Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Freddie Ljungberg reacts to Norwich 2-2 Arsenal

Freddie Ljungberg’s first game in charge of Arsenal ended in stalemate, a 2-2 draw with Norwich at Carrow Road.

There were some promising signs, particularly in the first half, but we also conceded twice in the opening 45 minutes. Star men on the day were Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, who scored twice, and Bernd Leno who stopped Norwich from scoring more.

Here’s what Freddie made of it, speaking to Sky Sports afterwards.

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At least he can string a sentence together that you can understand.

Now if he can just not play mustafi we might be on to something


For me, that was the only part of the team selection that I wholeheartedly disagreed with 100%. I wouldn’t play Mustafi in a pub side.


After last Thursday I actually would have played Mustafi, but that might be the exact reason why I am not the coach of Arsenal. I liked his performances in the EL and Cup games, but it seems the PL is for some reason too much for him. Unfortunately that was shown again yesterday (and we are talking about a PL team from the relegation zone).


I’m not sure what his other options were?

Sokratis has been exceptionally poor recently, Holding is carrying a knock, Bellerin was injured, so he put Chambers at right back, meaning his only options at centre half were Sokratis, Luiz, Mustafi, Mavropanos.

Same at left back, Tierney apparently picked up a knock in training, that means Kolasinac.

Freddie’s options at the back are exceptionally poor, hopefully Holding, Bellerin and Tierney are back on Thursday, getting those three fit, is our best shot at forming any type of decent backline.


First post match interview I have understood in 18 months


We have a good man in charge, an Invincible and someone who loves this club and knows what it means to pull on the red and white shirt. Today he was let down by Mustafi, Luiz and Xhaka. Let’s hope all the players get behind him and start producing what’s expected at this club.

Woolwich Shepherd

True. But he selected them knowing their weaknesses. If you’re going to criticise Emery for those types of team selections, the interim manager deserves the same scrutiny. There was a moment where they flashed the camera to him on the bench and he seemed to have this “oh… This is going to be harder than I thought look”. He’s an Invincible, though, and he will get this team organized. As painful as the away draw was, it could have been far worse on a debut. Thanks Bernd!

COYG. Onwards and upwards!

Mentor Gj

Xhaka did nothing wrong he was alright today

Woolwich Shepherd

But that’s it. When he plays well, he’s just average. I don’t think Xhaka deserves the abuse he received, but I also never understood why Ramsey was let go and Xhaka had his contract extended.


Watch the second goal. He is square on rather than side on which makes it easier to turn if passed. Slow to react, slow to turn, slow jog back and speeds up too late. Did not have his worst game but there must be better out there to wear the shirt.

Frank Bascombe

Maybe you could have a go? We’ll scrutinize you for 90 mins, waiting for a mistake and then jumping all over it. How’d you like that?


I’d take off my work shirt cup my hand to my ear and walk slowly away and tell you all to fk off

Reidar Strand Hagen

Xhaka had some nice interceptions and plays. One of the better games he’s had in a while.

Also, the goals came from breaks and poor transitions. A good team really shouldn’t allow that to happens as much as Arsenal does, but that’s about the team. Not the defenders.


Freddie plans to work on that.

Kran stoenke

Willock was anonymous throughout the game lol. Laca? What did laca do? Everyone’s to be blamed equally. Arsenal fans need to be less toxic, always trying to scapegoat someone bringing tension to the club. Buzz off will ya


Can’t argue with his responses. There were positives and there are a lot of things to work on

La Défense

Apparently my comment is still awaiting moderation. ??

If we make champions league I’ll be happy. We’re closer to the bottom than to the top.


Maybe our players are just bad, other than Auba, Laca, ozil and Leno. None of the others would make the team of a top 6 club. Well, bellerin and Tierney.


Really what club would take Ozil and his cloak of invisibility? Watch 8.37! and see him pull away just in case he had to actually put a block in. Avoiding player with the ball like a moped mugger.


Why is this ‘cloak of invisibility’ phrase so familiar these couple days? Are the same people using different profiles?


Harry Potter has been on ITV a lot lately but I will stop using the phrase. How about Where’s Wally or Camouflage Ozil as he miraculously vanishes in front of 60


60000 wearing a bright red shirt

Woolwich Shepherd

That’s pretty much the bottom line. It’s a long way from Van Dijk to Mustafi, Sokratis and David Luiz. You’re asking a 20 year old Guendouzi to make up for the underperforming “world class” Ozil. Xhaka is nowhere near top 6 football. If Pepe would just catch fire…


If Pepe catches fire that’s £72m literally gone up in smoke!


Or the interim manager is inexperienced and the board should choose the actual manager wisely , unlike the last time. Anyway whatever happens , i’m not very optimistic of Arsenal’s future.


jip…what Im thinking too…we lack the skilled players in some areas and our defence has been measured and found VERY wanting , indeed


Its been barely two days to work with the players, not much else he can effect in that time frame. Come on think.

Pepe Le Pew

Like his calmness. Would like to see a bit more of him before we hire a new manager


Really wish they’d made the change last weekend. A couple more training sessions for Freddie, the home Europa League tie before an away Premier League match…

Ah well, no going back now for Raul and Co., but their prolonged indecisiveness on Emery did Freddie no favors, that’s for sure.


So fresh so understandable! Way to go Freddie! I am 100% in your bandwagon mate!


It’s hard because we’d all begun to dream of an impossible turnaround, with the team suddenly attacking with flair, movement, and verve, making up for defensive short comings and frailties. This was a bump back to earth and reflects the magnitude of the funk that we find ourselves in. Let’s be honest: top 4 is already out of reach. That’s partly on Emery, and partly on the management of the club. None of it will really be on Freddie. His approach of trying to rectify the simple things and helping some of our better players rediscover their mojos is the… Read more »

An Arseblog News Comment

The man has had what? 1.5-2 training sessions or less? Let’s not jump to any conclusions whatsoever. Let’s encourage the team the best we can. But if anyone insists on jumping to conclusions, let me hit them with a fact. We were outshot in our last three PL matches prior to this one. And none of them were even close. We outshot the home team by one shot. Freddie sees the boys in training every day. If he picked this team, he had his reasons. You cannot correct a full season’s worth of mistakes in 2 days. A wise person… Read more »


and in one interview Freddie says more things that makes a lot of sense and is more open about his thinking than good evening ever did


Personally , and Im really an amateur here…from the couch and watching we dont have a defence up to par right now….Tierney is getting better and Bellerin works hard..BUT Luis hasnt REALLY blown me away and Kolasinac is now having to work overtime and thats when mistakes creep in….that being said …I think its up to Chambers…Kolasinac ….Tierney and Bellerin should they be fit …and as a back up??..well , hey Im only on the couch NOT the coach..

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