Saturday, February 15, 2025

Santi still harbours hope of resurrecting playing career

Santi Cazorla says he hasn’t given up hope of playing football at the highest level again although he admits his recent injury woe has left him weighing up the possibility of retiring.

The Spain international has had 10 operations on his Achilles since he last featured for Arsenal in October 2016 and is now targeting a return to action next season.

As things stand the 33-year-old is under contract at the Emirates until June which leads to the worrying conclusion that he may already have played his final game for the Gunners.

We’ll try and stay positive, Santi himself is doing just that, but his latest comments also leave us feeling a very sad.

“There have been moments when I’ve thought about throwing in the towel. I’ve thought things like ‘maybe it is not worth continuing’,” Cazorla told RTVE.

“If things go well, maybe next year I can play at the top level again.

“The last surgery was seven weeks ago, and my tenth in total. The first surgery was risky because I took many corticosteroids and the skin deteriorated.

“Then a skin graft was proposed and after that, the infection ate my tendon.”

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We’ve REALLY missed our little magician! Hope he can play again somewhere. Hopefully Mkr can eventually bring some of his quality for us.


We have really missed this giant of a little man. Over the years the injury gods have really screwed us over. Santi, Rosicky, diaby, Eduardo, Wilshere, Ramsey.
All potentially top drawer marquee players stunted by injury.

Let’s hope he gets fit and plays again. Probably not for us tho.


Our medics need to be looked at the way they manage our guys. Something is not going down well there.

Maul Person

This one had nothing to do with the Arsenal medics…


Really not sure how anybody can reasonably vote this down. We’ve either bought every injured player available or we have something or had something systemically wrong down at London Colney.

Andy Mack

I really don’t think leg and ankle breaks can be placed at the door of the AFC medical team. Muscle/soft tissue/tendon issues ‘maybe’ depending on the cause, but we’ll never know.



His injury lay off hasn’t been due to the Arsenal medics. Santi just got an infection and it spiraled out of control. He’s had 10 surgeries to try and fix it. I think the skin grafts keep getting rejected by his body so it can’t heal properly.

Its very sad.
Such a class player.


The one I feel for the most is Eduardo. We’ve never had a finisher like him. If not for that tackle he would’ve won us the League and been a club legend by now.

Andy Mack

I feel the same about Diaby. He was very young when his ankle got mashed and had the potential to be exceptional but never reached those heights.


In my book, Chinaman, Eduardo is a fucken legend. O


Pretty sure Wright, Bergkamp and Henry may argue about him being a better finisher… he was really really good but not quite at their level. Even before his horrific injury.

Andy Mack

I ‘think’ Henry said that he thought Eduardo was a better finisher than he was, but he always thought of himself as a winger more than a CF.
But Henry definately referred to Eduardo as a ‘Fox in the Box’ and said many times that he himself wasn’t that type of player…


He’s always been such a pleasure to watch, if I find his enthusiasm contagious it must be a real boost for the players around him. I would love to see him come back but can’t help fearing the worst. Still he is irrepressible, that might just get him through it.

Public Elneny Number One

Poor Santi, one of the good guys. Doesn’t deserve his injury woes.


Thats fucking savage santi. Best of luck to you.

Average Joe

We miss this guy so bad, everything went sideways after his injury. Exceptional human being, this is so sad it hurts!


Who is voting this down?!


Ever tried voting on a phone, sometimes your fingers slip and get the wrong one, especially when drunk… so I’ve been told…


Oh boy! This is not looking good. I understand how people feel that offering him a new contract won’t be a good choice,especially considering his wages but on a personal level, I am hoping they offer him a contract of sorts with terms being decided by games played and all if and when he gets fit, even if it means he becomes a bit and part player for us. I am not an extremely religious person but I pray that Santi wears the red and white one more time-be it on his comeback or his testimonial. His mental strength is… Read more »


Even if he doesn’t get a new contract I would hope he is kept on non contract terms until he can get fit


Really feel for santi. Maybe it’s better for his long term health not to risk playing again. I don’t know if it’s possible to over come such a serious injury and play at the top again but I hope he does.


I think the long term risk in a broad sense is his loss of use of that foot…. And watching santi I believe it would be hard to tell him not to risk it. Though a little parts of me can’t wait for him to be a superstar presenter in Spain Post football. Though shy he is one of the best personalities in football.


Maybe he can be a coach with the U-16s with us on a trial basis in case his career doesn’t take off again? He is a model professional and would be a good influence on kids who stand the risk of getting carried away by the glamour and glitz of the sport?

If he shows promise as a coach, maybe the club can work on something more permanent for him here?


I hope he can resume his career but it has to be said the decision to give him 90k a week when we KNEW he most likely wouldn’t play this year was absurd and is one reason we are still struggling with wages.

I’m not saying we should not have signed him but is 30k a week to rehab saving us 60k a week a slap in the face to Santi? I don’t think so.

We could have also done something like make him a brand ambassador and NOT have his wages count (or a scout).




Seriously some people! I’m proud we gave him a new contract. I wouldn’t complain if we gave him another. If nothing else but to give him a mental boost.

I’m proud to be a supporter of a club who has values, class, respect and loyalties.

Yes we’ve been bitten a few times because of this, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Proud to be Arsenal!


absolutely spot on.


Well said Killak. We might have our problems but we’re a class club and if it’s only to let him feel better we should offer him a contract. He was a joy to watch.
He and Ronaldinho are two of my favourite players because they seem to play the game constantly smiling and understood that at the end of the day they’re entertainers and so entertained and were happy doing so.

And if he has too retire we should get him to do what Dennis did and kick off a game


Wish I could give you 19 down votes

Petits Handbag

This guy’s a gangster? His real name is Clarence..


incredible reference, well done

Andy Mack

No one ‘knew’ he wouldn’t play at all this season.


Fucken hell man. Sorry guys that I am swearing a lot tonight, but seriously guys. We are better than this. Come on people!


You’re NOT so cool
You’re NOT so cool
You’re NOT so cool
You’re NOT so cool…

You’ve made Elvis very sad


My absolute favorite player of all time, who also seems to be a really good bloke. I hope it works out for him and I would love nothing better than to see him play for us again.


Corticosteroids aid in building tissue– it’s the reason they’re prescribed. Usually at very high dosages (been through something similar, though no drastic aftereffects). Maybe an immuno-deficiency condition at play too?

Recall at the time– with Santi having just returned from his first surgery– playing vs Ludogorets away in CL pool play. He’d said after that match that the surgical sutures had not held up. Had a bad feeling even than.

Very much appreciate Santi’s drive to return. All the best going forward!



I seem to recall he was recognised as the most skillful player by his team mates.

Such a big miss.

The stoat

Would love to see him in an Arsenal shirt again but really can’t see it happening


Ohhhh Santi Cazorla


Ohhhhh Santi Cazorla


Unlike Alexis, Santi is an Arsenal legend in my eyes. Easily the best true two footed player who has graced The Emirates (and probably will be for some time).

So many magic moments – his wonder free kick that got us back in the FA Cup final against Wigan, the masterclass performance against City comes to mind


How did you manage to work alexis into this?

Obsession in whatever form is bad for you.


Except Santi never scored a free kick against Wigan.


My bad, against Hull!

Shambles, Im sorry but I don’t know how you took a passing comment as an obsession


Let’s say Arsenal offer him a new one year contract (unlikely), what say you all?

I’d say fuck it, do it. 30k per week with bonus 50k every (any) match he starts.

Jimbo Jones

He’s an absolute legend and it’s heartbreaking that he Looks likely to not play again.. Whatever we do I don’t think Santi needs charity (he’s a professional football player) , if he recovers and can play again at the required level offer him a contract. If not then I’m sure there’ll be a coaching or other role for him at the club if he wants it. But also he had said before the injury that he intended to finish career in Spain so there’s every chance he will want to return home anyway. Wonderful guy but it’s not financing that… Read more »


Amazing really how bad things can go , even with the best medical care, that bad luck cloud is floating around ready to shit on anyone. Hope to see him back in the red n white even if it’s for a farewell game . Magical player.


There are few players I adore as much as Santi. And now I’m going to watch some dodgy youtube highlights in his honor.


Let this man go, his case is hopeless, stop dreaming


@gibir. That does not mean we should not appreciate our little magician with BIG brain.


Can you imagine if your family said the same thing about you?


They probably did




you are an absolute shithole

Kentish Gooner

You, sir, are the c*ntiest of c*nts. Possibly on par with John Terry.


feel so sad for santi


Play for us when you are ready,as long as you want. Great great player,Wenger was so unlucky with him and Diaby.Come back soon,we need you in the middle. Good luck Santi.Respect.


This makes me sad


Yeh , give him a new contract.


Santi, we the fans truly love you and dearly miss having you on the pitch. Do what’s best for you, whatever that may end up being.


I miss santi. I really like santi.


Get well soon, Santi!

An amazing player who we badly miss.

Kentish Gooner

I say sign him up for another year. Loyal player, and when he plays one of our most consistently brilliant players. We would be in a much better place with him right now. Get well soon Santi.

Lack of Perspective

Pirlo was like 48(give or take 5-10 years) or something when he retired right?


forget it santi , its over


Such a bleak outlook. At what point did you decide your life was over?

Kentish Gooner

I didn’t know you and Santi were an item, Cristiano?


Absolute class act. His story is a truly heartbreaking one.

Does anyone remember a Santi video called land of giants or some such? I’ve looked all over but can’t find it.

David Barry

Martin Hayes Specs

Martin Hayes Specs

He has to be the most loved player,it was different with Thierry,even the god Denis.The last I can remember was Liam Brady.Maybe Charlie George but that was before my time !!

Gonzo gunner

He should get stem cell therapy done. It’s meant to work wonders.


Still blame Wenger for playing him in that game against Ludogorets which wasn’t that important and Santi got injured when it was 4-0 and we had a newly signed Xhaxa on the bench who should have played that particular game..


This is one of the few players left that has the technical quality to beat 2 or 3 players on his own and take them out of the picture. He acted as a magnet opening space as opponents had 2 3 players trying to close him down. We lack a player like this even with Alexis. Aubameyang (nor Lacazette) are able to do this. They are players who need someone to get the ball to them centrally to be effective. YOu look at Lacazette, some good footwork but his pace isn’t that much more than Giroud and he doesn’t hold… Read more »

non flying dutchman

If he doesnt return before the end of the season, Arsenal ought to note tickets would sell out for a testimonial for Santi in seconds

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