Friday, February 7, 2025

Confirmed: Koscielny to miss the World Cup

France coach Didier Deschamps has confirmed that Laurent Koscielny will miss the World Cup in Russia this summer.

The Arsenal defender suffered an Achilles tendon injury early in last night’s 1-0 defeat to Atletico Madrid in the Europa League, and the injury will see him sidelined for the summer tournament.

Speaking to local media, the France manager said, “It’s a very big blow for the French team.

“An injury never comes at the right time. I am really very sad for Laurent because this World Cup was also a very important moment for him in his career.

“I wish him strength and a good return to the field, because I’m sure he still has some great things to show.”

Given the potential seriousness of this injury, and the face Koscielny will be 33 in September, it remains to be seen just how much of a contribution he will be able to make next season.

Arsenal need to bolster their central defensive ranks anyway, and this may press them into some interesting decisions this summer.

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Genuinely terrible news feel terrible for kos, hope he can continue his career but sort of feels like the end for him 🙁


I’m sad for him. Great defender but will be haunted by his mistake in the first leg vs Atletico and even may not play for us again if he doesn’t recover.

High gunner

very sad for him obviously. this means we have to get two central defenders in the summer.. mustafi is not good enough and we cant rely on either of chambers, holding or mavropanos yet.. really, we need to get two central defenders..

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Why having the young guys if the club buys new players whenever there are opportunities for them to grab? We will need to buy one senior defender not two.


ee.. What? Because our defence sucks and needs improvement, not only in coaching but in player quality as well. Its not about oppurtunities for the younger players, (we are good at that as a football club) its just common sence. You cant go into a new season with Kos injured, mustafi horrible and then you rely on three young centerbacks alongside one new player to help your defence??? Or do you still wanna complain about our defence being terrible next season as well?


Weird anyone would thumb this comment down.


The boss and Kosc deserved better.
France had a real chance this summer.
Maybe if he had won the WC, he would have gotten the plaudits he deserves from football fans and pundits alike.
So gutted for him.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Few months ago, Kos announced the end of his international career after the WC. Sad that is happening now.


So sad for him. We knew he had a dodgy achilles but didn’t sign a defender… Is this the way our new transfer policy works?

Were they saving the 28m on Evans for the next manager?

Either way, it may have been the difference in the first and second leg.

Bould's Eyeliner

Yeah we just found Mavropanos ducking behind the Clock End for the last two years, studying the Arsenal way. He put on a shirt, slotted in, and we wondered where he came from.

No, we signed him you dolt.


Good lord, Johnny Evans is the next manager ?!!

Bob's Mexican Cousin

Seriously someone cursed our armband. We haven’t had a proper captain playing regularly for over a decade.

Bould's Eyeliner



Who was displaced the moment we bought a real world-class player to play his position in midfield (Ozil).

I’d rather not play a lower calibre of player just because the boss likes him enough to give him the armband, thanks.

Bob's Mexican Cousin

He spent more time injured than playing once he got the armband.

He was an excellent captain, player and person. He just didn’t play much once he was made captain, that’s all I’m saying.


My heart sank when he went down, I thought chambers stepped up fairly well but as the song goes ain’t nobody like koscielny, he’s been one of most important players for years now and it’s so sad he’s gonna miss the world cup, you could see griezmann was shaken as well


So, so sad for Kos. He’s been playing through the pain for at least three seasons now and it upset me to see it. Arsene caused it when he refused to sign a centre back how many years ago now? and Kos has paid a heavy price by being played into the ground. He always tried his best, and I hope he can come back.When fans go on about pashun they should look a bit closer at Kos, a fighter against all the odds, and a favourite who I really hope can make a return.


“Sometimes the complaints will be false”

Der Kaiser

Fear that could be end of his Arsenal career. A legend, true pro who has always given his best. A guy ( unlike some or even many) who probably appreciates how lucky he is to be a professional footballer. A very good Arsenal player but never quite convinced he was World Class. Also whatever one’s view on Wenger what absolute dignity. Committed to club till the end. Always remeber the money Man City, Chelski and Manure have spent. In the past throughout Europe new stadiums bankrupted clubs. Very difficult but in terms of money spent and pints / matches won… Read more »


So sad


Poor Kos. Speedy recovery! One of my favorite players at Arsenal over the last ten years.

Make Arsenal Great Again

Very unfortunate news. The recovery time is 9-12months. Hope we see him in an Arsenal shirt again


A miserable way for Kos to end a magnificent career at the club – which I assume is the reality of this injury. Cannot believe Arsenal fans were badmouthing as per Blog’s blog today. Inexcusable, the guy has literally sacrificed his health for the good of the team. Get better soon, Laurent!


Kos now gets the rest he needs and it’s sad it had to happen this way. Great man, a joy to have at the Arsenal.

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