Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal face decision time over non-homegrown players

Now that the transfer window has closed, Arsenal will be shortly required to submit their 25 man squad list for the Premier League season.

The rules state that: Each squad contains no more than 17 players who do not fulfil the “Home Grown Player” (HGP) criteria.

The rest of the squad, up to a total of 25 players, must be “Home Grown”.

There’s also an additional list of each club’s registered Under-21 players who are eligible over and above the squad limit of 25 players.

Arsenal currently have 19 non-homegrown players, meaning that, as it stands, two will have to be left out of the squad submitted to the Premier League.

Those 19 are:

  • Bernd Leno
  • Alex Runarsson
  • Cedric Soares
  • Gabriel
  • David Luiz
  • Sead Kolasinac
  • Pablo Mari
  • Shkodran Mustafi
  • Sokratis
  • Kieran Tierney
  • Dani Ceballos
  • Granit Xhaka
  • Mohamed Elneny
  • Thomas Partey
  • Nicolas Pepe
  • Mesut Ozil
  • Willian
  • Alexandre Lacazette
  • Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang

So, in the absence of further outgoings, Mikel Arteta is going to have to disappoint two from that list. It will be very interesting to see who he selects, particularly if it’s based on involvement so far this season.

The transfer window between Premier League clubs and EFL clubs remains open until October 16th, but the likelihood of a senior, non-homegrown player dropping down to that level remains remote.

Arsenal are also required to submit their squad list by the end of today for the UEFA Europa League group stages. The rules there state that the ‘A list’ can contain a maximum of 25 players, two of whom must be goalkeepers. There are a minimum of eight places reserved exclusively for ‘locally trained players’. If a club have fewer than eight locally trained players in their squad, then the maximum number of players on List A is reduced accordingly.

So, plenty of thinking for Mikel Arteta to do, and there might be one or two anxious players in the current squad.

As ever, we’ll update here as soon as the lists are published.

Read today’s Arseblog: Arsenal leave it late to get the midfield Partey started

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William Saliba on an EFl loan?


So is the remainder of the window just Prem to Championship and below? I’d presumed it was just England, I.e. could deal with other Prem clubs, but seems that’s not the case.


only prem to championship, championship to prem and championship to championship.


Can we have separate lists for EL and PL? That way we can keep Ozil and Sokratis out of the PL list but on the EL list. We can then keep a couple of players say Willian and Tierney out of the EL so they remain fresh for PL action

Fionnan O Cualain

Yes there are separate squad lists for PL and EL both with different registration rules.


Do you rate Willian better than Ozil?



Ramsey to return and win CL 2022 with the Arsenal

He’s not part of the 19 non-homegrown players, as he is under 21 years old.


He is in U-21 list…plus what a waste sending such a talent to EFL be


No, saliba is in the u-21 list, did you not read the article sir?


My apologies ? Post-Partey Euphoria frying the braincells.


Saliba is u21 and not among the 19 listed

Gareth Ward

Ozil and Mustafi


Auba and Partey.

Syed Sohaib

Ozil and Sokratis


Ozil n Sokratis

Thierry Bergkamp

Ozil no way! Our most creative player could be useful. Kolasinac and Sokratis for me.


Our most creative player???

Unless he has a secret Etsy site where he has been knitting and selling 1970’s replica shirts while in lockdown I struggle to understand the creative bit.

Or maybe he is one of the Daft Punk guys, hidden by the mask, singing about getting lucky and plucky.

I would keep him to be the next Gunnersaurus, maybe that could get his creative juices flowing.

Thierry Bergkamp

The team has been so creative without him this season haven’t they? Always getting balls in behind and creating so many chances for the front men. Silly me.


Name single player better than Ozil in terms of creativity in the current squad. Not even Ceballos nor Willian. Not having game time does not necessarily mean out of fitness


Saka and Pepe. Ozick hasn’t been good at creating chances in at least 3 years. His more recent play was possession (sort of) and moving the ball backwards and laterally. We already have Mohamed Elneny for that….


biggest achievement of Emery’s Arsenal tenure was that he convinced an obscene percentage of Arsenal fans that Ozil was useless. Ozil might not be hardest worker but he is unarguably our most creative player. No other current player in that squad comes close.


If he was as you say why did no club anywhere in the world put a bid in for him?


You can’t judge the quality of a player by the number of clubs that look to purchase him. Just because no company wants to poach you from your current company, doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough where you are right now.


I believe no club put a bid for him due to his advancing age and astronomical wages


Ozil could take the place of Jerry Quy & actually do something for his £350K a week for the remaining time of his contract.


Özil and Sokrates


I understand people have their issues with Ozil. But I just dont think its wise to completely rule out a player in a part of the field where, if anything, we’ll need numbers over the course of the season. We have 5 players to cover 3 (possibly 2) midfield spots. On the other hand we’re more than overstocked in defense. Considering saka, Tierney and AMN can all play on that left side of defense, Kola seems the most expendable in the squad. Plus one CB, probably sokratis or mari (arteta has shown he has a use for Mustafi and already… Read more »


I would think Ozil and Mari. Mari has a long term injury, we’d rather give that chance to someone else at the moment. Ozil……..well, he is simply out of favor. Maybe he should start working on his coaching badges ?


I would rather Mari play with one leg than Sokratis howler

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Lot of defenders on that list.


has to be sokratis and ozil? pablo mari and soares being dark horses there.


Sokratis and Ozil without doubt.

Pete Plum

Can’t get my head around having such a quality footballer at our club and so many fans on this site wanting rid of him. We can’t play with 5 defenders every week


You don’t understand that ozil is out of favor for bouth Club and manager. He has do e some stuff behind the scenes. One example he is the only Player witch didn’t get pay cut for covid.

Pete Plum

I get that but us fans have our own minds

Cliff Bastin

Ozil and Sokratis.


Yep. Although I am not sure why they did not let Sokratis terminate his contract yesterday.


Yeah I agree. Might encourage them to accept offers to move if January too, if they’re out of PL and Europa squads.


Maybe they’ll arrange moves in January to go on a Bosman in the summer window.


I’m pretty sure we’d have terminated Ozil’s contract and let him leave on a Bowman this summer, if he was willing to do that.


Misread your comment goonero – ignore me!


If we’re leaving Sokratis out of the squad, maybe it’s worth loaning him to a Championship side until January? They will probably only be able to pay less than 10% of his wages – but that’s better than nothing. Plus we get him out of the training ground.

Not sure Ozil to the Championship would happen though…

Non-flying dutchman

Rooney plays in the Championship


Rooney is a player manager, so that’s apples and oranges, wonder if we can persuade Ozil to do something similar, since a loan doesn’t seem to be an option for him.


Maybe they can be shipped off to China, the Middle East or US before January.


Well no chance a Chinese club will buy Ozil after his comment about the Uighurs


Auba and Partey


Kolasinac and Runarsson

King 14enry

Good thinking – Ozil was always set up for failure playing as a 10. He’s definitely a back-up LB and GK.

DB10s airmiles

I guess it will be 2 of ozil, sokratis, musti and kola?


Will they cut cards or draw straws?

DB10s airmiles

Fight to the death with any luck.

Forest gooner

Let’s show Ozil’s ego its proper place. Arteta won’t need to answer questions about him time and again


You’ve got a contract with a company. A new boss comes and tells you “Now you leave, I don’t like you.” What do you say: “Ok.” and you leave your house, your town, your job without one word. Or “Euh, forgive me, but I’ve got a contract”?


If you have any pride in what you do then you would find somewhere else to go and work. His wages are prohibitive but I am pretty sure Arsenal would have made up the difference on whatever he negotiated elsewhere. He is not putting the effort in and for someone who is the highest paid player that is pretty shameful. Arsenal gave him the contract, you are right about that, but they did so in good faith and he has not shown good faith in return. He is lazy and I can’t remember the last time he had a good… Read more »


I’d make sure my boss was happy or I’d go elsewhere.


Not if you were on 350k per week ,you wouldnt go elsewhere Not if you have done nothing wrong except maybe voice an unpopular opinion and not take a paycut as 90% of the rest of the leagues footballers have also not done. The hierarchy stinks of corruption- eg what happened with Raul. Mesut Ozil is an extremely talented footballer whom the board are trying to bully out of the club as the wages they agreed, they now no longer wish to pay. All this narrative of a lack of effort or not buying into Artetas way are all poor… Read more »

Maul Person

The Ozil situation is a stain on the club at the moment but it’s extremely unclear who’s at fault. Based on how he looks in a game, his continued exclusion and how Arteta has spoken about a clean slate for everyone, we assume he’s the problem. But then you have this consistent drive across three managers to keep him out (which to me speaks to something more than him because I can’t think of a situation where one player has NO use to three different managers), Emery’s admission that his exclusion came from above his head, no clear statement about… Read more »


I can’t think of a situation where one player has NO use to three different managers. I have seen many situations like that where a player is said not to be good enough or does not fit the managers playing style and even surplus to requirements…. player is sent on loan and gets no playing time. Sent back to parent club who sends player on another loan and the same happens even though parent club is being coached by new manager. Player returns and is then off loaded. Only for a few short years later this player is never to… Read more »

Maul Person

That’s not an example. You’re describing a scenario. Who has been sidelined like Ozil has? This isn’t me saying it’s not happened. As per my specific phrasing, I can’t think of anyone. Happy to discuss if there are ones.

A Different George

Well, it may be three managers–but it’s one ownership group. If the decision came from the top, that explains why Emery tried to freeze him out, why Freddie would go along with that, why Arteta–newly hired and with a free hand– initially played him, and then stopped.

Maul Person

That was my point…


Winston Bogarde of Chelsea 2000 to 2004 £40K a week During his spell at Stamford Bridge, the club attempted to sell Bogarde due to his large salary (£40K a week), and demoted him to the reserve and youth teams in an effort to force him to leave. In response to press criticism, he responded: ‘This world is about money, so when you are offered those millions you take them. Few people will ever earn so many. I am one of the few fortunates who do. I may be one of the worst buys in the history of the Premiership but I… Read more »


The fault lies at the feet of Wenger & Gazidis. No other club was clamouring for his signature. His agent turned over Wenger just like Walcott’s agent. Wenger started the trend of overpaying salaries for squad players which has continued to this day with the result they were unable yesterday to off load players even on loan because of their high wages.4 year contracts to the likes of Cedric Soares 29 who will still be at the club in 2024 when he’ll be a 33 year old RB


,,,,because I can’t think of a situation where one player has NO use to three different managers
I’ll jog your memory
Winston Bogarde at Chelsea 2000 – 2004 on £40K a week
1 Gianluca Viali – Didn’t know he’d been signed
2 Claudio Ranieri – Wanted him out of the club
3 Graham Rix – Was interim like Freddie
4 Jose Mourinho – Didn’t know he was there.
His contract expired in July after Mourinho took over in June

Maul Person

Okay, that’s one. And that shows it’s the exception not the rule. It also shows that these situations go higher up than the player and it’s also not as a result of the player being bad or useless…

So it’s good to have the example but it doesn’t prove the point that Ozil is a cancer.


Top, top post.

Absolutely nailed it. Just about the best thing I’ve read on this page in ages.


Would you be happy for him to take the place of Jerry Quy?
His people are always very vocal about his charity work & Gunnersaurus did a lot of local charity work. So there’s a vacancy he can fill


Comparing football to everyday life is flawed, it’s not a like for like comparison. How many times have you been ‘bought’ by a company based in another country? Or decided you wanted to leave and had to buy out, or get your new company to buy out, the rest of your contract?
I get your point, but it doesn’t work.


He just wanted the money far more than playing football.


Not sure it’s quite so black and white. We bought him knowing the kind of player he was, what he would do well and wouldn’t do well and what kind of setup he needs. If anything, our expectations/requirements of him as a player changed and if he doesn’t or can’t move with that, that change of requirements is on us. I’m an Özil fan but not ever above Arsenal and I think overall we’re doing the right thing. But it’s OUR change, not his and that’s on us. Why take a pay cut? Next year Christiano Ronald will be telling… Read more »


Why take a pay cut?: to play football. He didn’t even need to take a pay cut if the Saudi rumours were true. He’s happy doing whatever he does not playing football. The game moved on and left him behind I guess. Shame.

Reality check

Simon suggestion is based on a perception that Ozil is only after money so Saudi will do, a country with weird laws and 40°c year round. It could also be that he came here seven years ago, found stability, built a family and is now being forced out of it.

The media has successfully done its job. Never seen a player given such hard time by his own fans too, and for what really, not saving some of Kroenke’s money. Why give such hard time when he’s not even involved.


Totally agree. The hate and bile heaped upon that guy is disgraceful. Clearly from thickheads who believe everything Talksport, The Sun and The Daily Star tell them.

Maul Person

Based on what evidence?

Maul Person


Vaibhav Pandey

Buying out of contract happens often in corporates. If they find someone who is required urgently I have seen companies way two months wages to original employer and hire the employee. But yah quantum of the deal is relatively low or you could say peanuts for hiring company.


Fair enough. Paying compensation for an acquisition must happen (no one has ever wanted me enough ?) but not the same as buying out the remaining years of a contract I don’t think.

Gunner Up North

Could not agree more mate. It winds me up when people suggest being a top level footballer is the same as having a ‘normal’ job. It’s a completely different world. Ozil will never have to worry about his mortgage or being able to feed his family like John Smith who works in an office and earns less in a year than Ozil does in a morning. Ozil walking away from his contract having already amassed tens of millions of pounds from his employer is nothing like an average Joe losing his job. And to be honest, if anybody turned up… Read more »


Or what if a new manager comes in and states that your performance on the training ground will be the key to being picked for the for the first team. Not on your name or how much your earn but on your performance. Premiership Football today is a 90 min game where there is no room for a player who only puts in a shift when he feels like it. Its a team game with all involved for the team for every one of those 90 mins. That is not open for debate.That is how it is. Plus if the… Read more »

Hank Scorpio

Do you believe that Ozil wasn’t putting in the requisite effort before he played 10 games in a row under Arteta, then put in the required effort during that time and then stopped trying completely after that? If you do then I have a bridge I’d love to sell you


Top post. Exactly what I’ve been saying for months.

But the Anti Ozil mob have made up their minds, irrespective of any thought.


Name a manager or club clamouring to sign Özil before & since Wenger gave him his obscene salary? And if he was so eager to play why hasn’t he accepted any of the offers?


PS I have no criticism of Özil, just as I have no criticism of Bale or Sanchez or any player offered in part exchange without their consent. The fault lies with management who have not learnt from Chelsea’s experience 20 years ago.


You poor deluded Ozil supporter. Move on. I am an Arsenal supporter and with that supports the present manager and his team and am more than happy with the vision that the manager is trying to instill in the team and the club.
No one person is bigger than the club. COYG !

Hank Scorpio

Very presumptuous of you & a lovely sidestep of the question too. I’m no Ozil fanboy I can assure you. Whatever it may be, something else beyond training ground effort is at play. Unless of course you believe it isn’t which means you believe his efforts were adequate during his 10 game run but not before or after. He’ll be gone at seasons end and the associated soap opera can finally end. In the meantime, taking a pragmatic approach, I think he can provide a contribution as arguably our most creative player. If the intention is not to use him… Read more »


Put on “garden leave” so unable to play for anyone else in the interim? I would have thought he’s been on garden leave since lockdown.
In the meantime a vacancy has occurred at the club now Jerry Quy has gone so if he wants to get back on the pitch become the club’s mascot which involves a lot of charity work his people constantly tell us he does.


He’s offered to pay for Jerry Quy, keep up……….


Oh Dear God. Here we fucking go again.

To want Ozil in the side means you’re not an Arsenal fan, but an Ozil fan boy.

Grow up for fuck’s sake.

Pete Plum

Move on – says it all really. I have the majority opinion (amongst armchair fans at least) so have no need to answer your awkward questions.


With the money i already had plus my love for the game, at the end of my career + how much i love the club, I would go in a heartbeat!


First, I would wonder why my boss didn’t like me. Then, once I realized I was lazy and had a bad attitude, I would move on to another job and try not to be so lazy and negative around my co-workers.

I’m glad to see Arteta lay down some discipline and not enable players by allowing them to behave however they want.


I would start looking for a new job and leave as soon as I get one.

Pete Plum

So what about the press conferences? This is football, you’re a football fan don’t you want to see Ozil on the pitch linking up Partey and Auba?


Ozil and maybe Mari? (whilst he’s injured – then register him in January when someone like Kola or Sok leave)


Mari should be back in training around the end of the interlull


Ah missed that, thought he was out for longer!


He is injured but he would be back within the next 2 weeks


Ozil (obviously) and a defender. My bet would be Sokratis, but Pablo Mari and Soares are also at risk.


Soares and Mari are definitely in Arteta’s plans…as perceived from his team selections and talk


Nd we just signed them this window…to kind of de-register them? Makes no sense


Use them in Europe instead of PL.


Neither of them have started this season, so i don’t see how you can perceive that from team selection, though pablo mari has been injured. Fair point about them coming in this summer, but in my eyes, they are not the players to lift this team and i wouldn’t select either of them over the other names on that list.

Harish P

Here’s the thing, you’re basing these two squad players on your feelings and not what Arteta has done.

Arteta wants left footed CB’s, Mari gives us depth there. Arteta used Cedric midweek.

They will play.


I doubt it they’ll play much in PL even if included, but i guess we’ll see. COYG.


Hi Blogs… do you know what the situation is I we terminate someone’s contract (by mutual consent I should add). I would imagine that by becoming free agents they still sign for any other European club. Giving, say, Sokratis and Kolasinac, a three month pay-off – likely to be more than £1m – and letting them negotiate signing on fees at new club might help alleviate the wage bill and get the numbers down to 17. I would suggest Ozil for that treatment but I don’t think the ‘mutual consent’ part would work on that one.


The agreement may occur but movement only once the window re-opens

Fionnan O Cualain

Free agents can be registered at any time in the PL, Im pretty sure its the same for most leagues. Of course thats assuming you have space in your squad registration after the window is over. I would say most clubs dont unless they planned to sign a free in advance.


Maybe some clubs failed to get their main target within the transfer window?


Yes, but the issue is the agreement. Seems Ozil won’t agree to anything less than the full monies and he doesn’t seem that interested in playing. Sokratis might be into this though. He seems the type to not sit around for 6 months and will want to keep playing to maximise his time left in the game.

Maul Person

Who says he’s not interested in playing? Can we at least use the facts we have and not assumptions (unfounded ones at that!)?


If he wanted so desperately to play he’d be playing at another club. But his fat contract and London lifestyle are his priorities.

Maul Person

But what if he wants to play at Arsenal?

Can’t argue about his wages… if I was given a huger salary, I’d take it… but it doesn’t mean I’m not interested in earning it

What does his lifestyle have to do with anything? What IS this offensive lifestyle?


He likes the London lifestyle, in spite of the street attack & even his friend the President of Turkey after attending his wedding couldn’t persuade him to join his club.

Maul Person

And you find this so offensive you want him to leave because of that? Seriously?


I think that had to be done during the window. Otherwise it’s an easy way around transfer rules during the season.


Why? If he no longer has a contract with Arsenal (terminated by mutual consent) then he is a free-agent. Free-agents can sign with clubs anytime – outside transfer windows:

Vaibhav Pandey

Yeah Sokratis might actually do that, Ozil, no chance!!




If we had released them before the end of the transfer window, then other clubs could have signed them after the window closes. Too late now though I think.


I read last night that Atletico were annoyed that with Partey going so late in the window all they would be able to sign now was free agents – players otherwise unemployed. Releasing players, by agreement, from their contracts makes them free agents as I understand it. Little Jacky Wilshere is one right now…


Looks like they have to be free agents before the end of the transfer window, in order to be eligible to register at new clubs:


Well perhaps they should have been a little more flexible in making something work with Torreira and Partey? Play with fire, you get burned.


That begs the question as to what exactly the club were thinking when signing Soares and Mari.


They were thinking that they need to rebuild the defence. Cedric is a good alternative at right back and Mari should be good cover at CB when the two we had their previously are in the last year of their contracts and not that good.


He was injured (just like Denis Suarez a year before) when he was loaned, costing £5M in total. And they have since given the 29 year old a 4 year contract.
This after Sanllehi said they had to “outsmart the market)
I don’t call offering a 29 year old a 4 year contract very smart

Tankard Gooner

Mari was probably signed in the hope that we get to move on sokratis this window.


I would imagine Sanllehi thought “ here’s an opportunity for a wallet stuffer”.


How much cut of Kia’s fees do you think Raul had in their arrangements? The Soares signing was fucking stupid from the start: injured, big loan fee, bit average, and we already had depth. The only reason it made any sense was because we intended to sell AMN, but then realised he is better than Soares. Costly error. Dumb signing.


Not really, as even the birds on the trees know we are light on numbers in midfield, and AMN himself states he is no defender, so it’s really a sensible cover signing that also allows a good young player to fully grow and give us another option in the middle of the park, where we need it the most.


AMN can “state” whatever the fuck he wants (people throw this rather empty line out far too often also…when did he even state this? 2018?), he has played pretty much EVERY senior Arsenal game at fullback, wingback or winger. The former two is where he excels – strong, fast, solid defensively (perhaps not the strongest technically). He’s a fullback/wingback. And that is EXACTLY where the coach (and all other coaches) sees him and plays him.


So you know his natural positon, his strengths and weaknesses better than the guy himself? Yeah, sure… *rolls eyes*


Also, the last time around he was a regular, which was on loan at Ipswich, guess where he played? … yep, in the midfield.


Basically, you choose to have your own version of reality and if the facts don’t align with those fantasies of yours you call the reality you just don’t give a fuck and throw a tantrunm… what a child.


The reality is he plays as a wingback and fullback ALL THE TIME. So please enjoy your alternate reality with, ummm, the tractor boys?

Der Tisch

Mari is the only other Left footed CB in the club other than Gabriel so it makes some sense.
Cedric feels like a panic backup buy because we thought AMN might leave


Soares is a Portugal International and a decent backup RB/RWB…I mean there was a time with Bellerin out we were playing Sokratis in that position…Mari…Edu likes him a lot…he’s relatively young and came back off a great season with Flamengo


I got not quibbles with the Mari signing. I think when things move along the centre backs will be Saliba[chambers/holding] and Gabriel[Mari], Mari provides good left foot cover there. I’d normally be inclined to say it’s unlucky he’s been injured, but if not for his injury Gabriel would likely have played very little and he looks like a weapon!! However, Soares was injured with a knee injury, cost about 5M quid to loan (then more to buy) and likely a hefty agent fee, and we have Bellerin, AMN, Chambers, and even guys like Sok and Saka that could do an… Read more »


Soares: cover for both FB positions, particularly given Bellerin’s form was dodgy and AMN’s future was uncertain at the time. Plus it saves us having to play Saka at LB when Tierney is injured.

Mari: left-footed CB to cover and compete with Gabriel. Arteta clearly wants to play with a left footer there so you need two in the squad, and Kola isn’t up to it.


My point is that both seemed like panic buys. Cedric may be a good player, but I honestly doubt he gets into the team ahead of either HB or AMN, and wasn’t he injured when we signed him?.

Mari – I agree we were not in the best way with centrebacks then; I suspect I am afflicted with recency bias regarding Luiz, Mustafi and a player who has been unfit for almost all his time at the club.


Probably Sokratis and Ozil. Another possibility could be Mustafi and Kolasinac. 2 of the 4 will be left out. They will probably join a Champoinship club on loan…


We could see this coming with the U turn on Holdings loan to Newcastle. Arsenal needed to keep its homegrown players. I am amazed we could not shift any of our defenders on deadline day. I was convinced Kolasinac would have gone and maybe Mustafi and Sokratis. With Ozil, he should be removed from the list. He knows he is not playing under Arteta. Arsenal would have facilitated any move elsewhere and subsidize his wages. He just did not want to. Maybe they will terminate his contract on 70-80% of his wages. If not than let him rot and waste… Read more »


Dutch window doesn’t close until tonight, Russian window 16th October, Portuguese window 25th October. Not sure about others.

I cannot see any of our non-homegrown playing in the championship. Sokratis apparently turned down Fulham, so will obviously feel he is above the championship. Now Ozil at Ajax and Sokratis at Benfica I could see that.


Ozil + 1

Tankard Gooner

Sokratis and Kola?

Eddy F

2 of Ozil, Sokratis and Mustafi. And based on Arteta’s preferences that is Ozil and Sokratis.

Also bear in mind, Sokratis has said he doesn’t want to sit on a contract and would rather leave to play. Could we agree to mutually cancel his contract and he goes off on a free?


If I were making the decisions, I’d have flogged off Sokratis for free and taken as little as 5m for Mustafi

Cliff Bastin

You sir, would not do well in FM.


You wouldn’t have got five pence for Mustafi, never mind five million.


Should be sokratis and ozil.


Is this the reason they let Gunnersaurus go?


His penalty saving was terrible.

Non-flying dutchman

Saw him getting outmanouvered by 3 years olds all the time


They wanted his shirt number for Aouar


Gunnersaurus is a Diplodocus; they were a North American species.


Martinelli will be one, I guess. Hi’s out until January, so we can register him then. The other one must be Ozil

Iron Ljung

He isn’t on the non homegrown list as he’s too young


right.. my bad.


No, to qualify for the B list in Europe you have to have spent 2 years at the club. The English FA doesn’t have this requirement though, so he counts as U21 domestically.


Martinelli is under 21 so he counts as homegrown to begin with…


Tierney is no longer home-grown following Brexit?


He never was mate. He’s Scottish. Scotland has their own league outside of the FA Pyramid.


Well then it’s time for Scoxit!

Gar wouldn’t changed the Tierney situation but sure!


I wondered this but it turns out that only English and Welsh players count as automatically homegrown and it’s always been this way.


I thought home-grown was British! Is the definition English?

Maul Person

Three years at an English / Welsh club before turning 21. So the player does not have to be English.

Justin S Pickens

Only 5 to choose 2 from kolasinac sokratis mustafi ozil elneny. Sokratis for sure reports he wanted free release and I guess just payoff ozil. But my choice I terminate sokratis and mustafi.


Elneny? You’re high, the guy’s starting Premier League games for us at the moment…


Not too mention how thin on numbers we are in the middle of the park.


Several of these players – Willian has to be, Xhaka, Mustafi and maybe even Luiz could be eligible for British citizenship? Of course it would mean them wanting to do it, can they go dual citizen or do they have to renounce their original citizenship?

David Hillier's luggage

Noting to do with citizenship, homegrown rule is about what association the player is with as a youngster. Currently it’s if a player is registered with an English or Welsh club for three years before they’re 21. Frustratingly, Mustafi’s move from Everton to Sampdoria as a youngster came one transfer window too soon for him to be considered homegrown.


Right, my reading comprehension failed! Thanks for clarifying.

In other countries I believe it’s a straight foreign player limit, no concerns over homegrown status. Certainly a simpler system and one that would allow new citizens to be removed from the foreign players. Do you know if Brexit will bring further changes to PL registration or is this what they’ve decided?


Coincidentally, there are two players on that list that Arteta clearly doesn’t fancy; Ozil and Sokratis. Personally, I think Sokratis is a better option from the bench than Mustafi if injuries and suspensions require it, but you only have to look at what the boss has done consistently since the restart to know what the outcome is going to be here.


If Sokratis is not going to be registered, and with the window still open in some countries, why we didn’t delay the Partey’s jersey number announcement? Or like Xhaka at the time of his signature, this might still change.


Mari/mustafi depending on injury assessment and ozil?

Ramsey to return and win CL 2022 with the Arsenal

Since Mari is injured and won’t be fully fit and available for selection until maybe late October / early November, I’m inclined to leave him / loan out for now. Another one should be Ozil without a doubt.


It looks like Mesut will be donning the Gunnersaurus suit this year.


Breaking news is that after Jack Whitehall said exactly that, Özil has offered to pay for Gunnersaurus himself.


I am guessing Ozil and one of our longstanding centre halves.

Michael benge

Looks to me its tug of war between sokratis,kolasinac,mustafi


somebody help me here…
I thought mustafi was an home grown player…
he played for Everton at a young age…I don’t know what age exactly but he must have been below 21 at the time


Spent like 2.5 years at Everton, just shy of the required 3 years.


Ozil watching from stands I guess


I don’t think he will be watching

Someone On The Internet

I believe that for the EL Saliba would also have to be registered, as Uefa only lets you add U21 players for ‘free’ if they’re home grown. So another tricky decision to make there.


Özil was the best creator of ALL THE PL PLAYERS under MA (created chances per game: 3,1). MA was starting him each game until the lockdown. Last game he offered a goal on a golden plate to Laca. And suddenly Özil had decided to not more train after the lockdown? Why? This is not his interest! He is suddenly unable to kick a ball and should read “Football for dummies”? Give me a break! Stop believing all that Holy Mickey Larteta say. Remember what The Agent (what was his right to talk in the name of the club? Mystery…) said… Read more »

Giuseppe Hovno

Utterly incomprehensible


You seem to start off well with your argument, and I am nodding my head up and down in consideration until it all starts unraveling and I am just shaking my head left to right with my eyes growing wider ever second.

In summary, that was a good head exercise. But your argument is, as Giuseppe puts it – incomprehensible. Sorry, mate.

Perry Farrell's Satellite Partey

But at least it has given us “Mickey Larteta”




Saliba makes 20 on the list?


Saliba is just 19 years old, he will never be on the non-homegrown list

Billy bob

Bye bye Ozil


Mustafi and Kolasinac.

That’s tightened up the defence considerably, without a ball being kicked.


Anyone got the details on the Europa league group stages squads? Do you resubmit for the knock-out rounds? Could see us dropping Sokratis & Mustafi for the league & then potentially something like Luiz & Tierney for the Europa so they can rest-up (if a similar rule applies there).

More likely though this could be the nail in the coffin that convinces Ozil that it’s all over and we agree to terminate the contract.


Good point. We can change 3 players before the Europa knock-out rounds. So potentially we could rest two first teamers for the group stage, and bring them back in for knockout (as long as we don’t sign more than one player in January).–can-january-transfers-play-in-champions-league-and-europa-leagu/amp/


Sokratis and Mari. We’d look like clowns if we drop Ozil.


Yeah, we’d look like geniuses buying mari this summer and omitting him instead


We (for that read Kroenke) have already ‘dropped’ him, in case you hadn’t noticed.

And, as far as the rest of the football world is concerned, we’re already a bunch of clowns for having done so.


Two that look vulnerable to me are the new boys, Cedric and Mari. Even though they’ve not used him, I can’t see them leaving Mesut “£350k a week” Ozil off the list..

Billy Spencer moffatt

We pay ozil big money to leave him out would be foolish at least use him in Europa league a lot of games this season a lot of quality needed for me kolasinac and sokratis two pieces ov deadwood. How can any 1 claim ozil has less use to us than them 2


A lot of people on here, that’s for sure.

It’s the endless horse shoe midfield loop. Backwards and sideways. Sideways and backwards. They love it.


No we just like midfielders that make tackles and challenge for headers more than once a decade and do something more than just hover somewhere in the vicinity of a nearby attacking players.


That was never Ozil’s game and never will be. If you knew anything at all about the game, you would realise that his ability to find team mates for goal scoring opportunities with inch perfect passes that throw the opposition is what this team is lacking severely at the moment. Tackles and challenges are to be made by Defensive midfielders – such as Partey. They then give the ball to creative midfielders like Ozil who can then create through balls into the channels for the forwards. All very basic principles of the game and stuff you should have learned at… Read more »


If you knew anything about the game you would know EPL teams cannot afford to have AMs jog around on defense anymore. High press has become such an essential part of football and Ozil is basically useless at it. Willian, Saka, and Ceballos all offer that – maybe 80-90% of Ozil’s current attacking ability and about 1000% of his defensive ability. Perhaps if you knew anything about the game you would realise the best midfielders (including attacking midfielders) are ones that don’t hide behind DM and get stuck in and turn the ball over up the pitch. Aouar would be… Read more »


So you’re now trying to tell me that attacking midfielders also have to do the jobs of not only the defensive midfielders but the defence as well..?!

If that’s the case, why have we just shelled out 50 million on a defensive midfielder? Why did we bring in Saliba? Gabriel? Mari? Surely Ceballos, Willian and Saka should be able to do their jobs for them? You’ll be asking them to make saves next.?

If anyone needs to go back to school, it’s you mate. You haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about.

Maul Person

Hence “backwards and sideways. Backwards and sideways” as Qwaliteee said…


Don’t bother mate. He doesn’t know what day of the week it is.

Maul Person

Lol! One has to try.


Worth noting how no one is suggesting that Elneny deserves the chop. A month or so ago he would have been near the top of the list for many, I would imagine.

Credit to him for taking his chance and forcing his name into the squad. Even if it proves to be temporary.


Sokratis and Özil, both for same reason, being mercenaries.
It’ll be extremely satisfying to watch Özil being one of them 2 players. The prick deserves a kick straight in the balls, his ego will be shattered. Good thing PS4 can take his mind away for a bit.

Del Boy

And his bank balance!

DB10s airmiles

I know everyone is expecting or hoping for it to be Ozil +1 but I’m going to tie my flag to the mast and say that I think it will be Sokratis and Kola. As much as Arteta doesn’t fancy Ozil I just can’t see him omitting one of our few genuine creative options from the squad completely….. Not when we are so overloaded with defenders. Plus, politically it will look awful to leave out the club’s highest earner, especially if we’re hoping to shift him on in January…… I know, I know but you have to dream. I think… Read more »


Wake up and smell the coffee, mate. There’s more chance of Harry Kane playing for Arsenal this season than Ozil. Arteta clearly has had enough of our German friend. Ozil and Sokratis will probably be cut from the list.

It’s an obscenity that we’re paying Ozil £350k a week to do nothing.


Does Ozil pick the team?

No he doesn’t.

You need something a lot stronger than coffee to wake you up.

DB10s Air Miles

Wake up and slow yourself down man! I’m not advocating for Ozil’s admission into the starting 11, just being pragmatic and offering a little, often lost these days, nuance to the debate. For the record, I don’t care one way or another if Ozil is part of the squad or not but I will be quite (mildly) surprised if Ozil and Mustafi are not part of it. Arteta clearly rates, to some extent, Mustafi and we just have too many CBs so I think that will probably inform the decision. It doesn’t mean that the bogeyman will get any game-time,… Read more »


Top post, well said.

Take Mustafi and Kolasinac out of the equation and our Goals Against column already becomes a lot safer.

As for Ozil – haters are gonna hate.

DB10s Air Miles

I have a feeling that Mustafi will make the squad, I think it might be Kola who misses out as we have both AMN and Saka to cover LB/LWB position.


More fool Arteta if he uses him.

The guy is Cup Exits and Dropped Premiership Points on Toast, washed down with a cup of It’s Not My Fault.

An accident waiting to happen and ultimately selfish and unable to accept responsibility for his flaws.

The sooner we’re rid of him, the healthier our Goals Against and Points columns will look.


“unable to accept responsibility for his flaws.
The sooner we’re rid of him, the healthier our Goals Against and Points columns will look”

I know you’re talking about a German Arsenal player here. I just cannot for the life of me work out which one. It applies so soundly to both.


So you’re now trying to convince us all that Ozil is an underperforming defender.

You’ll be picking up Leno on his meagre goals and assists next.


Mustafi counts as a Homegrown player, as he spent 3 years at Everton before the age of 21.

David Hillier's luggage

He left for Sampdoria 6 months too early to be homegrown

Giuseppe Hovno

Is this why we signed Saliba a few years ago, because it’s so valuable to have him count as home grown?


Yep, well 1 yr ago, and that’s why he was included in the premier league squad last season even though he went on loan. To contribute to his eligibility.


Well it looks to me like either 2 from the list of defenders or one plus Özil. Will reveal some small part of Arteta’s thinking.

Peter Story Teller

Can we only pick two? 🙂

Dave cee

Lol, touche :)))




What’s Martenelli classified as? Is it only over a certain age?


He will be, but not yet. Hasn’t been at the club long enough.

Derrick Prince Prince

Sokratis and mustafi should be out


This is not a difficult decision at all. It is a no brainier to determine who should be left out. Sokratis and Kolasinac should be automatically out. Arsenal doesn’t need underperformers anymore.

John C

I think we just have to look at lengths of contract and the likelihood of those contracts being extended to work out which players are vulnerable. So first up the obvious player is Ozil, contract runs out at the end of the season, zero chance we’ll renew. I think both Sokrates and Mustafi’s contract run out at the end of the season and Mustafi is most likely to be renewed of the 2, so i think the second player to miss out will be Sokrates. People have mentioned Kolasinac but i think he has longer to run on his contract… Read more »


Good point (y)

Dave cee

Plus, even not great as he is, Kola does at least cover 2 or 3 positions depending on the system. Useful enough to have in the squad as cover.
Musti seems to have Arteta’s faith, so looking like Ozil and Papa. Feel a bit sorry for Papa, not at all for Mesut

crazy gunner

It maybe Kolasinac and Sokratis I suspect..Ozil maybe given a chance since we couldn’t sign Aouar…besides their combined wages is less than his…if you have to lose the money..

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