Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ramsey returns, Torreira on the bench: Arsenal v West Ham line-ups

It’s Premier League action today and we’re looking for a first win of the season when we face West Ham at the Emirates today.

Unai Emery has made just one from the side that last in our last outing to Chelsea, and somewhat surprisingly Granit Xhaka keeps his place ahead of new signing Lucas Torreira.

Here are today’s official line-ups.

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Mustafi, Sokratis, Monreal, Xhaka, Guendouzi, Ramsey, Iwobi, Mkhitaryan, Aubameyang

Subs: Leno, Holding, Lichtsteiner, Elneny, Torreira, Welbeck, Lacazette

West Ham: Fabianski, Frederkicks, Diop, Valbuena, Masuaku, Sanchez, Wilshere, Snodgrass, Antonio,
Anderson, Arnautovic

Subs: Adrian, Rice, Zabaleta, Obiang, Yarmolenko, Lucas, Chicharito

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Don’t Forget

Still waiting for Unai to Unlease Lucas.. but COYG anyway! At least we know if someone isn’t performing he will come out of the match.


Xhaka starting every game without merit


Maybe doing better than the rest in training. Or maybe his height comes into play a bit. Barcelona once bought song, haha, to replace the physical attributes of Yaya Toure.

Arsenala Vista Baby

I dont know why Xhaka keeping the spot after all the displays. Must be because he is performing well in training. Hope that he can translate it into the game. As much as i want him benched, I still believe in Emery’s selection


This is ridiculous. I don’t know how much were going to continue praising him as ‘brave’ and not playing favourites if he keeps picking Xhaka.


Grant did reasonably well today. Some tasty challenges, covered the defense and Guendouzi well when the young French man lost the ball.

Are you watching the game or just playing your favorites?


He was, as usual, responsible for drastically slowing our game down and offering minimal protection or creativity. You want to pretend otherwise, feel free.

I fundamentally like Unai Emery, am glad we got the win, and hope he doesn’t fall on the same sword Arsene did. Xhaka is not an Arsenal starter, period.

Heavenly Chapecoense

I haven’t been excited about Unai’s team selection so far. Hope to be excited about the result today.


We always play better with him in the team. Still our most productive passer. Really want to see him and Torreira together so he can play in his true position as a deep lying midfielder as he plays well for Switzerland

Paul Roberts

Ozil dropped?


He’s ill

Thierry bergkamp


Paul Roberts

That old chestnut! 🙂

Mayor McCheese

He be illin’.




Strong rumour he had a row with Emery


Where’s Ozil?


He is sick ?


Oh man, not that I’m worried though for some reason.


He’s picking up £350,000 for doing nothing – again.

Heavenly Chapecoense

You’re picking so many downvotes and doing nothing about it.

Godfrey Twatsloch

What do you know, Fats? Have you been where he’s just come from? Jacking in his international career over the shit he’s had slung at him over the years. Any idea what toll that may have taken on him?

What do you know, Fats?




I like it better with out Özil

Arsenala Vista Baby

But we are supposed to love it when he is in the team..he has been through a lot that Mesut..


ha, we ALL do


I’m sick of Ozil being ill


get used to it, your gonna see a lot more of it


I’m sick of afan using Ozil bashing just to key people up.

Godfrey Twatsloch

“get used to it, your (sic) gonna see a lot more of it”


I like Xhaka, I agree he’s been poor so far and his concentration levels aren’t great, but I do think there’s a player in there somewhere, providing he’s used correctly, which he hasn’t been…..
I’m willing to give Xhaka+Mustafi a few more months to get their acts together, but this season really should be last chance saloon for both.

Tanned arse



Granit did well today. Some good recovery tackles.

People need to watch the game instead of projecting their bias.

Mustafi was spotty as usual but he also managed a couple of very important clearances.

Balance judgement is sadly lacking for too many here.


ha, well it didn,t take long for ozil to get back into his old routine did it, whats the matter ozil, didn,t you fancy westham today, by the way, hows your back, ha ha ha


I don’t understand why Lichsteiner and Torreira aren’t playing more, but I guess that’s up to the manager


Why? Bellerin came up with two assists today.

What is there not to understand?

Torreira needs to bed in. He was caught out a couple of times against CHelsea and got dispossessed from behind, gave away a freekick on edge of box. If it were Granit, there would be much tantrums by some.

Watch the match properly.

Torreira better today but the gaffer spot on with the picks.


Ozil single handedly keeping Lemsip in business

Christopher Wreh

Heard a rumour Ozil has a clause in his contract that allows him to miss certain games. Unsure why, but nobody gets ill that offen, especially not elite level athletes who’s body’s are kept in optimum condition.

Thierry bergkamp

If that were to be true, he and the club should be ashamed of themselves


Heard a rumor you don’t know what the hell youre talking about.


If we put in a performance and take the three points does that mean Mesut is out of the starting XI at Cardiff next week?

Michael Osborn

Can we club together and buy Ozil one of those plastic bubbles to live in between games? 🙂


To what end?

Dennis Elbow

A bubble. Boy!

Cyprus The Immortal Gooner

The Xhaka/Torreira thing is becoming a bit alarming… Let’s continue to trust the new manager…


I don’t know. Xhaka disappointing but surely if you’re going to give a guy who resigned one more chance West Ham at home is a good bet. Torreira wasn’t stellar, just a fresh pair of legs. I’m sure in time he’ll start.

In about 30 mins all my calm analysis will go out the door I’m sure as I scream at Emery to yank players off before half time.

Making Arsenal Great Again

If we lose this game, Emery needs to be accountable. No excuses. How many loses before he gets it. Xhaka should not be anywhere near the starting 11. I will not be shocked if he doesn’t last the year.


Breaking news. Xhaka with a goal and an assist for the winning goal. 2-1. Arnoutavic throws Bellerin 20 metres slamming in an own goal.


Oh calm down. It’s been two fucking matches and some players take a few to adjust.


Did you actually think we were going to immediately start beating man City, Chelsea away, and be challenging for 1st? May I suggest a good long think on the change this club has gone through this summer, and that some players and positions- especially those back a little later from holiday – will take a bit longer to adjust. With Emery’s approach it’s likely midfield will be impacted the most by the change, and it’s where we needed some of the most work anyway for team defending and controlling the pitch. It’s no surprise to me at all the midfielders… Read more »

Making Arsenal Great Again

I expect us to beat West Ham. I don’t think that’s too much to ask for


How poor are Bellerin and Ramsey.


Hmm. Seems they were pretty decent today. As was Xhaka much improved. Imagine that.


2 assist from Bellerin?

Ramsey injected more energy. How poor is your judgement? You should really watch the match again with unbias opinion.


Looks like we did. With Xhaka, Ramsey, Bellerin, and Mustafi all on the pitch.

Making Arsenal Great Again

We’re giving chances away at an alarming rate. It’s only matter of time before they score if we don’t tighten things up.

Bellerin should not be starting for now. He looks lost and his positioning has been atrocious. It’s like he doesn’t understand what the manager wants from him.

Cech should have done more to save that goal, although, Xhaka caused that goal from the middle. He didn’t press the ball.


That’s ridiculous. Watch the replay again in the match report. Xhaka had two men to cover all on his own in a wide open midfield. He went in with position to press and lo and behold the other open player received the ball, which he then tracked back to cover. All while Guendouzi was strolling back wrong side picking up nobody.

How is he supposed to press two open players simultaneously? Either Guendouzi has got to be in position or someone else has to pick up the open man.

After that the CB’s have to do better.


Cback and backline and team in general. Defensively we are a bit disorganised. We need to stop relying on offside calls. Someone has to drill this in. AND we have to close down crosses into our box quicker. Its a mixed bag for me. Yes sure Mustafi made some mistakes like everyone-else but he also put in some critical blocks and clearances that many won’t credit him for either. My feeling is someone in defense needs to help dictate and take control a bit more. I think from what I’ve seen of Sokratis, I’m still suspect with his mobility but… Read more »


And Bellerin- I’d be surprised if he doesn’t come out of the match with the most chances created.


Plus the two assists.


Its mixed for Bellerin. He came up with 2 assists today.

But caught flat several times defensively.

Granit was not the problem for the goal. We need players to come back quicker. Guendouzi had more issues than Xhaka today.


Guendouzi living the dream right now. Iwobi deserves to keep his place. So strong on the ball last week.


Correct decisions by the gaffer. Granit should start. Torreira still needs to work his way into the pace of the English game. Better today when he came on, put the ball forward with more sharpness, didn’t get caught and managed a good last ditch tackle. But Granit also put in a good shift. Put in a couple of tasty tackles today. Its going to be a mix of either Guendouzi, Granit or Torreira into those two spots in midfield. Also other decision today dropping Ozil for Ramsey paid off. Instantly more verve about us particularly closing down. Great mazy run… Read more »

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