Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emile Smith Rowe signs new Arsenal contract

Having caught the eye in our pre-season tour of Singapore, Arsenal have tied down Emile Smith to a new long-term contract.

The 18 year old only signed professionally a year ago when he turned 17, but such is the progress he’s made along with the potential the club believe he has, he’s put pen to paper on much improved terms.

The midfielder scored a fantastic goal against Atletico Madrid in the first game of the tour, before impressing off the bench and providing an assist in the 5-1 win over PSG last Saturday.

Speaking to the official site, he expressed his delight at the new contract, saying, “It feels great for me.

“It’s something I’ve always dreamed of since I was young, so to sign a new contract with Arsenal. I’m just so happy and it feels surreal at the moment.

“I just feel so much more comfortable. The players are so welcoming. No one’s tried to leave me out of the group or anything, so when I’m at Arsenal, it feels like a family.

“Everyone’s just so together and I think that’s helped me so much on and off the pitch.”

Best of luck to him, I’m sure we’ll all look forward to seeing more of him in red and white in the years to come.

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Hope it’s a 10 year contract, at least.


That’s a great news and all this Ousmane Dembele rumors I just wish the dream will come true because we are in dire need of a winger, a good one too.


gelson martins or kingsley coman would have sufficed but we missed on both of them. i dont see any other in the market . maybe emery is looking to give the winger role in the team to nelson


I don’t honestly believe we were ever in the market for them

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

I do not rate Koman too high. He won’t score more than 6 goals per season in the PL.


I don’t believe this for a second but I don’t get why people want it. We’re still arguably short of a cm, while our attack looks insanely strong. I’d like a winger too but not at the same time as weakening our midfield. Plus- has no-one seen the videos from Dembele’s unveiling at Barca?!

Prof Wenger to Emerytus

Barcelona will not sell Dembele. You can’t judge a young player in a single season. I heard their coach talking about his quality at the end of season and felt their is no chance he sells him. Iniesta gone, Messi 31, Suarez getting old, they need lot of young talents.

Bacary Lasagne

He’s saying all the right things at the moment. I hope we aren’t all getting too carried away with him impressing in pre-season, but he looks like a real talent. Hopefully it’s a reasonable bump up and not too much money, so that he stays humble and stays hungry. Love how much he seems to love the Arsenal.


Deserved. …congrats Emile!


I love his comment about Arsenal being a family. It’s one of the many things I take pride in about supporting Arsenal.
You look at the shit show that goes on wherever Mourinho ends up, plus Özil with Germany and Emery having to manage the rolling stone Neymar!
I think it was a bit too jovial during the banter years but we seem to have a good balance hard but with a smile on your face. Looking at you Aubamayang, you glorious man.

Moley mole the mole who lives in a hole

Well done Ernie


smart move….now thats the way to go..


He seems to have a good head on his shoulders.. which is just as important as the talent… If he keeps this up the sky is the limit.
Emery is the perfect coach as well – good rep for improving young players.
The future is bright.


heskey’s the limit.

Volting gunner

Still searching for a more shitty comment..You sp*d

Sully Tailor

This was too funny 😀


Glad to see he didn’t make Emile out of his contract situation.

A Different George


Herb Kazzaz

Wow. Wonder how much he’s on. What’s the going rate for a talented 18 year old? Are we talking thousands of pounds a week?


Mbappe is on 17.5 m Euros a year, 300k a week, at 19, an internet search reveals.

I reckon Emile will be on something close to that, he is great.

Ok, more likely 10k a week or thereabouts. Still more than most of us…


Most? Unless Fatgooner is Usamov and Rambling Pete Arsene, it’s pretty safe to say all.



Herb Kazzaz

Well at 18 I went apeshit when I got my first student grant and loan. I was a complete twat at 18 (and still am of course). Hope he’s got the help he needs. Not a bad problem for him mind, the 18 year old me would have traded places in a second.

Tom Gun

I’m loving all this talk from anyone who gives an interview about team togetherness, family, etc. The cynical side of me says it may just be what the media team have told them to say but it feels real. We used to hear it all the time but in recent years those sentiments have been conspicuous by their absence. I think this togetherness will cause a major uptick in performance and attitude and I put it down to players like Sanchez leaving.


It’s good that we’re taking steps to keep our promising players. The Jeff and Zelalem also impressed us in recent pre-seasons, let’s hope he can maintain this momentum and break into the first team unlike them.


Well if he can keep off the treatment table for any length of time, that would be a really good start.


Yes too early to get too excited.

Most fans tend to be idiotic in this manner.

Massive potential but we’ve seen many players fail to materialise.

He needs to go out on a STRONG loan to a good surrogate club to develop further…


If you can’t get excited why even bother?

Don’t call people with different opinions “idiots”, it’s not like their opinion will have any consequence in real life excepting the inevitable disappointment. But I’ll take that disappoint over never getting excited by a young player at the Arsenal.


Zelalem never impressed me tbh.
You could see his potential in they way he read the game but physically he reminded me of theo, someone whom isn’t built for football.


Keeping fit and not burning him early on is the key.
Many prospects we had were halted by injuries due to “over-playing” or getting under too much pressure and high expectations. Especially when things weren’t going well for the whole team..
This one is very promising, let’s hope emery will handle him with care.


There’s the bit of news around, about a Ramsey-Dembele swap.
Looks unlikely, maybe. But if it happened, i’d call it a great business.
We’d be getting a world class player extra motivated to prove himself again.
This could be the X factor to push us further than just competing for top 4.
But again, It’s unlikely to me.


Ramsey is more valuable to barca than he is to us.
Dembele is more valuable to us than he is to barca.
(footballing wise not £££)
If Ramsey was injured ala the ox we wouldn’t struggle to put a player in his place on the team sheet. Though we still kinda need a winger/wide fw.
Barca need an iniesta replacement.
With sven using up all his links to dortmund, Raul in comparison hasn’t even looked at barca.
Certain ITK claimants calling this months ago.
If blogs does a poo meter for this I’d set it quite high(probable)


I hope this doesn’t happen, as much as we need a winger our attack doesn’t need boosted at the expens of the midfield which still looks a little short on quality

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