Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Everton 1 – 0 Arsenal (inc. goals)

Result: Everton 1 – 0 Arsenal
Competition: Premier League
Date: 7 April 2019
Venue: Goodison Park

Arsenal: Leno, Mustafi, Sokratis, Monreal, Mailtland-Niles, Guendouzi, Elneny, Kolasinac, Ozil, Mkhitaryan, Lacazette

Subs: Cech, Lichtsteiner, Jenkinson, Ramsey, Suarez, Iwobi, Aubameyang

It was another limp away game display by Arsenal as they went down 1-0 to Everton. Phil Jagielka scored 10 minutes in thanks to poor defending from a long throw in. The Gunners never got their groove on for the entire game.

With this result, Arsenal slumped back to fourth place as the team were dealt a blow in their attempts to solidify their place in a Champions League spot.

First Half

Arsenal’s chase for the top four saw the team heading to Goodison Park to play in the first of five challenging away games in the run in to the end of the season.

The most notable changes since the Newcastle game came in the form of Ozil, who started his fifth away game in 14 matches, and a rare outing for Elneny who replaced Ramsey and Torreira due to injury precaution and suspension respectively.

It was a positive start for the Gunners as Mkhitaryan won the ball in midfield within the first couple of minutes and put Lacazette on goal only to have his attempt go just wide. Ozil kept the ball in play and his cutback was thwarted by Everton’s defenders with Mkhitaryan waiting for a tap in.

However, Everton recovered quickly and soon cranked up the pressure on Arsenal, eventually scoring in the 10th minute. Digne lobbed in a throw in right into the mixer and Arsenal were passing in defending the long throw. The ball bounced in the box and  eventually deflected fortuitously for Jagielka who pounced from just a couple yards to give Everton the lead. 1-0 Everton. 

Arsenal’s malaise continued with the team struggling to build up play in midfield and the final third. Passes went astray and often found an Evertonian instead of a teammate.

Their organization during the defensive phase was poor too as the team did not limit the spaces between the lines. Everton had a lot of space to counter attack into and Sokratis had to earn a yellow card out of desperation, pulling back a dangerous run by Bernard.

The players must have been relieved at the sound of the half time whistle as we just witnessed one of the most uninspiring performances of the Emery era. The Toffees had outplayed and physically dominated Arsenal in every department.

Second Half

Emery wasted no time changing things up as Elneny and Kolasinac made way for Ramsey and Aubameyang. Ramsey was in the thick of the action from the off, driving forward with the ball and earning a corner as a result. Ramsey had another left footed effort go wide five minutes later – his introduction clearly adding impetus and a higher tempo to the team’s play.

Despite the upturn in form, Arsenal were still culpable for some horrendous moments of play. Mkhitaryan’s routine pass for Aubameyang skied wide for a goal kick while Maitland-Niles decided to give his throw-in a similar treatment minutes later.

The game was increasingly stretched as Arsenal poured men forward for the equalizer and Everton carved out dangerous chances on the break.

Mkhitaryan made Arsenal’s best chance of the game so far on the 70th minute, cutting in from the left to curl a shot just wide of the far post. As is custom with this game, Everton responded just minutes later with Sigurdsson striking a cutback right into the path of Leno. Richarlison had the game’s next chance as he was in acres of space on Arsenal’s left but fortunately did not hit the target despite being under minimal pressure.

Ozil made way for Iwobi on 74 minutes, after another tame outing in an away game as team captain. It was another substitute who almost scored, ex-Gunner Theo Walcott, and could have added insult to injury late on save for a block by Monreal.

Arsenal was never near to claiming a goal and it ended 1-0 to Everton. With four more away games in the final six games of the season, Emery needs to find a solution to their away game malaise quickly before Arsenal lose their position in the top four.

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Not a great performance. Unfortunately another three of these away games to come versus teams who are aiming for 7th place. Not looking forward to them.


I could almost smell Rory Delap when those long throws came in. It wasn’t pretty. The defending or the smell.


We have absolutely blown a golden opportunity to take a real hold of third place and solidify our stake in the top 4.

For me I think thats got to be right up there with one of the worst performances of the season given the gravity of the narrative behind the fixture.

We’re most likely going to be 5th come Monday unless West Hame can dig something out away at Chelsea — which is a big ask.

Blowing this game was genuinely the worst thing we could have done.

A Different George

Their goal came directly from a foul throw; Digne’s foot was quite clearly on the pitch. One of those rare situations where VAR actually would help.

Goonerest Gooner

Would something like that even go to VAR for review?


Terrible performance given what we are chasing. But we must try and be positive as it is still in our own hands to be top 4.


Im afraid of our own hands…

Runcorn Gooner

That was absolutely dire. So many players earning money under false pretences.

Most of the match as a casual observer you would have thought we were leading. The casual approach to everything.

Even I couldn’t have made some of the bad passes Guendouzi,
AMN, Miki made. Throw ins straight out for an Everton goal kick.

What was up with the team today. Ozil should never play away matches. He was found out big style.

Credit to Everton for their approach but we made it so easy for them.

4 more away games. Scary.

VAR will solve the problem

We don’t have the players. I would sell Mikhi, Iwobi, Ozil and reshape the attack. These players can play under little or no pressure but when the going gets tough…they can’t control the match or even make a simple pass or keep possesion. Trying isnt good enough at their age. Either you have it or don’t. Mikhi and Iwobi will bring good money for reinvestment.
We can blame the manager all we want but who else could he have put out there that could have won us the match?

VAR will solve the problem

Well im just looking at it these way…if i was given the option to swap with Richarlison, Bernardo and Calvert Lewin…i would in a heart beat…


Not great? There was nothing positive from it, literally nothing


Leno for keeping it respecrable


I don’t get it. No ability to play through midfield today. Or any away game. Forwards with little of the ball or late/sloppy passes. Everton has ages with the ball from midfield to our box. Defenders left wide open and Ozil and Lacazette back trying to compensate. Elneny and Guendouzi was wrong from the start and it put the rest of the team on a nervous backfoot they never recovered from.


Agreed, not a good combination but they weren’t the only ones at fault today

Fred Garvin

You’re right, they weren’t the only ones, but they constituted our biggest vulnerability, which Everton exploited throughout.


We miss Torreira and Xhaka today. Xhaka, for all his weaknesses, helps control our play from midfield, while Guendozi and Elneny did not and that’s where we lost the game. Guendouzi in particular showed his inexperience today with the early booking preventing him from playing his natural game. Our good form recently coincided with Ramsey and Xhaka in midfield and that’s what we need for the run in. Glad to have Torreira back for next week. Top 4 is still in our hands. But we need to keep our heads together and play our best 11 ( which Emery didn’t… Read more »


Totally agree and whilst I sort of understand a degree of caution in starting Ramsey, right now the most important points are the ones in front of us at the start of each game and he should have started the game. Given the importance of maintaining momentum and ending the away hoodoo, starting Elneny and leaving Ramsey on the bench, always looked like a bad move.


Seemed like the players were nervous today


If we somehow manage to miss on top 4 i will not look back at Auba penalty miss vs sp#rs, defeat 2:3 against chelskis at the beginning of the season or draw away with united where we should have beaten them with 2 or 3 goal difference. I will look back at this pathetic performance and think – yeah we do not fucking deserve to play champions league football.


Probably reasonable. The games you mention had moments where she should have claimed more but failed and that’s part of football. Today we didn’t even try


Genuine question: Do you people really think that we will accomplish anything of note in the Champions League next year, should we (somehow) qualify?


No we won’t achieve much, but the income is massively different to the europa league

Crash Fistfight

Genuine question: do you think we’d benefit from an extra £30-40m in the bank?



Next question!


These responses about income and money in the bank are a bit depressing.

Is that all the Champions League means to us now?


I know that question and the one above about ‘will we do anything in CL anyway’ are borne of frustration, but they’re both quite moot.

Until we can rebuild to the point we’re actually more competitive, the player draw and money is very important in that process.

Without those, we won’t get there.

Fred Garvin

That’s pretty much what it means to us at this moment, yes.

Kwame Gunner

We probably wouldn’t. But It comes with money. That is half a loaf..


Yeah, should we really care whether we get into the CL, if the club itself doesn’t show serious ambition and fund an overhaul of this tired ass squad *whether we qualify or not*.

Going through all this stress just for the privilege of getting thrashed 4-0 by Barca again? Can’t wait!

Former Top 4 regulars

im starting to get sick of Emerys tactics. he reminds so much of Wenger.


They are both carbon based mammals.


Speaking of carbon I would rather play inanimate carbon rod in MF over elneny he is just so demoralising to watch


Every time he has open space ahead of him and chooses to pass the ball backwards I die a little inside


How can a team with Ozil, Lacazette, Aubameyang, Ramsey and Mkhitaryan not produce a single chance? Emery will rightly take a portion of blame for getting it wrong first half but individual performances were atrocious today.


We missed Laca’s intensity today.. and it’s such a crucial part of how we win games. Maybe Laca needs to be as intense when he is playing away as he is at home.


After Guardiola’s first trophy-less season with City, he said the biggest equaliser between top teams and the rest of the league was the average team’s ability to even out the game with aerial dominance.

Our midfield and forward line is collectively terrible in the air. We have to replace Giroud’s aerial ability or our form away from home will never improve.

SB Still

For performances like this, the players should be penalised their weeks wage. Imagine walking around like Zombies at work, when there’s a pressing deadline!

Initially I thought Elney wore his lead boots but it was soon clear it was whole team!


Elneny was hardly the main problem but we lack Granit’s ability to transition us quicker from the back.

Backline played left to right, but in general midfield went missing second half for the backline to bring the ball out quickly.

Iwobi should have started. Came on too late.

Dave Cee

Well that was shit


We were shit.
Once again after a good performance we don’t turn up. Too many players arguing amongst themselves and blaming others when we needed someone/anyone to stand up and take control of the game.
The half time subs looked good for five minutes then Ramsay faded out of the game and I forgot Aubameyang was even on the pitch.
We had a huge opportunity to cement third place and didn’t even look like we were trying


I cant stand those short corners


Completely agree, I’m not sure what the point of them is. It means two players rather than one in the corner as well as an increased chance of an offside


I can’t say one player was good enough today. Ramsey for about 15 minutes was ok before disappearing entirely. Definitely our poorest performance of the season. Everton should’ve won by 3 or 4 goals but we were let off on several occasions


Midfield was poor.

First half was OK but lacked cutting edge with Elneny.

But second half after first 15 20 minutes, midfield lost the plot. Ramsey went missing and the backline lacked an outlet.

It became helter skelter with Everton coming at us and us losing the ball way too often.

Tim Miller

We certainly didn’t look like a team that’s fighting for something

Goonerooni 48

A poor performance. Let us hope we do better against Napoli.

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

The goal shouldnt have stood. Digne’s foot was way over the line when he threw the ball. Another incompetence ref who cost us a game


Did you watch the game? We cost ourselves a result

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

I watched it. Even the commentators said so. Then again, i never said we deserve to win because of our shit performance


I don’t care how many chances they got, they never looked capable of scoring a legit goal.

According to the laws of the game, the goal should’ve been chalked off. Conceding early away from home changes the whole impetus of the game.

Even the incredibly pro-Everton commentator said at one point that Everton were getting too many soft decisions in their favour. We didn’t deserve 3 points, but we didn’t deserve to be robbed of 1 point either.


We weren’t good, but we didn’t need a blind linesman to gift them a goal from a foul throw, it cost us today.

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

Too many people seemed not seeing this or don’t care because of our shit performance. A draw was a good result for us in the grand scheme of things. But the ref and linesmen acted like they were blind in this match

Fred Garvin

An incredibly frustrating match to watch in terms of the officiating.
I kind of wish it wasn’t just a jacket that Özil threw into the technical area.


…Marzipan Cannons


Not sure what we were playing like a bottom half La Liga team for the game. Surely the fear we approached the game with was the killer blow. It’s fucking Everton, 10th. Why approach that game with fear?


There’s definitely a question to be asked of Emery’s selections away from home.
Ok, we aren’t the best team in the league but we shouldn’t be going to lower teams looking to not lose


I’m not sure why he started Elneny.

Its a spanner in the works. Should have carried on with Ramsey-Guendouzi if Granit was still unavailable.

Let them build something.

Plus we needed Iwobi today. Ozil and Mhkitaryan cancel each other out.




What exactly does Ozil offer?

Does Aubameyang know how to do anything other than tap-ins and the occasional stretching of defences?

Why does this Arsenal save Iwobi and Lava look hopeless in taking on players?


Woeful performance. I always think we will win every game and I really thought we’d nick this, but I can’t remember a period of this match when it looked like we were on top. Really disappointing. Sokratis was our best player and it could’ve been more without him.


He is banned for the next 2 games


I don’t think Sokratis was our best player.

Mustafi put in some important last ditch tackles too.

BUT now we have Sokratis out with tricky fixtures to come.

Better hope Koscielny is back to full fitness.

This could be more bad news with Sokratis again suspended.


I am aware of that, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t play well in this game.


No he is one of our best defenders. That’s the problem.


Now that was very, very bad. We were outfought, outmuscled and outplayed in every part of the play. Huge problems moving the ball from defense further up the pitch, the lack of Xhaka is really showing.

The substitutions didn’t really help either. As poor as he was in the first half, I think Kolasinac probably should have stayed on instead of Monreal who seems to really not have the legs anymore for the LB position in a back four.

Also, our youngsters really looked their age today. Some concentration lapses, especially for AMN.


AMN was far too casual today. Very poor.

Kolasinac passing was poor first half.

Monreal made a number of poor decisions.

Overall poor.

BUT Midfield was also deficient.

First half Elneny was OK but did not add much going forward. BUT second half Ramsey and Guendouzi did not show enough for the ball to offer the backline and out.

Further forward there was a lack of structure and consequent lack of attacks created.

Final ball seem to lack the concentration needed. Too casual.


Also surprised kola went off. He hasn’t been great but with ramsay and Auba on the pitch his forward play would have been useful


Iwobi and Leno was good. Everyone else far from it.


Missed Xhaka for sure in the midfield today. No excuses for the others though who were on the pitch. Where was the drive? The fight? The desire to want top 4? Why show up for a match that can help solidify our league position with such a tame performance? It seemed like we couldn’t be bothered to care. And even with the new manager, the lack of desire during away matches is just so odd. It’s no longer down to technical ability or talent, it’s down to a way of thinking and culture at the club. And I have no… Read more »


Nice to see the lads show passion and drive against Everton as what’s at stake is so big!! I suppose it’s easier though against an Everton team that has absolutely nothing to play for in the league!! Well done lads 🙂 🙂 🙂

As opposed to the sarcasm above, Elneny is basically just a body to put on the field. Like literally offers zero, whatever about no attacking influence offset by defensive discipline, but he doesn’t even have that. Fulham wouldn’t start him.

Shocking result.


Unfortunately Emery got his tactics wrong today.
But at times like this you want players to standup and show some character which did not happen.
Bad day at the office.
The last thing you do away is gift a goal like that.
Other than that defence were good, midfield and forwards were bad.


Can’t see top four with away performances like that.
Don’t see us winning any of the remaining away games to be honest.


Emery not for the first time tried to play it safe. Eleneny has started 3 premier league games and we’ve got Ramsey easily one of the best players at the club if not the best, on the bench. All round though, shocking performance losing 1-0 away can happen and there will be more twist and turns before the end of the season but the manner of the performance was so Arsenal you wonder if we will ever banish these mind boggling poor kind of games. The up coming fixtures are looking more terrifying by the minute


Scarily that’s about the most positive response I’ve seen to the game

Paul Roberts

We didn’t put our usual shift in today. Has the team been told we CAN see them when they are playing away?? Everton were very good. Bollocks COYG!


Man of the Match – LENO.
Says alot about Arsenal’s game today.


The mistakes from the manager were there for all to see. Elneny and Guendouzi in midfield has never worked, they just run around aimlessly and Elneny is so poor. We have a lightning 22 goal striker on the bench and they have a 37 year old centre back. Do the math. We had no intensity what so ever. What was our set up? I couldn’t figure it out, we just looked clueless. Ultimately our away style always looks nervous and when we are countered we’re all over the place, flying around with last ditch tackles. It could have and should… Read more »


He had none of his preferred midfielders to chose from -Xhaka injured, Torreira banned, Ramsey barely fit for this game and it was evident in the way his game tailed off minutes after his introduction.

Who else should he have played in midfield? Chuffy?


If Ramsey was fit to be on the bench, start him. Simple. He didn’t look too bad, although I admit our all round play was lethargic anyway. But Elneny and Guendouzi are just poor together. None of them can play to contain, they just run around a lot. Guendouzi is slightly better in the ball, but is too inexperienced to be given this responsibility. But it wasn’t just the central midfield that let us down. We didn’t look like we had a plan and the result showed. It could have been worse than 1-0.


1) Elneny & Guendouzi were literally the only fully fit options for today, had Ramsey been deemed fully fit as well I’m certain he’d start.

2) Jagielka stepped in just minutes prior to the start of the game as Keane felt sick during the warm up. Perhaps we didn’t even have this info until we reached the tunnel.


In other news Torreira will be back from a ban and Xhaka fit for Watford.

Gunner from north

Just can’t understand how they can fail to be up for such an important game and perform like that. Looked like they couldn’t be bothered.


That was a dispiriting performance. Devoid of any real urgency and intent to do anything except for Ramsey and Iwobi in fits and spurts in the second half. Let’s hope that’s the last we see of that this season, the boys need to show some appreciation for what’s at stake here.


There is a difference between possession football and attacking football. City & Pool play attacking football. Arsenal under Emery and Wenger’s last 4 years are about possession football. The thing about possession football is that your objective is to keep the ball and wait for the opponent to switch off. What frustrated fans the most under Wenger’s last 4-5 years was that when the opponent didn’t switch off, we were absolute shite. Same thing is gonna happen under Emery. Players don’t seem to mind where they have the ball, as long as they have it. In games where the opponent… Read more »

Christopher Wreh

Fucks sake. I’m more angry at myself for believing we could be anything other than our usual insipid, weak, slow, wasteful and worst of all for me, whiney selves away from home.

Sick to death of it I really am


It’s hard to describe how that performance makes me feel as an Arsenal fan – Honestly, I think it might be the worst I’ve ever seen. Just no idea what the intention was today? There was certainly no fight, so if it was all about getting on the ball and outplaying Everton then it’s the most cowardly performance I’ve seen from them. A massive opportunity bottled and to make matters worse it’s set the tone for the rest of the season and shown the blueprint for the other decent sides we still have to travel to. 1-0 flattered us, as… Read more »

Paul Roberts

“Honestly, I think it might be the worst I’ve ever seen.”
A bit dramatic don’t you think mate?
We lost one nil away, over performing in a season where many thought we would end up mid table. 🙂 COYG!



1-0 is a fine result if you’ve barely conceded a chance and their keeper has played a blinder.

The performance was not that, only thing anywhere near a positive was Iwobis cameo.


Truth is that it’s just harder to “think straight” in times like this after a painful loss when it seems like hope has been shattered.

But there is no denying the fact this team has overperformed expectations for this season.

Shropshwire Lad

When i saw the teamsheet i feared the worst.

Jean Ralphio

We really missed Xhaka and Torreira in this game. We should have started with the same team that beat Newcastle, but with the Napoli game around the corner, I guess rotation is sensible. Let’s hope Man City beat Spurs and United so we have some wiggle room.


And we beat Wolves, Watford, Leicester away! Not a chance!We shall finish 6th.


I think as a club we are absolutely at no man’s land now.
We got talents, we got top class strikers, but also leaders who are aging or leaving. Very good manager who reached big highs but remains a question at the very top. Management who are promising but also not a finished article (not to mention the owner) and so on…
I think the biggest threat is: In this new oilers and oligarch led PL we bacame the new Totthanem of the league or remaining not more just a marketing driven cash-cow product.


Its still an unbalanced squad with many issues outstanding and unresolved by Mslintat and Raul.

Cback still an issue but also Rwing has been a major problem affecting balance and capability of the squad for some time now (Since Alexis period)

Also in midfield, I’m not sure what the thinking is with Elneny. Hardly his fault today but he adds nothing. Ramsey and GUendouzi should have been allowed to construct something from last week in absence of Xhaka. As is both lost the plot second half.


We really gave them a boost with our team selection. We looked so poor all over the pitch and lucky not to take a spanking. The next few away games are arguably harder than this one, gulp!


Poor performance. No intensity whatsoever. Really think that the injuries and suspensions are coming at the wrong time for us. Guendozi’s inexperience showed, Xhaka for all his faults is absolutely essential to how we move the ball upfield. Need to show a lot more desire, intensity and attitude in the rest of the away games, if we want any chance of top 4.

SLC Gooner

That was poor, but with neither Xhaka or Torriera available, and Ramsey maybe not 100%, the choices in midfield were problematic. Guend and Elneny not going to get it done.
But the attacking players were pretty poor too. We don’t have the height and strength to play the crossing game.
If Kos isn’t back by next weekend, we have a big problem. And I agree with the comment below, Monreal is starting to look like his legs are gone. If Kolasinac can’t defend, then we desperately need another back on that side.


One of the most reasonable assessments of this game and things in general.
I still think more than ever, we need our strikers in beast mode for the remainder of the away games. They have nothing to be afraid of, they should go out there and play with similar relentlessness with which they play at home.


What a load of sh*t


First half, hopeless … second half a bit better but, overall, poor. OK, there are games to go of course but if we’re honest we’re nowhere near the standard needed in away games, and haven’t been for most of the season. I’m not sure what Emery can do – he’s mixed it up, not least today – but to no great effect overall. As I said here a little while ago, if the players can’t do it for themselves and for Emery at this stage of the season, when will they?


Why are Arsenal fans surprised? This team does this time and time again, when it matters

Nothing new here

A manager who starts utterly pathetic players like Mustafi every single game when innovative managers would give the likes of Mavropanos a shot

Bloke went all season without a win away from home at Sevilla, let’s not forget. We should not be surprised that we’ve not kept a clean sheet away from home all season, and we will NOT keep one in any of the remaining away games we have. That’s pure logic.

Big fuck-up today


As for the “innovative managers” comment: 23 yo Rob Holding was a starter at CB until injured under Emery. Guendouzi, being brought as “one for the future,” so impressed during the summer that he became a solid part of the first team.

Also, that pathetic Mustafi was one of our best players alongside Sokratis and Leno (which says a lot about our performance, but still.


Haha! Mustafi one of our best players?!

He couldn’t get a pass right all match, he’s one of the worst defenders I’ve EVER seen

£35m down the shitter


Funnily enough, he played the most accurate passes from all players today (62). Sokratis & Gomes are tied for the second (51).


Ah yes, those wonderful 2 yard passes back and forth?

The fact that some fans are still defending him after 3 years is incredible.


He played 1 key pass which is the same number as Mhiky & Elneny. No other Arsenal player played a single key pass today.



Whole team was a disgrace so not saying much. One long ball that worked out out of how many? £35m Squillaci

Though Squillaci didn’t cost us games constantly like Mustafi has let’s be fair to him

Thierry Bergkamp

That was horrible.


Not that i don’t also blame the players but Arsenal fans were so keen to jinx the fuck out of this. They dierd on every fucking socialmedia plattform fully aware that everton, watford, wolves aint no easy games nor we have a proper away record.
Such a frustrating perfomance today from almost everyone. I can’t wrap my head why we can’t perform away. Just silly. Lucky we got a away with one goal. Fuck that, 3 days to calm down(for me) and then on to next one!


Just confirms that Emery and indeed the club has A LOT of work to do with this squad over the summer.

Elneny simply not good enough, when I saw that midfield I instantly thought we’d be lucky to get a draw.

We simply don’t have enough quality player depth. Also disgraceful that we’d couldn’t rescue a point with basically the whole game to play after there goal.

I keep saying it; major surgery needed for the squad, there is a reason Emery was sounding off about buying players yesterday.


Yes, that’s true. A few of us have also been making the point about the lack of quality in the squad for some time now. The problem is money. In the best case scenario, Emery could have around £100 million in the Summer. This is made up from a big portion of the new Adidas kit deal; CL qualification money, albeit not too likely on today’s outing, but let’s keep the faith; and funds from Summer transfers. Will Kroenke allow most/all of that to be used for transfers? Currently, it doesn’t seem certain, hence Emery’s very public appeal. We’ll see.


Nobody is mentioning that the throw that lead to the goal was a blatant foul throw, his foot was well over the line when he lobbed it in.


Yes, yes, yes BUT the key point is that we still couldn’t create enough goal scoring chances – let alone actually put the ball in their net. The inescapable conclusion is that it was a really bad performance, when exactly the opposite was needed. We’ll have to improve greatly, and quickly, or kiss a top four finish goodbye. Simples!


We were shit today but I don’t know if it’s just me but officiating this season has been a load of plop


Every player should have a Tony Adams blood infusion daily until they reach the needed level of aggression away. Of course, we see the obvious weaknesses in this team ( inexperiency of AMN/Guendouzi,age ( Monreal ) or poor decision making ( Mustafi), but the main reason is mental. We see it in all details om the pitch, losing 50/50 duel, passivity instead of challenging, using the extra second with the ball, delaying the runs with a couple of seconds…. All minor things that make us on the backfoot the entire game. This team lack proper leadership on the pitch, the… Read more »


Tony Adams was a psycho and wouldn’t last five minutes in the modern game.


I think we’re really talking about the Tony Adams spirit, rather than re-incarnating him as his younger self. Remember, he was a member of one of the best defences in league history. We haven’t had a defensive unit anything like that for years now, which is why we haven’t won the Premiership for years! Unfortunately, the current defence, as a unit, just isn’t up to it. A top priority for Emery, but that won’t help us this season.



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