Saturday, July 27, 2024

Aubameyang: Nerves are making us do bad things

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang admits Arsenal are disappointed to go another game without a win but considering we went behind, and had to play the majority of the second half with ten men, a 1-1 draw with Southampton represents an important point.

The club captain ended his scoring drought in the second half to cancel out ex-Gunner Theo Walcott’s strike for the Saints before Gabriel saw red for two yellow cards in the space of five minutes.

After the game, Aubameyang spoke to Amazon Prime Video. 

On it being a vital point…

Yeah, of course. It was tough at the end but the team gave everything to get that point. And yeah we did it. We’re a bit disappointed because we couldn’t win this game but sometimes this happens. At the moment we are a bit nervous because we need points and sometimes we do bad things. This happens when you need points, we have to stay cold with the head.

On his goal…

It’s not about my goal and me, it’s about the team, like I said we need points. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or another guy, for the moment, the most important thing is to win games and take points.

On how he feels…

I’m a guy when things go wrong, I just stay in my path and I work a lot. I try to do my job and I give my advice inside [the club]. It’s true I was not talking a lot these few weeks but I’m here, I want to talk on the pitch. That’s it.

On the result being a turning point…

Hopefully, hopefully, I think we did great things tonight, as well in the last game. We have to keep working and believing. I’m sure we’re going to be in the right way in a few days.

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Pepe must be the most nervous player in the history of football. I rarely ever see him do anything good.

Johnny 4 Hats

I’m not totally defending Willian, but it’s a thankless task being a WF in this team.

You get the ball and are immediately surrounded by three defenders. Your CM’s are miles away. Your CF is hanging round the top of the box. Your WB is running down the field to get to you. But more often than not by the time he’s arrived you’ve been crowded out.

Basically you have to skin three players with your back to goal or wait for a Holding worldie pass from CB. Believe it or not, they are seldom accurate.


other than the goal Auba was very poor. Auba is lacking in confidence and his workmate has dropped drastically. I think giving him that contract was a massive mistake.also what is he taking about nerves Gabriel wasnt nervous that was simply terrible refereeing as that challenge didnt deserve a 2nd yellow its a joke. Also Pepe is not that good. we overpaid for Pepe. today I’ve come to that realization I thought he would get better and take games by the scruf today is the first day I got the feeling Pepe is as good as he’ll ever be. and… Read more »

Johnny 4 Hats

I think I agree with about 37% of this.

Man Manny

Apart from putting away chances, or running at right backs when put through, what else does Auba do?
He needs service, bro.
Even Aguero – or any of the elite strikers – would struggle with what is behind Auba at the moment.

Baichung Bhutia

It’s difficult not just for the wingers but for the forwards as well. Holding, Gabriel, Elneny, Ceballos are so close together, they could be at a dinner table. Then it’s Saka on one corner and Pepe on the other, with Nketiah and Auba close together. Ceballos seems to have some good dribbling skills and can play forward at least.


Look what Saka had to do to finally set up Auba. He probably thought “Fuck this shit, if the manager gives me a bollocking, so be it “ and ran at the defence – something we’ve not seen for ages but was par for the course during Wenger’s reign.

Great stuff, but expecting the kid to do that week in week out is too much. It’s just not going to happen. Arteta won’t allow it for a start. Who wants attractive slide rule passing when you can just endlessly hoof the thing into the box and hope for the best…..


Very well said. Spacing in this system is a total disaster. Too often down the wings we have 3 players in a vertical line, all within 10 yards of each other. No triangle. No space. No one breaking the lines. No ability to quickly switch the field. Just complete rubbish approach.


Note we finally finally score from open play only when Saka took on THREE players on the dribble. If that’s what we’re counting on to generate a goal, hello relegation battle.


This approach was painfully obvious in the first half. We couldn’t get near Southampton and they were just passing around us while we gave up the midfield and kept a back line of 5. And like you stated everyone is always on island when they receive the ball. They’re immediately crowded and their only outlet is a vertical pass, backwards usually. It’s rare that our midfields move quickly off the ball to open spaces and provide an outlet. The game is much simpler than whatever it is Arteta is trying to do. Pass and move and run into the space.


movment. lay a pass off and run into space hardly rocket science. pepe never makes runs in behind the defence off the ball. makes walcott look like the einstein of footballing brains.


He had two shots on target and did some good work in the front. I would rather see Pepe than Willian in the team

Giuseppe Hovno

you must not watch many games he has played in

Cultured Determination

we’ve watched enough games willian has played in.


gervinho was a far better player than pepe,

Still love Wenger

Nice to see the captain of the club give an interview.


At least you get the impression that what the guy is telling you is from the heart.

Not a load of contrived LEGO waffle.


If Auba starts scoring again Arsenal will start winning again. I only hope Arteta mixes his squad in December and magically stumbles upon a winning formula. Stranger things have happened.



A good poem by Kipling. Most of you will have heard of him.

Except the Ozil Haters, who no doubt think that Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes.


I miss the days when we are trying to walk the ball in I miss the days coming out of a game and thinking how in the hell we draw or lose that game. We are not only losing games we are so slow and boring! It’s so painful. It hurts!


And yet there are still idiots out there who saddle Wenger (and Ozil) with all manner of Mickey Mouse crimes.

People say give Arteta time – but it’s too late for me. He’s already made this club a laughing stock.

All those who wanted Wenger out and Ozil out – well, fill your boots. Treat yourselves to the mediocrity that your ignorance has warranted. Happy fucking Christmas, lame brains.


Is is not possible that both Wenger Out and Arteta Out are the correct positions to hold? Why must it be one or the other? Serious suggestion if you have the ability to do this: watch some Bundesliga football. Not Bayern but the rest. All the (non Bayern) clubs have transfer budgets and wage bills a fraction of ours, and very many of them play an incredibly high caliber of football, with tactical nous and relatively young players. There are other models out there we should emulate, and not just pine away sadly for an old man who had run… Read more »


Actually, he was an ‘old man’ who had plenty of ideas and a good creative midfield with a decent high scoring front line. What he also had was Mustafi and Co shipping goals as fast as we could create and score them. That’s why – although we won three FA Cups in four years – we didn’t challenge properly for the title and eventually dropped out of the ECL. With better centre halves, we would probably have won the title with Carzola, Ramsey, Ozil, Wilshere, The Ox and Theo all bossing the midfield with Alexis and Giroud to join in… Read more »


Problem with Wenger out thing is, as it turned out, that Arsene was the only one guarding the ‘values’ that are Arsenal.


Fuck them. Fatso, John C, Tobin etc.

Anders Limpar

Nerves aren’t making him shit and miserable though. What’s going on in that dressing room?


These players have absolutely no freedom of movement or expression in their play.

Rigid instructions done to death – that’s what’s going on in that dressing room.

The players must absolutely hate it.


The same can be said for so so many good teams. It feels like with this group of players, if they’re not cutting it, we either needed more instruction (wenger) to be less reactive (emery) and now to have more freedom. Why should it matter if there is a structure when Arteta has been pretty adamant he is not limiting the expression of players? Saka didn’t seem inhibited by the system when he made a run that led to a goal last night, but he did seem brave. Maybe it’s less of an issue of playing within a system and… Read more »


What happens when the stadium is full again?


Depends on the fans, either support them or help to destroy them.


You enjoy watching LEGO ball, do you…?


I try to support our team, things aren’t perfect all the time but you don’t build confidence by trashing your own players. The club should drop the ballot and sell the tickets to people who want to be there.


They’ll boo the players. Hold a banner displaying “Thank you Mikel” and “Kroenke Out”


We haven’t properly celebrated the FA Cup win yet so a “Thank you Mikel” banner is still in order.


Deafening boos for the man who is systematically ruining our reputation for attacking exciting football.

Hopefully the board will have seen sense by then and sacked him.


We’re not lighting it up right now, and I definitely see things I don’t like, but our ‘attacking, exciting football’ died long before he took the job. It left with Wenger. And maybe before that.


Nerves? It’s a wonder they’ve got a nervous system left, having to play LEGO ball for a living.


Lot’s of words to explain a shitty point at home.


Poundland Pep needs to go along with Edu

David C

Cost as much as Virgil…..that part hurts the most. So one footed….


I think he meant Arteta.

Reality check

Seven defensive players at home, playing not lose. To me, its Arteta’s overly conservative approach that puts so much pressure on players. We you’re already defensive, you have subconsciously conveded your superiority and nervous and doubts kick in..

Hail Gus!

The omission of ESR from the squad tonight was bewildering.


Yes, it’s absolutely bewildering that Arteta wouldn’t throw an inexperienced 18 year old with a history of injury problems, who’s only just back from injury and played a couple of low quality europa teams, in against a high intensity and physical side at the top of the table. The issue is not that Smith-Rowe isn’t picked, the issue is that there’s not sufficient senior quality in that position which heaps an unreasonable expectation on a rookie


It’s unfair to count Saka, our best offensive player, among your seven defensive players, reality check.

Reality check

You got a point but I am think more in terms of the position they are playing and the responsibility that comes with it. Its hindering their strengths, to the point that Auba is being forced to play defense and attacking mid.. I understand that Arteta doesn’t have much of a choice now but this is a consequence of his poor squad building. All very frustrating..


Our midfield certainly functioned much better without that idiot Xhaka.


I have been following Arsenal for 21 years now this is the worst set of players we’ve had, how can you wear that famous red and white walk out the Emirates with that first halve mentality I think this is the time Arteta needs to get a hold on this team pick the players that will fight for the club not to display to the cameras this academy players can never do worst than what this experience players are doing now and for the record this is the same set of players that got Wenger and Mr good ebening sacked… Read more »


Nothing wrong with Aubameyang’s finishing if he gets the opportunity.


I’ve had to stop reading this after the 1st paragraph, as I found myself rolling my eyes at the last sentence which reads “a 1-1 draw with Southampton represents an important point”. I rolled my eyes because this is how far we’ve sunk. Now I’ll read the rest but fuuuuuuuck this is bad. But I’m still not calling for his head! Auba 1st goal in ages came from the left also. 👍

J hill

You finally scored auba! That’s it now! Let the fun begin ! Were only 8 points behind Chelsea.. that’s not all that bad, were not getting relegated.. let’s get minimum of 17th , accept that we cant compete domestically in any way this season, accept that there’s no fans to cheer us on.. and believe we can win another cup.. theres alot to play for.. forget the league ..noone can compete with liverpool’s..we never threatened to won the cl wn we kept getting top 4 anyway..let’s go for the others ! Get over yourselves arsenal fans.. wear the shirts proud..… Read more »

Ofo asa

Don’t stress about it, get your guys together, it will be well. I believe in the Manager, He is a winning Man


Unfortunately,Arsenal will play EFL Championship next season with this type of cleverless striker.


It’s not Aubameyang’s fault.

It’s Arteta’s fault.

The players are clearly being ‘coached’ to play in a ‘process’ that isn’t working.

Auba’s goals have pretty much kept us afloat during the last few seasons before this one. Good players don’t become bad ones overnight and all strikers go through a lean spell from time to time.

Call time on the manager by all means, but don’t lay our woes at Aubameyang’s feet.

Ambazonian Gunner

After the Burnley game, Arteta dismissed the suggestion that players may be panicking. 3 days later, here is the captain saying that the players are nervous. Clear proof that players and manager are not on the same wavelength.


“It’s true I was not talking a lot these few weeks but I’m here, I want to talk on the pitch” That’s not exactly a captain’s attitude. It worries me that Auba is not exactly the character to wear that armband; it always came across as if he was chosen mainly for outperforming the team and, as such, being a likeable choice with the fanbase in times where Emery was being heavily criticized for his choices. Now that the going got rough, you can feel in his body expression that he doesn’t like the exposure. There was a video in… Read more »


It’s great that he wants to do his taking on the pitch, but as Captain he can’t be hiding from the media and fans when things are going wrong. He should relinquish the captaincy if this is his solution. We need someone who can call things as they are and be the first to put his hand up when things aren’t good. I’ve seen Tierney, Gabriel, Partey and Saka all out in way more on the pitch and communicate better and more honestly off it that Auba.

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