Saturday, July 27, 2024

Confirmed: Kieran Tierney signs for Arsenal

After a summer-long pursuit, Arsenal have finally confirmed the signing of Kieran Tierney from Celtic.

The Scotland international moves to the Emirates in a deal believed to be worth £25 million. The Bhoys had rejected two previous offers from the Gunners.

Tierney made his debut for his boyhood club in 2015 and has since made 170 appearances, scoring 8 goals and providing 37 assists.

The 22-year-old has spent most of the summer nursing injuries and wasn’t included in Celtic’s first game of the season against St Johnstone on Saturday.

He had an operation on a double hernia issue in May and has been battling osteitis pubis, which causes pain and discomfort in the groin and lower stomach. It’s expected he’ll need a few more weeks to get fit before being considered for first team action.

Welcome to the club, Kieran.

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Aj gooner

Get in! Hope you turn out better that the previous Keiran.

Dave Cee



Gibbs, I suppose.


According to Andre Marriner, he must mean Kieran Oxlade-Chamberlain

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Fans do not expect him to be better than Gibbs who was let go?

Aj gooner

Why so much hate? Did I say something wrong?


aizavli katekar :O


As a Glaswegian Celtic-supporting Gooner, Tierney is every bit as good as he is made out to be. Be excited everyone, let’s pray his injury record improves because he has a superb reputation to complement his superb potential.
Be excited.

Tierney Henry

The phrase of the summer


Great news – onwards and upwards Gunners


Welcome home Kieran. In other news, BBC Sport’s David Ornstein says Everton ‘have agreed a deal’ worth between £35m and £40m, but must now sort the intricacies before it can be confirmed. Saka and Nelson to the fire this season and I am truly excited to get the funds in. I can finally say I trust Unai, Vinai, Raul and Edu to use it wisely on whatever we make out of Iwobi. Make no mistake, I like Iwobi but he is limited and for a club of our stature, we could do better – either develop the younger blood coming… Read more »


As nice a fella as Iwobi seems, for him to have paid for a new left back, a new centre back (assuming it goes through) and the first installment on Pepe is absolutely incredible business by us. Spectacularly good transfer window- if you’d told me this was going to happen on July 1st I’d have laughed in your face!

SB Still

I wonder if that leaves a place for Zaha in the next window?

Scott P

Get in! Pretty good summer, I have to say. Hopefully his injury isn’t serious, and we see him in action soon!

SB Still

Yes, there was a plan after all.

Bring back David Hillier

Huzzah!! Although I hope his pubis gooching gets better real soon.

Mayor McCheese

My pubis has been gooched for a good ten years now. These days it looks more and more like the last chicken at Sainsbury’s (how I wept in recognition when Billy Connolly made that joke).

Canon Fodder

We bid £25 million for him but it was rejected but then we bid £25 million again for him and then our offer was accepted! Maybe we should use that approach all the time

Pat Rice and Beans

[insert you £X + 1 joke here]


First bid was £25m Scottish pounds, final bid was £25m English pounds.

The Spoon

I assumed second bid was in Euros as they are so desperate to stay in the EU… Controversial ?


The finest English sterling in the land!




The delay in this deal was all Celtic managing their own PR.

Celtic’s official announcement is pretty shameless: “We did all we could to keep Kieran at Celtic. While the club did not need or wish to sell Kieran, this was an opportunity which Kieran very much wished to pursue”

They were always gonna take Arsenal’s damn money. There’s a reason we didn’t move onto other targets ages ago, we knew the score. They couldn’t be seen as pushovers by their lot so instead they tried to make Arsenal and Tierney look bad.

Make Arsenal Great Again

Completely agree with you, Kaius. This deal looks like it had been done weeks but was healed up for PR purposes. It seems all 3 parties were on the same page. There is a reason there were no other rumored destinations for him after the initial 25M was rejected. His agent and Celtics weren’t leaking rumors to put pressure on Arsenal. There were no leaks of other targets at left back


Yes, and it would also explain Neil Lennon’s weird injury update insisting Tierney was only a week away from fitness.

Seems like the deal may have been agreed in principle, but Celtic higher-ups were worried Arsenal would call it off if Tierney wasn’t recovering on schedule

DB10s Air Miles

I think the issue with the bids was how much we were willing to pay up front as opposed to the overall fee.


Tierney is turning me on!


This makes me happy. He was the first player I signed in my Fifa 19 career mode. Haha.

He’s got loads of potential. Really happy that we’ve got this guy in our squad, and will wear the #3 a proper left back number!

Welcome to the Gunners Kieran!

Andre Santos' car keys

Perhaps Holdini will want to complete the association with the #3. #6 is also a proper left back number, and recently made available. **eyes emoji**

Number formalities aside, welcome KT.

Tankard Gooner

Who’s this holdini then?


A distant relative of Houdini maybe


“Now I have come to London and I want to make some noise”

Boom! Me thinks by the time he’s done at Arsenal he is going to struggle to choose between us and Celtic who he loves best *wink*

Can’t wait to see him on the f**king pitch!


Can’t wait to see him running down one side linking up with Auba/Nelson on one side, and Bellerin linking up with Le Pepe on the other. Oof, can’t wait!


Good window. Champions League here we come.

Paul Roberts

Transfer window closed now. Where is Luiz??


Dunno but Iwobi has gone to Everton.

Sagebrush Farm

Me think we should use the Everton money for Iwobi to get Everton Soares. Should work, the monies got a lable

Paul Roberts



Welcome Kieran! Not too long ago Sven Mislintat was giving an interview dismissing the leadership’s “agent-based approach” in favour his data-based “systematic approach”. As if Arsenal, a club that owns an entire data company, was gonna dispense with data altogether. And many of the regulars on here gleefully piled on the club. Someone even described Raul as a “seedy” man who had “conflicts of interest” with some these agents. Arsenal was dead they said, and letting Sven Mislintat go was the club’s death-knell. Such a load of reactionary rubbish. Don Raul has absolutely bodied the lot of them. Fair play… Read more »


Don’t pay much attention to the comments. People like to overreact on the internet. That is what clickbait AFTV is for.

I found a lot of the reactions to Kos leaving (especially the shirt thing) baffling.

Welcome Kieran, delighted a fellow Scotsman is playing fro the gunners.


Yeah it’s great to have a Scotsman repping The Arsenal after so long!

It’s also been a treat hearing some of the Celtic fans’ mugging Tierney off on his way out, my fave was “his wee plastic hips will never pass a medical” lol


If there is one thing Galswegians are good at, it’s insults.

John Mock

Yes it was reactionary and harsh but I think it was at least fair to be highly skeptical. This new team had proven little and Mislintat had an amazing track record. But I too cried foul when I read his interview, which reeked of sour grapes. As if we would ignore the multi million data and scouting infrastructure we had built and just make seedy deals. Obvious nonsense. But I’m still stunned by this teams effectiveness. I think most of us were so used to the incompetence of the past that we weren’t ready for this. The future looks very… Read more »


Yes to be fair, there were a few like you who saw through Mislintat’s bluster.

Emery’s 2nd season at PSG was much improved from his first. Obviously they added quality individuals, but their team play overall improved a lot and they came up with some stunning counters so hopefully he can reproduce that.


Well, I don’t know which approach is better. What I do know is that it’s what happens on the pitch – and only on the pitch – that counts in the end. We’ll begin to see whether we’ve bought well very soon. If we have, and I really hope we have, we can celebrate. It’s a tad premature before a ball has been kicked though.


No, it was premature for people to assume that Arsenal, who own and operate an entire data company, and with scouts all over the world, were gonna dispense with data and scouting in favour of taking whatever agent’s offered us – just because a disgruntled ex-employee suggested it in an interview.

It is definitely not premature to say Mislintat’s interview misled a lot of people about what Arsenal’s strategy would be this summer.


And this goal-post shifting line about “what I do know is that it’s what happens on the pitch – and only on the pitch – that counts in the end” underlines my point about the blinkered belief in Sven Mislintat. We actually don’t need a ball to be kicked to simply say yes, we’ve had a pretty good transfer window (even rivals fans are acknowledging it). It’s about time people acknowledged that there are other competent professionals working in football apart from Sven Mislintat. Don’t let your loyalty towards him stop you giving credit where it’s due to Raul and… Read more »


From what I can recall of that interview, Mislintat did not dismiss the leadership’s “agent-based approach”. He simply said the leadership had a different approach to recruiting players, which was more “agent-based” than
his own holistic approach.

Both approaches can and do lead to the recruitment of players, but ultimately what matters is how the players perform when selected.

As Patrick Vieira would say, the truth is on the pitch.


Mislintat is too smart not to know that big clubs have to use both approaches – but he still pinpointed that difference in philosophy as one of the reasons he left. Which then spurred angry comments like this:

“How can getting offered players by agents who just want to enrich themselves and their clients be better than seeing the players with our own eyes while matching that with proper data?

It sounds like we have just stepped back ten years.”


Where’s sideshow?


Well, it’s finally done although we probably won’t see him for at six to eight weeks because of injury.

Zuhair Ul Haq

Your name should’ve been Goonegative. ?


So he’s not injured then, and we can expect to see him against Newcastle? It was widely reported a little while ago that his injury will keep him out for up to eight weeks. How can that be negative? Daft comments like yours are just silly.

Paul Roberts

3 weeks mate chill out x

Patient Gooner

And if we didn’t sign him you’d have decried the club’s “incompetence” at deal making. Got the feeling no one wins with you.


The Luiz deal. He was at PSG when Emery was there , yes ? But not for long. Anyone know why he left when he did? Any conflict – and if so then was this deal done over Emerys head ? See BBC saying Iwobi gone to Everton ?
Been a cracking day transfer wise and really looking forward to the season.


At the time PSG had Thiago Silva established as 1st choice and captain, with young prodigy Marquinhos coming through at CB. And Chelsea bid a huge amount for him.

I thought buying him back was one of the smartest decisions Chelsea ever made, because they’d finished 10th in that Mourinho meltdown season and won the title in Luiz’s first season back.


Sky suggesting Iwobi to Everton for £35 million ??

If so -that means his fee would cover Tierney and Luiz ?


It’s on the BBC website but the actual amount is not officially confirmed (when I last looked anyway) or if any of the amount is add-ons etc. If it’s £35 million then that’s a very good deal for us, I think. It’s a fair increase on Everton’s original offer – apparently £30 million, which I would have accepted as time was running out. We got an increase on that, which is very handy. As most transfer fees – probably including Iwobi’s – are paid in instalments, I guess we’ll use the instalments received from Everton to cover part of the… Read more »

Micky Tayrian

Och aye the NEW LEFT BACK!

Lord Bendnter

Osteitis pubis is frequently seen in athletes. It’s mostly conservative management. I wouldn’t be too worried about it.

Dr Bendnter

Mayor McCheese

You speak with authority!

But it’s ‘Bendtner’, isn’t it. Coincidentally, Bendtner managed his pubis rather well, I thought, so long as there wasn’t a taxi around!

Lord Bendnter

I am sorry but you are confusing me with someone else. It’s Bendnter and I have my own space station.


Great news. With Iwobi signing with Everton for 35-40 million and our paying around 25 Tierney we end the day with 10-15 million more than we started with plus our top target this Summer. Hopefully we will stay healthy in the attack and losing Iwobi without getting someone else in leaves us primarily with Miki, Aubameyang and Pepe to play the wide positions, not much depth there at all unless you figure Ozil may play there. Does that mean we will keep Nelson at Arsenal this season (he’s not listed on the website in the first team)?


Hopefully we’re not getting Demba Ba’d for Luiz, like Chelsea have done to us before.

Mayor McCheese

Really? I thought Cech was a good signing for us. Also, Gallas gets trashed because he was a terrible captain, but he was a good defender.

The big worry is buying from United. Silvestre. Oof. Sluralex laughed all the way to the pub after that one!

Mayor McCheese

Oh, and Nketiah!


Busy summerWelc Kie


Welcome Kieran. Excited to finally see you in red & white.


He may fill the gap between Monreal and Kolasinac, great signing by Arsenal. Improvement on LB position. He is a versatile player, can play in CB and RB position if necessary.

Merlin's Panini

Finally! Despite his injury I’m glad we got him in now instead of waiting until January. We probably have better medical staff, physios etc than Celtic. Also it wouldn’t have been guaranteed we’d get him later.


Where’s he at compared with Sessegnon?

Iron Ljung

They’re different sorts of players, despite both falling under the heading ‘left back’. Both young: Tierney 22, Sessegnon 19. Tierney is more of a ‘proper’ left back than Sessegnon, as I understand it. The latter is predominantly a left wing back/winger. Tierney seems like the more complete defensive package (case in point: he has played reasonably comfortably at centre back for Celtic and Scotland at times), which makes him a natural successor to Nacho Monreal. That isn’t to say that, as contrasted with Sessegnon, he lacks ability going forward; on the contrary, he is also very good in the opposition… Read more »


Thanks Ljung, great details!


I’m beginning to think we’re never going to get Kalou now

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