Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reports: Atletico Madrid eye up Lacazette as Griezmann replacement

In May of 2017, Alexandre Lacazette decided to join Atletico Madrid from Lyon. A fee was agreed, but the one rather large stumbling block was a transfer ban which the Spanish club were in the process of appealing.

The appeal failed, the move fell through, and later that summer Arsene Wenger swooped, paying the Ligue 1 side almost £50m for the striker.

Since his arrival in North London, Lacazette has scored 36 goals, and this season in particular has taken a real step forward as his partnership with Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang blossomed.

When good players do good things, other clubs are interested, and with Antoine Griezmann announcing his departure from Atletico via a 12 part streaming documentary on Netflix, Los Rojiblancos are looking for a replacement.

According to Cadena Ser in Spain, they’re eyeing up Lacazette, keen to rekindle their long-standing interest him.

However, before everyone panics, Arsenal have a lot to do this summer, and none of it is likely to involve players we really should be keeping.

It’s not impossible that we could receive a bid considered too good to turn down, but chances are that won’t be the case. Also, recent stories involving the club offering the French international a new deal have been followed by gossip linking him with moves to Barcelona and now Atletico.

It all smells a bit like an agent doing his work to maximise any potential contract offer.

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£150m and I’d start to consider it.


Maybe a bit more as Auba will be unhappy and we’d have to think how to buck him up.

DB10s Air Miles

It’s the weekend, let’s all get bucked up!

Bai Blagoi

Only if you believe that Kroenke will leave those 150m to be reinvested.


Honestly I would not look to sell him at all. Nor Aubameyang for that matter. There is huge void currently in striking talent across European football. In my opinion, I think we have two of the very best goal scorers around right now. We would be absolute maniacs to sell them regardless of the fee. As their is literally nobody we could get in who is better than them. Watching Pierre and Alex play together, is without question my favourite thing about Arsenal at the moment. I would be gutted if either of them left. We have to keep them,… Read more »

Cultured determination

250, and they get ozil, mustafi and xhaka


I’d keep Ozil. And look to give him a decent ball playing centre mid behind him, and proper options out wide. Which whether or not you like him, he still need those players.

I think its no coincidence the best we ever saw from Ozil, was when we had Cazorla in centre midfield, and Sanchez out in the channels or up front.

But for me I would definitely look to shift:

Mkhitaryan (but might be difficult with Riola’s ban)
Maybe even Iwobi



Arsene Knew Best

Oh noes, here we go. I’m afraid of what Arsenal might do.


Trade for Griezmann?


Griezmann is a fantastic player but an absolute idiot, remember his blackface fail? And his social media antics. Essentially a Pogba kinda figure. Not required


No way. We need to keep Lacazette and Auba


No thanks, but we have a great CB for sale. Great slides and all – 60m and he’s on the plane coming.


Should realistically be looking at 80 mil + for him,

A quick google search of arsenals outgoings though and we’ll end up getting 40 quid, some new training balls, and our Netflix paid for the season


That would be a fantastic negotiation if that sort of a deal went through. I’d want to sign up the negotiation team, for certain. I could see getting the £40 and the balls at a push, but Netflix too?

Steve McSween

At least it won’t be Gazidis doing the deal. If that were the case they’d let us use their Netflix account but stop paying it half way through the season


haha love it


If we sell our Player of the season that would signal that we just want to be a Top 10 club.
I don’t trust anyone at the club to reinvest the money properly. We’ll probably end up buying a Mustafi and Xhaka again.
No hate for Xhaka but man’s turning radius is more than a bus. I swear Arteta was a million times better in that role.


So you forget about the great partnership Xhaka has formed with Torreira. His great passing range which is one of the best in the country. Emery chooses him every match for a very good reason and when he’s not playing we certainly miss him.


Dear Barcelona.


Fuck off.

Regards …


Dear Lettra, We regret to inform you that after several tests, we have concluded that Lacazette does indeed have Barca DNA. We would now kindly ask you to accept way below the going rate for him, so we can sit him on our bench and let the press attack him for some reason. If you don’t comply we will parade a circus of current and former players in front of the media to do our upmost to unsettle Lacazette. This used to be called “tapping up”, now it’s just called business. Regards, Barcelona P.S.: Sooooo, how’s things with Hector Bellerin?… Read more »


Great post




Dear Athletico Madrid …

See below post.


Very unlikely we’ll sell. But it might be a Coutinho-Neymar situation where Atletico find they have a ridiculous amount of money to spend after selling Griezmann, and decide to pay way over the odds for someone like Lacazette.


Griezmann reportedly has a release clause of €125,000,000 which works out around £110,000,000 I wasn’t convinced of Lacazette originally, he looked lightweight and got pushed around a little too easily, but he’s really adapted to the league, and quickly became one of my favourite players. However…. If Atletico put £110 million on the table? I’d be inclined to accept…. In an ideal world we’d build around him, but we don’t live in an ideal world, we live in one where we’ve got a £40 million budget, and it appears there’s been instructions from the Kroenke’s to cut the wage bill.… Read more »

Peter Story Teller

Don’t even consider it!
Laca was one of the few players to put in 100% all season.
Everyone says we are good up front we need defence and mid field.
If you take Laca out of the equation we will not be good up front either and however much someone is prepared to pay for him it will not buy us an equivalent striker and fill the other gaps we have already!

Craig Jacobs

Cant be more depressing for Arsenal after having the best goal to shot ratio in the past season due to the strike force knowing a good defender or 2 and creative midfielder could make them title contenders. I feel more than ever Gunners need to tighten up on their contracts now and load those bazookas for next season…


What is depressing?

Cultured determination

I’d rather sell mustafi


Same position and all that……

Laca New Signing

Or rather give him to them for free.


Should try to milk them for 80m, spend half of that on Werner and the other half on Konate.


I have to wonder how Barcelona would afford Griezmann, and how Atletico would afford Lacazette. Assuming a move for Griezmann did materialise, Atletico are still spectacularly in debt, and one would assume that at least some of the (admittedly massive) Griezmann money would go towards servicing it, not to mention lowering the wage bill. I don’t think we have too much to worry about here. But I’ve been wrong before.

Merlin's Panini

Well they can fuck right off. They were after him before and have now missed their chance. I wouldn’t even consider selling him.


We really need to win the EL to keep Auba and Laca happy. Otherwise, things could become challenging. With Barca, Real, and Athletico showing interest, CL football is a must.

Austin Lorenz McCoy

My dream signings
maguire or konate
Illorente loan

wishful thinking

Ramsey free
El neny 10
Mustafi 20
Ozil 25
Jenkinson 4
Xhaka 30
Monreal free
Mikhitaryan 15
Asano 3
ospina 3
Sokratis 15


Nope, the evil ape Can’t have him.


Only way I’d let lacca go is if it’s a swap deal for griezeman and still then I wouldent be to happy

Merlin’s Panini

Griezman is a total prick. No thanks.


.”..with Antoine Griezmann announcing his departure from Atletico via a 12 part streaming documentary on Netflix”. Literally burst out laughing at work. Had to play it cool…….


Yeah Arseblog has his ways of entertaining us with witty little digs


Good riddance to bad rubbish. 30 million and I’ll snap their hand off

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