Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ornstein: Zaha favours Arsenal, but budget restrictions complicate any deal

Crystal Palace winger Wilfried Zaha ‘favours’ a move to Arsenal as he looks to leave Selhurst Park this summer, but while the Gunners are keen on him, the lack of Champions League football has had an impact on the transfer budget, thus making a deal unlikely without some significant sales.

Unai Emery’s team had two bites at European football’s most prestigious cherry, but a dismal end to the Premier League season saw them finish 5th behind fourth placed Chelsea, and – to compound the misery – they were battered 4-1 in the Europa League final by Maurizio Sarri’s side.

In a Twitter update this afternoon, the BBC’s David Ornstein has revealed the Ivory Coast international would be open to a switch to the Gunners, but because transfer funds are limited without Champions League money, the only feasible way to make it happen is by selling a player we probably don’t want to lose.

A total budget of around £45m could be augmented through sales, with the names of both Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Lucas Torreira mentioned.

Both are popular figures with Arsenal fans, and although there has been a lot of speculation around the Uruguayan, it seems he’s not AC Milan’s priority as they know he’d cost far in excess of the loan + option deal they’re reportedly made.

Discussions with Celtic remain ongoing over the transfer of Kieran Tierney, while it’s suggested that we’re in negotiations with Saint-Etienne for 18 year old William Saliba – but one of the conditions of the deal is that we allow him to spend a year on loan with his current club.

Given the fee for the player is in the region of £25m, it feels like a lot to ask – particularly when the centre of our defence is in need of a significant rebuild.

And yes, we’re fully aware we wouldn’t pay £25m up front or anything like it, but you do have to wonder about the wisdom of such an arrangement when our funds appear to be as limited as they are.

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Isn’t it ironic that Zahas goal against us probably cost us the Champions League and him his dream move?






Zaha for 80mil? I’d rather we sign ziyech and De Boom from ajax. He is a good and very energetic box to box midfielder. Exchange Torreira for Frank Kessie he is far more suited to the physicality of the epl than Torreira who is easily out muscled


The fact we are even entertaining selling Pierre and Torriera is actually hilarious in the worst possible way.

Koscielny, Monreal, Mustafi, Xhaka, Ozil, Mkhitaryan should all be ahead in the queue.

Selling Auba to finance the Zaha move is just another player swap in Man Uniteds favour as thats where he would end up.

Zaha for Aubameyang would be the biggest downgrade we have ever done.


Where is the indication that we are remotely thinking of selling Aub or Torreira?

Wenger Killed Us

No one wants to buy the 6 players you name. We only have two players at the club we could get real money for (£50m plus) Thats Laca and Auba


The only thing I have to say is that with a name like De Boom he has to be a striker.

Donald's Trump

Or a 6ft 7 CB


I’ve not heard of De Boom. Sounds explosive though!

Man Aries

We’re going after Saliba because he has the perfect mix of nature and nurture having had his earliest influences from Mbappes dad. He’ll be worth 100million in one season of play. That’s why we’re so after him at all cost


I’m actually wondering if we do a deal for Saliba and we NEED to loan him back, maybe we can only pay 2 or 3 mil for the first year since we are loaning him back and then the bulk of the payment in say years 2 and 3. I wouldn’t be so opposed then to using a big part of our budget for a player that we aren’t going to get if we aren’t actually using a big part of our budget this year. Then we could get another starting quality CB in this year and Saliba will come… Read more »

Flat Stanley

Stan Kronke nett wroth 2019 : 8.8 billion USD He has more money and will continue to make more money than he could possibly spend in a lifetime. C’mon Stanley, buy us a zaha, it is nothing to you. Yet we can’t even buy a young defender from Celtic without blowing our budget. It’s a joke. The club feed Ornstien a load of shite that we could of bought Zaha if we were in the CL. If we had made the necessary investments in Jan, we probably would have made it into the Champions League. Can’t really see us doing… Read more »


Welcome to mid table world.

Mick Malthouse

I’d take him in a heart beat. We dont have many who can carry the ball and go past players. And hes good for a few pens!


With VAR coming in it will spot his constant diving. Frankly he’s at the right level with Palace. He’s an inconsistent, undisciplined diving cheat. We really don’t need him

A Different George

He goes down easily, sometimes dives. Also he is fouled a lot, and like Hazard, who also goes down too easily, has complained that the referees do not protect him. If you stay on your feet and keep control of the ball, an English referee will never call a foul, no matter how many times you are kicked in the ankle, as Alexis learned. There are divers and cheats in the English game, but also some really crap referees.


Great comment.

Zaha is a diving cheat. And a hot head.

Carrying the ball past people … christ on a bike, do you even watch Arsenal’s matches. Laca does that. Iwobi does that. Laca is ice cold from the spot.

Jaysus. Buying a second-rater like Zaha just to buy someone … fooking crazy.

Wenger Killed Us

When he joins Arsenal he wont be a diver.Because Arsenal players dont dive do they?


So many down votes. Why hasn’t he been snapped up by one of the top clubs if he is that good?

Donald's Trump

Ok so don’t buy anyone. Because anyone we buy hasn’t been snapped up by a top club so obviously they are useless.

Wenger Killed Us

Why didnt a big 4 club buy VVD from Celtic?


My thoughts exactly. caveat emptor!

Footie fan

would sell ozil for him, thought our problem was defence so how would that help, bit of a diver to say the least is that what we want, I don’t for sure

Wenger Killed Us

What planet do you live on?.No one will ever buy Ozil on £350k a week wages.We are stuck with him til the very last day of his contract


Didn’t Zaha get his big move to United and nothing happened? Are we really going to break the bank for a player who has merely looked good in a pretty solid Palace side?

Central defender please. Preferably one that we can use this season.


He was never given a chance at utd to be fair to him. It was under moyes and he just didnt seem to like zaha.


Because he shagged Moyes’s daughter? Or have I made that up?

Cygans Parting

I heard that it was Moyes wife…… Or have I just made something up as well???
Oh well, it is silly season after all. ?


Oh it happened. It definitely happened.


Although I’m not even sure Moyes has a daughter.


I think it’s a bit harsh to judge him his time at Utd. Fergie bought him as ‘a gift’ for the new manager before leaving, and he got Moyes as manager, who was more content with buying Fellaini and getting Vidic to watch videos of Jagielka than he was trying to blood an exciting, young, flair winger


Jagielka has a sextape..?


Erm .. asking for a mate.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

Never fond of that argument.
Same could’ve been said of Salah and KDB before their recent moves, as players who didn’t do anything at Chelsea.


These are exceptions and not generally the rule. More likely he’s a player that’s found his ceiling at Palace. He just feels a bit luxury to me. Consistent in patches and all that.

Doesn’t bode well for Reiss either…

Maul Person

Sorry, what’s this about Reiss? You already think he’s hit his ceiling? Based on…?

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

Out of interest, how do you, HelderHughes, identify the exceptions from the rules?
Is it hindsight? Would you have said Salah and KDB were the rule beforehand? I suspect not. On what basis do you know that Zaha isn’t also an exception? I’d say all 3 are similar; young players who went to big clubs too early under managers known to not really blood young players and don’t have time for tricky, creative and direct wingers/attacking midfielders.

Man Aries

Or if Jeff Rene Adelaide, or Gnabry . But fans are just normal ppl in the world who unfortunately are largely negative folks with no foresight @faisal


I’d break the bank for him, provided we can keep Laca and Auba.

That would be a proper Arsenal attack.


Zaha would be a brilliant signing, but I think £55 million would be the maximum. Emery was publicly asking for wingers in January, buying Zaha who’s good to go, whilst gently easing Nelson through next season, would give us decent options. I’m not sure what United’s sell on percentage would Be? But maybe we could fu*k them over by buying Zaha for £25million, and then selling them Chambers+ Elneny for £1 each. And if Chambers has a 20% sell on clause? We could just post Southampton their 20 pence piece… Emery has publicly stated what he needs + wants, which… Read more »


Yep 50-60m tops. That’s what we paid for the other two.

80m is unrealistic


As we proved this season, no point in an attack if we can’t get the ball to them.


Please no. Zaha is overpriced (surprise, he’s English) and he’s got a ridiculous temper and selfish streak that often cost the team. He’s not a fan of tracking back, and as a wide player, I tend to think that’s important. Arsenal have enough individuals; it’s time to build a team.

A Different George

Well, actually, he is Ivorian. (He probably counts as home-grown, however.)

Post January Blip

Unsure why you’ve been thumbed down for this. He is homegrown.


Hes tired of the inept players that are around him, tired of being kicked to shit every game because he dusts people with extreme elite footwork/athleticism. He’s built for us, the excitement is what the Emirates deserves!


This is the one transfer story that excites me. This is a top player who scored a ton of goals for a very average Palace side.


Strange comment really. Not only is Zaha a top player, he’s miles ahead of anyone we have in his position.

Wenger Killed Us

Sir Alex left and he was stuck with that clown Moyes


This is genuinely pathetic. We should be investing money into transfers to get back to where we belong, not have our funds restricted. Open your wallet Kroenke or we will not get anywhere anytime soon


This. If success was important to them, they would understand this and ironically end up making more in the long run. Stupid penny pinching mentality.

Papa Large, big shot in North London

Any halfway competent established business of this size can ride out a loss in the short term for long term gain. Looking at the likes of Zaha, allowing players to leave on a free, having no clear buying/selling/loan strategy, losing key operations people, allowing the Wenger thing to fester for so long, suggests they haven’t got an idea about how to run a football club in a healthy financial position – let alone arrest a downward slide and lift performance, or compete against petrostates. They inherited a club with a fantastic reputation, outstanding finances, and have done nothing to demonstrate… Read more »


Just seems really stupid doesn’t it


I think we can all safely forget about Kroenkenscrouge opening up his wallet.


Finally someone talking some sense. This is a cruel joke. How is it that besides Arsenal only Ipswich Town in all the top 4 English leagues are owned by someone who hasnt put a single penny of his own money into the club. Instead we just financed the Los Angeles Rams move back to LA. PATHETIC


They splurged over £100 million on Auba and Lacazette and look where that’s gotten us, not to mention £65+ million on Xhaka and Mustafi alone


I guess swapping for Mesuit, Mkhi and Mustafi is out of the question…


Underrated comment 😀


ha, with the wages Palace would take a loss on the deal.

Cultured determination

Reis nielson could be our zaha do we dont need zaha.


We need 3 wingers mate. Nelson is one of them.

Easy as JVC

Pretty optimistic to put Nelson in the same bracket as Zaha.


Id rather not depend on “could be” at this stage,


The slide into mediocrity continues. Without investment, it will only get worse.

Bang Tidy

Couldn’t agree more. I have always tried to be positive on here and even supported Wenger (rightly or wrongly) til the end as you never really know what goes on behind the scenes and how much restriction was placed on him blah blah. However, I really am concerned that we are travelling done a path whereby in a few years time we all hate Kroenke more than we do now once the team have been stripped of it’s best assets and no positive replacements are bought. Players like Auba, Laca, Torreira etc will all look at who we are brining… Read more »


becoming an arsenal fan has being my greatest mistake.

Papa Large, big shot in North London

Selling Aubameyang or Torreira for bloody Zaha would make me cry bitter, bitter tears. I am not Orny for this news, reading this is the exact opposite to seeing a picture of Gal Gadot. In short, this makes me sad.

Ya gooner

Tbh if we sold Torriera for a lot of money I wouldn’t complain as long as we also sold xhaka and got 2 good cms which wouldn’t happen so yeah I guess I would be complaining….

Papa Large, big shot in North London

I wouldn’t hope for losing Xhaka, Torreira, Ramsey in one window and this club not fucking up replacements in central midfield. The club has consistently bought without strategy and thinking how players will fit in the team. We have a hole in the middle of the defence, no wide players, no real defensive midfielder or defensive structure in midfield, no proven 2nd choice keeper, two very similar players in Mkhitaryan and Özil we can’t get much out of on the pitch, two great strikers we can’t seem to play together as well as create the chances for them… or any… Read more »


Our saleable assets considered should be players like Xhaka, Mustafi, Kolasinac, Ozil. We’d be looking at at least 15m for some of those and closer to 25m for Xhaka. That’s around 75m worth of players who don’t come close to offering 75m worth of performance for us.


“who don’t come close to offering 75m worth of performance for us.”

The problem is it looks like other clubs have figured that out as well!


I’m hoping that the “to us” bit let’s them take a gamble. It’s not uncommon for very talented players simply not to be able to do it the PL. Kolasinac would be a valuable asset to a bundesliga or Ligue 1 team, it’s not so long ago he was in the bundesliga tots. Surely someone somewhere thinks he’s worth a punt. People compared Xhaka to Xabi Alonso in Bundesliga, so maybe equally slow paced/low intensity/middling quality leagues would see him excel. Mustafi is a world cup winner and his stats are pretty decent if you don’t actually use your eyeballs… Read more »


I appreciate your positive outlook, though I can’t see a Bundesliga or Ligue 1 club putting serious money together for any of those players, especially Mustafi and Ozil. I imagine someone would also have to take on the ridiculous burden that is Ozil’s wages, which again I just can’t see happening given his output over the last few seasons.

Ojobo Johnmike

Really don’t know how some of you fans thinks,who then will replace all the players mentioned to be sold? Would the 75m+ buys their kinds in today’s markets? Common guys!

Gus Caesar

Mustafi, Chambers, Elneny, Vic Akers’ shorts collection and a couple of pies should get the job done.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

Question for the fans; Would you sell one of Auba or Lacca for Zaha? I mean, on one hand, it means losing 1 of the 2 best things of our last season. On the other, it could lead to a better and more balances team (a factor for out 3-man formation was to shoe horn in both strikers). Tough one. Initial response is to not sell, but yet you see it’s the kind of decisions Liverpool made to take themselves forward, and opportunities we missed in the past to do the same, such as selling Sanchez when we had the… Read more »


But Liverpool got massive amounts for Suarez and Coutinho. We won’t get anything even close to that. So might as well keep what worked last season.

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

True, but what if we got like £100M for Auba to China?
that could be £80M for Zaha plus an additional £20M to our budget for a CB. We could realistically get Zaha and maybe a £40-50M CB too.

Wouldn’t that take our squad forward?


We won’t get 100m for Auba from China, as they’ve got tighter rules on spending now and the heyday is over. We finally have a golden boot player again, and we want to sell him immediately to get a player from a mid-table team? Why don’t we put some faith in our younger players, who cost us nothing, and develop them this season? We’ve been out of the CL for three years now and are short on funds. This season should be about Emery establishing a consistent style and a real team coherence, and we have a good mix of… Read more »

Paul Roberts

You think it worked last season??


Aubamayang I think I could deal with losing, if the price was right. Laca, absolutely not, he could be our Suarez for Liverpool 13/14 with a couple of savvy additions.
There’s also something about Zaha that makes me think we’d simply be a springboard for him to go on somewhere bigger and better in a year or two if he performed. Perhaps unfair on him but just my gut instinct. Would rather sort out the Swiss-cheese defense and impotent midfield than faff about with our frontline to be honest.


Opposed to selling either one of Laca or Auba. Opposed to selling any of our top stars to be honest because we will not get anything near what they are worth. How are Palace getting £50m for A defender(a good one, yes) while we let players go for 4m. Players who were schooled the Arsenal way (if that still means anything). Look at schezny, his premier league experience alone should have been valued at atleast £30m. Now couple that with an impressive loan spell at Roma, we should have walked away with 40m easy. The solution at Arsenal is not… Read more »

Maul Person

So you’re opposed to selling Ozil…?! ?

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

TBF that was under old management, whom had a special ability to run down contracts to stupid levels.

Also, let’s remember Auba is now entering his final 2 years, the period Raul said we need to decide what to do on players, because if we let this season go by, we could be in a situation where we lose him for free in 18 months.


No I think that’s a net loss. Zaha is good but I don’t think his contributions over a season would match what either Laca or Auba would give even if they alternate starts.

We need a player with Zahas attributes but personally I think we can find similar calibre players for significantly less money (palace seem to want something north of 60m pounds)

Malcolm went to Barca for about 30m pounds, and there’s no way Zaha is twice the player he is.

North London is Redder

I’d sell Laca for silly money – but he’d need to be replaced also. I wouldn’t sell Auba (goals) for anything. Zaha is a proven premier league player and whilst his stats are decent they’d surely improve at Arsenal. Torreira, it’s too soon. Let’s see how he handles another full season of the Premier League and if he’s still pining for Italy we can soprt something out next summer.


I’d sell Auba over Laca, but for nothing less than 90mil. I love Aubameyang but Zaha is younger and more versatile. If we got him and had a bit left over for Tierney etc then it does make sense.


Weren’t Crystal Palace interested in Calum Chambers a year or so ago, maybe a part-ex deal could lower the finance needed?


Putting this financial problem on the non qualification for the CL is a joke. Where is the mega contract with adidas? Clubs qualified for EL, or even not, invest more than us.

Skip To My Lou

Wake me up on the morning of 10 August


I have always found Zaha’s facial expressions really annoying (looking like he is about to start blubbing). It would be interesting if this changed due to him wearing an Arsenal shirt. Just a thought


It is time that the board put pressure on Kroenke to think of more imaginative ways of creating income so we are able to compete. We simply cannot be successful with the current way the club is operating. Rights issues have been proposed before, releasing a small amount of shares to generate income, something imaginative has to be done if Kroenke isn’t going to open his pockets, and we know he won’t ‘I didn’t get into sports to be successful’ he famously once said. Seriously, if he has no intentions to compete or get involved in the day to day… Read more »


If the board put any pressure on Kroenke, they would be sacked in a minute.
Our situation is clear. Kroenke hasn’t put a penny into Arsenal since the day he became the largest shareholder back in 2010. If he did want our club to move forward, he could have done it back when he were close to League title and City wasn’t that strong!

I am appreciate what Sanllehi and Venkatesham have done. But i don’t think they can bring our old glory back. It just won’t happen when Kroenke is still there.

John Mavroudis

“more imaginative ways of creating income so we are able to compete”

(This month’s Special: Euro League Final vs. Chelsea ONLY £2!)

(We’ll take you to Baku for £40m plus £1)


I really do not understand Kroenke and co. Wouldn’t Arsenal be worth more and make more money if Arsenal was enabled to compete for top honours? Is there something we are missing here collectively as a fan base? Could it be that the science of running a football club is entirely beyond our comprehension? Or are our owners applying a totally unrealistic/stupid approach to this whole thing? I don’t even want us to break the bank for Zaha. It would be nice but we can do without him, if we get him – great. If not, no worries. but when… Read more »


His business model whether it’s in NFL or NBA had always been like that. He doesn’t take risk. Prefer a steady flow of income, to build his assets rather than paying. If anything he can sell the club to a wealthy oligarch.


Is Zaha actually good? I’m open to informed opinion. I’m just naturally wary of anyone who does a lot of stepovers.


In my opinion, undoubtedly a talented footballer. Whether he’s quite as good as HE thinks he is is open to question. A worthy addition to the squad, but not worth being held to ransom over.

Paul Roberts

I used to think the stepover thing about Ronaldo…


Well, wouldn’t they like an Ozil? I though he doesn’t want to leave because he so much loves the life in London… Plus we are very good on swap deals, those really work good for us.
Anyway although I think he could be quite useful and its a nice change that someone actually wants to join our 5* SPA, wouldn’t trade him for Auba or Torreira.


It’s almost as if we don’t have a billionaire owner how could make the funds readily available for such a move for Zaha…

Oh. Wait.


With an even richer wife!

Unai Knows

It is time to bring in a forward who does the dirty work. ZahaIn


Shambles of club, absolute shambles. the money is there, that yank fuck just wont invest it


Zaha, Tierney and Saliba in would be great business. But it would mean some leaving. I’d give palace a defender (chambers?) and money from the sale of Xhaka. But life isn’t FIFA19 unfortunately. Imagine that a top talent actually wants to be here but we can’t stump the funds. Ugh.


Everyone needs to find something else to occupy their minds because it’s not even July and people are already losing the plot! Calm down people it’s only arsenal ?


Zaha is quality and exactly what we need, do I think we’ll get him? No, no I do not!


Zaha is way out of our budget unless we sell.

The real concern here is that we sign this French guy and loan him back. That is a NUTS idea. Our defence needs to be up and functioning for the start of this season, not next.

We need to reduce our goals conceded tally, for this coming season, by at least ten if not fifteen.


Will you still say that if we don’t buy Saliba and in a couple of years time he’s worth £70M?


I will if we concede another fifty plus goals this coming season, having failed to address the most glaring and obvious ongoing weakness in this squad.


NO ONE KNOWS THE BUDGET! no official budget has been tabled…why does everyone think we don’t have any money? lol


Because both Swiss Ramble – whose track record is pretty much bullseye accurate – and the Arsenal Supporters trust have looked into this and both have come to the same conclusion given the imbalance in the squad and the bloated wage bill.

Thierry Bergkamp

It just shows the owners ambition, when they can’t release extra funds needed to try and get the team to where they claim they want it to be.


Wilfried Zaha should stay at Crystal Palace. At Palace he is a star, the player the offense revolves around, and he is an automatic starter if he is fit. He scored 10 and assisted 10 in the league; both great numbers for a mid-table winger. If he moves to Arsenal or one of the other top six teams he will be compared to players of a much higher caliber. Being compared to teammate Andros Townsend, West Ham’s Mikail Antonio or Southampton’s Johann Gudmundsen is not the same as being compared to Raheem Sterling, Mohamed Salah, and Bernado Silva. At a… Read more »


Better players around him means better numbers, He smashed Moyes sister that’s what happened at United.


With Wan Bissaka going to Man United, Palace will be after a RB… Carl Jenkinson+cash swap deal?

Make Arsenal Great Again

It is unconscionable that this mega club has only 45 Million to spend. I don’t get the logic of not making significant investments in order to get back into the champion’s league, so that you can then make investments. This set of players have demonstrated to everyone for the past 3 years that they are not good enough to make the champions league. Nothing but a total overhaul will change that. P


Although we did crash in the Europa League final, i still find it ridiculous when we only have 40 mil to spend. I mean it just can’t be true. We have just signed a new deal with Adidas, Rwanda, Emirates. Sure, failing to qualify UCL does have an impact but it can’t be that bad. Even Everton could spend more than us. United have spent over 200 mil since the day Ferguson retired. “40 mil” is such a big lie from Kroenke. He wants us to think we are broke to take our money away for his new stadium in… Read more »

Tony adams Nose

Blogsey, Where did you get the the 45m budget quote from?

John Mavroudis

That comes from Ornstein’s notes (above) in his tweet.

My Arse-nal

How I love silly season…..not! I would like Zaha at Arsenal but not at the expense of Aub or Torraira.
Sorry to pick you up Blogs but Chelsea were 3rd and Sp*urs were 4th. It still pisses me off there was just one point between us and the damage that’s done is now clearly being felt.


If we want to show any ambition (which is these days never a given), we need to hold on to Auba and Torreira at least for one more season. I think the players we should try and sell would be either Ozil or Mhkitaryan (potentially 10m), Mustafi or Chambers (prob 20m), Ospina (5-7m) But there must be concern we can’t even move these players on and if we (likely) have to wait late into market, then there is risk. Then the question is are we prepared to sell some more valuable members in the squad to offset things early or… Read more »


Zaha would be brilliant signing…he was unplayable when we played them last season..
The thing I like about him the most is….he is a really strong player….can’t bully him(think Ozil about the bully thing 🙂

Quality winger with goals and assists..sign him pls


Plenty of trickery too. Experience and yes strength.

Not the worse option by any means.

Merlin’s Panini

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money. This is one of those times. If we don’t front up a lot this summer it’s highly unlikely we’ll be getting back to Champions League football any time soon.
Zaha would be a brilliant addition. The squad would see we mean business, the fans would like him because he’s a gooner and he might give that little bit extra because of it too.
Sadly I don’t see it happening.


25m is about right. That’s not expensive by any means. If we have a coherent strategy in place, we should be at a base of 40m and looking toward generating about 25m in player sales to raise our budget to 60-65m mark. As I mentioned before, I think the defender(Cback) is priority but maybe if an Umtiti does come available late on, its worth a wait. I’d budget about 18-22m for the defender. Then the winger’s price is about 25-35m. Ziyech and Carrasco have been quoted about just over 30m which makes Zaha fairly attractive in price. That makes a… Read more »


I think part of the issue is the IF factor. We have yet to sell on players with significant fees in but this will likely happen later in window (when other options for clubs are also exhausted) Which is why the hesitance. Plus prices on other targets aren’t that far away (with Ziyech, Carrasco at 30m ++) therefore a climb down (considering the number of good options for wide players in market currently) is possible toward end of window. Unless we lose our nerve, I’d expect we will continue to assess options and play one against the other to try… Read more »


Though it’s realistically unlikely, but why don’t we give Palace Iwobi + cash for Zaha. This way we get our man (or rather, he gets to come to us) and Palace get their replacement, albeit an inferior one.

chet weise

When Sam Phillips sold Elvis Presley’s contract, many said he was crazy. However, history shows that the sell saved Sun Records from bankruptcy and allowed the record label to go on to flourish. Aub is one of my favorites for both is play and character. But Laca scores goals and checks more boxes, including the ability to supply a quality attacking winger like Zaha. If we can do the deal for Zaha via selling Aub, I’m IN. That’s where we are at the moment. Of course there are other players we would rather see sold, but how many are going… Read more »

Monkey Joe

#EmeryOut he fucked it up

Monkey Joe

We are new Everton. Only David Moyes can resque us.


Spell check that, buddy.
David Moyes can’t manage his dinner

The Spoon

What we need more than anything, more than a defender even, is a decent attacking midfielder. We never replaced Cazorla (actually went downhill after Pires left), and Ramsey has now gone, who is going to get forward, pass forward and chip in with 15 goals a season. Ozil is a waste of oxygen, Xhaka and Torrira both defence minded, and if Willock gets a chance, its a big ask. Wingers were also short on as we know, which makes the need for a decent AM more urgent. I feel midfielder is being overlooked, at least from the outside seems that… Read more »


I can’t relate.

I have never experienced the wanting of something I can’t afford, is that a common thing?

Floppy Gloves

Since the 2014-2015 season, Zaha has played in 167 club games, with 35 goals. Auba has 41 in 65 games with The Arsenal.


Still no replacement for Ramsey either…what a total balls up.


there is only one man to blame for our demise step forward DAVID DEIN, the guy who got lucky employing Arsene Wenger then taking the accolades of his and Arsenals success. The start of our slow demise began with him at the helm when he promised a big wage increase to a an Arsenal player through and through who came from the academy and who won the premiership and was playing for England on a regular basis none other than Ashley Cole or ‘Cashly’ as he was undeservily called an Arsenal supporter and player through and through who merited parity… Read more »

Michael Wright

If we sell Aubameyang to fund anything I’m going to support Nobody FC until this madness with ownership and staff is over. There are only a dozen or so players in the world at the moment I would swap for him.

Niall Byrne

This bloke writes complete nonsense all the time. He said we had no money before & we smashed our transfrer record signing Auba. If he writes enough bollocks eventually he’ll get something right.

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