Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lacazette: Europa League could save our season…and the boss

Alex Lacazette says winning the Europa League will save Arsenal’s season and keep Arsene Wenger in a job.

Despite a disappointing season on the domestic front, hopes of securing a place in next season’s Champions League remain alive courtesy of their run in Europe. First, they’ll have to beat Atletico Madrid, a team Lacazette came very close to joining, in the semi-finals with Lazio Marseille and Salzburg making up the other half of the draw.

As if the prospect of silverware in his first season wasn’t enough, the France international says he’s extra motivated by the prospect of picking up the trophy on familiar territory; former club Lyon is hosting the final.

After Thursday’s 2-2 draw against CSKA Moscow, a result that saw the Gunners through 6-3 on aggregate, Lacazette said: “It can be the way to keep the manager because he did so much good for the club.

“It will save our season because in the Premier League we are not doing well.”

He went on: “I really want to be in the final to play in front of my family and friends but it’s not only that – I came to Arsenal because I want to win trophies.”

Petr Cech sounds similarly motivated to win the Europa League. The veteran keeper won the competition in 2013 with Chelsea and thinks a club of Arsenal’s stature should be picking up silverware regularly.

“There is a big responsibility for everyone because we know with the position we are in the league,” Cech told reporters in Moscow.

“Someone would have to have a big meltdown in the last seven games to give us a chance to sneak into the top four.

“We know this is our chance to book our Champions League spot but, not only that, you play a European competition for a cup and for a cup the club has never won. This is another opportunity to add a great trophy to the cabinet.

“You need to keep the progression. You keep that not only on the pitch but by winning things. A club of Arsenal’s size and history belongs in the Champions League.”

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Marseille and Salzburg?


Yeah I thought it was Marseille and not Lazio (although they wear the same colours)?


COYG win us this trophy and give us a voice. As for retaining the manager, he is a great man and manager who has really suffered a lot for the club but we fans can’t wait to know how it ll feel having a new face, tactics and manager.


Focus should be on Atletico and not the Trophy. All this talk of Lyon, Trophy, Manager scares me. Focus Focus Focus. We are not there yet.

John bull

“We fans…. ” … possibly 30% or so …. not the majority judging by the votes here ….


John I realize from your comments that you are a die hard Wenger supporter but it’s really difficult to argue anymore that it’s a small majority of fans who want Wenger out or that we are competitive except for 2nd tier cup competitions anymore. Just look at the stadium – when you get to the point where over 1/3 don’t even bother to show up week after week anymore things have gotten pretty bad. Wenger has done great things for the club but everyone gets old at some point and their skills decline – it’s just as true of managers… Read more »


*small minority of fans

John bull

Not a diehard Wenger but a diehard Arsenal supporter. … and to me that also means respect for the manager of the club judged on what he has actually done for the club …. and respect for the values of the club and for the football it plays … more trophies … yes of course I want more … can the team do better ? Yes it can and the manager still deserves to reap the rewards of his patient work in the club …. if he decides he can no longer take the team forward , then we accept… Read more »


You can respect the manager for all that he is accomplished and still recognize that the club is no longer moving forward under him as well. The FA cups are great – I loved winning them. BUT they also have papered over what has been a very steady deterioration under Wenger the past few years as well. We no longer are even competitive in the league or an actual contender the CL either. I like many was hopeful that the first FA cup was a sign of things to come – with the big signings etc. that the club could… Read more »


It’s only the last two years that the fans have begun to properly turn in significantly numbers, my question is how many more years will you be content with our steady decline in relation to challenging for the league and failing to compete in the champions league until you reach that stage? Another year? Another three? Maybe another five? Should there be a figure that comes to mind and goes against your perceived blind faith, just remember that is exactly where a huge number of fans are currently at. There is nothing wrong with wanting the best for your club… Read more »


If we get back to form and the club in coming seasons then the EL trophy will be looked back upon with very rose tinted glasses. ‘The only year arsenal dropped out of the CL they won the EL by beating AC Milan and Athletico’


It’s Marseille, not Lazio…


Not related but Giroud has scored 2 goals for a comeback win for Chelsea v Soton.


Handsome ba5tard


-I sort of liked it anyway…?

Kim Kallstrom Kardashian

He should be scoring with me………. US! I mean us *nervously darts eyes left to right*


That would be amazing to win the Europa League to both have a European trophy and just as importantly to help with the major overhaul of the squad that needs to occur this summer. That said this year should have made obvious to everyone the flaw with allowing a cup competition alone to determine the fate of the manager.


NO ,it wont save our season, the damage has already been done, and as for wenger he will stay for another season what ever happens

DB10s Air Miles

Fingers crossed!

John bull

AW has earned the right to decide …. this season , finalist vs the champions elect in domestic league cup , last 4 in Europe , season alive till May , cannot be too greedy and expect everything ……


For a start, although I’d obviously preferred to have won it, the League Cup is just a tad more prestigious than the Community Shield!! Being in the last 4 of the very much 2nd fiddle European competition is as far as I understand, not a trophy! We currently sit 30 points behind the Premier League leaders, not to mention 13 points off a Champions League place! To expect more from one of the biggest and wealthiest clubs in the world isn’t in any shape or form greedy!!


You can be damn sure City will be calling it a ‘double’.
So yeah, it means something. As the roll-call of teams that can win something becomes larger– the silverware scarcer?

They ALL count.



no, wenger has NOT earned the right to decide if he stays or goes, its up to the board


Season alive until May? ?? last four in Europe. We are making the best of a terrible situation. Arsene Wenger has taken us to the heights of the invincibles and then steadily steered us to mediocrity. Last season we just finished outside the top four, this season we are not even in with a sniff. Whilst the Europa League should be a target this season, make no mistake that target is the consequence of a poor premier league campaign. And before the inevitable reference is made to the FA cups we have won, that is most certainly not success in… Read more »

John bull

How many teams in The league here have a comparable record to Arsenal record under Wenger over the last 5 , 10 , 20 years ? And how many teams can match Arsenal for player transfer and wages ? And how does the record compare ? Should not be difficult to work out Yes we want even more and we will get more … missing only 1 year or 2 of top 4 in a 22 year period is not a record even the Man U Chelsea City Liverpool can match …..the players and the club deserve more support to… Read more »


John – finishing in the top 4 so many years is a real accomplishment. But taking the last 10-12 years every club you’ve named has won multiple PL titles (ex – Liverpool) and has won at least 1 CL (with Liverpool playing in multiple finals). As far as the top competitions have gone we have been amazingly consistent without ever actually challenging.


Chelsea, United and City have been operating on a budget far beyond what Arsenal can compete with, and it is no surprise that in the last 15 years only Arsenal and Leicester have won the Premier League outside of the moneyed three. City dominated this year because they have one of if not the most expensive teams in football for Pep to manage–extremely good footballers who can play near perfection. And you know they will probably outspend us again this summer because they have money to burn. In case you’re wondering, City will win the PL again next season barring… Read more »


When was the last time we competed John, I’m not talking about winning. I’m not demanding success, I would like to see my team challenge with the big boys, not go out 10-2 on aggregate two years in a row and struggle to make top four and then be left feeling like it’s an achievement to actually make it. Are you content with our performances in the league and champions league in the least ten years? Or do you merely accept that’s the club we are because Wenger hasn’t been able to match the ambition of the fans? You sound… Read more »


So winning a European trophy will not save our season? In other words a 4th trophy in 5 years would mean nothing to you. Sad supporter you are.


Winning a European trophy will not save our season. Sad because I want you see my team compete at the top??? Read my statements, I don’t once mention wanting to even win the league or the champions league, I want us to compete. You can be blinded by the potential of winning the second best competition in Europe but that most certainly won’t paper over the cracks in my eyes. Will I be happy if we win the Europa League…of course…does that mean we’ve had a successful season? Fuck no! Look at our position in the league you clown, are… Read more »


Save Wengers job! That my Saturday up the shitter


i enjoyed blogs’ george webbs reference this morning. a must have range of school footwear in dublin circa 1984 to 88. jesus they were bad. the white towelling socks completed the look. blogs you were that man were you not?


Definitely not with white socks though!


If he finishes with the europa trophy, he gets to stay his last season on contract.

If not, he walks.


Simeone, ‘savouring’ the tie says it all. He is even mocking us by saying its 50-50. Madrid does not savour a tie with Bayern, only predators savour the cent of their preys. Good God, how did this happen. I still pray someway, somehow, Arsenal wins.


If it wasn’t for the Europa league we’d be a mess. I thought without Champions league to worry about this year we would go closer than ever to the title. Yet we are 7 games left, further away then we’ve ever been with two eyes firmly on hoping Burnley don’t overtake us. Atleast in previous years we had a top four fight on our hands to end the campaign. Cant wait for these Atletico matches, but the rest of the league campaign can’t end soon enough. Atleast we don’t have Auba and Miki going to the world cup. you’d expect… Read more »

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