Thursday, December 19, 2024

Arsenal 3-0 Stoke – player ratings

Arsenal beat Stoke 3-0 at the Emirates today. It wasn’t exactly top quality but in the final 15 minutes we scored three times and that might go some way to seeing them relegated.

Read the report and watch the goals here.

I for one very much enjoyed Stoke losing their heads near the end, and here’s how the players rated today.

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Love the bonus rating and completely agree. Bye bye orcs.


The rest of league won’t miss you, you thundercunt of a club.

Damo Dinkum

Gnu-fisting… the insults on the site just keep getting better


I’m not looking forward to seeing them in the championship. In fact I’m looking forward to not looking at them at all.

David C

did they really sing that at the game or is Arseblog joking (hard to tell sometimes)? I didn’t hear it watching on TV. If so, wow, that is so sad it’s not even funny…

Other question: why was Wilshere in a more advanced role than Ramsey? made no sense.


Yes, sadly, that disgusting song is real. About what you’d expect from a group so inbred they have six fingers on each hand and seven toes on each foot, and so stupid they still have to drop their pants to count to 27.


Heh. They can c(o)unt till 27????!?!! You’re being too kind and generous arsepedant. 😀


Exaactly what I was thinking! How can actual human or rather in the case of the bleddy orcs, supposedly sentient beings, actually ‘SING’ that in an era like this?!

That too at a lad who is only in his 20s.

Especially when he suffered THAT horrible injury thanks to one of their own inbred pieces of shit?! Just amazing….. 😐


I hate everything about Stoke. Thoroughly pleasant


I’d agree but you need to watch Marvellous. True story about their special needs kitman who’s a bit of a legend. Other than that they can rot in hell.

Johnny T

Oh man I cried so much when he came back home, undress his clown suit, sat down and start crying. I thought my heart will explode.

Arsene's Coat

Out of interest, has Shawcross ever asked Stoke fans to stop singing that awful song about Rambo? Seems like the decent thing to do. Or is he as awful a human being as he comes across?


A thugs game played by thugs

Godfrey Twatsloch

In fairness to Shawcross, he’s been so busy stealing sweets from children, pushing over old grannies trying to cross the road and tying cats tails together he simply hasn’t had the time to say sorry to Ramsey and ask fans not to celebrate the career altering injury he caused him.

Godfrey Twatsloch

I mean come on, a thug cunt can only manage so much!


what a difference was made when Laca was teamed up with Auba! The intensity, pace and results were phenom! Welbeck is a hard worker but not up to this level, and, a goal every 4 games is unfortunately not good enough at this level.


I didn’t realize his rate was even that high.


Welbz has 3 goals and 1 assist in 21 appearances. Nacho has 4 goals.


Great point. The fluidity of things changed much for the better when Laca came on. And Mkhty looked quite good, too.


When i say you’re harsh on Özil… Wrong passing > 86% pass accuracy and 6 shot assists. Nice to be biased but too much becomes comical.


Did you watch the game?


Like he wasn’t any worse than anyone else for the first 30 minutes, but he’s Mesut Fucking Ozil, you expect his passing to be far better than what it was.

Gunner Stahl

That’s not really how grades work. If Mesut Ozil is below his normal standard, but that is still better than the other players, he should still get credit for being a productive player.


I thought Qzil was man of the match quite frankly. He took 15 minutes to get into the game, but after that he created chance after chance. For the longest time he looked like the only one playing.

Ozil was top-rated on whoscored (by .3) with Monreal second, so I’m not sure what you were seeing. Were you watching the wrong game?


And that through ball to set up a glorious chance for Auba in the second half: just delicious. one of the best passes of the season.

Not at his best, but still one of our best on the day.

but Blogs does love him some Aaron Ramsey…


Was Ramsey better than 86% then?


Ramsey was clearly our best player, no doubt about that. He even got the MOTM award. However, I agree a little harsh on Ozil. People seem to base their opinion of him on his body language. He got frustrated in the second half when things weren’t working.


I doubt it.


While I agreed that 5 are way too harsh, he screwed up too many simple passes and has been for a while. Also his body languages when he screwed them up certainly doesn’t help.


the body language comment is irrelevant and idiotic.


He doesn’t have a bias against Ozil, he’s been saying he’d rather him stay than Alexis for over a year now. Ozil was shocking today, caught offside when looking across the line twice! His passing was abysmal too. When you’re earning the dollar he does, he should be twice as good as he was today.

Paul Pil Oil (autocorrected Ozil)

I thought Ozil delivered good ball after good ball for corners and free kicks

Big Red Machine

How about the through ball to Aubamayang? Should be a goal. Won a penalty, goal. Good delivery on set pieces – corner led to Auba 2nd goal. He was good.


Yes, you’re right. There are just some folks who have an axe tor grind with ozil. Some numpty at the pub where I was watching was bitching the entire match at ozil specifically. At one point, ozil tried to take a man on and lost the ball, at which point, the Ork played it on – but this facker is yelling at Ozil, “come on ozil win the ball back you lazy #^)$^&@()^$!!”

And then I thought, you know, some people just gonna hate, no matter how ignorant the hating.



Join the discussion Didn´t you see his passings, they were just perfect at least compared to i.e. Wilshire´s which often were too soft.


The first time he got caught offside he was on or at least it was very, very close.

The second time it was actually Bellerin’s fault: Mesut made the run, Bellerin delayed, then Mesut was circling back to try to get onside when Bellerin, foolishly, passed it to him. You could see afterward how much it pissed Mesut off as he had a go at Hector.


Oh man he had a REAL go at hector. You could make out him saying “FUCK OFF” and “YOU TALK TOO MUCH” at hector. Scary.

John bull

Judge all players by the same standard … it is 11 players vs 11 … having talent and skill like an Ozil does requires a lot of hard work … hard work and running on the pitch but With no end result should not be graded higher than a moment of genius which leads to a goal

A Different George

Yeah, on one of those offside calls he was at least 3 millimeters off, maybe even more. Ozil’s passing was terrible in the first part of the match, as was everyone else’s (except for Aubameyang and Wellbeck, who never saw the ball and were therefore unable to make a poor pass). But he was awfully good as the game wore on.


no , I think you was right the first time , ozil is crap and always will be , but that’s just my opinion

Fireman Sam

Özil, jack and Rambo were all good IMHO


Stoke are a small club and they will absolve into irrelevancy real quick. Good riddance, what a shithole


One of the famed shitholes Donald Trump was talking about.

We should build a wall around it to keep people in.


Shawcross is Trump’s favorite player.

Godfrey Twatsloch

It’s well documented that Shawcross is widely admired by luminaries such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, King Leopold and also few lesser thugs like Pol Pot, Bokassa, Idi Amin and Mugabe. Fritzl and Dutroux absolutely adore his style of playing!

Non Flying dutchman

Will Stoke pay for it?


There’s probably lots of nice folk in Stoke, it’s just that none of them play on their football team!


Never let the truth get in the way of a good piece of bigotry


I went for the Emirates after a longish gap and this is the first time I’m seeing Auba and Miki “in the flesh” as it were and I have to say I was so impressed with what Miki was doing both on and off the ball, and even “off camera” as it were. I think we’ve got a good ‘un there.
Also, I love Auba. Just the most exciting player we’ve had in years.


Thoroughly agree! Those two guys are keepers very happy with their contributions so far. And how bout Auba with that class hand over to Laca for the penalty. Team building n’ at. Nice one.

Godfrey Twatsloch

Miki has got to be the best bit of business we’ve done this season.


I dunno offloading Sanchez to United isn’t looking bad either

Godfrey Twatsloch

I think that is part of the brilliance of the deal. We actually got a player who would otherwise have cost us the lions share of a seasons transfer budget for one on the dregs of his contract, months away from a free transfer and who didn’t want to be here. We got a near world class player with an urge to prove himself after being bullied by his cunt manager at Man U. I have no doubt that Sanchez will be good for Man U eventually but I really couldn’t care less. He was of no use to us… Read more »

Non Flying dutchman

when he left i thught Sanche had a season and a half of quality left in him… that half season has passed by with not that much to show – easily got the better side of that deal.


Btw, Ramsey = 83% pass accuracy and created 2 chances. But well, he was great and created chances… in comparison your note for Özil is even more senseless.


It’s just a subjective opinion man. Relax. I for one thought they were all rubbish but that’s probably what we have to expect in the Premiere League until the end of the season, sadly.

Jimbo Jones

Just one man’s opinion dude. You can just look at the reader’s ratings if you prefer that, or visit a different website if it all offends you that much. Even better you could take a nice new crayola, a piece of paper and make your own ratings. Whatever makes you happy.


Not a great performance by any means, but always good to help send the orcs back to mordor. Here’s hoping they don’t escape this time and we never have to play them again. Some encouraging stuff from Lacazette as well.

Lord Bendnter

That “walks with a limp chant” is pretty low for any football fan. Very sad really…

Godfrey Twatsloch

I once went on a Stoke forum and saw a few people appealing to their fellow Stokians to quit that particular chant. Not least because, you know, it being in poor taste but also hoping it might help them overcome epithets like “orcs” etc. To no avail though.


Stoke forum.. or a visit to the local cave?

Godfrey Twatsloch

Internet forum only. I’d be too concerned with my safety to risk entering a physical space populated by Stoke orcs.


Oaahahaahahaha! At the comment AND at the phenomenal username – GODFREY TWATSLOCH!


😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Thanks for THAT on a Monday morning!


Grooving in a cave with a Pict?


The moment I saw Welbeck’s name in the starting line up, I knew we were going to be playing 10 against 11.


I like Welbz and sometimes he’s useful (though his form has been pretty poor since getting injured early this season). but today he really was incredibly anonymous, and his touch when he did get it was frequently dreadful.

The Highbury

In what world does Welbeck get the same rating as Ozil for this game? Until he missed the net and immediately got subbed out I had completely forgotten he was in the lineup.


We looked a lot better after lacazette, miki and xhaka came on. Last 30 min were good but we really need to step it up on Thursday. Ospina makes me nervous everytime he comes out for a cross


Ospina is good. Blogs doesn’t like him because he’s not Szczesney. Cech makes me more nervous than Ospina these days.


We definitely need to upgrade keeper imo. Butland was immense- the save from Ramsey was solid. I wouldn’t mind going after him


He might be available at the end of the season too!


He’s beaten us single handed once or twice


He’s an Orc and loves it there. He’s also english, so will cost three times what he’s worth. We can find better.

Godfrey Twatsloch

“0/10 Stoke fans for singing Aaron Ramsey, he walks with a limp”

Classy to the end. The people serenading the Stoke fans from their widows with “You’re going down” is just the response.

But where was Rob Holding to sort out that Cunt Joe Allen for us?


Might not have had a great season, but my word, we missed Xhaka in that first hour. I like Elneny and especially Ramsey, but that midfield pivot trying to start attacks from deep was just grim to watch.

Robins Boost

i think Xhaka/ Elneny midfield 2 would be a well-oiled central pairing, with aaron playing just behind auba, flanked by Micky and Mesut.
at this point of the season i’m just glad that we managed to get 3 points, and build confidence and cohesion in the team (and no injuries).


Each of the profiles pick themselves. We have Xhaka and Ramsey – the regista and the b2b. Ozil is our number 10, Mkhi is the needle midfielder. Aubameyang can be the outlet and Laca can be the false 9.

This in no way means that I’m in favour of Wilshere leaving. We have to keep him.

Bob Hoskins

He takes a lot of flack but I don’t like our midfield without Xhaka in it

American Gooner

Off to the lower leagues you miserable pisspot of shabby cast offs. I enjoy thoroughly the fact that this entire Stoke squad is either wash-outs from respectable clubs or old enough to remember what wooly mammoths looked like.

Better yet, none seem to be arsed to fight for survival just moan and titter.

Enjoy the free fall and harsh landing you mangy disreputable dogs!


Anyone else think Wilshere had a decent game?

Always mobile, looking to give and go, didn’t quite come off.

Just me then…


he wasn’t great, but then none of them were. the discrepancy between the ratings for Wilshere (and Ozil) and the ratings for Ramsey is odd, to say the least.


Wilshere was poor. This was his 5th or 6th disasterclass in a row. But we as a fanbase for some reason are reluctant to speak against him, while we readily jump to criticize Ramsey whenever he flops (Liverpool game for eg.)

I love Wilshere more than anyone, but criticism where it’s due.


Where have you been? Plenty criticize him. The owner of this blog, for one. Ramsey gets his fair share too, though the pro-Ramsey crowd has been more vocal than the anti-Ramsey crowd this season, as his form has been better.
I’d say Jack and Rambo currently divide opinion in the fan base pretty much 50-50.

And I thought Jack had a strong performance in our home game against Milan. He certainly hasn’t had 5 or 6 “disasterclasses” in a row.


Agree with you.
Some of his passing looked off and off pace. But he was making things happen and moving the ball forward.

He’s a favorite whipping boy and a convenient scape goat ’round these parts and others, so its de riqueur to slag him. Its sad really. He’s an excellent player, while being not the 2d coming of Xavi that he was touted to be, he’s still really good.

Goonerest Gooner

PGBSTPWDTRHS (Please Give Bellerin Someone To Play With Down The Right Hand Side) is the new LANS


Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it


Looks like Welsh


What the hell did Ramsey do today, for people to give motm??? Run around without actually doing anything other than losing the ball? Mustafi was clearly our best player today, and Wilshere was our best in our midfield trio, but what do i know, Wilsheres clearly performed 5/10 eventhough he was statistically better than our other midfielders.


Ramseys higher than it should be as he stayed on when we were playing better.


I don’t think Jack was great–did some good things, and plenty of bad things, like the rest of them today–but I agree Ramsey was very poor by the standards he’s set for most of this season (there were a few times in the first half when the crowd audibly groaned when his poor first touch meant he pushed the ball backward, thus ruining our momentum, rather than receiving the ball on the half turn like a player of his quality should do).

Group captain mandrake

Danny Welbeck with possibly the most Wellbeckian performance ever. Lots of running while remaining completely anonymous and accomplishing nothing.


Loved the impudence of Auba’s second goal. What a sexy finish

Aleksander Włodarz

and he knew what he was doing with the outside of his right boot


I disagree with some of the ratings today. Think Elneny was hard done by – he put in a massive shift.

Ozil and Wilshere were both positive without being at their best. The majority of our dangerous play came through them and lacazette once he came on. It’s pretty difficult to get everything right when the other team is defending with 11 players.

Was glad to see how supportive laca and auba were towards each other. Always the first ones to celebrate with each other.


Arsenal are always dozy fuckers in sunday brunch games.
[it’s East coast of n.America time, ere, innit?]

When they woke up, LMAO up front showed lots of promise and no little class.

But gimme an F please, Bob.

and FFS get a midfield and a defence,
– even if didnt actually need one today.


Redeemed by a strong finish but the first half was dire. Amusing to see the Orcs lose their cool when the outcome became obvious.

On a less positive note, while he certainly seems like a nice guy, I’ve never been convinced by Danny Welbeck and it’s getting to the point where you wonder why he’s still getting in the team. Should have sent him to Chelsea instead of Giroud. Defo needs to go in the summer.


Chelsea would not take Welbeck from us in a million years. They took Giroud because he offers some footballing ability, unlike Welbeck.


Any ideas/suggestions on the fact that Wilshere refuses to sign and Wenger refuses to drop him? Surely if you’re not signing why the fuck would you be in starting 11? Desperation, loyalty i don’t know so seriously whats your thoughts? Cheers


It’s like a game of chicken


Does that qualify as a suggestion?


Yeah man a very deep and philosophical one at that *hits blunt*


Glad you liked it


Wenger always does that when he thinks he can persuade someone to stay, like he did with Oxlade Chamberlain. Giving Jack and then Ramsey the captain armband, playing Jack in Mesut”s space, stupid favouritism. Jack is like Welbeck, mostly very average, but makes a big fuss of achieving nothing. We were better when he went off, and I won’t be sorry if he leaves. I have a suspicion that Arsene wants to sign him up but the club are being more realistic about things. There are better players out there.


There are definitely better younger players available for his position. Only reason I’d b sad for him to leave is because he’s a proper Gooner. But then again, is he? I mean how bout showing some loyalty back to the club who’s paid and nursed him through all kinds of injury?! the club you so dearly support? He can do one! Don’t know what type of money he’s on atm tbh, but just let him go and give a new top player that money he’s on. Squad player at best. Penny for a thought? I’d give a million euros to… Read more »


Who’s better than Jack and younger and at the club now?
Maybe you’re right, I just don’t actually know. (And AMN sure as shit ain’t it.)


I would say its more complicated then you suggest. The biggest game of the (remainder) of the season is Thurs. and playing Arsenal’s best 11 the entire game against freaking Stoke – risking injury to Mkthy … – would be foolish. (Though I’d have rested Ramsey meself, but oh well.) Wilshere is a professional footballer, and an exceptional talent, so why not play him? He’s not gonna pout and kick the ball out … he needs to impress not just the manager but other clubs and for country. He’s as motivated as anyone out there to play well – probably… Read more »


Why not play him? My friend did u read my post? Few reasons there. And Wilshere is way way past talent stage no? Commit or make way, I know Arsenal do loads of charity but there’s a limit man. I respect your opinion tho my fellow gooner


Something poetic about Aaron Ramsey winning MOTM against the shit club called Stoke that’s about to get relegated. Didn’t seem to walk with a limp to me.


Tony Pulis may be gone, but his stench still informs Stoke. Fortunately next year the Potters can stink up the Championship.


I thought Mohamed Elneny was our best player in the first half, when Mustafi and Ramsey seemed to have made a bet about who could give the ball away most often. Elneny did not miss one pass, never lost the ball and had some inspired offensive passes as well (although there is still room for improvement in his attacking play).


Welbz for Laca and the difference in our attacking play was unbelievable.

I know this will be unpopular opinion but Xhaka made a difference when he came on, he plays the metronome quite well and if only he learns to handle the press, he will be world class. He is after all still 25 and has his best years ahead of him.


Good win; bit harsh on Ozil and Welbeck.

And I think we’ll just about get away with it this season, but we really need to move on from Ospina. I think he can be good for someone, it’s just not us. Guy’s a red-card laced howler waiting to happen.


10/10 for the ‘he’s laughing at you, Aaron Ramsey he’s laughing at you’ chant from the North Bank


What must Ospina do to get at least a seven in these ratings. Cech will have 2 scored on him with one or both being his fault, but after may save a few but will get a 7. Example of when no matter what you do you cannot win.
Now to more interesting things, we continue our run vs Stoke so i am happy with everybody who contributed. COYG!


El neny is the most underrated footballer in Arsenal. He covers space, mops up other people’s trash, keeps possession tidier, and is a good passer of the ball. I genuinely believe that he should be starting. He is the closest to Gilberto we have right now. He keeps on running, always making himself available for passes. I think we need to field him more.


Laca, Auba, & Mhiki kind of remind me of the combination of Suarez, Sterling, & Sturridge when they were together at Liverpool. It created a triple threat front. I just don’t know why AW won’t play Laca at LW, Auba up front, and Mhiki at RW on the pitch at the same time with Ozil behind them in the 10 position. Really adds an offensive threat to the team. Who does the opposing defenders focus on?


Bellerin is infuriating….whenever he always pulls up and passes back rather than taking it wide??#@!

Aubamiang needs to finish that first chance….althiugh thats the only service he got.

I though jack was ok…he was the only player taking anyone on


Good to see Ospina attempt to command his box better. Bellerin I felt was rusty, some very poor passes. Nacho was OK Mustafi AGAIN came up with some massive blocks which you won’t find 7amkickoff or the likes lauding him for. Sure both Mustafi and Chambers had some poor passes but I feel the issue is also that our players further up do not show well enough for the ball and keep passing it back to the Cbacks to in a sense have to ‘playmake’ from the back with risky longer balls over the top, this particularly with only Elneny… Read more »

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