Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arteta: It’s unacceptable to lose that way

Mikel Arteta says the way Arsenal lost to Brighton was ‘unacceptable’ and he blamed his players for not competing as the home side came back from a goal down to win 2-1 at the AMEX.

The Gunners had the better chances in the first half, Bukayo Saka hitting the bar on eight minutes, but a bad injury to keeper Bernd Leno, who fell badly after a shove in the air by Neal Maupay, took the steam out of us.

We looked brighter after the break and finally broke the deadlock on 65 minutes courtesy of a fine curling effort from the left foot of Nicolas Pepe. It should have been a platform for us to kill the game. Instead the opposite happened. Within seven minutes, Lewis Dunk bundled home from close range after Brighton worked a set piece to the near post.

The game seemed to be heading for a draw only for Maupay to lift the ball over Emi Martinez in the fifth minute of stoppage time.

Here’s what the boss had to say to BT Sport

On the result and performance…

A very difficult one to take, it was unacceptable the way we lost the game.

On what cost us…

The fact that we missed so many chances, the fact that we gave them the first goal and we didn’t compete in the second goal.

On Leno’s injury…

It doesn’t look good but we don’t know anything yet.

On the incident with Maupay…

I don’t know, it’s too far from me. I haven’t seen the actions again. I always believe players never have the intention to hurt anybody and I’m sure he didn’t have the intention to do that.

On a mix-up over substitutions…

We asked the fourth official to make two substitutions. He didn’t get it or he understood something different and we couldn’t do them.

On lifting spirits…

We need to try to lift the players. There’s a lot of things that they’ve done really well, but we don’t compete. At this level you can’t give the goals that we give away. It’s impossible. I know that we are a very, very young team but in the Premier League if you make two mistakes like this, you lost two goals. We can’t accept that.


Two games in a week, two defeats. After all the talk of mounting a top four challenge, we’re going backwards.

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sunil t

Strange decisions today from the boss. No ozil or martinelli seems odd.


Arteta it’s your fault. Bad decisions team selections against city and subs against brighton makes no sense.


I’m guessing there’s something we don’t know about Martinelli. Maybe he’s not 100%, or there has been “an incident”. Do we know if he agreed to the pay cut?

Ozil out is not odd. He’s always been a luxury player, except now he’s also shit.


I’m trying to reserve judgement on team selection as there’s probably a lot of factors that we’re not privy to.

David C

I hope Ozil never plays for us again, but leaving our second highest scorer on the bench for 2 games now seems strange.

I still think we were a bit unlucky today with Saka hitting the bar and Laca just missing that header.

Gutted for Leno, that’s such a dirty DeBuchy like play.


I can’t see Ozil being the difference between the sides! He has just made it clear he intends to collect his salary without a pay cut to the end of the season. His priorities are clear.


“No matter what – I will wreck this club” – Mesut Ozil

Apparently Twitter missed half of his tweet


Not only is the club abysmal but its fans too. I don’t get this hate against Özil. Well, good for you, guys.


I don’t get your ‘hate’ for any Arsenal player who isn’t ozil.


I don’t get how you assume that an Arsenal supporter sticking up for Ozil (an Arsenal player) automatically constitutes “hate” for any Arsenal player not named Ozil.


They’re getting what they want – an Ozil-free side. Four days, two games, nil points – and they’re still slagging him off. You couldn’t make it up. It’s hilarious.


These fans have been getting what they have wanted in the last few years – Wenger gone, Ozil dropped in so many games – and we’re getting worse and worse. When the Kroenkes sell up to “anyone”, because “anyone would be better”, and we’re still in the same place or worse, who will they have left to blame? Back when Arsenal fans merely had opinions but never told the club what to do, because they recognised that Arsene knew best, we were doing doubles, going unbeaten, or at worst, finishing fourth. The only thing I disagree with you on is… Read more »


Wenger wasn’t getting fourth near the end. He instilled a weak mentality and we are paying for it now.


He missed out on the top four twice in over two decades – ridiculous to just assume that he would never have got us back into the top four again if he had stayed on. Emery, a far inferior manager, nearly, and should have, got us fourth, if not third. So why couldn’t Wenger have got those home wins against Palace and Brighton to do it. And this “weak mentality” rubbish is just Arsenal-haters stereotyping our foreign players (particularly the French ones). If our teams had such weak mentality, how did we manage to come back from so many two… Read more »


That’s rubbish. We were getting worse each year with Wenger. He lost the dressing room. There was no passion, no fight. Bringing race into it when our players were just there to pick up a pay check is typical of fans like yourself. If they really cared for him, for their own pride they would have put in a decent shift before he was fired.
We struggled against mid table teams. Meanwhile he insisted on playing sub standard players despite virtually everyone saying they should be nowhere near a club like ours.


Do you even think before you opine? You sound like a typical TalkSport caller and AFTV interviewee – brainwashed, and full of misinformation and waffle. In 2011, we finished fourth. Then we finished third, then fourth, then fourth, then third, then second, then fifth, then sixth. That’s not getting worse EACH year; that’s up and down. If the players had “no passion, no fight” (very original), then how do you explain all the great comebacks and late wins, particularly when we were 2-0 down in the F.A. Cup final and under monumental pressure to end our long trophy drought everyone… Read more »


Ridiculous post. Did you actually watch the games and see how we were playing or were you sitting on an armchair listening to the radio? It’s fans like yourself (who think Mustafi, Xhaka and Luiz are the best thing since sliced bread) that are the cancer to this club. Would have been good if you had gone with Wenger. It’s because of Wenger and fans like yourself that we are where we are. Living on past glories and having a go at anyone who has a different opinion. Even bringing race into it.


Won’t waste any further time with brainless people like yourself so keep replying as I’m closing the page.


It’s not Arsenal’s situation that I find hilarious – far from it. It’s the pig-shit mentality of people who slag off our best player. That’s what I find hilarious. I’ll also find it hilarious when Ozil has left and the same people will be crying out for an attacking midfielder with his ability. Come to think of it, they’re doing that now – and he hasn’t left! That’s what I find hilarious. The ignorance of people who wouldn’t know a world class footballer from a Big Mac.


We want something in return for the £18m per year. That is approximately18,000 season tickets!

Dave cee

I despise Ozil.


That’s because you’ve been brainwashed by the Arsenal-hating, Ozil-hating, xenaphobic media. With an independent mind and genuine football knowledge, you’d see what a great player he is and how we can’t create goalscoring opportunities without him. But instead, you just believe what TalkSport tell you to believe.


Oh right, just because I don’t believe he’s a good footballer I’m a racist now? Look, Germany did him wrong and it’s plain to see for everyone. What’s also plain to see is that he isn’t helping the club. I don’t have a problem with him as a person – he is a champion of great causes. I just wish he’d also champion the cause of winning some games for his employer.


Please look at who I am replying to.
And I didn’t say Ozil-haters are racist; I said racists (often found working for TalkSport) have brainwashed some Arsenal supporters into becoming Ozil-haters.
Please pay attention; whether it’s when you’re reading comments, or when you’re watching football (if you manage the latter, your opinions on Ozil may just change).

George Odionyi

Exactly. If anything, the same hate existed during Unai’s time and the results always without him were predictable-all loses. What about Martineli? What’s wrong with him? Arsenal needed a good coach, not this bustards that have been sent to kill the club.


I still want to believe in Arteta but he’s basically having a new manager bounce on his Emery like football. We simply toy with the ball struggling to get it forward quickly enough. We played two wingers who are very good at taking on players directly but to get the ball to Saka or Pepe we have to first escort it with slow useless passes and their defenders to give them a block to dribble through. Often they find the sensible option being playing a slow useless pass just like the midfielder or defender who escorted it to them. The… Read more »

Timorous Me

From what Arteta’s said, not to mention the Guardiola influence on his approach, I can’t believe he really wants the team to play this way with such slow midfield buildup.   When you look at the players he has in the midfield, though, it’s not exactly surprising that this is how it goes. There was some positivity in this regard, I seem to recall, with the Xhaka-Torreira-Ceballos trio before the break. But we know what Xhaka is, and we know how Guendouzi plays (maybe a bit more disciplined today, actually?). Torreira was much-needed in this game.   And Ceballos, I… Read more »


my problem with our game is mainly on how we waste our attacking players. we practically help our opponents defend. We simply have no plan to release our wingers one on one with full backs. Against city Auba made some very good runs off the ball that should be picked up or at least tried to feed him but No. we are busy looking for the next easy pass to play around with. we could have Vardy and Henry again Cygan and the speed of BFG holding a high line and opt against feeding the speedy duo. opting to “bring… Read more »


And just to say something else. I was actually shocked at the squad and Artetas non reaction to the Leno injury.   When the Brighton player clearly clattered into him and put him on the floor. I cannot believe that not ONE Arsenal player, ran over and got in his fucking face and went for him. Not one.   They all just stood their like a load of wet towels on the edge of the bath, and did absolutely nothing.   If that had happened to Jens, or to David, Patrick, Martin, Ray, Tony, Lee, Lauren, they all would have… Read more »


Totally agree, this is a team of pathetic characters that quite frankly aren’t fit to wear the Arsenal shirt. Insipid, gutless wonders. Arteta isn’t the answer.


I couldn’t agree more….


I was as pissed as anyone else and I don’t want to look like I am against Mikel as I like him a lot and want him to succeed but even the gentleman Arsene lost his cool most times and had a go at players and managers whenever this kind of stuff was happening. But players abandoning Leno was the worst sight. They all just walked about casually.


Probably the best post I ever read on this site.

Bring back Keown

We’ve been too nice for ten years now, Kos, BFG and Wiltshire were the only real leaders we’ve had. Really makes you appreciate when AW said we should be grateful for top 4 – he was right. How he kept us afloat was a miracle! Very unlucky with injuries, Artefacts needs a summer to bring in own players and put some sort of stamp on the squad. Definitely miss a link player like Ozil but goes missing too often to be able to rely on him. Expensive toy to have lying around

Reality check

“We’ve been too nice for ten years now, Kos, BFG and Wiltshire were the only real leaders we’ve had”

Seriously? Kos wouldn’t confront you if you touched his mrs. Can you refer to an incident where Kos stood up for himself or any of his team mates. He was good player but a leader he wasn’t..


That’s what stands out to me the most, no one when and got in Maupays face. What kind of a TEAM is that? It says the most, were not a team, we don’t play like a team, were shocking and lucky we have the magic 40 points


Can I just say something that has been bugging me for awhile.   I was always hugely skeptical about Arteta as an appointment, due to the fact he is literally zero experience, and today’s result hugely highlighted the reasons why. And before all the meff’s start trawling out the ‘he needs time..’ ‘its a long term project..’   Please don’t bother. That is total fucking shit.   That Brighton team have not come from behind to win a game in 67 attempts. They haven’t won a league game in 2020. They are quite literally one of the worst teams in… Read more »

Don Cazorleone

Everyone: “Just play the kids, at least they’ll try”
Also everyone: “no not like that”


We shouldn’t play the kids at all. Not now. Putting aside their competency for a second, the infrastructure just isn’t there. Who is going to teach Willock how to play central midfield? Xhaka? Is he really a goog enough example to a young player.   These guys are being thrown out there against senior professionals in one of the hardest leagues around, and we’re all hanging our hats on them that they’re good enough?   Lets not forget, most senior professionals who come from other tough leagues struggle with the Premier League.   Yet we’re expecting a load of guys… Read more »


So he doesn’t need time? It’s not a long-term project?   Of course he’s inexperienced, which comes with a risk. And even in the best-case scenario he’s not going to get everything right first time.   But experience doesn’t guarantee instant results either. Emery and Wenger were experienced, look how that turned out over the last few years. I don’t know, it’s almost as if there might be more to it than “play proper players, in their favored positions”   Personally I really like what I hear and see from Arteta, plus there has been a noticeable change in shape,… Read more »


Arteta needs fucking money, and lots of it, just like everyone else.   Go look at every single team in this league that are good, and see what they are doing.   They’re all buying good players. All of them.   Giving him a load of academy guys who are noway near the finished article, and probably never will be, is NEVER going to work.   And I am going to tell you now.   There is quite literally zero chance that he is going to succeed without financial backing.   Zero.   I honestly think next season, if the… Read more »


Of course money helps, a lot. But we haven’t got much, so there’s no point spending the next few years crying over it.   Plus we could both name loads of expensive players who flopped and cheap ones who flourished, both at Arsenal and elsewhere, so let’s not pretend it’s everything.   Anyway, IMO a good manager is far more important than money. George Graham didn’t have loads of money, neither did Wenger. More recently, Poch dragged his team to their best positions in years without much cash. Klopp didn’t have much when he took over.   It can be… Read more »


It’s ok to back him as long as he gets proper financial backing from the owners. But I fear they won’t do it. This self sustaining model would be fine if we were generating income from playing in Europe. But that’s not going to happen at the moment. It’s frightening to think what will happen if the owners don’t step in to help us rebuild

John C

I asked the question last summer what was so special about our youngsters given that they weren’t even the best side at academy level and with the exception of Saka, who’s looked good, I’m still non the wiser.
The Arteta appointment was a massive gamble and as you say was never going to get different results with the same players.
I really don’t have much confidence that things are going to get any better any time soon given the set up we currently have.


That’s it John, and whats crazy is, we’re all sat around scratching our heads as to why things aren’t working out for us, when its actually blatantly obvious.   There is a very good reason why no other club in the Premier League is attempting, or has attempted to do what we’re currently doing.   And that’s simply because it does not work.   But through some misplaced sense of identity we think that just because ‘we’re Arsenal’ its going to work out for us differently. But looking at the facts:   We have a shit players. We wont buy… Read more »

John C

It’s not exactly rocket science is it?!
It is totally bizarre that there is/was a collective belief amongst senior management and certain sections of the fan base that think this was a recipe for success, to me it was always a recipe for disaster.


Absolutely it’s not a complicated algebraic equation! It simple fucking logic. The owners must know it as must the exec team they “winging it”. Just wish more arsenal supporters would wake up and realise the club is a false narrative.


Class post?


Good post esp about our supposedly great crop of youngsters


Very good post. I notice below many replies put forward the case that he (arteta) just needs money to arrest our decline (as much as I like him) you could give him millions and I don’t think he would be the answer. Even if many of our squad are not top top class a good coach can still instill high notions of effort work rate desire and fight into an average squad apart from having clearly defined tactics a systems. He has failed to do this – it is obvious. To play the likes of nketiah, willock and nelson is… Read more »


Willock, Nelson, and Nketiah aren’t the guys that are the problem. I can’t really understand why you single them out, PLUS I’m not sure if you’ve noticed or not but we really don’t have any other people to play. Do you expect Arteta to pull a giant hat out on the pitch and conjure forth three more footballers? Xhaka is hurt. Torreira is hurt. Ceballos and guendouzi and Saka played the whole game and most of the last one. Stop complaining about something that literally has no solution at this point in time, and stop blaming Arteta for putting the… Read more »


What’s the cry over Ozil every time. It’s not as if he’s made the team in anyway better


Both Auba and Martinelli are similar players. Both like to occupy the left side of the final third and move inwards towards goal. The Auba through the middle and Martinelli on the right experiment failed. The Auba through the middle and Martinelli on the left expirement failed as well. Both players ended up occupying the same space and were constantly getting in each other’s way. To accommodate Martinelli, Saka would need to be sacrificed and I think he offers more on the left when Auba plays. Martinelli on the left with Laca through the middle works, or Martinelli through the… Read more »


i dont even know how to react anymore blogs.


I don’t think our players know either.


Seriously. At 1-1 I was disappointed. At 2-1 I was just shocked. I just don’t understand this inability to fight all the way through. Je ate every other team’s 3 point snack.


We are*


He certainly can talk the talk but same thing will happen again the next game, and he’ll just say it again

John C

He’s in danger of becoming the new Roberto Martinez


Unacceptable, yet unsurprising.


3 substitutes at 87 minutes ? what are they supposed to do exactly. Killed the whole rhythm honestly.


Agree totally. By that point it was far too late. He needs to learn fast. Before the break his lack of decisiveness around subs was an issue discussed here. It’s a young team with a young manager also. Learning to be done all round.


I agree it was too late. But it killed the rhythm? Eh? What rhythm?
BTW, he wanted to bring on Tierney earlier but there was a fuck up so couldn’t. That left only one more occasion to bring on subs and he probably figured he should wait in case there was another injury.


This is one of those matches that could send us into the abyss. Maybe they can retrieve my optimism while they are down there.


He doesn’t have the experience to deal with this set of losers. His words are meaningless because he keeps chopping and changing the fullbacks, central midfielders, wingers, strikers. He doesn’t know what to do when the responsibility is on him and the players look devoid of confidence and identity. Its better to look at the bigger picture though and realise nothing will change with the owners, executives, agents, coaches, players. Its rotten to the core and Arsenal are declining fast. Please, please somebody come in and buy Arsenal from the Kroenkes, get rid of Raul and co and save the… Read more »


So what do we do, get someone who has experience coaching losers?
I’m afraid Roy Hodgson isn’t available.


Try anything else?


That’s a bit harsh on Hodgson. A good manager & one of the most decent men in football


The joke wasn’t on Hodgson, it was on the England team.

Crash Fistfight

Roy Hodgson’s Crystal Palace are about to leapfrog Arsenal at this moment in time. Maybe he wouldn’t be a bad choice? Oh no, sorry, obviously the Crystal Palace players are better than those at Arsenal. I know that’s the only reason we’re shit.


That’s true though, I don’t think their player are worse than ours. We are just that bad at the moment.


Leno “fell badly after a shove”? Leno was assaulted by Maupay – the law is clear on this.


Arteta looked so angry in that interview.

Be Kind

Surely he must be used to it by now?


Not one player came over in support of Leno when he has pushed. Just imagine how things would have looked with Vieira, Keown, Parlour etc.
This tells you what you need to know about this squad.

Olivije Žirod

They would scare the shit out of him. He wouldn’t dare to touch the ball till the end of the game.


right to the point. this team has got looks but they have got no balls or heart. they’re loveable when they need to talk or do some PR bullshit bur they are utterly heartless bunch on tbe pitch.


Exactly. Our recent teams have been mostly pansies.


In fairness, I am pretty sure the only thing on our players’ minds at that moment was Leno’s welfare. Two of our players immediately signaled to the sideline for medical attention with urgency written all over their faces. Anger at Maupay probably took a backseat to concern for their teammate at the key moment in time.

Joseph Kawooya

Like a little brother learning to swing, being a Gunner is a luxury


ARTETA needs to start Martinelli on the left Auba in the middle PEPE on the right. How difficult is that? And for the love of SSTOP bringing on Willock and Nelson those two should be your last resort. Now let it be clear we don’t have a no10 in our team other than Ozil. Whoever thought it was a good idea to sell IWOBI well tell me who’s better at CAM Wilock or IWOBI? We have no creativity we can’t defend and we have no midfield lol it’s a joke


I think Arteta has the passion. Trying to get that across to these over paid and entitled bunch of prima donnas is going to be tough. The boss needs a massive clear out and the backing of the board. Neither of which is going to happen. The malaise at the club comes from the top and is ingrained and has been for years. I cant blame arteta for that. Its modern day Arsenal and i think he will be off sooner rather than later as he will realise the club is going nowhere and his reputation could end up suffering… Read more »


Agree, Ozil not playing has some parallel with Emery situation as well. I don’t think Arteta hates him. It’s just that orders from top say to not play him. Until KSE is there I would not be surprised if AFC will fight for relegation next season. Fuck KSE.


I’m very frustrated! I don’t know what to say!

Naked Cygan

What more can you expect from a manager with less that 20 games under his belt. Bunch of weak and shit players. No leaders, injury prone as fk, shit transfer policy, players who want to leave. Players who get paid millions and dont play. Owner who won’t put money in the team. I am not shocked at the result…


Sensible starting lineup and substitutions.Or is that too muck to expect unless he’s managed a 1000 games ?


Dear Mr.Arteta, if you find it unacceptable why don’t you do something to avoid this disgraceful performance before the game starts?


Disgraceful performance is a bit strong.Unfortunately at this moment in our history we have some really average players who quite simply are not good enough to play for our great club.


No man this was an utterly disgraceful performance. As it was against city. No fight no drive no focus.

Paul Roberts

Is it “our great club” anymore or an American billionaires investment vehicle? 🙁


Bored of this already, this group of players is just dire to watch.


I made this point on Twitter so allow me to copy-paste:
If Arteta’s not careful he could be the next Brendan Rogers in terms of platitudes and “corporate speak”.
He should shoulder some of the blame though; the midfield was non-existent and that’s what ultimately lost us the game.


Right now Arteta is clueless


The whole club seems to have totally lost the plot. A shame as the period before lockdown seemed so promising.


Again I ask the question.
What exactly has Arteta done to improve the fortunes of Arsenal FC?
As a businessman surely Kroenke should know that the cheapest and easiest option is seldom the right one.
Arteta has no experience and it shows – it really shows.
Arsenal are a club in serious decline – a fledgling manager looking to gain experience is not the right choice.
He will be gone before this time next year…


Arteta obviously wasn’t the cheapest option. We gave a wad of cash to City and I’m sure he receives a decent salary. Freddie til the end of the season would have been the cheapest option, don’t think the right option but cheaper than Arteta – why that’s important is beyond me though.


Do you realise he’s still working with the Emery’s team? Let’s give him some time to get a balance, then we can judge him by then. I wish we miss out of the Europa league to enable us focus on the restructuring of this team


Stop questioning the coach, just a bunch of couch coaches. He’s in charge not even half a season. Its absurd. He will need time to fix this disaster. My main question is how do we use one player to defend a short corner creating a 2 vs. 1 on the first goal??? Amateur level mistake.


That is the question, Lee Dixon said how he drilled the defence every day to the point they were sick of it but that would never have happened. They assumed with all the big men that it would be pumped in. Assumption is the mother of all f*** ups.


At this rate arteta is just Emery with better english minus the trophies.


It’s not Arteta. It’s that Emery wasn’t the disaster everyone thought he was.   Emery took over a very flawed team and tried to fix some of the flaws. His instincts were conservative. The results were mostly there until we lost Ramsey for the season. That was the fourth key player gone for the season, all of them important. It’s ridiculous to assume that would have no bearing on the final position of the team. We would have been 4th, if only Auba had scored the penalty at Sp*rs or Xhaka hadn’t conceded one at Brighton. In the end, the… Read more »


The team seems a lot more flawed now than before Raul went about fixing the flawes.


You’re not wrong. That has to do with some really good players leaving and not being replaced by guys of the same quality.
We’ve lost Ramsey, Sanchez, Santi, Koscielny, Mertesacker, and Ozil and replaced them with limited plugs – or nothing.
I despise Gazidis as much as the next guy, but at least his big-ticket buys were rock-solid. Ozil (pre-extension), Alexis and Auba have been close to world-class.
Pepe? The jury’s still out, but he doesn’t seem to be in the same league. For that kind of money, you should be getting a superstar, not a glorified Rosicky.

Dave cee



Two against one on a corner how did that happen? George Graham would be turning in his grave if he was dead.


We can talk about individual players or Arteta’s odd tactics/substitutions all day…..but the reality is (& has been for a number of seasons) that the culture of the club is just rubbish. We juat don’t have leaders or players who desperately want to win.
This season is a write off. I just hope Arteta spends the rest of it deciding which of the players have what it takes to be involved in a new Arsenal & that the decision makers do wonders in offloading who he doesn’t want.


Pep at city instilled a new mindset into a group of world class players to push them to their peaks and them bring even more out as a collective. It simply doesn’t work with a group of average players with bad attitudes, they didn’t respond to emery, ljunberg and now arteta. We need a complete overhaul. I want to hear artetas grandplan and direction for the future. We can forget seeing Auba in an Arsenal shirt next year


what’s pepe doing for their first?? there’s two brighton players out on the corner, and he suddenly leaves his position and slowly walks back inside the box. causing hector (who’s covering the area around the first post) to attack their ball carrier. ball comes in at the exact place hector should have been.


Wait, who thought we were challenging for yop four?




Crash Fistfight

Maybe you subconsciously wanted a yoghurt drink as you wrote it the first time.


Well, I’m one of the few who didn’t want the season to restart. I’m not, however, using it as an excuse for this performance. All the old Emery traits are re-emerging; players out of position, sideways passing, lack of discipline and frankly players bereft of togetherness and leadership on the pitch. I like Arteta and I want him to succeed. He’s had it tough since becoming manager but the priority must be to start from a blank canvas for next season. Forget European football and rebuild, despite the soulless, empty stadiums that all clubs are having to put up with… Read more »


In a game a certain Bissouma bossed the midfield and Arsenal was light, and the coach still keeps faith in Nelson, Nketiah and who again? I wonder what the players were doing during the lockdown?


I want to see more of martinelli should be a starter he is much better than most of the players we have.


Another classic Martin Atkinson performance, he must absolutely hate Arsenal.


The guy is an absolute thunder cunt, but we have to factor in that refs have hated The Arsenal since the year dot. The reason we lost yesterday is because our defence is utter shit and the ‘team’ play for themselves – not each other. The first two things on Arteta’s To-Do list is 1. To get the players playing for each other. That will come as a culture shock to s lot of them, who have grown up with a Me-First attitude all their lives. 2. He has GOT to sort out that fucking defence once and for all.… Read more »


Chasing the game and he brings on Willlock and Nelson…pretty much sums it up that Arteta is now starting to tinker too much. Guendozi Cebalos pairing is too slow and backpass merchants. Unfortunately we have no options at DM in the next couple of games..

I’m exhausted watching Arteta turn into Emery, he is losing his vision of how Arsenal should play. It’s time to give Saka at #10 in a 4-3-1-2 with Auba and Lacca a run.


What’s unacceptable, is that Mustafi is still at this club.


Good Ebening, Mikel.


Didn’t read anything that has been posted only caught the game just before Pepe scored great goal.from then on thought the cardboard cut outs played better than our overpaid wankstains and I mean the crowd


I’m really in the mood of “Hitler reacts to…”


Arteta needs time. Seriously. Everyone calm down. We didn’t boss the game but we played better football, made chances, blooded youngsters and our fancy signing scored a great goal. The wins will come when we buy a midfield and some proper center backs. Not before them. Won’t matter who is in charge.


Mikel is getting it wrong. He has issues with decision making, team selection bla bla bla. I don’t think these kids will take us to the top.

Dublin Gunner

Beginning to wonder if Arteta was the right choice. Arsenal are supposed to be a big club and therefore should be managed by an experienced manager. Arteta has never managed at any level, yet he was appointed based on what ?? An interview? I’m sorry but it’s not good enough. It wouldn’t happen at any other top European club and I think we will learn a very harsh lesson from this appointment. If we had Benitez or Ancelotti in charge now, this would not be happening.


What was the stat thrown 13 games we have squandered from winning positions and 6 of those ended up in losses.   No longer shocking sadly.   But just words coming from the gaffer if he still can’t turn it around with a squad arguably still far more talented than most outside top 6.   There’s no excuse its not his squad or something.   Even with Spurs recently, you can see Mourninho has immediately started to have an effect making them more compact parking his proverbial bus.   We need the gaffer to have impact now and stop hiding… Read more »


Under arsene wenger…we used to concede on counters and individual errors mostly because we committed too many players up front exposing our defence… nowadays it only takes two players to break through 4 or more Arsenal players at the back…the city game there was Tierney,mustafi,bellerin,saka, ceballos, guendouzi city had sterling and aguero on the counter with foden back behind but still conceded that goal


Giroud just smashed one in to win another game for Chelski, He’s a fighter, I wish we’d kept him and never bought sulky Lacazette. Sagna was a fighter too, we never even gave him an increase so he left for City. We need to stop buying other team’s cast offs at stupid prices. The executives seem to be conning the Kronkes, “be excited”, they said. Sanhelli probably told them Pepe was the answer to everything, and would keep the fans quiet. We’re on a very slippery slope and our pathetic recruitment is the first thing that needs sorting out. Get… Read more »

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