs a kick up the backside. He deserves to be dropped, but I can’t see it happening on Friday against Liverpool.


No he is bad


we don’t have any back up to drop him


That’s the problem with a lot of the first team. They don’t think they need to worry about being dropped and are too comfortable. There are players available in many positions but Wenger clearly doesn’t fancy them, even over an out of form player.


I did not watch the game.


We’ve just looked unconvincing again despite the win. Playing against a team that has lost 8 out 9, we should have dominated them start to finish. We didn’t and in the end we hung on. The system, the management, the players, everything looks lost and laboured to me. Alexis, Bellerin and Xhaka need to be dropped, they’re so out of form they look like average players and they are impacting on how the team dictate play and they the most guilty of giving the ball away at key moments. At the minute Ozil, Wilshire, Monreal and maybe Cech look like… Read more »


Our supposed fans are a joke.


Are you telling me that you enjoy watching the same shit game after game, year after year. If you are you don’t care like I do.

We had 77% possession today, 5 shots on target and one goal, a wonder goal.

We struggled AGAIN against another shit team, Man Utd figured us out and beat us.

I can’t understand fans who enjoy watching us win by hanging on against a relegation threatened team. Its boring, we’re playing out of form players because the manager doesn’t know what else to do. He’s tactically outdated.


Has anyone else been falling asleep after the 80th min? I feel like I have been dozing a lot this season.



Indian Gooner

Well! I was wondering if there was anyway that I could fast forward my live stream to the end of the game exactly about the point of the match.
But then Newcastle to be fair to them did start to try and make it a bit interesting at the end with our magic man Xhaka providing them with the right amount of impetus.


lol, it took you that long


Hi ive got 2 Tickets for Arsenal v Westham QF @ Emirates this tuesday if anyone interested 🙂

I bought these as a gift but sadly cant go.

Longside Lower nice and close to the action and view everything

Paid £120 for the pair (seated next to each other) Paper tickets to be collected from Canada Water…

If interested email me [email protected]


120 quid? Is that a typo or did you buy tickets next to Stan and Chips? You know that if you don’t go, the game is bound to be an all time classic!


Alexis poor again. Xhaka brilliant for the first 70 minutes, then horrible in the last 20. Özil my MOTM.


Bellerin looks comfortable at Home. I worked out why he does that back pass thingy instead of taking on people. How can the poor kid be brave when he knows he is the only reliable RB at this club? FFS we need to give this kid a breather or we risk another Jack/Santi situation. Also, something’s been off with Koscielny’s body language. I can’t figure out if it’s a mental issue or a physical one. My guess is it’s both. If we don’t fix the defense in January we can kiss goodbye to top 4. We need a CB and… Read more »


Yeah, Kolasinak was stand out today!


Kolasinac the type of signing that wins you matches in the tunnel. So, yeah he was stand out today.
The only thing Kola needs to add to his game is the Vermaelen death stare.


Lads are so good at passing the ball around that every now and then they pass one to the opponent goalkeeper


Another hard game to watch, really struggling to score goals and defend solidly, plenty wrong with us at the moment. still a very much needed 3 points.


We could have beat the flamboyant long john silver impersonators today.


Almost “mental burnout”…


same old arsenal really


better than Zidane’s volley

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