Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 3-1 Leicester – player ratings

Arsenal came from behind to beat Leicester 3-1 at the Emirates this evening. There were dodgy moments in the first half, and sublime ones in the second as Mesut Ozil turned on the style, and Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang scored twice from off the bench.

Read the report and see the goals here.


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Always a big ozil fan but he rarely plays just ok. Either a night to forget or unforgettable night!


I’m not happy with what you wrote about Ozil. The pass for Bellerin’s assist is his best play tonight. It threw the Leicester defense into a state of dilemma. They were petrified. To me that was the peak of his all night performance as compared to the goal and the assist which was almost a decade javu of the Fulham 3rd goal. Ozil is class if you know, you know.


De javu fuck you auto correct.


Deja vu, maybe?

Nameless gunner

That pass gave me a hard on.. honest!


Ozil was in Bergkamp mode today !


Just nonsense. He’s played plenty of games where his delivery has been let down by other’s end product, and then he carries the can.


I have been making this very point to many. Ozil didn’t do anything that he doesn’t do regularly, today the team just finished what he started. Ozil seemed lost in the first half, he passed back a lot in the first 25 minutes, he was dropping too deep because our control of the game wasn’t really translating into chances up front and even in the second half, Ozil didn’t control the game like Debruyne or Eriksson does. Ozil played how Ozil usually plays, which is very good for a player of his calibre. He stayed forward a bit more in… Read more »


Three classic goals… I got my smiles back.


we got that sexy football thing again 🙂


Bonus rating… 10/10 that moment just after the 3rd goal when Lacazette had his arm up in the air, asking for the ball…. and realizes what just happened, shakes his left harm to say “ffs… that a goal…”


Ozil looked physically very sharp, faster than normal even. Hope all his back problems are behind him now. A fit and firing Ozil is a joy to behold. Also, he really should get into shooting positions more often- his finishing is exquisite! With his ability, he could get between 15-20 goals in a season. Thought the tactical swap to bring Iwobi to the left was really good, kept their LB quiet in the second half.


To their left, our right hand side..

Tony Adams Nose

Great management by Emery, he know Iwobi would shut down Leicester’s attack down the left and give Hector more freedom to attack. Worked like a charm.

Eayy Up It’s A Great Goal for The Arsenal

To The Right. Great Decision to change his position in the second half.


Özil’s back problems are always behind him.

Can I get my coat please?


Here you go, sir. Along with your gold medal xD

American Gooner

Great way to celebrate Arsene’s birthday with goals I’m sure he enjoyed watching!


I’m sure Papa Prof was proud, and I think Emery pays homage to this.

The sun is shining on us, let’s enjoy it right now while we can.


Emery said on sky: “We started winning when we started playing with the heart.” I love this guy!


Not I don’t love this guy but that’s a pretty worn out coach-speak cliché, out of all the reasons to love him you can probably pick some better ones


*not THAT I don’t love this guy. As in, I do like him.
Lol at the dislikes, I thought what makes us gooners great is we don’t fall for those cheesy Hollywood sports-movie clichés… oopsy daisy, I guess some of us still love a good old fashioned victory quote even if it sounds like something John Terry might say


Aww you poor things, I’m sorry this hurts you so much. Here, another comment for you to downvote. Go ahead, I promise it will make you feel better 🙂

Parisian Weetabix

Calm down mate. No-one’s hurt by anything, you got downvotes because you were just a bit unnecessarily pernickety on a positive comment at a time when site traffic is heavy. Let’s just enjoy the win eh?


Don’t worry mate I’m calm 🙂 I understand this was obviously interpreted by many to be pernickety but was honestly just trying with as little critique as possible to point out that this sort of sentence is something we’d make fun of coming from anyone else. As I said honestly it’s fine I get how it works here, I’ve left cheery positive comments which got 200 upvotes and the same goes the other way around, there’s little regard for nuance on this comment section and that’s just how it is. I still love Arsenal, still love this blog and will… Read more »

Petit's Handbag

I’d guess this was after your 8th pint….


I kinda agree, but no need to bring up John Terry

Heavy Gunner

Just the very mention of JT makes me want to bring up something- my breakfast!


Don’t agree with Holding’s. He was solid, calm under pressure, apart from the handball, which the ref didn’t see anyway. He has improved massively just like Iwobi has

David C

he was also lucky on the hand ball in the first which might have got him sent off, but I know what you mean. He’s so calm and he’ll only get better. Guendouzi was great coming on as well; we have so many great young talents right now! Good times ahead.


After that few minutes where he got unnecessarily booked and was lucky with the penalty he settled nicely

Scott P

In the studio on NBC they actually point out that Holding’s are was pushed into the ball by the Leicester player’s attempted header, which made it look like an intentional move toward the ball, when in fact it was an involuntary motion. I think he definitely got lucky because so many would have called that, but I think it’s actually the correct decision.

Scott P


Heavy Gunner

I agree on that,too- even though I can’t really call myself impartial.. Saw the recorded game, and zapped back to the incident a few times- when you jump up to make contact with the ball with your head, you inevitably use your arms as stabilizing factors- if your opponent pushes your arm in a similar movement,it must be nigh impossible to avoid inadvertent contact with the round leather thing..


Ozil deservedly MOTM. Improvements from Hector and Iwobi are so pleasing to witness. But Torreira…my goodness. an absolute find. great work from the scouting department

Monkey knees

Thought Mustafi had a more than “just solid” game tonight. Won a lot of headers it seemed. Even my Spuds supporting Mrs commented on his constant “popping up” (yes… Oo er). Iwobi and Ozil were immense tonight!


Agreed, he’s been solid for a few games now. he even managed to slip up late in the game but was well covered


Xhaka was bad? Thought he was fine, kicked their number 10 and his horrible beard a few times and his role in our build up was important


His booking was probably a bit silly but otherwise I think he was decent


He was ok in midfield, a couple of horror passes that almost got snapped up, but good positioning and a couple of good interceptions.
Really good at left back though. Helped a lot with our build up down the left hand side.

Chilled özil

Özil today… Messi level


Feeling very comfortable with Leno. Got caught out by Hector’s deflection, but otherwise was really very good!


I like him too, made some cracking reaction saves, was positioned to save Chilwell’s shot prior to the deflection I think too. Only heart in mouth moment for me was the cross he came for, missed and the header hit the cross bar.

I don’t see how Cech comes back in though given Leno’s form/ability.

A Different George

The header on the bar would have been an easy save if it had been on goal and Leno had not come out. But it wasn’t on goal and we won, so it will be forgotten. A little bit like Xhaka’s mistakes in the first half.

Irrational Gunner

Looked solid, especially when Leicester pressed. Seems to know when to just hoof it downfield. Only bad play was not getting to that corner kick that ended up banging off the crossbar.

Don Tye

The second half was football porn coyr


Wowww that was fantastic. Just wish we’ll start games stronger, a dynamic attack like liverpool might do damage in those first poor 20 minutes. But enjoying Emery’s era so far. That double change was ballsyyy.


Was hoping the bonus rating would be 10/10 for Vardy running off for a poo.


I thought as much. The team play by Arsenal disorganized his rectum and caused a upsurge of the decomposed fox left in him, so he needed to rush to the restroom

Irrational Gunner

Yes, a real weasel digestive problem.


Something something lots of runs round the back but pretty shitty to be honest


Jamie Vardy, he shits when he wants!


Not sure what Ozil has to do to get a ten. First half I guess, but he did everything tonight, fought for every ball and just unbelievable skills!!

Mayor of the Woolwich.

Ozïl is 10 surely, he’s been 10 since the beginning of the season.


Surely Ozil has to be a 10


I’m very sure by the time koscielny,sokratis and monreal comes back our defense will get better…… I see us moving to a back three of Mustafi koscielny and sokratis

Mustafi. Sokratis. Koscielny

Ballerin Xhaka. Torriera. Monreal


Lacazette. Aubameyang

that’s a 3-4-1-2 that gives us stability defensively

3(mustafi sokratis koscielny)
4(bellerin xhaka torriera Monreal) .
2(lacazette aubameyang)
Bench-cech, holding, kolasinac, guendouzi,maitland Niles, iwobi,ramsey,mikhitaryan and welbeck to choose from for any matchday…..that’s a fantastic team


This is some creative thinking, but if Iwobi plays like this regularly, he must start. Period.

The Gooner

Why would we overload the defence when our strength is in attack? You are saying we bench Iwobi in his current form and instead have an extra defender? That’s poor of you


Home Fans – really loud on a Monday: 10/10


Thought iwobi had his best game in an Arsenal shirt by a country mile tonight. Strong and incredibly intelligent with the ball. Between the 45th and 80th minute he was absolutely fucking everywhere. In fact he, ozil and torreira could all say that. Xhaka still worries me, 2 steps forward against Fulham and at least one back this eve. But that was the happiest Emirates stadium I’ve seen for years. No-one seemed worried when they scored even. What a run.


Ozil – 9/9.5. I can’t imagine what kind of performance a 10 is being reserved for.


5 goals


Ramsey deserves a rating, I liked watching him play like this for the short time we could. He is a better assister than scorer, and is worth the money to keep him in the club.


“Assister?” You need a head exam, mate.


That Ozil through ball to Bellerin made me make a funny noise.


Funny noise? I almost came with that pass!! That was sexiest sexy pass.


It’s so exciting to watch our Gunners again! Uni is doing a masterful job and Ozil is now scoring beautiful goals… Uni is getting the very best out if him, and all the players are reinvigorated!


Dejavu, feels like watching the invincibles on the second half…


Is there any doubt that this should be Mesut’s team going forward? Brilliant is an understatement. I don’t understand the purpose of Ramsey’s introduction. I’d rather see Smith-Rowe get a run out. Ramsey should be a spectator or, at best, play in the Carabao. The gulf in class between Mesut and his replacement is embarrassing. Up the Arsenal.


Probably just to rest him with the game all but won. There’s a lot of games coming up and Ozil’s back really doesn’t need re-injuring.


In Nicks defense, he didn’t question why Ozil is subbed off, but rather who for.
I’d agree with nick tho, why bother with Ramsey when we can give ESR a run out and get to have a taste of the Prem.


One of my favorite factors of this run we’re on is the rotation policy. The players seem happy productive. Is it sustainable in the long-run?


Best arsenal game this season


1) Leno – Superb save to deny Maguire when Bellerin lost track of the big man. Felt he was a fraction too early with their goal even if he read the intention correctly and could have done better to collect the cross which ended up rattling our crossbar. BUT otherwise another solid showing. He’s the future if he can keep it going. 2) Bellerin – Tricky for us at the start with their width and players (Chilwell) coming in behind our fullbacks. Later on Bellerin made amends for his own goal (not really any fault of his) with two assists… Read more »


you’ve got to bring in a bit more detail to the avatars blogsy. all the black haired players look like ozil right now


Iwobi – King of nutmegs

Great foresight to make Özil the captain tonight. Maybe that gives him an extra impetus on the pitch

Matt P

I like Mesut Ozil. I think he’s a very talented footballer.
However….I don’t think even his most ardent fans can argue against the fact that he’s been way too inconsistent over the last year or so. I’m sure the average Arseblog rating for him over the last year would be 6 at best, and he’s too often been a 5 or even 4.
Hopefully we can start seeing more consistency from him – especially against the big boys. He’s got excellent attacking outlets to unleash.

Matt P

oh, and I forgot to add – it was a majestic performance from him today. I prefer that third goal to the Ramsay goal – the build up was more precise and fluid, and his assist was the equal of Ramsay’s finish in terms of skill.


no, actually when we talk about arseblog’s rating Özil’s average’s of the year it’s very consistent – I’ve been putting all the data for several years: Özil’s average rating: 13/14 6,55 14/15 6,77 15/16 6,77 16/17 6,56 17/18 6,58 so as you can see last year’s rating was even better then the first season’s! I partly agree with you thoug that average is more of 9/8’s and 4/5’s but it really depends on the teammate’s performance as well – don’t forget that he had only our beloved Giroud most of the time and yesterday for example Bellerin and especially Auba’s… Read more »

Matt P

OK well I wasn’t far off in saying about 6.

Matt P

Would be interested to see his average against top 6. Would be surprised if it’s more than 5.5


Alright I calculated all years averages against other top 6 teams (Mancs, chavs, pool, sheikhs and spu*s):
13/14 5,39
14/15 6,25
15/16 7,06
16/17 6,05
17/18 6,00
so also you’re slightly wrong here – it’s definitely not worse than anyone else’s in the team so it’s quite a myth about Özil’s dissapearrance in a big games because when he plays like he played yesterday (games against $ity and Chel$ki in recent years comes to mind especially)
on the other hand – all team did not provide good results against top 6 in recent years so.. 🙂


Thank you.


Ozil is such an enigma. When we play at home, not only does he have to play but I believe he has to be central to our play. On the other hand, away from home, especially against the top like 8 teams I’d go so far as to say he should start on the bench. Iwobi has always had the quality, glad he is showing it. To me he’s like if Hleb was bigger, stronger, had more pace and was less of a snake. Torreira, genius. Xhaka, I think should come about for about 3 games, loses concentration too easily.… Read more »


Brilliant performance from the boys yesterday. I don’t know what Emery has to do but Auba needs to be played as a nine, not wasted on the wings. He is a predator in the box and has no business being outside it. He’s our best striker who, in the box, is, absolutely, unstoppable.


Gotta love how Emery is able to stay grounded and laser focused. Also, was this Mesut’s greatest Arsenal display?

Susan Edge

I hate this newer arseblog player ratings


I have to say, Blogs’ player ratings are a little off here. That was in my opinion one of the best halves I’ve seen us play in a few years, and it was a team effort. Mikhitaryan, Xhaka, Holding, Lichtsteiner were iffy. Everyone else was excellent to stellar. That was arguably the most dominant performance from Ozil in an Arsenal shirt, or at least as far as I can remember. If that wasn’t a 10 what is? And Torreira surely deserved a 9. Guendouzi, also fantastic linking play from him, 8. Aubamayeng 8 after effortlessly scoring two goals? 9, easy.… Read more »


He seems rather downbeat over Ramsey’s relegation to bit part player. Just an observation.


Mustafi deserves an 8


Bellerin. What a player! The opposition seems utterly helpless when he storms forward. Two assists, and even an own goal, (in order to reserve the utter humuliation for a certain North London club).

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